How To Use La plata In A Sentence
On these same plains of La Plata, we see the agouti and bizcacha, animals having nearly the same habits as our hares and rabbits, . . . but they plainly display an American type of structure.
Just one example is former La Plata County Commissioner J. Paul Brown, who is running for the Legislature on a platform of cutting federal spending, after taking over $175,000 in ag subsidies for his ranching operation in Southwestern Colorado.
Shan Wells: Nut Sandwiches at the Tea Party Cafe
The plains near the Straits of Magellan are inhabited by one species of Rhea American ostrich, and northward the plains of La Plata by another species of the same genus; and not by a true ostrich or emeu, like those found in Africa and Australia under the same latitude.
Though in a way, the British have the tinnest ear of all: Rio de la Plata (Silver River) is “The River Plate” in British English. jacobus says:
Matthew Yglesias » The Shroud of Torino
The glyptodon has if anything replaced the mylodon in my affections—there are about 6 whole ones in the Museum of La Plata—an enormous armadillo up to 9-10 feet long, each scale of its armour looking like a Japanese chrysthanthemum.
The News From Everywhere
III (London, 1822); HERVAS, Catálogo de la lenguas I (Madrid, 1800) (principal authority); PAGE, La Plata (New York, 1859); QUEVEDO, La
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
Fauna recorded within the park include giant otter Pteronura brasiliensis (V), La Plata otter Lutra platensis, coatimundi Nasua nasua, ocelot Felis pardalis, jaguar Panthera onca, puma Felis concolor, margay Leopardus wiedii, brocket deer Mazama rufina (LR) and American tapir Tapirus terrestris (LR).
Iguacu National Park, Brazil
Fauna recorded within the park include giant otter Pteronura brasiliensis (V), La Plata otter Lutra platensis, coatimundi Nasua nasua, ocelot Felis pardalis, jaguar Panthera onca, puma Felis concolor, margay Leopardus wiedii, brocket deer Mazama rufina (LR) and American tapir Tapirus terrestris (LR).
Iguacu National Park, Brazil
It lies on the Uruguayan side of the Rio de la Plata.
Uruguay's Hideaway
The Danube, representing Europe, touches the papal coat of arms; the Rio de la Plata, the New World, sits on a pile of coins signifying wealth; the African Nile is hooded, because no one knew its source; the Asian Ganges holds an oar, denoting navigability.
Perfection, Squared
De alli hecharon a la Isla de la Plata, donde estubieron tres dias y medio refrescando; y sospechando que los prisioneros se querian alzar con el navio mataron a uno y castigaron a otro; y de alli a Payta en donde hecharon dos canoas a tierra con treynte y dos hombres armados con animo de ganar a Payta, y hallando resistencia se bolvieron al navio; de alli Tiraron al estrecho de Magallanes; pero no passaron por el, sino al redidor de la ysla del fuego que estava como seys a ocho dias apartada del estrecho de Magallanes, este estrecho del fuego tardaron en pasarle hasta entrar en el mar del Norte cosa de nuebe
Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period Illustrative Documents
It stretches from the Atlantic shore through the whole width of Brazil into Peru, to the very foot of the Andes -- one vast extent of red sandstone, capped by a yellow-ochred clay; not only along the banks of the main river, but forming the sides of those of its tributaries, to their far-off sources, probably over the whole basin of the Paraguay and the Rio de la Plata.
The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
In La Plata the puma preys chiefly on deer, ostriches, bizcacha, and other small quadrupeds; it there seldom attacks cattle or horses, and most rarely man.
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
` Chaco 'pottery or thought of as closely related to Chaco pottery "and, again, as though clarifying Morris," The so-called non-Chaco pottery of the Chaco period on the La Plata is clearly Mancos Black-on-white decorated with solid elements, lines and dots, and parallel stripes; the so-called Chaco-like is hachure-style Mancos "(ibid., p. 97).
The Architecture of Pueblo Bonito :
Many folks in La Plata County never make it farther north than Purgatory at Durango Mountain Resort for their winter frolicking, which is a shame.
Nos deja el esqueleto, la base, la plataforma, de lo que debe ser un modelo económico para la indepencia económica, la sobernia política y la justicia social.
Global Voices in English » Argentina: Kirchner Handed Defeat in Congressional Elections
In 1776 Argentina was incorporated into the viceroyalty of La Plata, with its capital in Buenos Aires; in addition to Argentina, the viceroyalty of La Plata comprised Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia.
Yet it's plonked between the vast, flat Rio de la Plata and the even vaster green plains of the pampas.
Buenos Aires
I left the Studio with some nice stuff, pictured here. 2 hanks of the lovely Rio de la Plata (the other Uruguayan yarn), 2 hanks of Ironstone mohair, and 1 hank of Ironstone cotton tape.
Bueno pues, no soy aprista ni mucho menos es toy de parte de ningun gopbierno para mi tooooooodos son igules prometen y despues se tiran la plata y se mandan a volar a otros paises despues de gobernar.
Global Voices in English » Peru: Freezing Temperatures in Puno Result in Children Deaths
The plains near the Straits of Magellan are inhabited by one species of Rhea (American ostrich), and northward the plains of La Plata by another species of the same genus; and not by a true ostrich or emeu, like those found in Africa and Australia under the same latitude.
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life