How To Use Kyanite In A Sentence
They have parallel bright shiny mica wrapping round large grains of pink garnet, brown staurolite, or blue kyanite.
Relative to one another, kyanite forms in a lower temperature/higher pressure environment; andalusite forms in a lower temperature/lower pressure environment, and sillimanite forms in a higher temperature/higher pressure environment.
France and India also produce andalusite and kyanite, respectively.
The thick Thunderhead Sandstone (Upper Precambrian Great Smoky Group) in the Great Smoky Mountains along the Tennessee/North Carolina border was deformed and regionally metamorphosed during formation of the Appalachian Highlands, beginning in the so-called Devonian (that is, early in the Flood year).12-14 With increasing temperatures and pressures from northwest to southeast, the regional metamorphism produced in these sandstone layers a series of chemically and mineralogically distinct zones of schists and gneisses.15 These zones are named according to the first appearance of the distinctive metamorphic minerals which characterize them as the intensity of the metamorphism increased laterally—the biotite, garnet, staurolite, and kyanite zones.
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Barrovian index minerals in pelites, such as kyanite and staurolite, are rare, and the mapping of isograds is largely dependent upon the mineral assemblages found in thin layers of calcareous psammite (calc-silicate pods).

Outside we saw large tables covered high with specimens of kyanite in quartz.
However, most kyanite occurs as bladed crystals without well-developed terminations.
On the west of the second range we have great masses of kyanite or disthene, and on the flanks of the third and fourth a great deal of specular iron ore which is magnetic, and containing a very large percentage of the metal.
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Kyanite is also used to produce refractories for nonferrous (non-iron-bearing) metals.
A notable exception is andalusite-biotite assemblages in the Mulhacen nappe of the Nevado-Filabride complex, though even these are largely replaced by Alpine kyanite, staurolite and garnet.
Secondly, the effect of particle size and additions of kyanite on properties of mullite-corundum was studied.
Kyanite and sillimanite may also be present but only as minor components.
Kyanite, microcline, zircon, monazite and opaque minerals are variably present with epidote, actinolite and chlorite being present as secondary alteration minerals.
Growth of titanite took place during the metamorphic climax in rocks from the kyanite and sillimanite zones.
The aluminium silicate minerals andalusite, kyanite, and sillimanite are good examples of this phenomenon of polymorphism.
For refractory purposes, high-alumina materials, fire clays, and a product called synthetic mullite (produced in the United States and elsewhere), can be used in place of kyanite and its related minerals.
Wing et al. suggested that cordierite or staurolite could play the same role as andalusite or kyanite in a monazite-producing reaction.
Rutile crystals, commonly associated with lazulite, pyrophyllite, and kyanite, are found at Horrsjoberg, Sweden.
Associated with the quartz are crystals of almandine, kyanite, biotite, and magnesite.
Citrine and all the types of kyanite are good examples.
Other common minor constituents of eclogite include kyanite, orthopyroxene, rutile, amphibole, pyrite, and white mica.
Metamorphic xenotime and monazite were identified in 13 pelite samples that also contain garnet, staurolite, kyanite, quartz, ilmenite and micas, as well as in four sandstone samples.
The Burd Gol melange is also the most highly metamorphosed unit locally containing amphibolite grade staurolite and kyanite schists.
In sample IK99-31 chloritoid is in equilibrium with kyanite, andalusite and chlorite.
They recognized kyanite-staurolite assemblages in pelites to the north of the Annagh Gneiss Complex exposures, but only garnet and oligoclase to the south.
Textures of kyanite, xenotime and monazite, and some staurolite and biotite, indicate that peak metamorphic mineral growth occurred after D 2 deformation.
Kyanite is the variant spelling of the original name of this mineral, cyanite.
Mineral resources include lead, gold, zircon, coal, uranium, and kyanite, but most of these are not fully exploited.
Other common minor constituents of eclogite include kyanite, orthopyroxene, rutile, amphibole, pyrite, and white mica.
Petrographical evidence establishes that peak thermal metamorphism produced largely random growth of kyanite, staurolite, biotite, monazite and xenotime that overprinted those fabrics.
Kyanite will assist initiates in lifting the veils of illusion that surround oneself and others to get at the truth of the patterning, karma or dance underneath.
As a result, more than half of the kyanite consumed is used in refractories for the production of steel.
Kyanite and its related mineral “cousins,” sillimanite and andalusite, are called polymorphs.
Outside we saw large tables covered high with specimens of kyanite in quartz.
The aluminium silicate minerals andalusite, kyanite, and sillimanite are good examples of this phenomenon of polymorphism.
Kyanite will assist initiates in lifting the veils of illusion that surround oneself and others to get at the truth of the patterning, karma or dance underneath.
Associated with the quartz are crystals of almandine, kyanite, biotite, and magnesite.
Relative to one another, kyanite forms in a lower temperature/higher pressure environment; andalusite forms in a lower temperature/lower pressure environment, and sillimanite forms in a higher temperature/higher pressure environment.
The presence of kyanite in these rocks suggests that they may have experienced temperatures higher than the closure temperature of the mica, however.
Kyanite and its related mineral “cousins,” sillimanite and andalusite, are called polymorphs.
A heavy mineral concentrate, dominated by rutile and kyanite, yielded only a few zircons.
Silimanite is found mainly in India while andalusite and kyanite are more widespread.
1. Refractories
ILLUSION Mineral: Kyanite Kyanite holds the vibration of illusion in the language of light.