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How To Use Lade In A Sentence

  • There are drifts of feverfew, clouds of philadelphus, grasses whispering in the breeze, and everywhere the perfume of 1,000 blossoms keeping the countryside alive in the heart of London.
  • The foraging bee, if alive after its visit to the beautiful white flowers of almonds, for example, laden with invisible spheres of asphyxiating gas, would be bringing back to its home pollen and nectar mixed with parathion. Honeybees in Danger
  • They kept to the brush and trees, and invariably the man halted and peered out before crossing a dry glade or naked stretch of upland pasturage. War
  • bladed arsenopyrite
  • captainpoco: Overladen or overloaded, not overladed. The Full Feed from
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  • Process chocolate wafers into fine crumbs in a food processor fitted with a metal blade.
  • Of the multitool's blades, the inch-and-a-half one is sharper than the three-inch one.
  • Her wrists were bound together with rope, and so were her ankles, her neck open to the air and the world, and her entire body was in a guillotine, the blade lingering high above.
  • This is a Dutch lugger from Samarcand, laden with raisins and fig-paste and lichi nuts and cream dates. The Merryweathers
  • I long for the Monday nights before he came along when the second I got hungry I could stand by the kitchen TV watching "The Bachelorette," while whumping down a salade nicoise. Susan Orlins: Dating After Divorce: What if I Meet a Guy I Like?
  • Wielding his blade like a master painter, his palette holds only one colour, and that is crimson.
  • She even formed an American touring troupe with the distinguished George Washington Smith, America's first, and aptly named, premier danseur, who taught ballet in Philadelphia until his death in 1899.
  • Nemours showed him at once what use to make of the army under his orders, and having enfiladed his National Guard battalions, and placed his artillery in echelons, he formed his cavalry into hollow squares on the right and left of his line, flinging out a cloud of howitzers to fall back upon the main column. Burlesques
  • The smoothly boiled porridge, with its accompaniment of thick yellow cream; the new-laid eggs; the grilled trout, fresh from the stream; the freshly baked "baps" and "scones," the crisp rolls of oatcake; and last, but not least, the delectable, home-made marmalade, which is as much a part of the meal as the coffee itself. Big Game A Story for Girls
  • He dug the blade deep into the shallow indent that had been made and flung the dirt into a pile to his left.
  • Scepticism failed to save her from scenting danger in the ardent courtship of a rich young Philadelphian.
  • They went into hiding in Katlijk, but where betrayed and fusilladed by the German oppressor.
  • The entire knife feels solid and well made, and the blade is amazingly sharp.
  • The bladelike projections behaved like serpents, attacking and recoiling repeatedly. Reap the Whirlwind
  • He produced a knife with a six-inch blade which he waved at the guard, forcing him to back off.
  • According to a police spokesman, the driver lost control of the vehicle after his tar-laden trailer began fishtailing.
  • This is cheap and easy to do with specimens such as berberis, buddleia, cornus, kerria, philadelphus, spirea and willow.
  • Ladeezman42: like tha kinda advis ppl pay me $$$$$$ ... Danielle Crittenden: The President's Secret IMs: A Globally Warmed-Over 4th of July
  • In the night of the 28th 2,000 French dragoons each laden with 60 pounds of gunpowder arrived at the circumvallating walls in disguise.
  • Honsha carries are a sword with a snaky curved blade and a short dagger - like weapon with a slightly longer hilt and a blade curved backwards.
  • His main task will be to ensure that the debt-laden country passes an unpopular bailout plan before elections in February. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, outgroup comparison (with macaques, for example) indicates that some of these characters are primitive for the cercopithecid clade that includes these species (Papionina). Archive 2006-06-01
  • I gave my ideas on "playwriting" again at Philadelphia, and was told just before I began that there were several dramatists in the room, including the author of Madame Butterfly. Our Irish Theatre: A Chapter of Autobiography
  • There are now believed to be only 12 places in the country where the fritillary thrives, and Cricklade North Meadow has the highest proportion of the blooms.
  • Dunstan had drawn his blade and swung round, the horses pulling the cart rolling their eyes in fright, drawing to a halt.
  • Here is a road seen between sunset and moonrise: "... all that remained of day was a beamless amber light along the west: but I could see every pebble on the path, and every blade of grass, by the light of that splendid moon". The Three Brontës
  • Factories are using the top-shelf blade steels, leading-edge frame materials, and state-of-the-art synthetics to make knives that used to be reserved for the work of a custom knifemaker.
  • Philadelphia Museum of Art For drawings, such as this farmscape, James Castle would use soot and saliva for ink. Images from a Life of Silence
  • The traditional value of the blades was clearly recognized by their Aboriginal ‘collectors’, who sought to exploit it by hafting a resin handle in the traditional way.
  • The escalade was to be attempted by a band of ten; five of the trumpeters and buglemen were selected and four centurions, the Ligurian was to be their guide. A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate
  • To start I had the salad of black pudding with red onion marmalade and bacon lardons at £6.69.
  • The name of the last cutler has been previously identified on blades from the Fort St. Joseph Museum.
  • The first fortnight will see closure of Slade Lane Junction to replace signalling equipment and trackwork, including switches and crossings.
  • Calderon sat out the final quarter with what he called a hamstring cramp in Wednesday's loss to the Sixers in Philadelphia. Top Stories RSS
  • As described in Section 1.6, the constructive empiricist argues that one can make sense of the observable/unobservable distinction, even if observation is theory-laden. Beyond the Voice
  • Newspapers papers of Bangladesh were running through hand composed printing press technology then upgraded by lino and photocompose technology and offset printing press. ICT and Media in Bangladesh
  • Osama bin Laden is said to be a Wahhabi Muslim
  • She would have liked to be of service to the weeds vegetating beside the paths, to slay herself there so that from her flesh some huge greenery might spring, lofty and sapful, laden with birds at May-time, and passionately caressed by the sun. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • She pulled her sword close, and rammed the blade's tip into the ground with great force.
  • PHILADELPHIA mdash; When Davida Johnson walked into Dr. Kermit Gosnell's clinic to get an abortion in 2001, she saw what she described as dazed women... Horrific Abortion Clinic Accused Of Leaving Women Near Death
  • She had served them encebollado, a native tuna soup laden with onion and yuca. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Unlike his characters, known for galumphing around European capitols, his team is on a far more appreciable quest of rooting though Washington, Philadelphia and New York.
  • Some time in the fifteenth century, clockmakers started to use tightly coiled blades of metal - springs - to power their timepieces, instead of gravity.
  • The accolade has not gone to one of the big-name hotels but to a former Manchester couple who have converted a rundown B&B into a set of luxury self-catering apartments.
  • In their immaculate uniforms they go through safety procedures and tirelessly parade the aisles, pushing trolleys laden with drinks, meals and duty free.
  • Louisa M. Alcott , American novelist, author of Little Women, was born in Philadelphia.
  • Instead, I found myself lusting after bananas, marmalade, muesli, and the simple pleasure of a glass of cold milk.
  • I have been credited with the accolade of the most compulsively depressive blog and that is not without reason.
  • Again, always use a very sharp blade to make any cuts.
  • Solomon Burke's website says he was born on March 21, 1940 "in an upper room at the United Praying Band The House of God for All People" Church in West Philadelphia "to the sounds of horns and bass drums from the sanctuary. Soul Singer Solomon Burke Dies at 70
  • Harry McGlade becomes a dognapper in order to stop a dognapper, or something like that. Archive 2010-03-04
  • (Piss and blood fetishes similarly leave me cold, though were you to ask me to urinate in your mouth or carve the word "cocksucker" in your chest with a razor blade, I would probably be happy to oblige.) Archive 2008-03-01
  • The Bonded Liberation Front estimates that there are 25m bonded children in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
  • These screwdrivers had a forged one-piece tempered blade including a bolster and special wings on two sides.
  • The blades were usually double-edged and up to 90 cm, or a little over, in length, but early single-edged sabres are also known.
  • = For the use of mythological figures as character types, compare _RA_ 589 'semper habe Pyladen aliquem qui curet Oresten' and Martial VI xi 9-10 'ut praestem Pyladen, aliquis mihi praestet Oresten./hoc non fit uerbis, Marce: ut ameris, ama'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • The design method of torque converter blade based on quadratic function distribution momentum was put forward.
  • I opened it and looked at that brilliant and terrible tongue which we call a blade; and I thought that perhaps it was the symbol of the oldest of the needs of man. Tremendous Trifles
  • Blend all ingredients in a food processor fitted with a metal blade.
  • Learn more about neonatology research at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Research
  • It was laden with two bowls of steaming chilli, a monstrous plate of salad, and several side dishes of onion, cheese, sour cream, and cubed bread.
  • This video didn't really teach me how "inducement and entrainment" power the bladeless Air Multiplier fans, but I learned that these things can definitely induce a balloon to be awesome. Daily Dispatch: Digital revolution causing car culture decline; Criminals rent botnets at bargain rates
  • Like the switchblade I keep in my sock? No, I left it at home.
  • So when I need to know what the black rubbery thingummy on a windscreen wiper is called, I can look up windscreen wiper in the index, turn to the appropriate picture, and learn that it's a wiper blade rubber. The Naming of Parts
  • In this convolution, the edges of the blades in teeth 21-27 are serrated and show 15 denticles on each one.
  • If the blade is positioned too low, valuable topsoil may be removed from the site during the bulldozing.
  • The Secure comes with other tools as well - a blade, nailfile, screwdriver, scissors, key ring, LED light and ballpoint pen. TG Daily
  • The development of a leaf involves a complex pattern of cell division and cell elongation, with cell elongation playing a central part in the expansion of the leaf blade.
  • The founder of the Bangladeshi micro-lending institution the Grameen Bank, Muhammad Yunus, has resigned as its head after a row with the government.
  • A spongy, Dijon-colored city of algae and microscopic creatures that floats on the surface, periphyton cleanses the Everglades of excess nutrients and pollutants.
  • He holstered the pistol and gave himself over to the bladework. Hellgate London Covenant
  • In April, he's released on bail after prominent Philadelphians vouched for his character.
  • That is, a flying disk that will "locate defiladed combatants in complex urban terrain" and annihilate them using a bunker-buster warhead. Pentagon to Cities: Drop Dead
  • Be prepared to insert them over the travel lock release mechanism as soon as the blade locks.
  • A common plaything for Chinese children, the grasshopper is defamiliarized as ‘a six-legged monster, fresh-grass green, with saw-blade jaws, bulging eyes, and whips for eyebrows’.
  • U.S. intelligence officials think that bin Laden and Zawahiri remain in hiding in Pakistan's rugged and semiautonomous tribal belt where the CIA continues to hunt them. Panetta outlines plan for bin Laden's detention if al-Qaeda leader is captured
  • Outside the front door, a bulldozer is clearing up the mess caused when a heavily laden lorry crashed into the wall and gatepost.
  • Our light-fingered fig climber commits acts of larceny while the crumb-laden colossus eats his weight in skunk soup and then falls into narcolepsy.
  • Fans of David Slade, the acclaimed director of cult hits including the psycho-sexual thriller “Hard Candy” and the graphic novel noirish vampire flick “30 Days of Night,” might be shocked to discover that the man has a sweeter side. TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS FOR MARCH 4TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Furthermore, the thick blade and sinuous edges found on most contracting - stemmed bifaces produces a rough cut that is far less clean than slices easily produced on the same materials by unworked flakes.
  • Dale received all the attention and accolades, and Link settled for a few extra bucks on his royalty checks.
  • I snarled and she took a step backwards, glancing at the naked blade in my hands.
  • To keep the movement unseeable by the enemy: the action with the blade will have to follow precise lines of movement (going and coming back), starting from a guard position and arriving in another guard.
  • In later years, microlithic blades and other structures were found near the site.
  • With a new blade in a utility knife, score the veneer front then back, flush with the stile on all edges; and bend it to complete the cut.
  • Choosing victims heavily laden with carrier bags, he would throw a few coins on the floor and then tell them that they had dropped their money.
  • But police now know the murder weapon was a knife with a ten inch long blade.
  • The following year, after Waterloo, work began on the improvements planned by Samuel Ware, who renovated and amended the great enfilade of Palladian reception rooms.
  • Born in Dundee, Scotland, he was a member of the wealthy Keiller family, well known amongst other things for their marmalade and preserves.
  • The muscular actor loves to Rollerblade
  • A mass spectrometric analysis method of the synthesized plant growth regulator 6 - benzyladenine was discussed.
  • It provides the foundation to supervise and diagnose the cracks of rotor blade.
  • My favorite fishing knife is a yellow handle Case XX with a thin, pointed blade, hook hone, bottle opener, scaler and hook remover. On Favorite Fishing Knives
  • The thresher is a square frame drawn over the grain -- which is spread upon the bare ground -- and is furnished on its under side with steel blades which not only shell the grain out of the ear, but also reduce the straw into chaff, which is desirable, as storing for feed more conveniently. Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878
  • Her sister was brooding on the bladed gauntlets and their meaning.
  • Kammerer, meanwhile, has spent the last several years working in weathercasting across the Philadelphia TV landscape. WRC loses president, gains weatherman
  • On Jan. 12-13, the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory researcher and 11 other scientists will meet at the National AeroSpace Training and Research Center near Philadelphia, where they'll learn to work and conduct experiments in the wispy upper reaches of Earth's atmosphere known as suborbital space. Newswise: Latest News
  • You really want to watch the entire Blade trilogy?
  • Bangladeshi water engineers say that Indian barrages, canals, reservoirs and irrigation schemes are slowly strangling the country and are stopping its development.
  • A reciprocating saw, as the name implies, utilizes interchangeable blades that move out and back in a reciprocating motion, in much the same action as using a handsaw.
  • The ballade, full of dramatic intensity, mainly inspired by Polish epic poems, was a new musical form invented by Chopin. Chopin's 'Soul and Heart'
  • The seafood linguine is laden with clams, shrimp and cubes of fish, while the risotto con funghi, infused with porcini mushrooms, walks the line between soupy and solid admirably.
  • a bare blade
  • Chuck Banker, pro personnel director of the Philadelphia Eagles, is tired of the team being criticized for losing defensive players.
  • Valleys and sweet plains, waterfalls and rivers, glades where lovers would have walked and confluences where towns could have been built, the lovely island had all these accouter-ments, these alluring invitations to civilization. Hawaii
  • Steam turbines use steam raised in a boiler as the gas that turns the blades.
  • The rudder blade is - balance, double plate(Sentence dictionary), stream - line type. Able to turn to 350 rudder angle side.
  • I would recommend Vladimir Horowitz's recordings of the études and mazurkas, Artur Rubinstein's recordings of the polonaises and concertos, and Luiz de Moura-Castro's recordings of the ‘Ballade in G minor’ and the nocturnes.
  • Surely it should have been an accolade awarded on a daily, if not hourly, basis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Views through doorways, echoing traditional enfilade arrangements, permit comparisons. Irascible Still
  • The remains include a complete tibia and shoulder blade, as well as parts of a femur, ribs, vertebrae, collarbone and pelvis, as well as an ankle bone.
  • Once countersigned, they guaranteed payment on sight at Philadelphia, either in hard coin or in bills of exchange on London. Robert Morris
  • A clade is a group, consisting of a single organism and all of its descendants. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • The car had a single propeller and rotor blades for flight.
  • This is his centennial year and he's been granted the ultimate accolade - his face on a set of three postage stamps.
  • His wry, bladelike smile returned, and for a moment it felt like old times. My Fair Succubi
  • It's an olive branch sheathed like a blade, but it draws the largest applause of the night.
  • Heat transfer in channel for trailing edge of turbine blade with pin - fin arrays is studied numerically.
  • His handjar is a mighty blade, and held high in the hands of a man of his stature, it overtowered everything in the church. The Lady of the Shroud
  • Thou too, O Pylades, trusty squire, whose training shows thy father's sterling worth, receive a garland from my hand, for thou no less than he hast a share in this emprise; and so I pray, good luck be thine for ever! Electra
  • I shaped a bird of sorts on the handle and incised Somare's totem on the blade.
  • The addition of a ferule was the next step; and the omission of the tang, and amalgamation of the ferule with the blade, gave rise to the socketed spear-head. The Bronze Age in Ireland
  • The diamonds he watches so closely are not the rocks on the rings of the rich and famous, they are tiny grains of pure carbon coating the blades, polishers and shapers the company produces.
  • She grew to love London, the Slade, its tutors, the students and the art community and felt it was where she belonged.
  • Whereas ITV News - with their love of the clunkiest graphics, doom-laden links and love of the dropped intro 'It was ...' - seems to make The Day Today look sober and restrained ... Back to you in the Studio Fiona. Cluck Cluck.
  • This film, besides winning numerous European awards and accolades, is the highest-grossing German film in that country's history.
  • Pruning saws have narrower blades with coarse teeth that are designed to cut on the pull stroke.
  • Stay well away from the helicopter when its blades start to rotate.
  • I think the last time I tried shaving with blades I left large gouges in my neck.
  • Leaves and loose blades of grass swirled within it too.
  • Winter, readers, has arrived, taking up residence with all the bulk and temerity of a spinster aunt come to visit, laden with cats and carpet bags.
  • A woodsmans pal is a unique and very usefull blade that makes a great gift! Any new must have Christmas Gift Ideas for sportsmen out there???
  • He's going to replace the heady sauce and the imported cheese with processed Swiss and a ready-pack version of remoulade.
  • Attorneys for Laura Schubert Pearson filed an appeal before the court late last year arguing that the Texas Supreme Court was wrong in tossing out her case against the Pleasant Glade Assembly of God in Colleyville. U.S. Supreme Court won’t hear Texas exorcism case
  • Victims of lathyrism, "crawlers", are numerous among the poor in Ethiopia, India, Bangladesh and Nepal where the affliction remains a present threat. The Full Feed from
  • Cut them into matchsticks using a mandoline fitted with the fine julienne blade.
  • We found some, but not the great swathes that we had hoped for, although we were rewarded by plenty of patches of bluebells, drifts of wood anemones, a glade with masses of milkmaids and lots of primroses, cowslips and violas and bugle.
  • Features of the CH-53K helicopter include: a joint interoperable glass cockpit; fly-by-wire flight controls; fourth generation rotor blades with anhedral tips; a low-maintenance elastomeric rotor head; upgraded engines; a locking cargo rail system; external cargo handling improvements; survivability enhancements; and reduced operation and support costs. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • “Tipper Gore asked for the recipe for my salade Parisienne,” she shouted with glee over the din. Three Stages of Amazement
  • In Cricklade, its store has had graffiti sprayed on the walls.
  • Well, here ! Here's an eyebrow tweezer. Pull the grass out a blade at a time but be quiet about it!
  • In its antihumanism and in its thick impasto, with slices and diagonal blades of dark color making sharp edges à la Clyfford Still, this picture looks forward as well as backward. Return to the Grim and Dark
  • Aerodynamic forces cause vibrations at the tip of a blade where the effects of transonic speeds cause buffeting and vibration.
  • Visiting relatives, dignitaries, or pilgrims would return home bearing cache blades, cores, and bladelets made from Flint Ridge flint.
  • It is a lively performer, the handling is good with masses of front end grip and the ride is impressive when unladen.
  • By the way, nothing cladistically out-of-line with the term reptile, so long as we agree that Reptilia is a clade in which case it includes Aves and excludes Synapsida of which mammals are part. Around the Web
  • I scraped the stone against the blade harder, hoping to drown out her voice and signify that I didn't want to talk.
  • I was always amazed that any electric motor could turn the engine, transmission, and those big rotor blades.
  • Rifling through a funky set that included bass-heavy grooves like "It's Ice," "NICU" and "The Moma Dance," Phish kicked off its fall tour in improv-laden style. Colin St. John: Phish Maintains Its Colorado Connection
  • The researchers rubbed roughly the same number of cowhage spicules the itch-inducing spiky bits of that plant, also known as velvet bean on three locations: the front of the ankle; on the underside of the forearm; and under the shoulder blade on the back. A Dip in the Pool Does an Aging Body Good
  • Uniquely designed cross style cutter blade base purposely for granulating of pellicle plastics, increases work efficiency.
  • After a time, the younger cuprite-worker turns and heads back to Lorn-without the blade. The Magi'i Of Cyador
  • Bangladeshi Muslim immigrants living in the northern port city of Thessaloniki in Greece, offer Eid al-Adha prayers on November 6, 2011.
  • He is the only new cap in the team which plays Bangladesh in the opening Test of a two-Test series at Buffalo Park tomorrow.
  • The Stuarts preferred the watery art of grottoes and fountains and canals, of elaborate parterres and radiating avenues - vividly shown in bird's eye views of Knyp, Knyff and Badeslade.
  • The existence of a rhinolophoid-megabat clade has also been supported by other research teams (e.g., We flightless primates
  • While pasta is cooking, combine olives, parsley, olive oil, thyme, lemon zest, orange zest, and red-pepper flakes in the bowl of a food processor fitted with the steel blade.
  • Je devais appeler ce matin a 10h00 je trouve que ca fait plus serieux mais comme j'etais malade ... ca l'faisait pas! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The document composed in Philadelphia transformed the confederation of sovereign states into a national government.
  • The efficiency distribution along blade span and the inlet and outlet velocity triangle measurement of rotor blades were made around the designing point.
  • Three such soldiers were there at this time, cleaving through waves of eye laden stalks as they rose from the dust.
  • Aerodynamic forces cause vibrations at the tip of a blade where the effects of transonic speeds cause buffeting and vibration.
  • Philadelphia coach Larry Brown turned the game into a low-possession dogfight, which is the way it must be in Life Without Iverson. - Bucks handle Iverson-less 76ers to take 2-1 lead
  • With his title defenses headlining the card, WWE started setting attendance records at the Boston Garden and Philadelphia Spectrum. WWE Championship
  • Where a tin of halvah, coffee-flavored, is the cause of a human assault-wave by a crowd heavy-laden with parcels: Rev. Amy Ziettlow: Battling Christmas Crankiness
  • The Everglades National Park stretches across the southern tip of Florida.
  • Her black eyes were unfocused, her other hand absent-mindedly fondling the pocketed switchblade.
  • Her blade clanged against Amanda's hard, striking a haze of sparks that lit the air between them.
  • The court was laden with judges who believe strongly in judicial activism - liberally interpreting the law so that it can be used an instrument of social reform.
  • The breeze copies to connect Lian to use to pester a blade earthquake to open nearby one flower petal and flustered and frustratedly says.
  • Although a helicopter has a main blade, rotating at 500 rpm above it, and a tail rotor that acts as a rudder, it remains a completely unstable machine.
  • It appeared to be the handle to a sword decorated with a lot of fancy blue and white gems, without a blade attached.
  • Add some water to it, tape on a small blade and a tube of superglue, a spool of fishing line some weights, and a case of beer and a lazy boy (Don't forget to add a 50 inch plasma TV with all the channels,) and you're set. Survival Water Bottle
  • Spoon the marmalade over the bready sponge, covering the whole surface, and then pile the meringue on top. Times, Sunday Times
  • They travel to Philadelphia for a plane to Boston where they will get on a coach for the four-hour journey to the resort.
  • No inversion can, therefore, really take place in anatropous ovules, but the blade of the leaf is bent back on the funicle, with which its margins also cohere. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • And, in this, she has just turned her back on Tom in time for him to slip a stiletto right between the shoulder blades.
  • You often see freight trains composed of 20 or 30 fully laden wagons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The instant their prince drew the cursed blade, its power reached out to them.
  • The Extreme Ops series offers three blade shapes, tanto, drop point and clip point – set into an ergonomic handle of G-10 fiberglass laminate.
  • European axes at the most might have wide scallops filed on the edge of the blade plate on the inside or bottom of the beard, and that is not common.
  • Not advisable for heavily laden commuters. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nineteen exhibition spaces are arranged as an enfilade of rooms that define an L-shaped route through the building, with its Italian marble columns and high ceilings.
  • Our home is at the southwestern tip of the valley, nestled among the lace-lichen laden oaks, bay laurel, mountain mahogany, ceanothus and toyon which typify this classically central coast California oak woodland.
  • Nearby is Everglades National Park, which can be explored by canoe, hiking, biking or in an airboat.
  • Are all fans from Philadelphia loud-mouthed braggarts?
  • The epidermis was spread out on a glass plate beneath a low-power binocular microscope and cut into pieces of the required size using a combination of razor and scalpel blades.
  • The blade's so sharp it could slice through your finger.
  • I have one of those pocket knives, with screw drivers, blade, etc. and I keep a extra round of ammo (wrapped in foam rubber) in the but end of my syn stocked rifles just in case I run out of ammo. Start a Survival Fire With a Bullet
  • Unlike standard handsaws, a backsaw has an extra-stiff blade to prevent it from wavering as you make the cut.
  • Later a noted modern dancer, actress and teacher, de Lavallade began early on to attract attention.
  • She looked up at him and pulled a blade of grass out of his hair and tossed it aside.
  • The satire is so laden with invective and is so dense that I wish there was an annotated version of this book to read which would make it much easier to read.
  • Holding anger is a poison...It eats you from inside...We think that by hating someone we hurt them...But hatred is a curved blade...and the harm we do to others...we also do to ourselves. Mitch Albom 
  • Bangladesh was part of India and Sri Lanka (Ceylon) was controlled by India which was a part of the British Commonwealth with a British Minister (called a protectorate). Think Progress » Rice: After 9-11 “We Could Decide the Proximate Cause Was Al Qaeda”

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