
How To Use Kowtow In A Sentence

  • Too bad CBS kowtowed to the so called “savior with a smile” in Tim Tebow. Think Progress » NCAA pulls Focus on the Family ad over complaints about the group’s homophobic positions.
  • The kowtow was the stumbling block; the foreigners were willing to do only such obeisance to the Chinese emperor as they would do to their own sovereigns.
  • Fiercely proud to be British, he said it made him miserable to ‘have our prime minister kowtow to a power junkie in Washington’.
  • He emphasized his ‘refusal to kowtow to the Occupiers.’
  • He kowtows, septic skull to the pavement, eyes crusting with small, yellow horrors. Day 7: Pigeon Savant
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  • She has been jailed because she refused to kowtow to a government demand that would make any independent reporting virtually impossible.
  • AND MORE RESISTANCE: Even Obama, who has kowtowed to Netanyahu for years, struck back against being insulted and demeaned -- and more important, thousands of Americans made clear they too believe in a peace settlement based on the 1967 boundaries with mutually agreed land swaps. Rabbi Arthur Waskow: The Worst And Best Of Times: Arrogance And Resistance
  • What is most frightening, of course, is the obscene philosophy of machtpolitik -- the craven kowtowing to the demands of brute force -- that is embodied in Judge Brown's chilling words: "War is a challenge to law, and the law must adjust. The Lie of Law: Courts Bow to State's Raw Power
  • It forbids forcing every American to kowtow to the beliefs of any sect.
  • He "kowtowed" some more, and at the answer of the chattering savage we looked at Annie. Pardners
  • As most Americans see it, their government is not asking other nations to "kowtow" - but rather to enter into a security partnership to avert terror attacks. BBC News - Home
  • Hearn charges the province is living in a dictatorship, and that collectively the provincial cabinet doesn't have the "guts of a caplin" for kowtowing to the premier. Archive 2008-09-01
  • A lot of kneeling, kowtowing and forelock-tugging ensued -- and a public scolding of one of the Star's best journos and columnists by the "public editor. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Surely that is one of the things we expect of an independent civil service - that it should not kowtow to its political masters.
  • And I don't know quote how this has been effected, but somehow I think dissenting voices have been kowtowed into, if not silenced, into a kind of netherworld, and aren't heard. CNN Transcript Mar 7, 2003
  • Must we forever kowtow to US imperialism and be treated like the illegitimate children of the global economy?
  • Half the problems we have today are caused by an excess of attention to the opinions and carryings-on of people who have in no way earned the right by achievement or election or any other criteria to be heard on any subject at any time, let alone kowtowed to. Think Progress » GOP Sen. Dick Lugar rebukes Cheney criticism of Obama as ‘unfair.’
  • Only now, in the rush of 'modern progress,' is the doffing of the hat taking the place of the 'kowtow' Myths and Legends of China
  • They said his actions were more wicked and despicable than earlier claims of a foreign hostess forcing Chinese female workers to kowtow and a security guard frisking female workers.
  • Bully boys kowtow to only two things: a large smack or abject ridicule.
  • Supplicants no longer approached the imperial presence on their knees, bruising their foreheads as they kowtowed so hard that the emperor heard their respect from the sound of their heads hitting the floor.
  • And yet, the developed world often behaves as if those on the rest of the globe must gratefully kowtow to it.
  • Some people blame it on the fact that he isn't going to kowtow to anyone.
  • On the other hand, this doesn't mean that we have to kowtow to the disingenuous, the graspingly ambitious, the intellectually dishonest, or others whose views conflict with our own.
  • When Putin expressed support for Total's investments in Russia, De Margerie kowtowed before the tape recorders. In Oil Quest, Total Makes High Friends In Low Places
  • They did not kowtow to the demands of an unreasonable employer.
  • But we cannot sacrifice the present and the future to kowtow to a legend.
  • My point was that someone will find fault and offense in any choice and that we should be mindful and do our best to be gracious humans to one another (which goes both ways), we cannot avoid an opposing opinion and we should not be kowtowed into behavior simply to placate. Last Time I Checked, Babies Were People Too - Her Bad Mother
  • She's bang up to now without kowtowing to fashion, and catches the zeitgeist in a completely individual way.
  • They were already prepared to release those two idiots as soon as they could get even a symbolic kowtow from the imperialists. Kim Jong Il pardons and orders release of 2 U.S. journalists
  • But at the same time, they're not going to kowtow to the defense either.
  • The radical-chic royal crawlers would kowtow to her while she was present, then mock her once she was gone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Malkin claims proves Obama was kowtowing to the Muslim Monarch, you note that Obama is about a foot taller than Abdullah, and so had to kind of contort himself to get into any sort of position to shake the sheikh's hand. Anorak News
  • Trollope returned to England from Australia in 1872 and, disgusted by the unscrupulousness and greed he found one of whose features was easily secured mortgages, he wrote a satire attacking the shady financiers and those who kowtowed to them. The way we live now? Follow the money back to Anthony Trollope…
  • But now the relationship is supposedly reversed, with the fashion industry kowtowing to consumers.
  • He didn't kowtow to anyone, said what he pleased, dressed as he pleased.
  • Her pride wouldn't allow her to kowtow to anyone.
  • He is grateful for it, but he is not going to kowtow to anybody.
  • So the notion that propaganda is bad but free speech is good is a carefully contrived nonsense designed to allow the IOC to kowtow to the bullyboy Chinese Communists. Archive 2008-04-06
  • He is always kowtowing to his boss
  • And the majority, in an effort to prove its multiracial credentials, must always kowtow to them in today's politically correct world.
  • I refuse to kowtow to anyone.
  • All this kowtowing will go to his head and make him as 'uppish' as the rest of 'em. The Native Born or, the Rajah's People
  • I am tired of military leaders being kowtowed to as if they were gods. Think Progress » Dutch officials call Sheehan’s theory blaming gay soldiers for the Srebrenica massacre ‘complete nonsense.’
  • Tributes were paid to Councillors Jimmy Moloney and Damian Ryan for refusing to kowtow to the Heavy Hand Brigade and for walking out of the meeting in protest.
  • The poor athletes have to cringe and crawl and kowtow to the mighty officials and association members in order to get a place in the Olympic contingent.
  • Yueyue's parents were photographed meeting the woman, bowing down in a ritual 'kowtow' - a public expression of gratitude that she had stopped to help their daughter when so many others had walked on by. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • She's bang up to now without kowtowing to fashion, and catches the zeitgeist in a completely individual way.
  • Also, anyone who refuses to kowtow to that toerag is OK with me.
  • I would like to compliment #2 for a most cromulent use of the word 'kowtow' Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • OH BOY -- Today in pundit fever dreams: Jeremy Lott writes at Daily Caller that Gray is a "free-spending throwback to uglier times" who "rode a wave of black resentment against [Adrian Fenty] 's supposed kowtowing to white interests" and "would move to gut Fenty's education reforms as a sop to the DC teachers 'union. DeMorning DeBonis: Oct. 4, 2010
  • Their first major film was Pastor Hall, the moving account of a German preacher who refuses to kowtow to the Nazis.
  • Remarkably, however, U.S. policymakers began kowtowing to the Saudis from the time of the discovery of oil in the kingdom in 1938 before they had any wealth or the United States imported a barrel of their oil. Arab lobby’s unseen influence
  • While persuading believers to put less emphasis on ritual, he must also set up a real deterrent - courts with real teeth that do not kowtow to rich thieves.
  • Will Europe ever get a clue, or will they just kowtow to U.S. hegemony?
  • We WILL be closely watching how long it takes for the prices to drop to realistic levels, how long it takes for common wananchi to actually see the speed benefits, how much bickering occurs as inland countries have to kowtow for access to the ocean cable links, and how much corporate foot-dragging will occur to stimy user access in order to maintain their revenue margins (e.g. thru per-megabyte pricing). Global Voices in English » Africa: The arrival of Seacom cable sparks debate
  • I love your cojones in not being kowtowed into NOT meeting with this group of businessmen. Obama hosts Muslim-focused entrepreneurship summit
  • Page views per day reached over 10,000 during the Qingming festival, when Chinese families traditionally visit their relatives 'gravesites and practice rituals such as kowtow and money offering. Boom Times For Chinese Internet Start-Ups
  • Rep Ross has relinquished any semblance of leadership, and has kowtowed to lobbyists and misinformation. Blue Dog will vote against bill with public option
  • Half the problems we have today are caused by an excess of attention to the opinions and carryings-on of people who have in no way earned the right by achievement or election or any other criteria to be heard on any subject at any time, let alone kowtowed to. Think Progress » GOP Sen. Dick Lugar rebukes Cheney criticism of Obama as ‘unfair.’
  • By kowtowing to the military's own conception of its ability to handle matters of justice, the government leaves the military free to do as it likes.
  • In ‘Keeper of the Keys,’ Chan has to deal with a much older Chinese servant who kowtows to his white master in embarrassing fashion.
  • If most people no longer have to kowtow to politicians in order to have a secure retirement, a wide swath of the political spectrum will lose a major justification for its existence.
  • Tchitcherine tracks mud off the street into the Center, gets a blush from Luba, a kind of kowtow and mopflourish from the comical Chinese swamper Chu Piang, unreadable stares from an early pupil or two. Gravity's Rainbow
  • Because of the fact that he didn't kowtow to a lot of white interests, a lot of people carry a grudge against Miles.
  • Master Mo went to Xianhua Hill in pray for good rain, he knelt and kowtowed every step he advanced forward.
  • China would reign supreme in Asia with even Tokyo and Seoul kowtowing to Beijing.
  • He's a brave man. I m sure he will not kowtow to the enemy.
  • Those judging come September time should not kowtow to the idea that we need to regurgitate past glories in order for the results to be recognisable to an international audience.
  • Forced to accept, he continued to insist that the ambassadors must perform the kowtow.
  • Once a relative even asked the representative of the receiver to kowtow to the dead at the farewell ceremony.

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