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How To Use Kvetch In A Sentence

  • Ditto for such long-suffering conservative entertainers as actress Janine Turner, who kvetched that at one point she thought she would be fired from Friday Night Lights -- that commie TV show about Texas high school football -- because of her politics. Michael Sigman: Gratitude In A World Of Sin And Sorrow
  • I will say that just about every Australian we met there was polite, friendly, and helpful, and while I may have kvetched a bit about the food prices, I think we got great value for our money and time. 2008 October « Hyperpat’s HyperDay
  • However, many Yiddish words have entered mainstream English, mainly, but not exclusively, in the United States - "shlep" (to carry or drag a load), "chutzpah" (audacity), "kvetch" (to whine, complain), "nebbish" (a simpleton, a weakling) being just a few. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • It takes its name from the Yiddish word "kvetch," which means to complain or nag. - Local News
  • And being a serious Sinatra collector myself I prefer to be called a completist, others prefer "nerd", I'm usually one of the louder voices in the chorus of kvetchers. The Full Feed from
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  • They're not going to kvetch to Larry for a long, long time, Emerald decided. YELLOW BIRD
  • As Murray Trachtenberg was preparing to exit the courtroom our Counsel Anders Bruun jocularly said, "It's far from over Murray" to which the prolific, production line, serial kvetcher Mr. Trachtenberg replied, "It does not behoove you as counsel to make threats to me as I am leaving the courtroom. "BANPC" via James Bow in Google Reader
  • Citizens of other places may complain, bitch or bellyache; New Yorkers kvetch.
  • As if he knew that excuse fell on deeply offended ears, Father Francis Gower had added, in a complaining tone that brought to my mind the Yiddish word kvetch, My old bones couldn’t stand the weather, anyway. I. O. U.
  • However, if you feel the need to kvetch, why not follow @kvetch and direct message your complaints? Archive 2008-11-01
  • And I don't want to seem like a kvetch, but where's the dessert?
  • But he seems amazed that people see him as a kvetcher. FallNews - they grease the roads! *truckers' pin-up edition*
  • Without the historical fantasy, what's left is one long, pretentious kvetch, larded with hokum about forgiveness and redemption, that some men are geniuses and others are not.
  • At exchange operator Direct Edge, Chief Executive William O ' Brien decided to give all employees one floating holiday to use in 2011 after spokesman Rafi Reguer " kvetched " about the situation. Vacation Takes a Holiday: Calendar Quirk Puts Traders to Work
  • They're not going to kvetch to Larry for a long, long time, Emerald decided. YELLOW BIRD
  • For almost four years now, plaintiff and her attorneys have been subjected to the constant kvetching by defendants' counsel, who have made a big tsimmes about the quantity and quality of plaintiff's responses to discovery requests.
  • Right after this thing kicks in, they're going to unveil a "frequent kvetcher" plan, where you can not only get your minutes at a discounted rate, but you can earn valuable "prizes" like leftover "Call 3-1-1" refrigerator magnets and dead "Million Trees" seedlings. How Does the City Stop Activists? Price Them Out of Existence!
  • Coincidentally, he'd been kvetching to me about the lack of masquerade balls, just before I found out that there was going to be one.
  • He tells us how to employ cliché—with a twist, he suggests, as in the micro-memoir "I came, I saw, I kvetched. The Soul of Brevity
  • Sure enough, at the end of his workday he is a kvetch who goads a black youngster into reaching for a gun and shoots him dead.
  • Irving performed with a bassist, a bongo player and a "percussionist" who mostly just banged a couple of drumsticks together, but hey, who were we to kvetch? Tony Sachs: Let Us Rejoice (And Rock Out): The Jews On Vinyl Revue
  • Some refer to us by using the Yiddish word "kvetch," which translates as "a whining complainer. Michael Simmons: One Jew's Views
  • SM goes on to commiserate with Gunn over the pneumonia he had mentioned he was recovering from, gives him some doctorly admonishments to rest up and kvetches about his own ailments. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Thus every day, on my blog, these strangers show up, just to shoot the breeze, flirt, kvetch, veer off topic and, most of all, pay zero attention to what I have written.
  • In Trading Hearts the veil of intimacy is lifted and the audience invited into the heart of a relationship to share the moments - the thoughts, the kvetches, and the fleeting heartbeats of bliss, the fights and the sex.
  • I call it a good excuse for geeky types to get together and kvetch.
  • Just think, if the people who are now kvetching about freedom of speech simply posted their names on the website, then none of the speculation would have happened.
  • Or, Pouring Ketchup On An Over-cooked Campaign, or Ketchup Money to Help Campaign Catch Up, or some sort of bad pun involving Ketchup, money and catch up bonus points if you can also work "kvetch" into the pun*:Unlike Dean and Bush, Kerry said he will put his own money into the campaign, becoming the first Democrat in at least 20 years to do so. November 2003 ~ Angry Bear
  • He kvetched and annoyed his way out of the game, voted out because no one could stand to be around him a moment longer. Tallulah Morehead: Survivor 21: Infants vs Senior Citizens: Fetuses Gone Wild!
  • My one kvetch was that not enough music was played from the Train A Comin’ album.
  • I ` m calling her Foxy the fetcher, and I calling my mother Mom the kvetcher. CNN Transcript Oct 27, 2008
  • I don't like the idea of stiffnecked government officials deciding what we can and can't read -- and when you ban a site like Kynhun (an e-group that discussed the petty corruption of petty officials in Meghalaya as well as the possibility of seceding from the Indian union), you create a genuine grievance out of a minor kvetch. Archive 2004-06-01
  • Could our laundry listing kvetcher be bitchin about how Virginia is now becoming as culturally diverse as a cosmopolitan city like DC? House of Delegates Preview- Part 1
  • She wriggled and kvetched, though she seemed happier in the Next Gen ep before that. Committee meetings
  • A Woody Allen-type nebbish, Lenny is a kvetcher ( "My mind was full of sickening Jewish worry, the pogrom within and the pogrom without"); he frets about his age, his baldness and, in a major way, his parents. Down and Out In Gotham
  • If you've ever kvetched about the way your state's late primary ends up being largely irrelevant year in and year out, and have suspected that the media had a large hand in that, congratulations! An Insider's Guide To 'How The Presidential Primary Process Actually Works'
  • Zoole, a hopeless kvetch, has good reason to complain.
  • Or, Pouring Ketchup On An Over-cooked Campaign, or Ketchup Money to Help Campaign Catch Up, or some sort of bad pun involving Ketchup, money and catch up bonus points if you can also work "kvetch" into the pun*:Unlike Dean and Bush, Kerry said he will put his own money into the campaign, becoming the first Democrat in at least 20 years to do so. November 2003 ~ Angry Bear
  • Elle, whoever you are (who are you?) you certainly are a kvetcher and a complainer. Scripting News for 8/24/2006 « Scripting News Annex
  • It once said on the kvetcher that he hates all jews. Tainted Love Child: The Baal Teshuvah’s Status as a Ben Niddah in the Haredi World | Jewschool
  • Everybody is a wiseacre, a kvetcher, or working an angle, sometimes all three. CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2006
  • He's kvetching about how all his work for the Irish Republic has earned him only ‘the daily spite of this unmannerly town’ and Maud Gonne reproves him.
  • I stand to the side, watching, listening to him kvetch about my lack of proper kitchen equipment.
  • And the rest of tired of the same old''s kvetch is due to the past 8 years of bad leadership on 1600 Penn. House of Delegates Preview- Part 1
  • Though the New York Post and Daily News once a year routinely call for the abolition of this 179-year-old office (with periodic name changes) - and mayors, too, have predictably kvetched about an office that's mandated to be the watchdog over City Hall-there's no public support for ending something that keeps the bureaucracy on its toes. Mark Green: Changing the NYC City Charter. Again?
  • I was a real kvetch, and I wanted to be involved every step of the way.
  • I have a kvetch about my meal being cooked in the body fat of a dead animal.
  • To the so-called experts on the Yiddish word "kvetch": The "k" is not silent, but maybe you should be. Daily Tar Heel RSS
  • The play concerns the antics of eight dedicated baseball bleacherites at Wrigley Field, who spend the eternal afternoons in God's sun, betting, kibitzing, and kvetching about the action on the field.
  • To make the guest list, invitees would have to possess the ability to grumble, rant, complain, gripe, fuss, snarl, groan, scream and kvetch - preferably all at the same time.

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