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How To Use Lace In A Sentence

  • Their dried dung is found everywhere, and is in many places the only fuel afforded by the plains; their skulls, which last longer than any other part of the animal, are among the most familiar of objects to the plainsman; their bones are in many districts so plentiful that it has become a regular industry, followed by hundreds of men (christened "bone hunters" by the frontiersmen), to go out with wagons and collect them in great numbers for the sake of the phosphates they yield; and Bad Lands, plateaus, and prairies alike, are cut up in all directions by the deep ruts which were formerly buffalo trails. VIII. The Lordly Buffalo
  • The main square is called “Rynek” (which basically means “central market place”), and in the middle there are two buildings: “Ratusz” or City Hall (compare with German “Rathaus”) and “Sukiennice”, a long one-level building not unlike a bazaar, filled with stores. Matthew Yglesias » Krakow
  • He was going back to the place where there was no feeling, because emotion and love were not allowed.
  • To avoid leaving the center posts in the permanent work, two rows of temporary posts were placed, as shown by Fig. 1, Plate LX, the center wall and skewback were built, and the posts were removed, as shown by Fig. 2, Plate LX, before placing the remainder of the lining. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 The New York Tunnel Extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Cross-Town Tunnels. Paper No. 1158
  • Just before serving, prepare a few small cheese ravioli and place them in each bowl before you add the soup.
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  • In many places, glittering among the clothes, were gold and silver coins, a few silver ornaments such as buckles, and watches -- things not missed by the pirates in the transport of their flight. The Frozen Pirate
  • Leaving London they went to Paris, where they passed a few days, but soon grew weary of the place; and Lord Chetwynde, feeling a kind of languor, which seemed to him like a premonition of disease, he decided to go to Germany. The Cryptogram A Novel
  • Assemble the table on a level surface, turn the top wheel upside down and place the seat wheel on top of it.
  • You submit to subterfuge, you replace your ordinary parents by a little less ordinary, but still quite ordinary folks, Katrien and the commissaris. Just a Corpse at Twilight
  • Once the thrill of its discovery had passed, Peter got onto the business of exploring the place a little better.
  • For a few weeks in the summer, visitors are able to go round Buckingham Palace.
  • If all this seems a little negative, let me assure you I now feel an almost pathological fondness for the place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Back in the mid-1980s, for example, knee replacement surgery was considered a success if the patient wound up with 90 degrees of flexion, which is "nothing near normal," he says. Latest News
  • Yet, there are times when I wonder if my love is misplaced, if I should temper my affection.
  • We must remember that the prime motive for Housmann's boulevards and circuses was to ensure that a strategically placed cannon could fire down many streets, quelling the citizens who were periodically disposed to revolution.
  • It is murder trying to find a parking place for the car.
  • The composition of displaced terranes ranges from that of typical oceanic crust to significantly less dense granitic rock with clear continental affinities.
  • ‘I was worried about my car lasting to the end considering that all the motors come from the same place,’ he said.
  • Spanish-American War of 1898 Edison suggested to the Navy Department the adoption of a compound of calcium carbide and calcium phosphite, which when placed in a shell and fired from a gun would explode as soon as it struck water and ignite, producing a blaze that would continue several minutes and make the ships of the enemy visible for four or five miles at sea. Edison, His Life and Inventions
  • There are two main approaches: one is a synthetic plug the same shape as a cork that can be placed in the top of the bottle in the same way as a cork and removed with a corkscrew, so preserving the ritual of opening a bottle of wine.
  • And I think the resort is about 25% overpriced, considering the worn-down state of the place and the fact you can get a two-night package at the definitely more upmarket Avillion in Port Dickson (also not really PD, but a dozen kilometres south) from about RM800 as well. Vacations: Tiara Beach Resort — Fusion Despatches
  • Interior spaces may also be gendered: the author explores both the activities particular to women, such as needlework or lace-making, and the objects related to female and maternal domesticity.
  • He presided over the job placement blackboard beside the trading floor.
  • I don't otherwise want to move: I have a large place in a convenient location with reasonable rent that allows pets, which isn't easy to find.
  • Of course, this kid dreams of a place like this island, where nobody works except to keep house and pick wild blueberries and beachcomb. Diary
  • Rocks block the highway in various places and mudflows cover what were once rose farms along the road's edge.
  • ‘The best place to make mercerized fabrics is still Italy, but they are very expensive,’ says Kwok.
  • It was the policy of the good old gentlemen to make his chileren feel that home was the happiest place in the world; and I value this delicious home---feeling as one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow. 
  • When the tax credit was in place, a person could buy a house for $8,000 down (the bluebook value of a 2005 Dodge Caravan). Tom Silva: Why Should We Care About Housing?
  • Remember that you can place a pre-order for the screen now at our online store.
  • Woody stemmed plants, like Buddleia and plants that ooze sap, like Asclepias, should be cut and placed in hot water.
  • There's a spirit in England that is quite different from anyplace else.
  • A carrot grown in one place is going to be different from one grown somewhere else.
  • The art world can be a profoundly unfriendly and unbalanced place. Times, Sunday Times
  • _ -- The dotted lines in Fig. 60 represent isacoustic lines -- that is, lines which pass through all places where the percentage of observers who recorded their perception of the sound is the same. A Study of Recent Earthquakes
  • A country which once conquered the commercial world now fails to make the most of the global market place.
  • On Friday, we thought we'd try lunch at the Stag and Hounds in Binfield, but there wasn't a table free, so we'd headed back homewards and went to the poshest place in the village.
  • We are not going to talk about ifs and buts, like I say, just wait for the procedure to take its place and then at the end of that, if no one has made the decision for us, we'll have to make the decision.
  • Gradually coffee came to replace maize as the main agricultural produce of the community and foodstuffs were bought with surplus cash.
  • The floorboards creak in all the right places, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Retrieval before additions All records will be in their correct places and the file will be physically as well as logically in sequence.
  • This is as good a place as any to spend the night.
  • The family is the one place that should be a guarantee of safety to its members, especially its most vulnerable members, and this legislation goes part-way towards trying to define that and to defend that right.
  • I look forward to seeing the place again, renewing old acquaintances. The Sun
  • Relying too much on markets for either input supplies or sales outlets places the low unit cost of production that comes with economies of scale at risk.
  • If the point of the tongue be placed between the teeth, and air from the mouth be forced between them, the Th sibilant is produced, as in thigh, and should have a proper character, as [TN: Looks like the Greek 'phi']. The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
  • Laplace called probability theory ‘the calculus of inductive reasoning.’
  • Chess takes the place of all the other passions, and the people in his life, including his parents, become shadowy, meaningless figures.
  • Place the squash on a warm serving platter and cover. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a healthy pregnancy, cells that come from the embryo's placenta-called trophoblast cells-move into the walls of the uterus and help to open up maternal arteries, thereby increasing the available blood and nutrient supply. Slate Articles
  • The most storied place to find Gaucho boots is Casa Fagliano, a hole-in-the-wall bootmaker in Hurlingham, which is a British suburb of Buenos Aires. 20 Odd Questions: Stephanie Phair
  • When they replaced the ten-minute peak-hour ferry services with 20-minute sailings, in 1975, it was chaos.
  • Finding the swiftest pursuer close upon his heels, he threw off, first his blanket, then his silver-laced coat and belt of peag, by which his enemies knew him to be Canonchet, and redoubled the eagerness of pursuit. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • The new sled is meant to replace the one he had in Colorado, back with his family. Eric’s Top 10 Defining Christmas Moments » Scene-Stealers
  • The threatened uniform typically consists of a khaki military tunic with trousers, though in Scottish regiments the trousers are usually tartan or replaced by a kilt.
  • Place under cold running water for 20 minutes.
  • Their preferences ultimately shaped the place of worship that Warren built, and the result of that consumer-driven approach to creating Saddleback is a deliberately contemporary, highly professionalized operation with a carefully orchestrated feel-good atmosphere. American Grace
  • There was thunder too and lightning and in places rain. Bomber
  • He buckled them into place with a strap that dented my forehead, and gave me a wire to bite. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Old Town has a whole collection of churches, palaces and mosques.
  • A white blouse with gathered cuffs and lace at the throat where a red jewel lies. SEA MUSIC
  • After that I felt that we, the workers, needed unity and I have been attempting to unionise the place.
  • Nilufer Bharucha, faculty in the department of English and project coordinator, explained that the term diaspora means to be scattered or dispersed across national boundaries, and has been self-consciously used today by postcolonial theorists to describe those who got displaced from their home owing to colonial politics and post-colonial economic realities. Analysis
  • Transplacental transfer of small - cell carcinoma of lung.
  • Place in a shallow dish and squeeze over lemon juice, then drizzle over oil.
  • Volumes of exchanges have been taking place over what some of these correspondents have called the militarisation of Haiti by international forces, many of the voices sounding off against it. TrinidadExpress Today's News
  • The cats were then taken out of the room for 15 minutes, and the four bowls were replaced with identical empty ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • And Nauru, which was once named Pleasant Island, which sounds like a good place to be right now. CNN Transcript Dec 31, 2006
  • I've wondered why pop-up ads and new larger sized, intrusively placed ads are so annoying.
  • We registered, writing our names and place of residence, and checked for family members.
  • The arrows indicate the beginning of the grace note figure and the placement of each note in the triplet figure for the left hand.
  • The excess amniotic fluid was then removed from the recipient twin sac, and antibiotics were placed into the uterine cavity to decrease the risk of infection. Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
  • Even if you're not into playing the ponies, the setting is marvelous and it's a superb place for a picnic.
  • Clach climbed five places into fifth spot after a wash out in the Highland League, with a 2-0 triumph over north rivals Fort William.
  • Most work places have a huge manual of lists of organizations, religious, animal charities, local characteries. Latest Articles
  • Taking up so much of the roof area, it has to stay sealed with the glass permanently in place to maintain the car's body rigidity.
  • The schematic for the DTMF decoder in the figure below. Again you can use a combination of wire wrapping and soldering. Part placement is not critical.
  • Here, human or mouse embryonic stem cells, in vitro representatives of the totipotent inner cell mass blastomeres, are placed into culture.
  • Surrounded by cottonwoods and aspens and featuring a wooden footbridge and an abundance of regional flora and foliage, it's a place to meditate, contemplate, and relax.
  • To serve, place some salad in the center of a plate and place some of the foie gras rillettes in the center.
  • So many useful shops disappear, to be replaced by a retail outlet that is not welcomed by many of us.
  • Scrabble to its list of more commonplace activity holidays, such as painting and gardening. Times, Sunday Times
  • By this time, Dad and I had replaced the old dipole with a short Yagi array, horizontally polarized of course, and screwed to one of the crossbeams in the attic, so now we had three channels with excellent reception.
  • INA recently won a grievance to place all nurses misplaced on the salary schedule in their appropriate slot.
  • The family didn't want a gastrostomy tube placed, but they weren't ready to say goodbye, either.
  • He stared off toward a cluster of people near the fireplace and I followed his gaze.
  • Within four years he managed to dislodge the shah then in place Ahmad Shah Qajar and coronate himself, making his 5-year-old son crown prince. A Monarch Dethroned
  • Now the boy's being hauled before the courts for having been part of a plot to overthrow some tinpot dictator in Equatorial Mongolia or some such place.
  • I would show up unannounced, watch Jaime teach calculus, chat with Principal Henry Gradillas, check in with other Advanced Placement classes and in the early afternoon call my editor in Washington to say I was chasing down the latest medfly outbreak story, or whatever seemed believable at the time. Unlike many, Escalante believed in teaching, not sorting
  • BDC is currently conducting a Phase two placebo-controlled proof of concept study with the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor, etanercept, epidurally administered to a minimum of 40 patients with sciatica. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • She was wearing a micro-miniskirt (as usual), pulled over what looked like a mostly-lace teddy.
  • A number of people contacted the paper to claim that flu cases were clogging doctors' surgeries and forcing schools to appoint supply teachers in place of ailing staff.
  • So return to him, O thou monk, and say that the single combat shall take place to morrow, for this day we have come off our journey and are aweary; but after rest neither reproach nor blame fear ye. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • With points on one axis and the wage bill on the other, it is possible to place all the teams on a chart. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's going to be in a place called the fishbowl (ph), where he'll be designated. CNN Transcript Dec 5, 2008
  • We placed our trust in the hospital which failed in so many ways so many times over. Times, Sunday Times
  • An ideal culture is one that makes a place for every human gift. Margaret Mead 
  • There's a reason that those invites a fortunate few received, allowing them to attend the après-opening private reception at the latest, greatest Place To Be, the Feral Cheerleader, are tinctured with a hue you cannot find at Sherwin-Williams. James Scarborough: "Stay Free© or Die: The Menstrual Hut Project," International City Bungalow Gallery, Long Beach, California
  • Is being apart from the room bottom certainly highly place establishment lamina cribrosa.
  • Other outstanding issues include working conditions and workplace safety.
  • Leo Nocentelli, co-founder of the Meters and New Orleans guitar legend, may not have turned Blues Alley into the steamiest place in Georgetown on Wednesday night when he re-ignited "Fire On The Bayou. In concert: The Meters Experience at Blues Alley
  • Like a lacertine Vicar of Bray, he varies incontinently from buff to blue, and from blue back to orange again, under stress of circumstances. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • Doesn't that place restrictions on the "hards", creating frustrations for them? Low floor, high ceiling OR low floor, wide walls?
  • In times like these, to stroke the orb's gentle surface was a comfort, yet I fought the urge to wake it from its resting place.
  • The sinister atmosphere of the place left an indelible imprint on my memory.
  • Call me a moon-eyed dreamer: I still believe the work of the serious writer will be recognized for what it is, whether it takes place examples chosen only for clarity and expediency in Ambergris, or 351 West 52 St New York City Apt # D RIGHT NOW, dammit. Evil Monkey on Fantasy
  • She took a deep breath and fiddled with the sapphire necklace hanging down below her collar bone.
  • I go back now and the dialect of the old residents is noticeably absent, replaced by the faux scouse of the Liverpudlian refugees.
  • This stuff doesn't merely placate the listener with predictable, danceable nursery rhymes but lashes out and lacerates the eardrum relentlessly.
  • These live conversations took place via a messagerie service that the computer pirates called Gretel, identified by a logo of a heart with fluttering eyelashes. Diffusion of Innovations
  • She was unceremoniously dumped to be replaced by a leader who could win the election.
  • Computers have brought dramatic changes to the workplace.
  • The Bantustans represented an imposed tribalism, with indigenous Africans forcibly displaced onto reservations carved out of the country's poorest land.
  • If you think baroque is all about curlicues and foofaraws, Rome is the place to learn otherwise.
  • She was wearing a neat green shirtwaister and lace-up walking shoes. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
  • I would like to place an order for ten copies of this book.
  • We clearly need to replace the name ascribed to those whose ideology got us into this situation in the first place: the Neoconservatives. Making Sense of the News: Time To Update Some Terms
  • Nemours showed him at once what use to make of the army under his orders, and having enfiladed his National Guard battalions, and placed his artillery in echelons, he formed his cavalry into hollow squares on the right and left of his line, flinging out a cloud of howitzers to fall back upon the main column. Burlesques
  • This gorgeous, homemade tiki fireplace complete with smoking nostrils is lavishly documented in this build log. Boing Boing: February 12, 2006 - February 18, 2006 Archives
  • The antlers are placed together, held by sandbags and glued with epoxy.
  • Drinking among the upper classes of Persian society, for example, took place at secret parties reminiscent of Greek symposia with their strictly ritualized etiquette and emphasis on poetry and discussion.
  • If any are found, a biopsy then takes place, where small samples of body tissue are examined under the microscope for abnormal cells. The Sun
  • One of the men with him gave up his place on the bench.
  • Mohammad Sajjad/Associated Press A displaced child, whose family fled from the Khyber tribal region due to military operations, held onto her mother while waiting to register at the Jalozai camp on the outskirt of Peshawar, Pakistan, on Monday. Asia in Pictures
  • A summer palace was half bosomed in trees.
  • Quibus omnis in armis vita placet, non ulla juvat nisi morte, nec ullam esse putant vitam, quae non assueverit armis. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • THE fashionista's go-to place for bang on trend style. The Sun
  • It would also replace VAT with "eco-taxes" designed to modify people's consumption.
  • By then though, it was too late and the story had been twisted so far out of recognition that the forced references to things like Namek, Oozaru, and Roshi's pervertedness just seemed out of place and stupid. Anime Nano!
  • On a kind of wallchart the facilities of the place were listed.
  • Sur le coup j'me suis dit "pouaaaaaah le cauchemar!!!" en plus yen a une qui m'avait piké ma place reservé! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Most of us tend to entertain our friends in the family room; a formal dining room becomes a mail sorting place, and a formal living room is a museum for curios and uncomfortable furniture.
  • Two victims die in the first scene, an effective evocation of place, character and a whole range of powerful emotions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Southern Oregon Indian Center, asked Coiner to publicly apologize for misstatements made at the Pottsville pow-wow, where his wedding — the occasion for the newspaper story — took place. Cordoves, Joaquin
  • There was no doubt at all that every Brownie there was determined to think hard and hunt hard for a new Pack Meeting place.
  • In the first place there was some music; then tables were placed all about for all kinds of gambling; there was a 'lansquenet'; at which Monsieur and Monseigneur always played; also Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • I had given my replacement my helmet, and I sat on the bench seat deaf and dumb.
  • The petticoat is very easy to make, too ... just cut the fabric to the right length (front & back piece), stitch sides, add lace at the bottom, sew a casing at the top for elastic & then add elastic & stitch opening closed! Year Around Feminine Fashions
  • Without the greenhouse gases, the world would be a bleak, inhospitable place. The Crisis of Life on Earth - our legacy from the second millenium
  • Place the leg in the pot (roasting dish) and perch the rosemary on top.
  • PHILIPS: Well, I think there is what we call a placebo effect. CNN Transcript Jun 22, 2005
  • Some members in the audience bet on each horse to win, place, or show.
  • In the early 1980s, the term telepresence was coined to refer to the use of remote control and the feedback of sensory information to produce the impression of being in another place, an idea which is now part of virtual reality.
  • Between them, father and son have carved out a place where the song, the voice and the delivery of a real and recognisable emotion are paramount. Times, Sunday Times
  • And about 50 meters into the canyon at this narrow section, I encountered a place where I was standing on top of a chalkstone with about a ten-foot elevation drop. CNN Transcript May 8, 2003
  • And they want Captain Largo to get us out checking the appropriate chapter houses to see if he's been doing any placer mining. THE WAILING WIND
  • Furthermore, the very frequency of legislative change caused a higher premium to be placed on the flexibility of any computer system.
  • In their place you have to look at using low-joule cordials and soft drinks, plain mineral water and soda water, low fat milk and dry wines or spirits and even then limited to a maximum of two alcoholic drinks a day.
  • The House wants a government - run health care program to compete with in the insurance market marketplace.
  • Place all the ingredients in a blender and whizz into a salsa. Times, Sunday Times
  • The place has its own state-of-the-art winery, its own cooperage to ensure flavour and complexity, its own chef to educate consumers on the perfect blend of food and wine. It's all part of a worldwide trend.
  • Newtown is the place to be this month if you have an interest in palmistry, astrology, numerology, Egyptian sand reading or other forms of divination.
  • The cosmic symbol of the rising sun expresses the universality of God above all particular places and yet maintains the concreteness of divine revelation. Ignatius Insight Article on Restoring Ad Orientem
  • In an act of substitution he replaces barren dryness with his fertile fluidity.
  • But there's more to workplace wearables than watching over employees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the witnesses (those weariest among the number) even claimed to have caught a glimpse of that place. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • The flat roofs that leak need to be replaced, as do the heating system and the windows.
  • Last, but not least, I suggest you consider posting the definition below somewhere within sight at your place of writing. com-pel verb Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Win Ray Rhamey’s new book!
  • Roman Lancashire was a quiet place, but not the back water that some historians have made of it.
  • The morons do not even protect the exposed steel with paint - and something as simple and old-fashioned as using galvanized bolts in the first place is clearly way beyond their ken.
  • In a richly ornamented setting with animals and plants on a red background, in 14 copper rosettes placed between lacunars, there are the Wise Virgins and Foolish Virgins of the New Testament parable; the former hold lighted lamps, the latter have lamps already extinguished.
  • The tree's coppicing habit, the way one specimen can have dozens of trunks, means that in places the pines look like a wall of bamboo, rather than relatives of the giant Araucariaceae that line the foreshores of Sydney beaches.
  • Now his placeman is prime minister, to what extent does he hold sway? Diary
  • In other words, you're soon going to be paying me the equivalent of several place settings of Fiestaware. IN A STRANGE CITY
  • The initial recall took place after drivers reported problems in the heating and ventilation system. Times, Sunday Times
  • They occur when a layer of unconsolidated sediment is fluidized and transport of fluid and suspended grains takes place through overlying sediment to the sediment-water interface.
  • A huge team of people will ensure that the necessary security measures are in place.
  • As I understand, its the oxidization that is a problem, so if you did what they do with winesavers and the like -- replace oxygen in container with food grade nitrogen, you should slow the process down. The Coffee Geek’s Guide To Storing Beans | Lifehacker Australia
  • I am assuming as they are looking for the will that the flash sidewards was taking place shortly after the plane had landed, at which point Kate is on the run from the police and definitely not bringing up a child. LOSTCasts 82: The Lighthouse
  • Tuesday, 19 February 2008 first signs of spring - centre piece of the month february pick whatever flowers you get at the supermarket to make this little basket filled with flowers. ranunculus are my favourites and available all over the place at the moment, so i chose to put them into this flowery centrepiece. the orchid is quite fancy but you just really need one to pimp this up (and it keeps for ever!). a rose or two, some ivy and green leaves from the forest and you are all set. to get started line a basket with some foil and trim on the edges. soak some floral foam in water and place in the basket, when soaked wet (can be really, really wet - it will have to work as a vase to the flowers), eventually cut and trim the floral on the edges, so that it resembles an arch. trim flowers and green leaves and stick into pot. start doing so on the bottom of foam, working upwards until you have an even flowery centrepiece. make sure foam stays moist - adding some water from time to time. Archive 2008-02-01
  • She wears a thick flowery hairband, several clashing necklaces and a quite revolting hairy purple cardigan with batwing sleeves.
  • Kitteh haz shrunken fish-hed neklace, a sharkskin war clowk adn fish blud war-paint. …and den a bear came - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Frequent reviews with the manager and directors take place, so that the teams are fully aware of the Business Unit objectives.
  • The cannon was placed in a large waterproof crate of fresh water to leach out the salts, which, if untreated, would have eventually corroded the metal.
  • A new spellcheck is a valuable addition, as is the enhanced search-and-replace function.
  • One number rocked, one swung - stylistically it was all over the place, and much the better for it.
  • A private viewing was held at the apostolic palace in the Vatican.
  • Next week they will swap places and will repeat the switch weekly.
  • Place the thermostat into a container filled with water.
  • Mating season commonly takes place during the fall and winter seasons, but can occur at any time throughout the year.
  • Whilst not the first so to do but well before the bandwagon hove into view, I proposed that MPs expenses must be place in full, unexpurgated, unredacted beauty online as are those of MSPs by the Scottish Parliament. Where The Huntsman leads, the hounds follow
  • They lived for some days on the excellent flesh of the maskalonge, on clams from the beach -- enormous clams of delicious flavor -- on a new fruit with a pinkish meat, which grew abundantly in the thickets and somewhat resembled breadfruit; on wild asparagus-sprouts, and on the few squirrels that Stern was able to "pot" with his revolver from the shelter of the leafy little camping-place they had arranged near the river. Darkness and Dawn
  • The faucets are in, the light fixture is in place (albeit the wrong place right now), and the toliet has been removed. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • The clunky village line is the only wrong note in a film composed of beautifully placed ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unless this happens, the transfer agent doesn't have the authority to remove the legend and execute the trade in the marketplace.
  • One of the hospitals said that some of the people that had stuff either left or accidentally placed inside them became 'unwell' as a result, but it is not known to which objects, or patients, they were referring. : Spoof News : Front Page
  • She slowly walks to the small open fireplace and carefully lights the incense and stands it in the ash. She steps back with her palms held in prayer and begins to chant.
  • When they start in on showing you a parade of verses so vague that they could mean anything, point out that the word "abortion" does not occur anywhere in that verse and ask them to show you something clearer, a specific reference to abortion or a single use of the word anyplace in the book. Main RSS Feed
  • He battled on with temporary replacements, which kept getting dislodged in training and preseason games. The Sun
  • The inn we occupied had one of these porches: Madame Barbot, our landlady, and her maid, were both dressed in Breton costume, with lace-trimmed embroidered caps and aprons of fine muslin, clear-starched and ironed with a perfection which the most accomplished "blanchisseuse du fin" of Paris would find it difficult to surpass. Brittany & Its Byways
  • Place in casserole dish in one layer. The Sun
  • And yet, we have a whole bunch of people, serious, accomplished scientists, telling us that the seas will rise in some places while deserts will be created in others.
  • For example, a wireless link between a cell phone and an earpiece supporting an audio link is currently available in the marketplace.
  • Having browsed through this book, you've probably realized that despite the noise, stink, stupidity and self-destructiveness of Planet Earth, it's not a bad place to vacation.
  • His optimism was misplaced and the conflict continued for four years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pipes were placed at regular intervals .
  • The far northwest coast of Tasmania is a wild place. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't really understand why the judges felt like it needed to be laced with conceptuality," Mitchell, 32, said. Work of Art's Dusty on Why Jerry Was Wrong and Having His Own Short Shorts
  • Festivals that provide a forum for Arab and Israeli art and culture, and universities and academies that offer joint courses in the Qur'an and the Bible, midrash and tafsir, cabbalah and Sufism, thereby placing them in their original relation to one another, are today only feasible in exile -- in the West, of all places, which bears part of the blame for the present-day impossible situation.
  • We are hoping that the pier will be fully opened within two weeks but some of the rides may take longer to replace.

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