
How To Use Kudos In A Sentence

  • There were several breakout hits, films that commanded both critical kudos and broad audience appeal, assuring substantive box-office numbers.
  • In some of her designs for trousers, there was the additional and creative element of safety pins, a unique accessory for punks, a reason she won kudos that night.
  • Good luck and kudos to you for taking an interest in a needy child.
  • Kudos to the first angry white conservative to blabber about reverse racism though. Obama: Virginia governor's slavery omission 'unacceptable'
  • The club sold its soul to the devil of capitalism, and whilst the short term gains were success, admiration, a growing international fan base and kudos, that avenue of hedonism has finally delivered the bill.
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  • Now I have to give credit where it is due, so kudos to all those involved in the major drug bust on Monos Island.
  • Bush is apparently "well qualified" considering the state he left the US in after an unpaid for Iraq-war-4-oil and a collapsed economy!!!! kudos to GW Bush for ruining the USA!!! rumrunner Bush on Obama: 'This guy has no clue'
  • Kudos to you; you richly deserve the recognition.
  • Kudos to them for providing Hussain with a forum.
  • The fact that they spoke in English dampened a rich, emotional moment and also erased the kudos Slate Magazine
  • Good and bad, right and wrong, victims and survivors and the obligatory sex and violence - what other moral and visual ingredients do you need to get both ratings and campaigning kudos?
  • Feeling toasty: Kudos (in the piece about the Ghost Riderz scooter gang) for using the word milquetoast in a sentence. Home RSS
  • Employees enjoy the kudos that the job brings as much as the financial rewards.
  • Kudos to Szokolay for devoting part of his program to some of the composer's underrated keyboard gems.
  • Kudos is due to Sarah Millican, whose brilliant eye for observation and viciously acerbic style gives her the chops to win over all but the most committed chauvinists. This week's new comedy
  • Kudos to this dancer for thinking beyond the customary perception of affording Rama the superlative prowess; thereby questioning his viability to be worshipped.
  • The artists may get the kudos, but it's gallerists who ensure that the show goes on.
  • Well thanks for the kudos though us fussy femmes don't do "slobber"? My thong pic, a disability lap dance, the party, dehumanized, but still seeking possibilities
  • They are the students who enjoy undertaking these responsibilities, and kudos to them for doing so; they enrich campus life for the students who get involved in any of those activities.
  • Contradicting itself, TechCrunch here gives kudos to what it refers to as CBS's superdistribution strategy. Jerry Weinstein: TV Upfronts, CNET, and the Facebook, MySpace and Google Data Wars
  • There's kudos in finding a great fashion look at a modest price and without the obvious pointer of a flashy designer label.
  • So it isn't as if it is going to bring a lot of extra ratings but it will certainly bring a lot of kudos to the network that did it.
  • Kudos to Nikolai for navigating the sometimes turbulent, shark infested waters around weblog island to create The Bloggies.
  • The lone conductor never stood a chance of subduing them, but kudos to her for trying anyway.
  • | Reply | Permalink kudos for the nice usage of "redound", Greg. Obama Campaign: Exit Polls Show "Significant Improvements" Over Our Performance In Ohio
  • Lastly, kudos to all three performers for their spot-on character work.
  • Kudos to Mark for at least getting it out the door periodically.
  • True, he enjoys the adulation of the fans and the kudos of playing for one of the world's biggest clubs. The Sun
  • Traditional systems of medicine like Ayurveda are staging a comeback and getting kudos for their holistic approach to ailments.
  • The days when a former minister added kudos and credibility to a board have gone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kudos to the founders for sticking to the vision, the team for executing it so well and most importantly to their investors in believing the story. Cooliris Keeps On Growing, Adds Desktop Support
  • Kudos to Anchor Bay for doing at least something with a little old horror flick from the '80s.
  • I feel a high-class hotel with all its attendant facilities would carry more kudos than yet more apartments.
  • Being an actor has a certain amount of kudos attached to it.
  • Winning the quiz, aside from the kudos and respect from your peers, nets you eight pints of beer or lager.
  • Kudos to the Journal for finally raising the issue.
  • Such is the global nature of the web that I link to a British site to highlight an American video but kudos to Suburban Bushwacker for finding this amazing video of a Mr. Rufus Hussy of Asheboro, North Carolina and his "beanshooter. Slingshot Video
  • Kudos to both prolific producer J.J Abrams and to former T.V episode stinter director Matt Reeves for keeping such a tight leach on proceedings and learning to go by the ‘raw is real’ code of conduct that has so smartly served other, more senior directors, such as Ridley Scott and David Cronenberg in there previous alien and insectode encounters. CLOVERFIELD | Obsessed With Film
  • Having a bilingual secretary in a company can add huge kudos.
  • The success in tempting overseas companies and thousands of jobs to Scotland gave it kudos.
  • Kudos to Brendan Kane, the main organiser, who also took the trouble to help me sort out my accommodation once I arrived. Elizabeth I and Ireland
  • You have an exorbitant auditory impediment," replied the doctor, conscious of the necessity for maintaining a certain iatric mystique, and fully aware that "a pea in the ear" was unlikely to earn him any kudos. Bookworm
  • He feels that managers get too much praise and kudos when things go well, too much opprobrium when they don't. Times, Sunday Times
  • A thoroughly enjoyable evening and many kudos to Bob for picking the noshery. Cheeseburger Gothic » Yes, I know I said 5.30 here and 6.30 on Twitter for tonights gig…
  • Kudos to SAG President Alan Rosenberg and its new Executive Director Doug Allen for their attempts to inspirit the spread out sometimes fractured Membership with a bold plan to stand up to the studios and networks. Michael Russnow: TV Shows and Films May or May Not Be in Jeopardy: Nonetheless, Studios Won't Have it So Easy Screwing the Talent
  • But being listed can add kudos to small companies both with suppliers and in mergers and acquisitions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their bosses gained kudos for introducing them from the bench. Times, Sunday Times
  • June 29th, 2009 4: 11 pm ET another lecher .... kudos America ... you really know how to pick 'em Giuliani pondering gubernatorial bid
  • He practices directing as antithetically and abusively to the author's intentions as perversely possible, reaping kudos from benighted reviewers and audiences alike.
  • When receiving kudos, for instance, publicly thank everyone who helped you.
  • They again gave kudos to the organising committee, led by retired police officer Kyron Arthur.
  • Kudos to MGM for their great work on this title!
  • Also kudos to the ending where our little miss tuffet goes out with flashing blue and red lights to have a bad acid trip! Living Doll goes Finnish
  • Also, kudos to Amy from Cooking with Amy for getting some press as well.
  • In the meantime world leaders will enjoy the kudos of being seen to be doing something about Aids.
  • Kudos to Ms. Peters for her hard work on tonight's program.
  • November 11th, 2009 at 12: 31 pm PST if this software is anything like the face recognition on the new ilife its gonna stink. this is cool and kudos to them, but dont expect this to be CIA or Casino level face recognition with people monitoring. i doubt it will work as well as they say it will. but hey maybe im wrong. reply Photo Tagger Alerts You When A Picture Of You Appears On Facebook, Tagged Or Not
  • If the signature became common knowledge, then every bampot with a bomb could spread it around to claim second-hand kudos and cloud the picture. A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away
  • It gives equal kudos to Harrison, the man who spent decades creating the most accurate clock in the world, and King.
  • Still a win is a win and the champs will find a way to win when its necessary so kudos to Detroit.
  • To win sympathy and kudos, according to at least one bad-beat narratologist, you have only to make clear how focused and intelligent you were, how high the stakes, how slim your odds of losing, how vile your opponent was and how well you command the idiom of your game. News | WM |
  • To call the musical -- praised on its way to Broadway's Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre and additional kudos -- "sophomoric" is to flatter it. David Finkle: First Nighter: Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson Is Bloody Awful
  • Also, kudos to Terry Milewski of the CBC for fantastic reporting of this story.
  • Kudos to SAG President Alan Rosenberg and its new Executive Director Doug Allen for their attempts to inspirit the spread out sometimes fractured Membership with a bold plan to stand up to the studios ... Michael Russnow: TV Shows and Films May or May Not Be in Jeopardy: Nonetheless, Studios Won't Have it So Easy Screwing the Talent
  • I thought Palm could have gone a step beyond too – in rounding off the Synergy Feature with more differentiators … Kudos on your Cobalt efforts. Wanted: One Mobile Device, for a 24/7 Life
  • Still she performed like a trooper and actually did the shoot so kudos to her.
  • Kudos to the library there for taking the lead on this project!
  • How much kudos is there really in beating Milan's B team or Ajax on an off day?
  • Yes | No | Report from buckstopper wrote 1 year 6 weeks ago to all traditionist: I say again if its your thing to go without technogadgets - kudos to you and you fieldcraft. K-9 G.P.S.
  • Not getting enough kudos from the boss? Times, Sunday Times
  • She's one of the more engaging actresses around, she just came off some major critical kudos for I Am Love an overrated film, but she was terrific, and well, as I joked back in 2005 upon seeing The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, her turn as the White Witch may not have turned me to stone, but she kept me rock-hard the whole movie... Scott Mendelson: Summit commissions a script for a Red sequel. Who should be added to the cast?
  • What you lose in height, you gain in kudos. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kudos to Mike Diehl, Edward Palumbo, et al. Why, has it not been on This Great Blog Itself that hunters have often been criticized (just recently, a wizened old codger related how he and a companion sagaciously enjoyed the wild countryside while riding behind two unwitting computer-geek-hunters … and so on and so forth)? See Us in the Funny Pages
  • Increasingly a biological definition of gentility was being challenged and surpassed by a cultural one, which allowed an expanding middling order access, through an appropriate use of their wealth, to social kudos.
  • Do Zagat and Michelin award extra kudos or contain comments like "the hors d'oeuvres, though engulfed by a sea of balsamico can only be described, politely, as dismal; the main course gave the impression of having probably been recycled several times; HOWEVER the sanitary facilities whither these" comestibles "were swiftly dispensed with justify an overall 1* criteria. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • The charity gains financially, the company earns kudos, and the benevolent consumer gets to feel good about his or her contribution.
  • And kudos to the CBC for their subheading: "Piddle in wrong puddle". Archive: Oct 08 - Mar 09
  • Get yours in leather or suede for extra kudos. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was considerable kudos attached to being on the advisory board.
  • If, by chance, I have dreamt it, then I naturally take all of the kudos.
  • That brings its own kudos as well as its own pressure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the staff at the International Plaza Hotel offered kudos to the conference.
  • Company donations are usually about winning gongs or kudos for the chairman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kudos to President Tadic of Serbia for arresting him.
  • I've given out some kudos to Julia Baird and we all vigorously debated Miranda Devine.
  • The charity gains financially, the company earns kudos, and the benevolent consumer gets to feel good about his or her contribution.
  • However, Mr Murphy gave kudos to the Credit Union for organising the event.
  • Secure for yourself a tame legislature, executive and judiciary by grooming certain ambitious up-and-comers who are prepared to make a Faustian bargain with us in return for kudos and a bunk-up in the preselection battles. [constitutional reform] the eu quietly waits to pounce
  • I don't know if they nailed him later with a credit card chargeback, but I say kudos to him for giving us all a big laugh.
  • Kudos to all of you for an amazing job.
  • Kudos, by the way, on the fantastic articles.
  • So to the citizens of Vancouver; good luck in your endeavour and kudos for daring to think big in an age of incrementalism.
  • Yet festivals bring tourism and kudos. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kudos to the costumes by Michael O'Connor (The Last King Of Scotland).
  • Company donations are usually about winning gongs or kudos for the chairman. Times, Sunday Times
  • The guitar case just adds to the kudos. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kudos on the quality of the production; they did not skimp on anything.
  • Who would not want to experience life at the Bernabeu and the huge kudos it brings? The Sun
  • The clever-clever developers get all the kudos for coming up with the idea in the first place.
  • Kudos to Kellogg - this initiative shows a wonderful degree of ingenuity from the company in terms of reducing packaging costs and environmental impact as well as better meeting the needs of retailers and consumers at the same time. Kellogg's Reduces Size of Corn Flakes Packaging
  • If only he had changed the first vowel he would at least get kudos for honesty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kudos to the Astros for bucking the conventional wisdom in favor of guys who can actually pitch.
  • With all the congratulatory backslapping and kudos for them filling the media, does no one stop to think about the total about-face that has been foisted on the membership of both parties.
  • If you are one of the few who have stuck with it, kudos to you.
  • Webster is aware of the kudos to be earned, but is approaching this season with the usual calm of a seasoned battler.
  • Davis deserves kudos for including celebrity chefs and lesser known regional chefs in her tough homage to the restaurant business.
  • (The Singularity is Near) And hey, kudos to you on busting the virtual machine of consciousness with a downloaded lobster ... and 'effin ace on slapping Dennett and then telling him not to worry about illusionary pain. Amuchmoreexotic: I've just finished reading Consciousness
  • Slightly off topic, kudos to all my fellow bloggers who helped expose the guard document forgeries.
  • Kudos as well to Gordon whose pipes and gams were in fine form on opening night, giving a stellar spin on this seminal musical theatre role.
  • He sometimes exasperates his journalistic contacts with a steady stream of press releases crammed with statistics, but it earned him kudos and contacts with the Scottish media that are now paying off.
  • Kudos, Gary - you have a very honest unconscious (then again, our unconscious is always honest, ain't it ....) Nelson expresses support for using trigger on public insurance
  • Again, kudos o'plenty are definitely in order for your discrete handling of a very ticklish situation.
  • Kudos to them as this cd has an appeal many don't but lets face it, they're still rubbing along in a bastard genre, they're just a bit better than most at it.
  • Kudos to the Toledo Blade for breaking an important story.
  • Kudos to federal judges Pollack and Baer for not bending to the victimology and sentimentalism of the times.
  • I'll give kudos to Kendall who has tried three times to get rid of him.
  • On a more positive note, the Director extends kudos to the Animal Unit of the Psych Dept. (you folks at Psych are really in his good graces - several times during our "klatch" he was unable to suppress the urge to leap up, point at me and shout with enthusiasm, "Psych!") for their profiling of the notorious 900-pound gorilla. Jeff Dorchen: Just the Break in the Case we Need... Not!
  • Kudos must be given to Björling's unsung accompanist, particularly in the piano reductions of the arias.
  • Get yours in leather or suede for extra kudos. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still she performed like a trooper and actually did the shoot so kudos to her.
  • In the 65 years since it's launch, Obermeyer the brand, just like the man, has earned kudos for it's remarkable contributions to ski-wear. Zandile Blay: 92 Year-Old Ski-Wear Designer, Klaus Obermeyer, Answers the Proust Questionnaire
  • Some will fare better than others when the kudos are handed out, but all will be secure in the knowledge that they gave it their best shot.
  • So kudos to this new label helmed by Mason Cellars' Grant Hemingway and two friends; they've devised a great value that shows off a fresh pear blossom Chenin presence, with a bit of grassy bite and ripe apricot fruit. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • Davis deserves kudos for including celebrity chefs and lesser known regional chefs in her tough homage to the restaurant business.
  • The voluminous and emotional responses ranged from kudos to condemnation.
  • Merriam-Webster now lists kudo [coo-doe] the singular form as the main entry for the word with a plural and a whole second entry for kudos [coo-doss, more Greek sounding] being another word.
  • Kudos for the excellent job on the college football bowl preview.
  • There was considerable kudos attached to being on the advisory board.
  • Belated kudos to ricky p., on that splendid "litotes" analogy. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Kudos to the wonderful children who did their teacher proud, winning applause from her gurus in whose honour the mega event was held.
  • Knowing them gives you extra kudos. Times, Sunday Times
  • Employees enjoy the kudos that the job brings as much as the financial rewards.
  • Many of the Friday morning classes are large, introductory lectures dominated by impressionable freshman and sophomores (kudos to the administration for the clever resocialization strategy.) Christine Whelan: Freshman: How Not to Puke In Class
  • Surprisingly, for someone whose activism has garnered her ‘most dangerous’ status in the eyes of many far-right politicians and organizations, Red Wing gives kudos to ultraconservatives, from whom she says we can learn a thing or two.
  • But does it get the kudos it deserves? The Sun
  • Now on the surface this sounds like a right reasonable question to ask and kudos to the guy who brought it up.
  • Company donations are usually about winning gongs or kudos for the chairman. Times, Sunday Times
  • More kudos to your site due to the fact the CEO likes your idea!
  • Kudos goes to Robert Yates Racing for developing a better overall package for Jarrett.
  • Contradicting itself, TechCrunch here gives kudos to what it refers to as CBS's Superdistribution strategy. RED MEAT: TV Upfront Coverage; Yahoo! Can't Catch A Break; Head-Scratching Deals; Data Wars Spark Between Facebook, MySpace, and Google; Political Steel Cage Matches - MediaBizBuzz for May 19
  • The greatest kudos, he says, is accorded to those who have been caught more than once, yet continue to break the law.
  • A rare and precious thing, capable of delivering both audiences and kudos in equal measure, the search for prime-time drama that can be happily recommissioned is an obsession of virtually all commissioning editors and broadcasters.
  • Kudos to the Global Alliance for Clean Cook Stoves, an incredible public-private partnership led by the UN Foundation, for tackling this problem head-on and committing to provide clean cookstoves to 100 million homes by 2020. Nalini Saligram: The Impact of Pollution on People's Health
  • I am sure a lot of people will draw kudos if she wins, but they say success has many friends but failure is an orphan. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here, they were setting up the game and the series and the performances carried extra kudos for that. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'You have an exorbitant auditory impediment,' replied the doctor, ever conscious of the necessity for maintaining a certain iatric mystique, and fully aware that 'a pea in the ear 'was unlikely to earn him any kudos. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • Kudos to you for wanting to restore them while maintaining their patina and natural beauty.
  • He gained kudos for his stand against the brutality with which a subsequent mutiny was quelled.
  • The game doesn't rely on styling your car to gain kudos and cash, although you'll do better in some races if you stick to a saloon car and splash out on what's under the bonnet.
  • he always appreciated kudos for his work
  • If so, kudos to Neyer for being the only one to stand up to the guy.

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