
How To Use Lactic In A Sentence

  • The AWPL, however, features eight-minute quarters providing 32 total minutes of game play and a little more lactic build-up, leg burn, and lung fatigue for the athletes.
  • Poly-L-lactic acid is the same material used in absorbable sutures and offers an excellent safety profile. Archive 2004-11-01
  • Non-selective NSAID therapy may be appropriate for chronic pain management in aspirin users given that suitable GI prophylactic measures are utilized in high-risk patients.
  • Adopting, the additional computative burden imposed by it notwithstanding, Schonfeld's modification of Airy's formulæ, he introduced into his equations a fifth unknown quantity expressive of a possible stellar drift in galactic longitude. Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
  • The space radiation environment encompasses a broad spectrum of radiation ranging from infra-red to galactic cosmic radiation.
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  • Meyerhof and Hill's pioneering thermodynamic studies had been the basis for the conclusion that the cycle of lactic acid formation and oxidation were the key events in glycolysis. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • Thetans have been compulsively recording intergalactic history for several quadrillion years.
  • He could only envy the more galactically sophisticated Deyzara his perfect terranglo that in some ways sounded more polished than that of the administrator herself. Drowning World
  • By contrast, to reach our nearest galactic neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy, you'd need only twenty-five Milky Ways.
  • They effect formation of lactic acid and flavor components.
  • In 1780 he discovered lactic acid,7and showed that it was the substance that caused the acidity of sour milk; and in the same year he discovered mucic acid. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
  • However, some people can have an immediate and more widespread allergic reaction, such as an anaphylactic shock and this can be fatal.
  • Logging on gives you apage full of little hand grenades: impossible-to-understand, context-free sentences that take five minutes of research to unravel and which then turn out to be stupid, irrel­e­vant, or pertaining to the tele­vi­sion series Battlestar Galactica. » Blog Archive » Openly Twitter-Doubting
  • From that perch, one's picture of the cosmos grows to galactic proportions, dwarfing any prior world view and yielding a perspective transcendent beyond imagination.
  • Dreadstar Vol. 1 TPB - This reprint of Jim Starlin's 80's ouvre collects the first few issues of the series (and not the Metamorphosis Odyssey that resulted in galactic genocide) that persuaded me that scifi wasn't so bad. Grafictive excesses
  • The treatment can decrease the time it takes the body to remove the lactic acid build-up in your muscles.
  • A thoracocentesis revealed an exudative fluid with a lactic dehydrogenase level of 2093 U and a total protein level of 3.9 g/dL.
  • The conceptual sketches of the Republic assault ships, dubbed in preproduction the "Jedi troop transport, " cleary indicate the future of galactic government.
  • Is it possible the first Starbuck, from the old series, joined the fray, and was killed -- remember, he "mated" with an angel and was stranded on a planet in Galactica 80, so his arrival could have been delayed. Mike Ragogna: OMG! No More BSG!
  • Despite the Cylons being redesigned, the story changed a little, and the complexity ramped up a thousandfold, the new Battlestar Galactica won legions of new fans for a franchise many thought long since dead, and through extras such as the spin-off project Razor (plus other forthcoming films) and the upcoming prequel series Caprica, the Battlestar Galactica story will continue to echo in the science fiction pantheon long after the series has ended. Galactica Original | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • In fact, the Universe as observed today seems to have barely a fraction of the mass needed to keep galaxies from flying apart, based on the rotations of the stars in the galaxy about the galactic center.
  • The fact that the administration of IV sodium bicarbonate has not been beneficial in lactic acidosis is difficult to interpret for several reasons.
  • The first half of the story (when Captain Veda was driven by revenge and when there were lots of plot twists) was better paced than the second half (the time skips were much larger and the revenge took a back seat to the new galactic threat), but even so, it still doesn't get much better than this. REVIEW: Galactic North by Alastair Reynolds
  • If Lorentz invariance were violated, the gamma-rays would pass right through the extragalactic infrared fog with insufficient energy to cause annihilation.
  • So strong was the event that the speedy star eventually will be lost altogether, traveling alone in the blackness of intergalactic space.
  • Nitrates and calcium channel blocking drugs can be tried taken sublingually for episodes of pain or orally and regularly as a prophylactic.
  • When tartar, argol, oxalic acid, lactic acids and other assistants of an organic nature are used, then a different effect is obtained, the bichromate is completely decomposed, and a deposit of chromium oxide formed on the wool. The Dyeing of Woollen Fabrics
  • Therefore, they use shorter maceration and fermentation, but with techniques that nonetheless extract good color; age in smaller barrels in order to oxidize and soften tannin gently and to add a note of vanilla; and perform a secondary fermentation called malolactic to achieve less belligerent acidity. - News
  • We join him as he learns for the first time how humanity has beaten the galactic speed limit of C (i.e. it hasn't); why cute little deerlike aliens are never to be trusted (they like meat ...); and how to kill inch-tall, spacefaring people (go Godzilla on their asses). Archive 2008-08-01
  • The massive forces of the merging clusters accelerated intergalactic gas to great speeds.
  • By the time I wrestled it in, my arm was trembling with lactic exhaustion.
  • You know that painful burn in your muscles when you're exercising intensely, that's because of a build-up of lactic acid, right?
  • Extragalactic nebula is invisible to the naked eye.
  • A more exotic model posits the existence of small black holes not far from the supermassive one at the galactic center.
  • The muscles will continue to work for a while with less oxygen, but in doing so, make a product called lactic acid. Coping with Angina
  • Unlike those in the NASA program who face training in domestic locations in the US, travellers to Galactic Suite will undergo their astronautic preparation at a luxury hotel on a tropical island in the Caribbean, Space Resort Opens in 2012 | Impact Lab
  • We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention.
  • Its last assignment was to find the heliopause, where the solar wind is offset by the galactic wind, but in April 1997 it was passed by a younger, faster Voyager spacecraft.
  • Cuinneog Natural Buttermilk is rich in natural lactic biotics and contains all the healthy ingredients of natural yoghurt.
  • Beyond that and the fact that "Battlestar Galactica" creator Ronald Moore had a role in crafting the story, the details have been scarce. Casting Breakdowns For ‘The Thing’ Prequel Are Very Uninspiring » MTV Movies Blog
  • A mild acid (usually citric, but sometimes acetic, boric, lactic or tartaric) is often added to amidol formulae to prevent oxidation, which can cause staining of the print.
  • I myself was stung by some wasps and went into mild anaphylactic shock.
  • During oak aging almost every wine, red or white, goes through a secondary fermentation called malolactic fermentation. Undefined
  • She spoke Galactic with an exotic accent and in a voice that was strong, melodious and full of authority.
  • At the same time, the galaxy expels gas loaded with heavy elements into its halo and maybe even into intergalactic space.
  • Quinine, as well as being used as a prophylactic against malaria, was also considered to be an appetite stimulant and a more general antidote to fever.
  • They effect formation of lactic acid and flavor components.
  • The most severe allergic reaction, anaphylactic shock, can kill through suffocation.
  • They will learn how plastic bottles can be transformed into scaled-down versions of intergalactic craft, when all eyes turn to the skies at the university this weekend.
  • Recently, while it was being extended into an intergalactic megastore, my local supermarket closed for a whole week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether it was anaphylactic shock from a unique allergy or asphyxiation from catching the peanuts in the throat, this is unknown.
  • Anaphylactic shock is the reaction of the body overwhelming sensitization by a foreign protein.
  • New study leads to the development of first prophylactic treatment for leishmania THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • The effects of nitrogen, phosphor and kalium on the hazard index of holing illness and the prophylactic-therapeutic measures has been studied while the field experiment had been applied.
  • Mosquitoes whined for blood, the long grass and swamp land around producing a fine pedigree for aggression and prophylactic resistance. A DARKENING STAIN
  • Prophylactic treatment with sialic acid metabolites precludes the development of the myopathic phenotype in the DMRV-hIBM mouse model Random feeds from
  • Not quite a suitable role for a galactico.
  • The lactic acid it contains dissolves the glue that holds dead skin cells together. The Sun
  • The long axis of the bar is vertical and the dotted lines indicate our line of sight to the Galactic Centre.
  • This enzyme rapidly increased the formation of lactic acid and esterification of hexosediphosphate in muscle extracts. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • The young pilots of Galactica's battleship fleet are perpetually zonked on uppers.
  • The change wreaked by the galactic showdown will take two billion years to unfold. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pattern of going to the spas was the attempt of mostly healthy individuals to undertake a prophylactic cure or to make an apotropaic gesture towards disease and be seen spending rather large sums of money doing this.
  • The next three cases (43-45) are chiefly devoted to the various crystallisations of calcite, including that generally known as the Fontainbleau crystallised sandstone, and the stalactic and fibrous varieties from Africa, Sweden, and Cumberland; while the two cases marked 45 A and B are covered with polished samples, known to people generally as marbles, including the beautiful fire marble. How to See the British Museum in Four Visits
  • The whole then became consolidated by the percolation of calcareous matter; and the cylindrical cavities left by the decaying of the wood, were thus also filled up with a hard pseudo-stalactical stone. Chapter XIX
  • Several large compartments were devoted to the machinery which automatically serviced the vessel -- refrigerators, heaters, generators and purifiers for water and air, and the numberless other mechanisms which would make the cruiser a comfortable and secure home, as well as an invincible battleship, in the heatless, lightless, airless, matterless waste of illimitable, inter-galactic space. Skylark Three
  • They are produced in the atmosphere by the interaction of galactic cosmic rays with the atoms of the atmosphere.
  • It is not the task of catallactic theory to depict in detail the calamities of panicky days and weeks and to dwell upon their sometimes grotesque aspects. _Politik
  • November 2nd, 2009 Virgin tycoon SIR RICHARD BRANSON has deserted his efforts to sinecure a heroic commander of a miraculous Hudson River craft pile-up for his intergalactic spaceship mission. Hero pilot Sullenberger jokes about marital boost in NBC 'People ...
  • In the days prior to GPS-led apparati that were brought to market in the ancient, early '90s, astro-purists with an interest in locating various objects from within the observable astronomical inventory would have to understand basic algebra as a gateway to leverage a coordinate system (celestrial, equatorial, ecliptical, galactic, etc.). Cool Tools
  • Standard microbiological procedures were followed to determine the counts of aerobic mesophilic microorganisms, psychrotrophs, yeasts and molds, coliforms, bacterial spores, enterococci, Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes, staphylococci, and lactic acid bacteria. 7 Fermented Milks Past, Present, and Future
  • Were there any truth in the tale as regards the mongoos, it would be difficult to understand, why other creatures, such as the secretary bird and the falcon, which equally destroy serpents, should be left defenceless, and the ichneumon alone provided with a prophylactic. Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • Long before his incarnation as a Real Madrid galactico, David Beckham spent a couple of months as a 19-year-old playing for Preston North End.
  • Nitrofurantoin monohydrate is another reasonable prophylactic antibiotic that may be used in children who are older than eight weeks of age.
  • Why, given its exceedingly smooth beginnings, is the universe so clumpy, on all scales from galaxies to galactic superclusters?
  • Lactic acid (LA) is the main metabolite product of muscle exercise; it is an important sign to evaluate the fatigability of an organism.
  • Although some of these illnesses can be prevented by vaccines or prophylactic measures, proper sanitation and personal cleanliness are vital to disease prevention.
  • An increase in uric acid can be an indicator of heart disease. 12 Furthermore, fructose ingestion in humans results in increases in blood lactic acid, especially in patients with preexisting acidotic conditions such as diabetes, postoperative stress or uremia. - Articles related to M&S selling extra-big school uniforms for obese children
  • The choice of hard-wearing, if dowdy, plastics and fabrics inside means that intergalactic mileages can be covered with little sign of wear.
  • Cultured buttes-milk is pasteurized skim milk or low-fat milk that has been soured by lactic acid producing bacteria or other similar culture.
  • Prophylactic surgical treatment should be recommended in this situation to avoid a potential catastrophic strangulation of bowel later.
  • My own pillorying of Battlestar Galactica is largely based on its failure to follow through, though it almost certainly drops down to the next level (or beyond) because of other features. Ethics and Enthusiasm
  • Galactic nebulas are masses of diffuse material within our galaxy.
  • While generally safe, prophylactic antibiotics are associated with allergic reactions, side effects, and the potential for bacterial resistance and superinfection.
  • The extract also improved anaphylactic cardiac dysfunction in passively sensitized isolated guinea hearts: improvement was noted in the contractility, arrhythmic duration and lactate dehydrogenase elevation.
  • * His time at Real coincided with the club's "Galactico" era. The Times of India
  • Phenformin, another biguanide, was withdrawn from the market after a rate of 40 to 64 cases of lactic acidosis per 100,000 patient-years was reported.
  • Lactic acid is a by-product that's produced in the muscle fibres when they can't keep up with the energy demands.
  • Homeoprophylaxis in the treatment of Flu • Influenzinum nosode • Oscillococcinum Genus Epidemicus • • Can be used prophylactically (before the prodrome has even begun). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Virgin Galactic has signed a 20-year-lease and is expected to pay at least $5 million a year for the right to use the spaceport's enormous runway to launch tourists on joyrides into weightlessness. Slow Liftoff for Space Tours
  • Zingiber Officinale Rosc, chromium and lactic acid bacteria have the effects of reducing plasma cholesterol.
  • Also from sport comes the word ' galactico ' to describe a top-class footballer playing as part of a star studded team.
  • The treatment can decrease the time it takes the body to remove the lactic acid build-up in your muscles.
  • The orbiting infrared telescope imaged a new generation of stars in various stages of evolution, several dozen of which now gleam like gems at the heads of huge dust pillars created by the galactic weather conditions.
  • Generally, the acids produced by the metabolic activities, (such as uric acid, lactic acid, etc.) react with the alkalis in the blood, lymph, bile, etc., thus being neutralized and rendered innocuous. How Important is Acid and Alkali Balance in Blood?
  • Screening for lactic acid bacteria with potential to reduce antigenic response of beta-lactoglobulin in bovine skim milk and sweet whey," by N. Kleber, U. Weyrich, and J. Hinrichs. Archive 2007-01-01
  • The Coalsack nebula also fits with the description of 'near the galactic plane' it's only visible in optical wavelengths because it's shillouetted by the milkyway itself. Herschel Sees Hidden Stars in the Southern Cross | Universe Today
  • This story of a genetically engineered galactic courier is like comfort food to me. » Heinlein a ‘gateway drug?’ heinleinblog
  • Experiments by my colleagues Long and Lupton have shown that the ratio of lactic acid removed to lactic acid oxidized is about the same as in isolated frog's muscle, namely about 6: 1. Archibald V. Hill - Nobel Lecture
  • The other is highly intelligent, able to walk through walls and control matter, carries its eggs itself, was drifting in intergalactic space, and was overcome because of a psychological weakness. How to Become a Fanboy
  • It was possibly the most important observation but it was just personal observation to sample the glory and the majesty of the galactic plain and the centre of the galaxy.
  • Its use as a prophylactic, especially in cardiac surgery, may increase.
  • They compared the observed shape in space of 160,000 galaxies to models of galactic distribution that incorporated various masses for the neutrino.
  • When Galactica hits Dolly Parton's high notes, her squinting eyes reflect the challenge, and the scatted breakdown of "Bye Bye Blackbird" by Rachelle Ferrell has the diva in a bent posture, shaking her clenched fists. Galactica performance perfectly in sync in Fringe Festival's 'Irrelevant Acts'
  • Products containing lactic acid, lactalbumin, lactate and casein do not contain lactose.
  • Due to their social importance, the state should pay for prophylactics, diagnostics and treatment.
  • That's about right; the boundaries I was considering for the whole patrol area, at least to start with, would be defined by 218 Persei to the Galactic north, 780 Arietis to the south, and the 'east-west' distance along the lines from 56 Arietis to iota Andromedae; about half a Galactic degree. My Enemy My Ally
  • Individuals may seek presymptomatic testing so that those carrying the gene can be more vigilant with breast examination and mammography, or alternatively opt for prophylactic mastectomy or oophorectomy.
  • This is usually what happens when Congress does not have the will to enact laws that are prophylactic in nature or attenuate the problem before it becomes a crisis. Think Progress » Health Care Industry Front Group Cheers Death Of The Public Option With Large Washington Post Ad
  • Galactica wasnt able to jump, they would have to pack all the people on remaining ships, retrack the path to NC, spend time travelling there. Open Thread: #422-423 Daybreak Part 2
  • Objective To investigate the prophylactic effects of asiaticoside ointment on skin the 320 nm UVB radiation.
  • Preventive or prophylactic therapy is helpful in most of the cases and requires a small dose of antibiotic, which is generally given at bed time for prolonged periods of 6 to 12 months.
  • Edcel Bar Gane is a bulbous-headed almond-eyed alien representative in the Galactic Senate.
  • Its benefits included intergalactic space travel at warp speed.
  • If these measures are unsuccessful, prophylactic treatment may be needed to prevent migraines.
  • In normal sweating, urea, lactic acid, and potassium ions are very concentrated.
  • The galactic centre of our galaxy is one of Integral's prime targets.
  • Instead of being curdled with rennet as most cheeses are nowadays, the milk is soured with lactic acid-producing bacteria and left to separate naturally.
  • As I evolved as a writer, from navel-high producer of galactic space operas to fuzz-sprouting fantasist imagining nonexistent island countries, to university dabbler in more-or-less realistic short stories to twentysomething unpublished novelist, I became more and more interested in the interactive nature of fiction. Mohsin Hamid on writing The Reluctant Fundamentalist
  • Astronomer Art Hoag first asked this question when he chanced upon this unusual extragalactic object.
  • In Spain, there is a word, ' galactico ', which means 'comes from another planet '.
  • Prophylactic antibiotics can prevent infections and save lives in patients who develop neutropenia after chemotherapy for cancer, say researchers from Israel.
  • But scientists worried that intergalactic dust, rather than distance, could account for the dimming.
  • For once, Real did not sign a "Galactico" player this summer, instead it was a "Galactico" coach. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Think lots of reverb, echo, and all-out intergalactic noise accompanying traditional reggae beats and vocals.
  • A galactic year is the time the galaxy takes to rotate once completely.
  • In dealing with this variety of social competition which may be called catallactic competition, we must guard ourselves against various popular fallacies. Libertarian Blog Place
  • A bumper pack of prophylactics on a chemist's shelf was described as 'family sized'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Real's galacticos looked shellshocked, as if they did not know what had hit them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The muscles can get quite tight and it flushes out the lactic acid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apparently, they've all been moved to a basement "warren" called "Cubicle City," where the conditions are cramped and crowded and despairing, like life on board the Battlestar Galactica: Ousted Legislators Sent To Gloomy Basement 'Cubicle City'
  • This type of treatment must only be carried out under close supervision from a doctor because of the risk that it may cause a serious allergic reaction called anaphylactic shock.
  • In summary, apitherapy was conformed to have therapeutic value in sows with oligogalactic syndrome postpartum.
  • Researchers reported a 150 percent increase between 1998 and 2003 for the procedure, called contralateral prophylactic mastectomy, in a study published last year in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Stories: Local News
  • But I wanted to give Americans who aren't at the epicenter of the galactic madness which is currently fevering planet Earth a taste of what it's like to be in South Africa at World Cup 2010. David Henry Sterry: An American in South Africa -- Or, Why Soccer Really Matters
  • extragalactic nebula
  • Services include prophylactic treatment for sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy testing and post-coital contraceptive service, and referral for STI screening.
  • But these helper molecules are normally used to process many other toxins, including lactic acid.
  • In addition to producing lactic acid, lactobacilli also have the ability to produce hydrogen peroxide through oxidation of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) by flavin nucleotide, which reacts rapidly with gaseous oxygen. 1 Upgrading Traditional Biotechnological Processes
  • The result of this galactic mashup: the birth of hundreds of thousands of stars in a kiloparsec-spanning ring near the core. Ring of Stars in Centaurus A Uncovered | Universe Today
  • These remarks are applicable to all ferments alike; for instance, butyric ferment is capable of producing a host of distinct fermentations, in consequence of its ability to derive the carbonaceous part of its food from very different substances, from sugar, or lactic acid, or glycerine, or mannite, and many others. The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
  • The hot gas pours out of this hole, spewing energy and superheated particles into the halo and sometimes beyond, into intergalactic space.
  • There is also a "parallactic" libration, depending on the earth's rotation; and a species of nodding movement -- the "libration in latitude" -- is produced by the inclination of the moon's axis to her orbit, and by her changes of position with regard to the terrestrial equator. A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • The Galactic mothership, that so unresponsively and impressively orbited the Moon, beyond human reach, could not possibly be what it appeared. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Healthcare spending is not promotable as a goal in itself and such spending, except in its preventive or prophylactic aspect, is unrelated to good health, a promotable goal.
  • My main response has been to point out that contraception in such a case is neither a means to prophylaxis nor need be intended as an additional end; therefore, by the principle of double effect, prophylactic condom use as such cannot be condemned as intentionally contraceptive, any more than use of an anovulant pill for purely therapeutic reasons can be so condemned. The Catholic condom debate II
  • New Guidelines from the AHA on prevention of Infective Endocarditis Extensively analysis of literature on procedure-related bacteriemia and infective endocarditis, results of profilactic studies in animals, and retrospective and prospective studies of the prevention of infective endocarditis. Random feeds from
  • Galactic Suite plans to transport its travelers to space via Russian rockets from a spaceport to be built on a Caribbean island.
  • The most violent responses are called anaphylactic reactions; even a small taste of the allergen, skin contact, or, in some cases, environmental exposure will shut down bodily functions within seconds. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • Our bodies are made from interstellar dust which is the remains of ancient dead stars, cosmic debris and galactic particles.
  • A post-mortem examination showed he died from water on the lungs brought about by anaphylactic shock, or allergic reaction.
  • I geographically triassic what all the steinman is compulsorily on the bulge dissent norepinephrine so that i can canonization the shrubbery and tirolean. has to spear at its specifically fizzing, appropriately prophylactic haplotype, and stambul apogamy they jejunostomy to coot faker in mollification to do it. Rational Review
  • Personally, I am less and less persuaded by prophylactic arguments directed at teenage wisdom.
  • the swastika...a very ancient prophylactic symbol occurring among all peoples
  • In this way: -- When butter containing a notable proportion of casein and sugar of milk is exposed to the air, the following changes take place: the casein passes into a state of fermentation, and acting upon the sugar of milk, converts it, firstly into the bad-flavored lactic acid, and secondly into the bad odorous butyric, capric, and caproic acids. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • We know from previous research that the drugs used in the study can have dangerous side effects, including liver damage, kidney failure, and a potentially fatal problem called lactic acidosis. Daily pill helps prevent HIV infection for gay men
  • StEFaN: @tutty: acel serial se numeste battlestar galactica tutty: exista un fundal al site-lui cu o tipa imbracata in rosu si blonda si un tip imbracat la costum Blogul iubitorilor de seriale Tv - TvBlog
  • Hopefully, he'll recover his stony-faced cool in time to thwart the intergalactic threat.
  • The jagged geometry of supersmooth Europa; the idiosyncratic surfaces of the other orbs floating serenely in space; the pristine interstellar vacuum; the inscrutable emptiness of intergalactic space, that immense, echoing, absolutely featureless void enveloping the spinning galaxies: it all serves as a perfect philosophical mirror image, reflecting back the quandary of the species, the limitations of human knowledge. A Space in Time
  • Secondary fermentation, also called malolactic fermentation, usually produces flavours of butter and/or butterscotch.
  • The clinic is not only lacking in free prophylactics, but in every aspect.
  • Unless the deviations from the parallactic line of the stellar motions balance one another on the whole, their discussion may easily be as fruitless as that of observations tainted with systematic errors. Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
  • Certainly the glowing reviews he has received would not have discouraged the England captain and Real Madrid galactico from believing that this might at last have been his year.
  • Over here in England, Thierry Henry is certainly another galactico.
  • Lactic acid, applied with one to ten or more parts of water is also of value in the sclerous and verrucous types. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • By the way, I think if using a dildo is a sexual practice, so is using a French letter prophylactic. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex, Slang, and Pejorative (or at Least Formerly Pejorative) Ethnic Stereotypes:
  • But suppose that as time goes on, all the black holes in a given galaxy eventually fall into a central black hole at the galactic center.
  • Familiar humming synths, irresistible hooks turn a tale of alien abduction into an intergalactic anthem. The Sun
  • OBJECTIVE : To discuss the prevention and cure of anaphylactic shock caused by trasylol.
  • Samuel is lucky nobody has yet stuck the label galactico on him.
  • Most of all, the show's universe was flimsy and under-developed, the result of too much attention paid to thin allegory and facile real-world parallels, and not enough energy diverted to making Galactica's universe its own living creation. MIND MELD: If We Ran Battlestar Galactica
  • Now that the galactico era is ending the club are unlikely to ditch such useful performers.
  • They also feed on glucose and produce an acid called lactic acid. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • She's envisioning something like a galactic explosion outward from a Sanskritic big bang of three or maybe five thousand years ago. Christopher Lydon: Namita Gokhale: the revolution will be written! (AUDIO)
  • The number of these sources is consistent with the expected number of extragalactic sources in the background sky.
  • Arp's evidence for galaxy formation by ejection of quasars from the centres of active galactic nuclei is extremely compelling.
  • But she then suffered a severe allergic reaction called anaphylactic shock and ended up in hospital. The Asian News - RSS feed
  • The doctor will also be supplying free prophylactics for the girls to use as they see fit… preferably on customers.
  • Here are the dates, so far, of my Intragalactic Reading Tour not to be confused with an Intergalactic Reading Tour, or, conversely, an intragalactic rowboat. 2006 June | Goblin Mercantile Exchange
  • Some acriflavine added as a bacterial prophylactic.
  • They are found in the great intergalactic voids - vast spaces between groupings of normal galaxies.
  • These lesions, being visible during eye examinations, are often considered for prophylactic therapy in an attempt to prevent retinal detachment.
  • Made by Tom Newton from cooler climate fruit, some of which has gone through a malolactic fermentation and been aged in oak.
  • Clinics gave out another 600 million prophylactics a year.
  • By contrast, the Galactica has to drag along a ragtag fugitive fleet where most of the people live in boxcars. Archive 2009-06-01
  • It is an anti-oestrogen widely used in the adjuvant therapy of breast cancer and is also used as a prophylactic to prevent the disease in high-risk women.
  • Type I, immediate anaphylactic hypersensitivity is characterised by the production of IgE antibodies against foreign proteins (Platts-Mills 2002). Archive 2006-03-01
  • The cyclical nature of our weather changes point to the variables in our solar system and even galactic variations.
  • Good bacteria ferment lactose by converting it to lactic acid.
  • As in the alcoholic, lactic, or butyric ferments, the process set up is shown to be dependent upon and concurrent with the vegetative processes of the demonstrated organisms characterizing these ferments; so it can be shown with equal clearness and certainty that the entire process of what is known as putrescence is equally and as absolutely dependent on the vital processes of a given and discoverable series of organisms. Scientific American Supplement, No. 643, April 28, 1888
  • She'd checked in her Home Guide to Medicines: Deseril was a regular prophylactic against migraines. GRACE
  • The death caused of anaphylactic shock is common in clinical medicine and medicolegal expertise, but it is a nodus to diagnose sudden death from allergy.
  • Anaphylactic reactions have been seen most often after multiple administrations of thiamine.
  • They are weaker than cosmic and galactic rays, and tend to get buffeted around like clouds of manic dandelion spores on the solar wind.
  • Ned's son was observing galactic clusters with a telescope.
  • It is said that, in some parts of Italy, a species of stone is used for this purpose, which is described as being of two different kinds; the one is found in the chalk hills near Naples, and has a white, porous, stalactical appearance; the other is a hardened turf from some volcanic mountains near Florence. The Book of Household Management
  • The bulk of the phenomena connected with galactic dynamics involves none of these particular conditions.
  • A single solar system that produces two or more geneses tells us that life can begin and evolve whenever and wherever conditions allow, and that extraterrestrial life may well be an intergalactic commonplace. First Contact
  • The team plans to use parallactic motion again in the future. Extra Star Found in the Big Dipper | Universe Today
  • Curd cheese is a low or medium fat cheese, very similar to cream cheese but having a more lactic flavour.

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