How To Use Kui In A Sentence
The Kuiper belt is an icy disk of debris orbiting the sun, beyond Neptune, and is the original home of many comets.
The discovery of a small planetoid in the Kuiper belt, the distant disk of debris whose chunks eventually formed the solar system, make Pluto's chances of holding onto its status of bona fide planet weaker.
A big shout-out to all my homeyz up in da Kuiper Belt! » bad_kissinger: A big shout-out to all my homeyz up in da Kuiper Belt!
Malar J 6: 88. van Eijk AM, Ayisi JG, ter Kuile FO, Otieno JA, Misore AO, et al. (2004) Effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine for control of malaria in pregnancy in western Kenya: a hospital-based study.
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Subsequently, Liu Kui-54-type pistol carrying, Zhou carrying fruit knife to pre-selected sites waiting for.

The objects within the Kuiper belt, together with the members of the scattered disc and any potential Hills cloud or Oort cloud objects, are collectively referred to as trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). » Worlds largest free store of University essays: To user …
However, Okuic still faces high prices of construction materials like sand and murram/gravel, not naturally found in Malakal, which results in high transportation costs from merchants importing them from Khartoum or Juba.
Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan
Many researchers believe there was a collision that occurred one billion years ago between a dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt known as Haumea and another object that caused Haumea's icy mantle to break into a dozen or so smaller bodies, including 55636.
Space Tourism, Space Transport and Space Exploration News
Kui lugeja eriti ulmet ei jaga, siis saab ta siit blogist lugeda asjadest, millest ta muidu poleks kunagi midagi lugenud... kui lugeja on ulmefänn, siis isegi sel juhul leiab ta siit blogist asju, mida ta ei tea.
Ainus eestikeelne ulmeblogi maailmas
Jah, ma tean, et iga kord kui Milanos kraanat näed, siis tuleb mõelda "maffia" või "korrumpeerunud poliitik (ud)".
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
Pela i hoao liilii ai na hoailona iloko o na la elima, a i ke ono o ka la, kui ka hekili, ua ka ua, kaikoo ka moana, waikahe ka aina, olapa ka uwila, uhi ka noe, pio ke anuenue, ku ka punohu i ka moana.
The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai
Like the asteroids, hundreds more objects were later discovered in the outer solar system, with orbits similar to that of Pluto, signaling the existence of a theretofore uncharted reservoir called the Kuiper belt.
According to Bu-Ah-Kui's chatelaine, Hsiao Shu-hua, the place is bopping until three or four in the morning, serving up a stunning variety of conventional and exotic foods.
Aug 25th, 2006 at 5: 27 pm riceman ramen is not the only thing good at menkui-tei. highly recommend the fried rice or the curry rice!
Men Kui Tei | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
Kuid ma ei jaga Mihkel Muti arusaama sellest, et me peaksime eesti keelt elus hoidma, et Eesti riik püsiks.
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
If the discovery of the moons is confirmed, scientists say it will further understanding of how the Pluto system evolved, as well as shedding new light on other Kuiper Belt objects with satellites, and the Kuiper Belt region in general.
Pean silmas, et ajalugu ja tuntud tegelased ja huumor... aga kui pseudoajaloolistes pajatustes olid tuntud sündmuste tundmatud taustad, siis käesolevas jutus oli tuntud isiku teistsugune elu.
Randall Garrett «Gentlemen: Please Note»
The few largest ones, including Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris have one crucial feature that distinguishes them from the other objects in the Kuiper Belt.
E te kuia, haere ki to iwi, haere ki to whanau, haere ki o tatou tupuna.
Ronald A. Kuipers: March 3rd, 2009 at 9:58 am Ronald A. Kuipers, PhD (Free University), MPhil (Institute for Christian Studies) is assistant professor of the philosophy of religion.
Archive 2009-03-01
Kummalisel kombel, kuigi olen linnalaps - Antsla, minu suvede kodu on ju ka lõpuks linn - väljendab seda, mis on minu jaoks laupäev, kõige paremini hoopis üks teine luuletaja ühelt teiselt maalt.
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
The kuia has gathered with others to talk about what they perceive as the latest threat.
Aga jah, kui siis riigieksami ja vestluse punktid kokku arvutasime (pingerea koostamisel mõlemal võrdne kaal), siis tundus korraks, et kõik lähevad keskele kokku ja saavad ühe kogupalli.
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
With the beaming patriarch, the tolerant kuia, the benign figures from the afterlife (including a stereotypical errant male) and the quota of cute talking animals (though only the reader gets to hear them), the story is at times overrun with syrupy sweetness and light.
Die vraag moet gevra word tot watter mate die verskuilde agenda van AB ook neerslag vind in die projekte van
ANC Daily News Briefing
The excellent art teacher Xu Xukui from Chaozhou Raoping Normal School is demonstrating how to draw.
You can coax me to eat of ah, Kui I so spoil you, conscienceless . "Without extra trouble robbed a bowl to go to, along while, see bottom.
Tenor Kei Fukui and coloratura soprano Yumika Watanabe delighted audiences with pieces from Rossini, Puccini and others.
Laielohelohe e kui lehua ai, i nana aku ka hana o laua, o Laielohelohe e haihai lehua ana.
The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai
The Kuiper belt sends a steady rain of small comets earthward. » x` the love that soars ; .
Polly makes a point of educating us on native plants as well, like the kukui nut, whose oil was used by Hawaiians as lubricant and fuel, the noni, and the ti leaf.
In order to raise money to build a nine-storey cinerarium tower, Kui began to take advance bookings for urn compartments.
There are several other spherical Kuiper Belt Objects that should also be considered planets–Haumea, Makemake, and Eris–as well as Ceres in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Readings, signings, and other events vaguely literary for Monday, February 23, 2009 | Seattle Metblogs
Ina means moon; Ina-mae - aitu, the heroine of our story, means Ina-who-had-a-divine (aitu) lover, and she was the daughter of Kui, the blind.
Modern Mythology
Kuiper claimed the flavoring contained diacetyl, a chemical linked to a rare respiratory condition called bronchiolitis obliterans, known as "popcorn lung. - NEWS
The distribution of this relict gymnosperm extends from the Kuiseb River in Namibia to Namibe in southern Angola.
Namib desert
She would not be able to go to the beach to get kai for her koro and kuia.
Sarwo juga menekankan bahwa pembina kerukunan umat beragama harus banyak, Acara itu dilaksanakan Komisi Pemberdayaan Umat MUI Kota MEDAN (Waspaa): Gubsu kita tidak cermat dan teliti bisa ten di Sumut.nutnya. bahkan masih ada yang be - sehingga bisa seimbang dengan Medan diketuai H.Syafii Susanto, MA dan Sekretaris Zulparman H. Syamsul Arifin mengingat - menyangka bahwa mereka juga Gubsu mengakui, honor Demikian Kakanwildepag - lum beragama.
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On marae, kuia get the best seats, but this is not so in politics.
Seen here with its three known moons, Charon, Nix, and Hydra, Pluto is a member of a group of objects that orbit in a disklike zone beyond the orbit of Neptune called the Kuiper belt.
The smallest Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) seen previously in reflected light is roughly 30 miles across, or 50 times larger.
Veel tulevad meelde need ettevõtjad, kes satuvad paanikasse, kui ei saagi oma toidukohast 118% kasumimarginaali, kui saavad ainult 7% ja see itaallane, kes ei saanud aru, miks Tallinna vanalinnas kohvi nii kallis peab olema ja tegi sinna oma odavama osteria.
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
Respected kuia Lady Raiha Mahuta has been laid to rest among her ancestors at Karetu marae in the Bay of Islands.
Radio New Zealand News Headlines
After standing in silence for a short time, a final karanga is sometimes offered by a host kuia (female elder) to indicate that the visitors should take their seats.
Students were welcomed by kaumātua and kuia, tutors and support staff and were provided with information on support services by NorthTec's Student Success team.
NZ On Screen
With allusions to the heavenly clutter of planets and stars, Fukui gives his canvases a feeling of boundlessness.
In recent years astronomers have spotted several Kuiper-belt planetoids, including ones named Quaoar and Varuna; the latest has been nicknamed Santa.
Sa saad selle camerata Kesselring, selle monumendi, mida ootad meilt, itaallasilt kuid kivi, millest see ehitada valime meie.
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
Kauai, mauka o Pihanakalani, kui aku la ka lono ia Kauaiapuni; akoakoa mai la na'lii, na kaukaualii, a me na makaainana a pau e ike i ka puka malahini ana aku o Kailiokalauokekoa ma, e like me ka mea mau; o
The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai
Prince Akuli shot an apprehensive glance sideward to where, under the shade of a kukui tree, an old wahine (Hawaiian woman) was just settling herself to begin on some work in hand.
He also said that far from being "bullyboys" as claimed by the school's advocate Jan Heunis, education MEC Cameron Dugmore and his officials had shown both concern, compassion and respect for the community of Kuilsriver.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Ma koristasin Antslas ja taipasin, et iga kord kui ma astun elutuppa haarab mind korraks kurbusevoog, sest see on koht, kus õhtuti kõik toimus.
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
Ik weet dat er in uden een schoennen winkel zit speciaal voor mensen met een breede kuit.
The weather at Omen doesn't look as depressing as I thought
A kuia passed on her wisdom to her granddaughter.
Comets, with their hugely eccentric orbits, may pass far beyond the outer planets to spend their aphelion in the vast interstellar darkness beyond the Kuiper Belt . » artnouveauho: Aphelion
I was again contacted by senior members of the trust, including our kuia.
Kuigi eks ka ka Maailmas on oma häid aspekte (kaheksajalad on odavamad kui mujal: 30/60 krooni kaheksajalgadega kevadrulli moodi toidu eest).
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
The malua-ula was a variety of tapa that was stained with _hili kukui_ (the root-bark of the kukui tree).
Unwritten Literature of Hawaii The Sacred Songs of the Hula
Ja ma olin õnnelik, kui Fantozzi viskas kivi aknasse - temas oli ju ka mingi varjatud jõud, mis ei luanud tal näha oma naise pisaraid mehe alandamisel piljardimängus, see jõud, mis pani ta tookord võitma, pani ta ka selle kivi haarama.
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
Now would be a perfect chance to get the kids excited about Kuiper Belt and Trans-Neptunian Objects, and maybe the whole celestial object naming business. » 29.04.10-Name a Minor Planet! : Astro Guyz
Tundus, et tüübid olid võtnud zombiewalk'i kui mingit maskiballi, aga minu nägemuses on zombi siiski miski määrdunud räbalatuust.
Esimene päev HÕFF-il
Seega, küsimus ei ole mitte iseseisvuses kui väärtuses omaette, vaid selles, milline poliitiline struktuur võimaldaks tiibetlastel kõige paremini ennast valitseda ja samal ajal tagada kõigi Tiibeti territoorimil viibivate inimeste inimõigused.
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
Tiibeti osas torkab mulle silma Dalai Lama avaldus, nimelt "kui rahutused väljuvad kontrolli alt ja vägivald suureneb, siis ma astun tagasi".
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
Uranus and Neptune might have formed at about the time of the suspected cataclysm, and maybe they dragged Kuiper belt objects into collision courses with the other members of the solar system.
Mike Kuiack, an investment banker in Vancouver, British Columbia, who often travels to China, was an off-and-on student of Chinese for eight and a half years before he signed on to ChinesePod.
They also have their koro and kuia with them.
Large trees attract the familiar ‘kuil’ and coppersmith barbet, apart from wagtails.
The Oort cloud would have its inner disk at the ecliptic from the Kuiper belt. » does every solar system have a Oort cloud?
The Kuiper belt is an icy disk of debris orbiting the sun, beyond Neptune, and is the original home of many comets.
Mr. Fukui, who describes the City as "roomy," said it is Honda's "most significant model" in the Indian market.
Honda Seeks to Boost Auto Sales in India
Do different styles of Zhong Kui figuring come with different significance?
We mourn the loss of Lady Raiha Mahuta - a kuia rangatira, who has devoted so much of her life to nurturing the lifeforce of her children, her mokopuna and all those who come after her.
NZ On Screen
Kuijken brings an excellent team of soloists together to produce a reading of radiant spiritual beauty and emotional depth.
I want to congratulate the kaumatua and the kuia who organised that successful event, and look very much forward to being back there next year.
I asked one of the kuia (grandmothers) about the derivation of a certain word.
The Labour MP's mother is a respected kuia.
Many people want to archive their kaumatua and kuia who are leaving us so that they can leave messages for future generations or so that the family can capture the nuances of the person and how they talk.
NZ On Screen
Ma tegelikult isegi ei saa aru, mis selles häda oleks, kui need inimesed, kes 1. mail kokku tulevad suudaksid kokku panna tervikliku strateegilise programmi sellest, milline Eesti olla võiks ja siis sooviksid seda ka läbi parlamentaarse masinavärgi teostada.
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
Sedna, the mysterious minor planet orbiting the Sun beyond the far edge of the Kuiper Belt, is gradually yielding its secrets to planetary scientists.
Monkey Chief Peace hold shoots two leaves shape, flat straight, natural stretch, pekoe hidden, the "monkey-kui two sharp , ghost not Alice is not curling, " said.
The following steps describe how our kuia prepared the karaka kernels for eating.
Planet-x. » bad_kissinger: A big shout-out to all my homeyz up in da Kuiper Belt! » bad_kissinger: A big shout-out to all my homeyz up in da Kuiper Belt!
The oil is made mostly of silicone cyclopentasiloxane caprylic/capric triglyceride, it is made friendly and moisturizing with olive oil, macademia nut oil, kukui nut oil, grapeseed oil and wheat germ oil.
Archive 2006-07-01
See ei ole midagi erilist ja kui ta seda ei talunud, siis ongi parem, et ta ennast ära tappis, nõrgad peavadki lahkuma.
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
Suurepärane töö, härra Saar, saame täpselt teada, kuidas Riigikogu esimees reageerib stressiolukorras, milline on tema mõtteskeem ( "mina olin puu otsas kui pauk käis ja minu asi ei ole, miks mingid seadused on niisugused nagu nad on").
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
The audience award is selected by the audience at the festival, which once again comprised a mix of local community kuia and kaumatua, guests from near and afar, and numerous film makers attending to present their film works.
NZ On Screen
The Kuiper belt is a hypothetical massive flattened disc of billions of icy planetesimals supposedly left over from the formation of the solar system.
An old kuia sniffing around the crew's tea-and-snacks table at the back of the hall is told that the food is not for the public.
New Zealand Herald - Top Stories
Unlike Kuiper belt comets, Oort cloud comets can rain down on the inner solar system from any angle and any direction.
In the end, even the redoubtable grand defender of Tongzhou, Chen Kui, was cashiered for not controlling the highwaymen.
The youngest children have something in common with their kuia and koro.
Krafinna tehtud pildil klõpsa suuremaks! on näha, et kuidas varasemad Stalkeri kujud on leidnud enesele vägagi esteetilise koha lillepeenras.
Stalkerid lillepeenral
The reason Pluto is not a "big rock" and different from most other objects in the Kuiper Belt is that it has achieved a state known as hydrostatic equilibrium.
Readings, signings, and other events vaguely literary for Monday, February 23, 2009 | Seattle Metblogs
There are several other spherical Kuiper Belt Objects that should also be considered planets–Haumea, Makemake, and Eris–as well as Ceres in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Readings, signings, and other events vaguely literary for Monday, February 23, 2009 | Seattle Metblogs
Aga seal on kõike, seal on klaasist kuubikuid; linnajagusid, mis kell 17.00 kustutavad tuled, sulevad aknad ja jäävad tühjaks; linnajagusid, kus on mugavad vanaaegsed, pisut inglaslikud elumajad, seal on kiirteed, ääristatud rohelusega; platsid, mis näevad välja nagu ooperidekoratsioon; väikesed hubased kohvikud, suured peened restoranid; sillad ning rongid ...
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
By way of contrast, Guillermo Kuitca draws on a family history of displacement and diaspora.
A wooden cane dangled from a rope on his left wrist and a lei of kukui nuts hung around his neck.
In history of Hawaiian leaders, Daniel Inouye stands alone
Many people want to archive their kaumatua and kuia who are leaving us so that they can leave messages for future generations or so that the family can capture the nuances of the person and how they talk.
NZ On Screen
New Horizons is in fact on its way to a dwarf planet, as Pluto is not sufficiently larger than its Kuiper Belt neighbors, namely the objects Haumea and Makemake, to meet the definition of a true planet.
Wired Top Stories
It is about expressing value and respect for all who belong to them - tamariki, matua, kuia, kaumatua.
NZ On Screen
I begin my presentation by making reference to the office you hold in this House, and the acknowledgment we pay to you and your kuia.
In the earliest of Fukui's three-layer paintings, the newsprint collage was sometimes almost completely obscured by acrylic and sumi ink.
As Flight Engineer, Kuipers was responsible for undocking the Soyuz from the Space Station.
At Bandakui, where lives one of Us, I thought to slip the scent by changing my face, and so made me a Mahratta.
Seolah-olah, jika selama Semoga Allah melimpahkan keberkahan-Nya kepada saudara bes Pol Drs Imam Margono mengakui pembunuhan itu di - sebelumnya Yunan alias Ajin, halala yang berarti menyelesaikan persoalan Ramadhan kita memperbaiki dan memperba - dan kita semua.
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The stylization of the Lichtenstein, as well as its humorous deflation of expressive brushwork, is echoed in Fukui's own approach to realism.
Hai mai la na wahine ia lakou, "He aha hookuku mokomoko, a o ka mea oi o ka ikaika, alaila, oia ke hoounaia e hele e kuikui me ke kanaka Kauai i hakaka mai nei me Ihuanu, a make mai nei ua o Ihuanu; oia ia pihe e uwa ala.
The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai
Later, Kuixinglou Building because of disrepair and ruin.
Ai Weiwei, 'Kui Hua 2,' 2009, porcelain, 1.000 kg, dimensions vary with installation, courtesy of the artist and Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing-Lucerne For "Kui Hua 2" 2009, he hand-painted porcelain "seeds.
The Art of Resistance
Kuid ootamatult selgub, et ega see heidik ka miski tavatöll pole... kirves on kivi leidnud...
Blade II (2002)
Kuid just ka selle rünnaku pärast vaatasid inimesed umbusklikult, kui 21. aprilli hommikul 1945 sakslastest mahajäetud linna sisenes Arturo Scattini poolt juhitud Gruppo di Combattimento "Friuli"'87° Reggimento Fanteria - inglise varustuses.
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
Hai mai la na wahine ia lakou, "He aha hookuku mokomoko, a o ka mea oi o ka ikaika, alaila, oia ke hoounaia e hele e kuikui me ke kanaka Kauai i hakaka mai nei me Ihuanu, a make mai nei ua o Ihuanu; oia ia pihe e uwa ala.
The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai
Pass up any kind of tempura, fried gyoza (the Japanese version of Chinese pot stickers) or fried wonton, agedashi tofu (deep-fried tofu), nikuitame (stir-fried pork), specialty rolls (may have more ingredients than basic rolls).
The Small Change Diet
Being back in Canada made me long for the untamed wilds of forest and rock that Fukui lacks.
Since 1993 when the Communist Party held its "Third Work Forum" on Tibet, the party boss of the time, Chen Kuiyuan, put forward the proposition that Tibetan Buddhism itself was "splittist" or "separatist," since Tibetan Buddhists considered the Dalai Lama to be an incarnation of Tibet's guardian angel, the celestial bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, and so their loyalty to him was unshakable.
China Is Attempting to Wipe Out Buddhism
For one thing, astronomers discovered the Kuiper belt, a teeming ensemble of miniature worlds within which Pluto orbits.
Fukui's biggest claim to fame was helming the launch of Honda's successful Fit subcompact in Japan.
Li Kui has not been hit plum the phenomenon of ghost also cannot continue again!
The few largest ones, including Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris have one crucial feature that distinguishes them from the other objects in the Kuiper Belt.
With following winds reaching 42 knots we surfed up Clarence Strait, across Sumner Strait and didn't have headwinds until the last few miles into tiny Louise Cove on Kuiu Island, a day's run of 110 miles.
Kuiper crater is named for Gerard Kuiper, a Dutch-American astronomer who was also a member of the Mariner 10 team.
Sarwo juga menekankan bahwa pembina kerukunan umat beragama harus banyak, Acara itu dilaksanakan Komisi Pemberdayaan Umat MUI Kota MEDAN (Waspaa): Gubsu kita tidak cermat dan teliti bisa ten di Sumut.nutnya. bahkan masih ada yang be - sehingga bisa seimbang dengan Medan diketuai H.Syafii Susanto, MA dan Sekretaris Zulparman H. Syamsul Arifin mengingat - menyangka bahwa mereka juga Gubsu mengakui, honor Demikian Kakanwildepag - lum beragama.
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The Kuiper belt and Oort cloud are populations of icy planetesimals located beyond the orbit of Neptune.
Vertir doesn't want his mate Kuikin to come to such a toothsome end, to the decide to scarper.
Superhero Prose Fiction: Vertir and Kuikin - 3 Of Silence and the Man At Arms
Nonnative trees include strawberry guava, common guava, rose apple, kukui (a candlenut), and avocado, while two of the shrubs are lantana and a type of raspberry called ola'a.
Ua makaukau anei oe e kui mai ia'u; ina he manao e kui, kui mai I kuu maka.
The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai
The Maori party have kaumatua and kuia leading the party.
Dying kuia or kaumatua have called for a final meal of kereru in the belief that it will help them on their journey to the afterlife. - Stuff
Näiteks kükitada Antsla raudteejaamas maas ja vaadata kuidas sipelgad lähevad mööda sipelgarada, toita neid suhkurga ja panna okkaid teele ette.
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
Kui oleks ostnud, oleks võinud pärast karbist kivi avastada.
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
Schnappinger D, Ehrt S, Voskuil MI, Liu Y, Mangan JA, et al. (2003) Transcriptional adaptation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis within macrophages: insights into the phagosomal environment.
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Synopsis: The life story of Akuin, a male member of the fur-covered Hwarhath species who foster a matriarchic society on-planet while the adult men work in space to defend against the inevitable and impending attack from humans.
REVIEW: Best Short Novels: 2005 edited by Jonathan Strahan
Kui jätta kõrvale austusavaldus stuudiole Amicus, siis muid seoseid ma ei täheldanud.
Cradle of Fear (2001)
‘It's one indication that this dream lag effect is occurring in the minds of dreamers whose dreams seem to have for them some kind of constructive effect,’ said Kuiken.