How To Use Lactose In A Sentence
Fructose is absorbed more slowly than glucose and galactose.
The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
For instance, many people who can't digest cow-milk-based products can happily assimilate stuff crafted from goat's milk (which is lower in lactose).
Stools of children with lactose intolerance tend to be acidic and contain undigested sugar.
Lactose intolerance can be defined as a gastrointestinal disturbance, but the two terms are not synonyms.
Lactose Intolerance Doesn't Cause Bad Breath
Allergic skin reactivity and chemical properties of allergens in two grades of lactose.
Allegic Reactions from Lactose in Dry Powder Asthma Inhalers

In India, the co-operative has been supplying dairy products to the food industry and pharmaceutical-grade lactose to the pharmaceutical industry through its joint venture DMV-Fonterra Excipients.
Fonterra Eyes India's Booming Dairy Sector
Acid hydrolysis of crude leaf mucilage extract in both Z. mauritiana and Z. rotundifolia revealed that the main sugar constituents were rhamnose, glucose, galactose, and arabinose.
Besides soy protein, the yogurts include added fiber and vitamins C and D and are lactose reduced.
In populations where drinking cows' milk is not the done thing, lactose intolerance is still the norm.
People who have a G6PD deficiency have the following symptoms: pale skin fatigued and tired rapid and shallow breathing abnormal/rapid heartbeat enlarged spleen yellowish tint to eyes galactosemia which is found in babies.
CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
This recipe is ideal for lactose-intolerant people, vegetarians and vegans.
Objective To study the effect of oxygen stress induced by D-galactose unite with hyperlipoidemia on hemorheology and carotid blood perfusion in rats.
An allergic reaction to lactose is a concern, but few even of those who are dairy allergic have to be specifically concerned.
Allegic Reactions from Lactose in Dry Powder Asthma Inhalers
There are three important disaccharidase enzymes: maltase maltose → glucose sucrase sucrose → glucose + fructose lactase lactose → glucose + galactose The disaccharidase enzymes are unusual in that they are located in the membrane of the ileum epithelial cells.
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[29] When insoluble solids such as oyster shell lactose ( "trituration").
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Pharmaceutical grade lactose is employed as a pharmaceutical excipient.
Lactose Is a Booming Market
Results GL-PPT2, GL-PPT3, and GL-PPT4 comprise the nine monosaccharides of mannose, ribose, rhamnose, glucose, galactose, arabinose, xylose, galactose, and glucuronic acid.
If N-acetyl galactosamine binds to the H substance, it forms the blood group A, whereas if galactose binds to it, it forms the group B. Absence of any binding substance produces the O blood group.
Rare blood donor registry; need of the hour - Cover Story - Express Healthcare Management
Some babies are intolerant to lactose, which is found in cow's milk.
This works amazingly for vegans, lactose intolerants, and sundry fusspots.
The baby can not breastfeed: The child has a birth defect or inborn errors of metabolism such as galactosemia that makes breastfeeding difficult or impossible.
Spy Gum | Surveillance
He's fussy, gassy, possibly lactose-intolerant, and suffering from what appears to be day-night confusion.
And too much fructose, as with sorbitol, lactose, and raffinose sugars, can cause upset stomach, gas, or diarrhea.
Q&A: High-fructose corn syrup and liver damage?
The enzyme splits and hydrolyzes dietary lactose into glucose and galactose for transport across the cell membrane.
Products containing lactic acid, lactalbumin, lactate and casein do not contain lactose.
Lactose intolerance: Probiotic cultures "predigest" some of the lactose in dairy products, making kefir a terrific milk product for people suffering from lactose intolerance.
Leslie Goldman: The Flat Belly Food You Don't Know About: Kefir
Bacteria were surface plated in triplicate or quadruplicate on minimal lactose medium to select for Lac + revertants.
The manufacturing of cheese causes changes in both the lactose and the casein in milk.
You think you have lactose intolerance, gluten issues and candida.
Times, Sunday Times
The milk at the start of a feed (called foremilk) is more watery and high in lactose (milk sugar).
Chapter 30
Edible grade lactose is utilized in fine chemical applications, production of infant formulae, confectionery and food products.
Lactose Is a Booming Market
Dried lactose is milled to 100-or 200-mesh granulation and air conveyed to one of three 100,000-pound storage bins.
In addition, the laboratory offers a specialist expertise in the diagnosis of lysosomal, galactosemia and fatty acid oxidation enzyme defects for which diseases the laboratory has a National and International reputation.
Laboratory Rotation
The same trend is observed for the mono- and the disaccharide with a more pronounced swelling excess with the disaccharide, as previously reported with other disaccharides like lactose or saccharose.
Cells were allowed to recover in two different media selective for respiratory function: a medium rich in glucose but lacking uridine, and a more stringent one in which glucose was substituted with galactose as a carbon source.
However, the remarkable release of galactose during dismantling of fruit cell walls has led many researchers to study galactosidases due to their apparent involvement in the mobilization of galactose.
But, for sugars such as galactose, which is commonly found in dairy produce, around 10 per cent is found in a different ring form called a 'furanose'. - latest science and technology news stories
These conditions include sickle cell anemia, beta thalassemia, phenylketonuria PKU, hypothyroidism,8 and galactosemia.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
CLD is characterised by severe diarrhoea, abdominal pain, vomiting dehydration, renal tubular acidosis, aminoaciduria, liver damage, lactosuria, cataracts and distension that appear soon after birth when the diet begins to contain lactose.
Cells were released from the arrest by filtration and resuspended in fresh media with raffinose and galactose.
It's true that most cheese comes from the protein-heavy curds after the lactose-laden whey is drained off.
Cheese and Lactose
The sugars glucose, galactose, and fructose all have six carbon atoms, twelve hydrogen atoms, and six oxygen atoms.
The results of per oral and per intraduodenal lactose tolerance tests confirmed lactosuria in both.
It hydrolyses lactose into two monosaccharides – glucose and galactose – and yields a naturally sweet, low lactose milk product.
Better Lactose Makes Better Lactose-Free Milk
In addition, the company is a global leader in the production of whey protein and lactose powders.
While most people can digest lactose with no difficulty, some have trouble because they do not produce the enzyme lactase, which splits lactose into digestible parts.
This was directly established for glucose, lævulose, galactose, and arabinose (2).
Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
When faced with a patient who is lactose intolerant, many health professionals recommend lactase pills or drops.
EpiPen exercise flatulence food food allergy food labeling food technology free from frozen desserts frozen yogurt fructose fructose intolerance functional foods galactosemia gas genetics
Adding Vitamin D to a Nondairy Diet
It does however appear quite likely, that many people who have previously been diagnosed as lactose intolerant may actually have been protein intolerant, in particular, to a1 beta casein.
Archive 2007-08-01
Most commercial whey is dried, meaning that it is roughly 50-75% pure lactose and the rest mostly whey protein.
Archive 2007-09-01
Lactose consumption in confectionery industry is projected to register a CAGR [Compound Annual Growth Rate] of over 4% through 2010.
Lactose Is a Booming Market
Lactose is the main carbohydrate occurring in milk.
He also states that he is lactose intolerant and hence avoids most dairy products.
Good bacteria ferment lactose by converting it to lactic acid.
Fermentation converts lactose into glucose and galactose, which is easily digestible by even the lactose - intolerant.
Lactose and Fermentation
Nutritionally complete, lactose and sucrose free formula.
In addition, unabsorbed lactose has an osmotic effect not unlike that of lactulose, a synthetic laxative, increasing the amount of fluid retained in the bowel.
If you are lactose intolerant, whey is one of the worst ingredients to encounter on a label.
Answers to Questions from Readers, part 10
In fact, there is no lactose in any of the "lac" additives found in ingredients lists.
Archive 2006-06-01
There are eight essential saccharides: mannose, glucose, galactose, xylose, fucose, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine and N-acetylneuraminic acid.
They are rich in a mucilage, which on hydrolysis yields eight sugars, the pre dominant ones being d-galactose and l-arabinose in the ratio 8: 1.
Chapter 32
Valio uses a chromatographic separation process that physically removes the lactose.
Archive 2006-02-01
These data suggest that galactose and mannose may compete with glucose for uptake, whereas sucrose and fructose do not.
Lactose, the sugar present in milk, is split in the small intestine by the enzyme lactase into its constituent glucose and galactose molecules, allowing absorption of the glucose.
The bacteria in dairy products may do more for us than just predigest lactose and create flavor.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
The lactic acid bacteria naturally contain from one to more than ten distinct plasmids, and metabolically important traits, including lactose-fermenting ability, bacteriophage resistance, and bacteriocin production, have been linked to plasmid DNA.
1 Upgrading Traditional Biotechnological Processes
This may be a long shot, but is it possible that they contain lactose?
Answers to Questions from Readers, part 13
The profile details it as belonging to a single male who wants to network and meet friends and has interests in Korean reunification and, perhaps bizarrely, lactose free milk.
Computerworld News
The role of lactase is to hydrolyze lactose into galactose.
Lactose represents about one-third of the solids in cows 'milk, and is recovered using crystallisation.
Your Guess Is As Good As Mine
The traditional process of cheesemaking ensues when the bacteria in the starter culture begin growing by fermenting the lactose in the milk into lactic acid.
Here's an upskirt shot of a cross dresser from a movie whose characters are lactose intolerant.
Endless Amount of Vegan Drivel
These polysaccharides made from a variety of sugars, including galactose, xylose, arabinose are found together with cellulose in the plant cell walls.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
The ultrafiltration molecular weight separation transforms the product into 50 percent protein, allowing smaller molecular weight particles like minerals and lactose to pass through a screen while the protein is retained.
Cheese, lactose and whey protein concentrate can be shipped by truck or rail from the facility.
They must be given formulas, which are free of all sources of lactose such as ones that are a meat base, soybean, or amino acid hydrolysate.
There is bacteria in yogurt that breaks down lactose prior to digestion.
Each whey product varies in the amount of protein, carbohydrates, immunoglobulins, lactose, minerals, and fat in the finished product.
It's followed by a dish called scampi, which features as the star of the show a ham hock terrine, with squares of raw apple, splodges of almond "gel" and a crustacean oil-laced "soil" made of lactose and flour.
Items to be avoided are lactose, yeast, artificial dyes, titanium dioxide preservatives, sulfites, synthetic colors, and gluten.
The facility also manufactures lactose powder and whey protein concentrate.
The replacement of milk with yogurt or fermented dairy products may allow for better digestion and decreased diarrhea and other symptoms associated with lactose intolerance.
The enzyme lactase breaks down the lactose to galactose and glucose.
striking board", covered in leather on one side and stuffed with horsehair. are used for remedies, they are diluted by grinding them with [[lactose]] ( "[[trituration]]").
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
There are a few mammals whose milk doesn't contain lactose (or very tiny quantities of it).
There's Lactose in All Animal Milks, Dummy!
Adults from Eastern countries have, for genetic reasons, much lower levels of lactase, and so lactose intolerance, rather than milk intolerance is really the normal state.
Lactose intolerance can cause bloating, cramping, diarrhea and excess gas.
The mere fact of being lactose intolerant is entirely irrelevant.
Kate DeAraugo's Lactose Intolerance
Examples are fructose, found in fruit, glucose, or blood sugar that is produced when carbohydrates are digested, and galactose, which is produced from digesting milk sugar, or lactose.
All are made without the dairy derivatives lactose, butterfat, milk, whey and casein.
For this, Hahnemann had a saddlemaker construct a wooden 'striking board', covered in leather on one side and stuffed with horsehair (it is displayed at the oyster shell are used for remedies, they are diluted by grinding them with lactose ( 'trituration').
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Remember that these ingredients can go by other names: sugar has synonyms like sucrose, glucose, maltose, lactose, fructose, and corn syrup.
Store the remedy correctly (in dark conditions away from other substances) and try to avoid handling the pillules (small tablets with a lactose or sucrose base).
The bacteria that live there release hydrogen and carbon dioxide when they ferment the lactose.
The same trend is observed for the mono- and the disaccharide with a more pronounced swelling excess with the disaccharide, as previously reported with other disaccharides like lactose or saccharose.
You will need to read all food labels as dairy turns up in many disguises, eg, whey, lactose, skimmed milk powder, casein, milk protein.
If anyone knows of a birth control pill other than demulen that doesn't have lactose, that would be very helpful to me.
Demulen Birth Control Pills Still Lactose Free
A metabolite of lactose binds to the lac repressor, changing the protein's shape and thereby causing it to loosen its grip on the DNA.
In fact, intradermal skin test reactivity to â-lactoglobulin – lactose conjugates has been shown to be 10 - to 100-fold increased compared with native â-lactoglobulin. 9 Furthermore, large complexes may be randomly distributed explaining why some lots of Advair contained larger amounts of milk proteins compared with others.
Allegic Reactions from Lactose in Dry Powder Asthma Inhalers
After all, lactose is from the same general family as sucrose, the table sugar we use to sweeten coffee and tea.
Ice cream, milkshakes and aged cheeses are easier than milk for most people with lactose intolerance, but they are high in fat.
Items to be avoided are lactose, yeast, artificial dyes, titanium dioxide preservatives, sulfites, synthetic colors, and gluten.
Several physiologically important disaccharides are sucrose, lactose and maltose.
Glucose and galactose are structurally similar, being epimers, while the lactose permease transports a wide variety of galactosides.
But milk delivers more than just calcium, and some of its other components—like extra calories, saturated fat, and the sugar known as galactose—aren’t necessarily good for you.
Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy
Metabolite analysis in blood and urine such as galactose-1-phosphate and sialic acid, respectively
Laboratory Rotation
The new law requires the declaration on prepackaged food labels the presence of the eight most common allergy causing substances - cereals containing gluten, crustaceans and crustacean products, eggs and egg products, fish and fish products, milk and milk products (including lactose), tree nuts and nut products, sulphite, and peanuts, soybeans and their products.
Archive 2007-05-01
All are made without the dairy derivatives lactose, butterfat, milk, whey and casein.
It is composed of galactose and arabinose molecules in a 6: 1 ratio, with a small amount of glucuronic acid.
Soymilk does not contain lactose (milk sugar) and can be drunk by those who are allergic to normal milk.
This antigenic site plays a crucial role in conferring specificity to galactose of the human α2-6 sialylated glycan receptor
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
The simplest simple carbohydrates are glucose (sometimes called dextrose), fructose (also called fruit sugar), and galactose (a part of milk sugar).
Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy
The bacteria naturally present during fermentation use up most of the lactose in these products.
The lens epithelium of scorbutic animals had 2.5 times as much galactitol (the polyol of galactose) on day 4 than those animals fed vitamin C in their diets.
The ability to digest the milk sugar lactose first evolved in dairy farming communities in central Europe, not in more northern groups as was previously thought, finds a new study led by UCL (University College London) scientists published in the journal PLoS Computational Biology.
When Did Humans First Start Drinking Milk?
However, when Basilisco looked at those with what he calls "altered somatization," he found that "patients with altered somatization are four times more likely to report lactose intolerance.
Lactose intolerance may sometimes be in the head, not the gut
Some individuals may lose the ability to digest lactose and become lactose intolerant.
In fact, intradermal skin test reactivity to â-lactoglobulin – lactose conjugates has been shown to be 10 - to 100-fold increased compared with native â-lactoglobulin. 9 Furthermore, large complexes may be randomly distributed explaining why some lots of Advair contained larger amounts of milk proteins compared with others.
Allegic Reactions from Lactose in Dry Powder Asthma Inhalers
Other conditions to consider include celiac sprue and lactose or fructose intolerance.
Some babies are unable to digest the sugar lactose, which is in cow's milk formulas.
Among my own patients, if I were to quantitate lactose intolerance symptoms, approximately 80 percent of them either avoid milk and dairy products altogether or recognize that milk and dairy foods are an issue in terms of creating more bloating for them.
IBS Book: A New IBS Solution
The permeate is processed to remove the lactose, which is used to create ethanol.
Using Lactose to Make Biofuel
Not having lactase results in lactose intolerance, the name for having symptoms when you drink or eat any dairy product that contains lactose, which is most of them.
Huge News! Lactase Drops Return to U.S.
The symptoms became quite distressing and, after a negative colonoscopy, a simple test revealed that I was lactose intolerant.
So water buffalo milk may be slightly lower in lactose but not significantly so.
Water Buffalo Milk Isn't Low Lactose Either
Using Finnish study samples Peltonen-Palotie’s research group has identified, for example, the DNA variant that prevents the normal breakdown of lactose in intestinal cells after weaning period, thus causing lactose intolerance.
Archive 2007-04-01
Globosides represent cerebrosides that contain additional carbohydrates, predominantly galactose, glucose or GalNAc.
Now that I'm lactose-intolerant, I can still eat Muenster with Lactaid pills but just can't eat it every day.
However, the rarity of galactosemia is a serious issue.
Galactosemia: the Other Lactose Problem
Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal Dean Foods Silk Milk alternatives — creamy liquids derived from non-dairy sources — are on the rise, especially in households where people are lactose-intolerant or dairy-allergic.
Move Over, Cow
Besides soy protein, the yogurts include added fiber and vitamins C and D and are lactose reduced.
There are many great-tasting protein powders available, but I like the CNP ProPeptide powder because it is very low in lactose, tastes great, and contains good bacteria and probiotics, including acidophilus and bifidus.
Body by Design
Many people choose to avoid milk because it contains saturated fat (if whole milk), cholesterol, allergenic proteins, lactose and frequent traces of contamination.
These strains might not even use their lac gene products to metabolize lactose.
Most homeopathic preparations are now sold in the form of lactose pills.
I've been lactose intolerant for five or six years, and while lactaid type products helped initially, I had little luck with them after a few years.
Lactagen: The Big Update
It is not likely to be either lactose, which is implicated in ischemic heart disease, or milk protein, which is implicated in osteoporosis, both of which have lower associations with adult lymphoma than the non-fat portion of milk.
[27] When insoluble solids such as oyster shell lactose ( "trituration").
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Three purified colonies from each isolate were further tested on LB, lactose, or glucose minimal medium and incubated at 30° and 42°.
cow's milk contains about 4.7% lactose
Several physiologically important disaccharides are sucrose, lactose and maltose.
The key words indicating lactose presence include whey, curds, milk by-products, dry milk solids, and non-fat dry milk powder.
Typically in these cases, sodium chloride has been substituted for powdered lactose or other carbohydrate.
Simple carbohydrates that contain only one sugar unit are monosaccharides and include glucose sometimes called dextrose, fructose, and galactose.
Milk stout is made from the addition of lactose to the beer, which gives it added body, sweetness and calories.
Milk-Hearted Stout
But, for sugars such as galactose, which is commonly found in dairy produce, around 10 per cent is found in a different ring form called a 'furanose'.
Products labelled as containing lactose, cream, butter, cheese and cheese flavour, curd, milk, milk solids, milk powder and whey, as well as margarine containing milk solids, should be avoided.
The US patent, awarded to Roquette earlier this month, covers a solid dose form based on lactose and starch, the constituents of Starlac excipient, alongside one or more active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).
Lactose and Medications
What's more important for those of us who are lactose intolerant is that kefir is as good or better than yogurt in reducing symptoms.
How Good for You Is Kefir?
There are many great-tasting protein powders available, but I like the CNP ProPeptide powder because it is very low in lactose, tastes great, and contains good bacteria and probiotics, including acidophilus and bifidus.
Body by Design
For this, Hahnemann had a saddlemaker construct a wooden 'striking board', covered in leather on one side and stuffed with horsehair (it is displayed at the oyster shellare used for remedies, they are diluted by grinding them with lactose ( 'trituration').
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
This generates UDP-galactose and G1P. The UDP-galactose is epimerized to UDP-glucose by UDP-galactose - 4 epimerase.
If you aren't sure what all the names for milk products are (and many people don't know that whey is mostly lactose) you should check the Dairy Facts section of my web site and take a look at the various pages there.
Archive 2007-08-01
I ended up bringing a lot of friends home with me on vacations because it was an opportunity to travel out of the Midwest and a lot of people I met had never been to Washington, D.C. Do you think some of this animosity comes from the fact that Wisconsinites are known as cheeseheads and most Jewish girls are at least a little-bit lactose intolerant?
Interview with a Coastie « The Blog at 16th and Q
The major sugars were glucose, xylose, galactose, and arabinose, while uronic acid, rhamnose, mannose, and fucose represented the minor sugars.
Just as sucrose is made of two simple sugars bound together, lactose is made of the two simple sugars glucose and galactose, bound together.
Archive 2006-03-01
For this humanized yeast screen, an S. cerevisiae strain was created harboring a deletion of the chromosomal yeast HSF locus (yhsfΔ) and which expresses a wild-type episomal copy of yeast HSF from the galactose-inducible, glucose-repressible
PLoS Biology: New Articles
Those who are allergic to dairy have to look out for words like whey, lactose, caseinates, nougat, hydrolysates, and even some margarines contain milk protein.
The key words indicating lactose presence include whey, curds, milk by-products, dry milk solids, and non-fat dry milk powder.
Hydrogen breath test for diagnosis of lactose malabsorption: the importance of timing and the number of breath samples.
The enzyme lactase breaks down the lactose to galactose and glucose.
Non-cariogenic means that it does not promote caries, or tooth decay, because the oral bacteria that digest other sugars like sucrose, lactose, and fructose can't break down isomaltulose's unique molecular form.
FDA Approves New Sugar Substitute
Abstract: Skin tests of the nondialysable fraction of lactose were performed on patients with a clinical diagnosis of cow's milk allergy.
Allegic Reactions from Lactose in Dry Powder Asthma Inhalers
Lactose intolerance is a product of well-known Darwinian rules.
The Volokh Conspiracy » 3. The Practical Costs of Condemning Openness to Distressing Answers on Factual Questions
Some disorders, such as galactosemia, are initially screened on a blood spot with subsequent confirmation in red blood cells or plasma using quantitative techniques.
Metabolic Disease Lab
An experiment was conducted in which guinea pigs were fed a normal, high vitamin C diet with 10-percent galactose or a scorbutic diet (devoid of vitamin C) plus 10-percent galactose.
This can be because of the material itself (sorbitol, lactose, etc) or due to disruption of the villous structure of the small intestine.
The perception of lactose intolerance as a health problem is a rather narrow Western view.
In fact, no ingredient in food that starts with "lac" will ever be a problem to those with lactose intolerance.
Lactic Acid Is Not Lactose
Soymilk does not contain lactose (milk sugar) and can be drunk by those who are allergic to normal milk.
With N-acetylgalactosamine, the acetamide group on the galactose ring can bring one more hydrogen bond, which can contribute to the enthalpy of the reaction and affinity values, and then titration was possible.
I will need some lactose broth and the modified peptone water so I can test for all possibilities.
All in all, lactose is close to the best and most versatile filler that can be used for pills.
Lactose in Karaoke Pills. Karaoke Pills?
Previous studies had suggested that lactose (a sugar found in milk) might be associated with anovulatory infertility, but Dr Chavarro's study found neither a positive nor negative association for this, and nor was there any association between intake of calcium, phosphorus or vitamin D and anovulatory infertility.
Lactose Not Associated with Fertility
Pharmaceutical grade lactose is employed as a pharmaceutical excipient.
Lactose Is a Booming Market
(Here's one of the first medical journal articles to report this, Severe lactose intolerance with lactosuria and vomiting, by A. Hosková, et al.,
Vomiting in Infants with Lactose Intolerance
But when she later looked at the ingredients of the ice cream she found that it contained reconstituted skimmed milk and lactose-reduced whey powder - which trigger Mary's allergy.
The less it smudged, the less it had been cut with dilutants such as mannite, lactose, or baking powder.
Dancing with the Devil
Two L-sugars found in foods are L-arabinose and L-galactose, both of which occur as units in carbohydrate polymers (polysaccharides).
Lactic acid is then fermented to acetic acid, propionic acid and carbon dioxide so that Finlandia Swiss does not contain lactose or any other carbohydrates.
Archive 2005-07-01
Of these, how many have been seen by a gastroenterologist before being labelled, and how many have had lactose intolerance excluded?
Lactose only, lactose free, added long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCP), reduced risk of allergy to milk proteins and nutrition linked to nucleotides, taurine and oligosaccharides will be the only claims allowed.
New Labeling Rules Proposed in the UK
It is not likely to be either lactose, which is implicated in ischemic heart disease, or milk protein, which is implicated in osteoporosis, both of which have lower associations with adult lymphoma than the non-fat portion of milk.
For example, various sugars -- lactose, glucose, saccharose, &c. -- are added to test the fermentative action of the bacterium on these substances; litmus is added to show changes in reaction, specially standardized media being used for estimating such changes; peptone solution is commonly employed for testing whether or not the bacterium forms indol; sterilized milk is used as a culture medium to determine whether or not it is curdled by the growth.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
The most important monosaccharides are hexoses such as glucose and galactose.
Carbohydrate metabolism: positive selection was observed for genes involved in breaking down mannose in Yorubans, sucrose in East Asians, and lactose for Europeans.
Human Evolution
Its molecule is split in fermentation or digestion to yield the simple monosaccharide sugars dextrose and galactose.
The third term accounts for the conversion of lactose to allolactose as well as the hydrolysis of lactose to glucose and galactose via [beta] galactosidase.
By 1928, he had evolved and confirmed, among others, the structures of maltose, cellobiose, lactose, gentiobiose, melibiose, gentianose, raffinose and the glucoside ring structure of normal sugars.
Norman Haworth - Biography
Lactose fermentation is used to verify the existence of coliform bacteria in national criteria.
The galactose and glucose then enter the bloodstream where the galactose is converted in more glucose, the basic power source of the body.
Galactosemia: the Other Lactose Problem
By 1928, he had evolved and confirmed, among others, the structures of maltose, cellobiose, lactose, gentiobiose, melibiose, gentianose, raffinose and the glucoside ring structure of normal sugars.
Norman Haworth - Biography
The enzyme lactase breaks down the lactose to galactose and glucose.
With his early collaborators, Ranwel Caputto, Carlos E. Cardini, Raúl Trucco and Alejandro C. Paladini work was started on the metabolism of galactose which led to the isolation of glucose 1,6-diphosphate and uridine diphosphate glucose.
Luis Leloir - Biography
The problem for those of us with lactose intolerance, or dairy allergies, or vegans, or those keeping kosher, is that the FDA has no jurisdiction over wine or beer labeling.
Archive 2007-01-01
The classical form of galactosemia is characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice and failure to thrive within a few days after birth.
No bioweapon aimed at the lactose intolerant need be feared by the Basques!
The Volokh Conspiracy » More Interesting DNA Information
The class devoted to the selection of calcium supplements was designed to assist women who were lactose intolerant or who were otherwise unable to obtain sufficient calcium from their diets.
Samples of the milk show it has no beta-lactoglobulin — the main cause of lactose intolerance.
The Sun