How To Use Lactation In A Sentence

  • Most doulas are knowledgeable about resources such as lactation consultants and support groups.
  • And probably that reflects the fact that these women, if they are good at long time lactating, probably will eat more to keep that lactation going.
  • No adverse effects on mating, fertility, pregnancy, parturition, lactation, embryo-fetal or pre- and postweaning development were observed. US FDA Approves New Indication for Merck's HPV Vaccine, GARDASIL® - Yahoo! Finance
  • Whilst such hormonal changes may be the proximate cause of false oestrus events here, at least three different abnormal hormonal mechanisms must be invoked to explain the occurrence in senescent females, pregnant females, and females in lactational anoestrus. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Moreover, the percentage of injured teats and/or udders was positively associated with litter size on d 7 and 21 of lactation.
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  • It provides fantastic nutrition and immunoenhancement for the child, acts as natural birth control because lactational hormones suppress ovulation, and eats up calories so quickly that a mom can either quickly lose "baby weight" or keep eating like mad. We Ain't Nothing But Mammals...
  • When a mother or an infant is hospitalized, lactation should be continued if possible.
  • And like many dairy cows, she often has mastitis, a painful udder inflammation, despite receiving antibiotics between lactations.
  • However, none of the 5 tumors presenting during pregnancy and lactation that were tested were positive for either protein.
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a dietary supplementation in n-3 fatty acids in female rats during gestation and lactation on fatty acid pattern in brain glial cells phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylserine (PS) in the neonates. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • It offers long-acting contraception for women who are no longer protected by lactational amenorrhea.
  • For this reason, surgeries in which there is less scarring because the incisions are ‘hidden’ on the areola are usually more injurious to lactation than those in which there is extensive scarring.
  • A cup of tea made with Ephedra nevadensis, for instance, delivers a dose of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine powerful enough to suppress lactation.
  • Most development takes place in the pouch, and the lactation period is prolonged.
  • This lactational ovulation can be more effective than all other forms of birth control in reducing population growth. Hebrew Women in Egypt: Bible.
  • When synthetic lysine is used in the lactation diet, care should be taken to ensure that methionine, valine, and threonine are not limiting.
  • Studies of captive lorises have shown that after a female has given birth, the demands of lactation and raising an infant may keep her from mating again for ten to fourteen months.
  • The period that she produces milk for them is called lactation.
  • Such features may vary according to whether the patient was pregnant, lactating, or had recently terminated her pregnancy or lactation at the time of surgical excision.
  • Breeding seasons of both species began with male testes developing in winter and spring, followed by female pregnancy and lactation in late spring and summer.
  • The use of ergot alkaloids is generally not advised during lactation, but this recommendation is based on a report of ergotism in an infant in a 1934 study and has not been confirmed by more recent detailed studies.
  • Male lactation is most commonly caused by hormonal treatments given to men suffering from prostate cancer. Fact: Men Can Breastfeed
  • Because of feeding difficulties, the mothers of these infants may benefit from lactation consultation and occupational therapy.
  • Nutritional rickets at this age is not uncommon in areas where maternal intake of vitamin D and calcium during pregnancy and lactation is very low.
  • One group drank a lot of carrot juice during the last trimester of pregnancy, the other group drank the carrot juice during lactation, and then we had a control group.
  • Because it is reputed to affect the menstrual cycle and to be an abortifacient, its use in pregnancy and lactation is to be avoided.
  • The pregnant woman accumulates fat during pregnancy to guarantee fetal development and lactation.
  • Fluctuating hormone levels, particularly during puberty or menopause, may also cause lactation.
  • In the physical realm, chiastolite is used for healing rheumatism, blood disorders, veins, blood circulation, balance of blood pressure (high or low), lactation (breast milk) and rheumatism.
  • What will they try to measure next – lactational insanity? I'm one bad mother. I work | Viv Groskop
  • Genuine oestrus events coincide with the oestrus of another family member only 9% of the time, which is consistent with the brief period of time that females spend in oestrus as opposed to pregnancy or lactational anoestrus: false oestrus events coincide with a nulliparous female's oestrus on at least 53% of occasions. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • As during late gestation, if an adequate quantity of calcium and phosphorous is not provided in the lactation diet, the sow will demineralize skeletal tissue to meet her needs for milk production.
  • Their projections of lactation capability are often based on the assumption that any lactation is full lactation; that is, if a woman has any milk at all, she has a full milk supply.
  • Availability: Ladies suffer from hypogenetic and droopy breast, ladies after lactation.
  • Prolonged lactation and galactorrhea may extend through several pregnancies. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Guidelines for the evaluation of nonpuerperal galactorrhea should also include inquiry about previous pregnancy or lactation.
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  • This research, coupled with lactation studies at the center, showed how much milk-production response could be achieved with silage inoculants.
  • Females bear one egg once a month that, if fertilised leads to months of gestation then birth and lactation, all of which poses great physical demands and a significant amount of time.
  • A change in rumination can serve as a very early indicator of lactation metabolic issues.
  • The nutrient content of expressed breast milk varies depending on the stage of lactation at which it is collected.
  • Although milk production decreased during early lactation, PPI and pregnancy rate were not influenced by treatment.
  • The regulations include a wide range of medical services such as improved screening for cervical cancer, counseling and screening for sexually transmitted infections, gestational diabetes screening, lactation counseling and equipment for pregnant women and new mothers, at least one well-woman care visit annually, and screening for all women and adolescent girls for domestic violence. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Just Say 'Yes' to Access for Women's Reproductive Health, Contraception
  • The figure is well formed, except the bosom, whose shape prolonged lactation, probably upon the principle called Malthusian, soon destroys; hence the first child is said to "make the breasts fall. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
  • All milking females are fed the same ration and no allowances is made for stage of lactation.
  • Remarkably, the females give birth at this time of year; nursing sifaka mothers produce very dilute milk and thus lose significant amounts of water during lactation.
  • To induce lactation, the milk ducts of the breasts must be stimulated.
  • However, if the implant is placed on top of the pectoral muscle, it can exert pressure on the lactiferous ducts and glands, which will reduce lactation.
  • In women, oxytocin stimulates birth contractions, lactation and maternal bonding with a nursing infant.
  • The longer the breastfeeding period, the longer the possibility of lactational amenorrhoea - the time when a women is unlikely to be ovulating and therefore to get pregnant.
  • As lactation continues it turns pink because it's very high in iron, and then later in lactation the milk is so thick it's almost like the thickest cream and you cannot even get it up in a pipette.
  • A bonus: Nursing tops now come in trendy tank-top styles, which I think look less 'lactational' compared with more traditional nursing shirts. Do I need nursing clothes?
  • Heifer growth is tracked as carefully as milk production to maximize heifers available for replacements and herd growth without reducing first lactation milk production.
  • These latter nutrients also help improve the sow's immune-response and prevent subsequent lactation complications such as mastitis, metritis, and agalactia.
  • From here it was an easy step for early modern suspicion to extend to all female bodily fluids: tears, menstruation, lactation.
  • Ll in this cryptotis passing tineidae off at the needs unrevealed superincumbent on this casting and ablactation on for a wheezingly an redundancy in honorably dyushambe. Rational Review
  • Our data support the hypothesis that bone lead may be mobilized during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Doxycycline is relatively contraindicated during pregnancy or lactation and for children younger than eight years.
  • Even for the female in lactational anoestrus, her inter-birth interval was 49 months, meaning that she did not successfully conceive until 27 months after the birth of her previous calf, some 23 months after exhibiting false oestrus behaviours. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Not surprisingly, primiparous women had higher cortisol levels than multiparous women, and lactation started earlier among the multiparous women whatever the mode of delivery.
  • Adoptive mothers should be counseled on the benefits of induced lactation through hormonal therapy or mechanical stimulation.
  • Consider, for example, dairy cows with first and second lactation milk yield records.
  • Major demands are placed on the mother by the fetus for calcium during pregnancy and by the infant during lactation.
  • According to Newman, lactation is listed as a possible side effect of the heart medication digoxin. Strange but True: Males Can Lactate | Impact Lab
  • Contraindications to sentinel node biopsy include a clinically positive axillary node, prior axillary surgery, pregnancy, or lactation.
  • Functional roles for relaxin within human reproductive tissues have also been implicated during placentation, parturition, and lactation.
  • This type of research has been performed and duplicated many times in the past" quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) LC/MS technology provided researchers a new view of the oligosaccharide (sugar) structures produced in breast milk across stages of lactation among human mothers. Business Wire Travel News
  • As he took mental notes on the relevant biology and process, a curious Flinx could not keep from mentally substituting the term lactation for secretion, even though nothing about the practice had anything to do with milk. Running from the Deity
  • The effects of different levels of additive soy phosphatide in the diet of early lactation cows with northeast hay and corn silage as roughage on their performance were studied.
  • These gaps close by the second week of lactation.
  • But, in Avicenna's view, a wetnurse was necessary because the mother was too weak from her labor to provide milk. 125 The possibility of corruption at the outset of lactation paralleled the belief that external forces could effect negative changes in its quality. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Examples of religious art demonstrate that even when the specific theme of lactation is not present, the dead mother and child motif still triggers comparisons with its Christian antipode.
  • Abundant breast lobules were present in the adjacent breast tissue in all cases in this subgroup, but these showed little evidence of active lactational change.
  • Although the use of antidepressant medications during pregnancy and lactation is generally discouraged, new findings indicate that drastic measures to cease treatment may do more harm than good.
  • One mare aborted in 1998 and developed mastitis, and this mare has experienced premature lactation in the subsequent years.
  • Remarkably, the females give birth at this time of year; nursing sifaka mothers produce very dilute milk and thus lose significant amounts of water during lactation.
  • Other drugs that should be used with caution during lactation include amiodarone, cyclosporine, lithium, estrogens and radiopharmaceuticals.
  • Mammary glands during lactation were excised from two swh/swh and two swh / + females on the day of their delivery.
  • The process of making breast milk is called lactation. The Simple Guide to Having a Baby
  • Safety during pregnancy and lactation is less extensively documented than in Herb Contraindications and Drug Interactions.
  • Clear contraindications to androgen therapy include pregnancy, lactation, signs of hyperandrogenemia, and presence of androgen-dependent tumors.
  • That was followed by a couple dozen entries that fell for the testes gambit, and only one curiosity seeker who chose "lactation" - guess everyone knew about the fruit bats. Jezebel
  • Because of the long gestation and lactation periods, the interval between calving is usually at least two or three years.
  • My body was telling me I could no longer rely on lactational amenorrhea as a form of contraception. Boo Yaa It’s Almost Period Time
  • All normal and benign biopsy specimens, with the exception of the 2 lactational adenomas, showed varying numbers of positive epithelial cells and lymphocytes.
  • Domperidone may increase the secretion of prolactin, a hormone that is needed for lactation.
  • lactation normally continues until weaning
  • Nutrition plays a major role in pregnancy and lactation.
  • A medication called metformin appears to be the best treatment of choice—both during pregnancy and lactation. Baby Bites
  • Whether we measure bushels of grain per acre for row crops, pounds of gain per day for livestock, or liters of milk per lactation for dairy cows, innovation in agriculture has been dramatic.
  • It may or may not re-accumulate during the 2nd pregnancy and lactation.
  • Reduced DMI impacts the amount and duration of negative energy balance in early lactation, subsequent milk production and reproduction, and economic value.
  • The figure is well formed, except the bosom, whose shape prolonged lactation, probably upon the principle called Malthusian, soon destroys; hence the first child is said to “make the breasts fall.” Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • If the egg is fertilized, the placenta produces progesterone, whose effects include preparing the mammary glands for lactation. Many forms of oral contraception use a synthetic progesterone.
  • Because it contains noninfectious hepatitis B surface antigen particles and should cause no risk to the fetus, neither pregnancy nor lactation is a contraindication to vaccination.
  • However, none of the 5 tumors presenting during pregnancy and lactation that were tested were positive for either protein.
  • Pregnancy and lactation are considered the only absolute contraindications.
  • James's breed leader was the home bred second calver Winton Gibson Pamela which produced 9,000 litres of milk in her last lactation.
  • Such features may vary according to whether the patient was pregnant, lactating, or had recently terminated her pregnancy or lactation at the time of surgical excision.
  • Exclusion criteria included any current use of weight-loss or lipid-lowering medications, and type II diabetes, pregnancy, or lactation.
  • It is called the lactational amenorrhea method, and, any source that mentions it will acknowledge that it is a highly effective method (2% failure rate when used in the first six months.) ProWomanProLife » A remarkably honest abortionist
  • When Elliot was almost 2 months old, at the recommendation of his lactation consultant, he had a frenectomy, a quick procedure in which the little fold of tissue under the tongue is snipped to allow for greater mouth movement. News & Politics
  • A method known as the lactational amenorrhea method LAM can reduce your likelihood of pregnancy to 2 percent or less. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Pregnancy and Birth
  • Early weanling pigs often arise ablactation hyperirritability, which may cause diarrhea.
  • In utero and lactational treatment with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin impairs mammary gland differentiation but does not block the response to exogenous estrogen in the postpubertal female rat. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • Indeed, while frequent nursing is key to achieving lactational infertility, other behaviors may be required.
  • -- The removal of the ovaries, or ovariotomy, is practised for the purpose of rendering the female more useful for meat production, prolonging the period of lactation, overcoming vicious habits and preventing oestrum or heat. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • Lactation insufficiency in the sow is an extremely complex syndrome, and over 30 different etiologies have been associated with the problem.

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