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How To Use Knowledgeable In A Sentence

  • Most doulas are knowledgeable about resources such as lactation consultants and support groups.
  • Each yacht carries knowledgeable skippers and crew members. Times, Sunday Times
  • Throw in friendly and knowledgeable staff and the gorgeous riverside terrace (serving only a bar menu) for a great dining experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • A knowledgeable fan can predict most selections with unerring accuracy.
  • Knowledgeable shootists realize the value of a large-frame revolver and have mourned the loss of this full figured six-gun ever since.
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  • The knowledgeable authorities occupy the institutional front row only because others have abandoned the effort.
  • Guests can lend a hand with ranch chores if they like, baling hay and moving cows to new pastures, all the while swapping stories with Brad McCarthy, the engaging, knowledgeable head wrangler.
  • My wise, knowledgeable green eyes were younger, no wrinkles marring them in the slightest.
  • an unknowledgeable assistant
  • It was edgy and over-the-top, with enough random cinematic references to keep even the most knowledgeable film geek happy.
  • Crafty once meant powerful, and cunning meant knowledgeable; each has gradually taken on negative connotations (this is called pejoration). Catachresis and the amusing, awful and artificial cathedral
  • I found him a knowledgeable, friendly and approachable captain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another correspondent asked for cheap tracts which she could distribute to the poor as the middle class were already knowledgeable.
  • The SEC, he said, "has no discretion-none-to fail to follow up, with serious investigations, when presented with knowledgeable, detailed, obviously highly competent, and in many respects easily 'checkable' allegations of … a huge fraud that is fooling thousands of people, stealing billions of dollars, and causing horrible injustice. News Dissector Blog
  • Observation shows that forged paintings are usually offered to novice art collectors, art buffs who are too lazy to learn about the subject or those who believe they are really knowledgeable in art matters.
  • Thomas says consumers are more knowledgeable about design now than in the past.
  • Individuals with prediabetes or diabetes should receive individualized MNT as needed to achieve treatment goals, ideally by a registered dietitian who is knowledgeable about diabetes MNT (B).
  • Talkative people are not necessarily smarter, more knowledgeable and more interesting. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • He has additionally been working on different aspects of the behavior of seabirds, especially the common murre (Uria aalge), and is knowledgeable about biological philosophy as well as biology education. Contributor: Jonathan M. Jeschke
  • Only 32, Sherman already has put in eight years at the Las Vegas sports books, and is likely the most knowledgeable golf handicapper in the country.
  • Suddenly a little head popped up in the grass, unrecognised by my more knowledgeable friend.
  • The brilliantly knowledgeable staff are very helpful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bartenders are knowledgeable about the drinks, the menu — try the spiced lamb meatballs or croque-monsieur sticks — and even the four kinds of ice 1534 uses. The History of Drinking
  • Her talk was much appreciated and she was both knowledgeable and informative.
  • The service was charming, friendly and knowledgeable and the cheque was big, though not a surprise. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the scores on such tests are meaningless unless they are interpreted by sophisticated clinicians who are totally knowledgeable in pertinent research on child and adult development, cognitive psychology, and neuropsychology, and who are astute observers and interpreters of behaviors such as the person's approach to problem solving or the degree to which anxiety or distractibility might have compromised the person's test scores. Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D.: Intelligent Testing
  • Knowledgeable users maintain that chewing khat has more in common with coffee than cocaine.
  • As I continue with kayaking, I am becoming more proficient at righting my kayak and feeling more in control of my actions, more knowledgeable and less disoriented.
  • Our guide was especially knowledgeable about the bird life and was able to show us three boat-billed herons - magnificent tropical birds with broad bills.
  • \ "But reducing visual complexity to make things pleasing to the eye by hiding critical information, \" from knowledgeable stakeholders, will certainly increase composition and or \ "structural complexity\", and make it difficult for stakeholders to grasp full understanding. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Any knowledgeable wine merchant would be able to advise you.
  • Yet knowledgeable economists agree that these restrictions are bad for humankind.
  • I have always found their staff to be helpful, knowledgeable and courteous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Essentials checks the basics and is suitable for the more knowledgeable buyer of cars under ten years old. The Sun
  • Most of these projects require someone very knowledgeable in plumbing and laying of pipe.
  • Griffin wouldn't have dared to make that comment in front of Mark Roberts, or any other knowledgeable debunker of his malarkey, which is why he's never accepted an invitation to appear with him publicly. Interview with David Ray Griffin on the Rob Kall Radio Show
  • A knowledgeable bibliophile, he also assembled a collection of books utilizing various photomechanical processes that he eventually sold to the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
  • He liked his "winsome" quality, and the fact that he seemed knowledgeable about everything from paper-making techniques to the latest legislation on gay marriage. NYT > Home Page
  • She is hugely experienced and highly knowledgeable. The Sun
  • Perioperative nurses must be knowledgeable about the risk associated with self-medication with herbal remedies.
  • Wild horses can be tamed, but Finch said it takes someone who is knowledgeable and experienced.
  • Any knowledgeable wine merchant would be able to advise you.
  • A structural engineer or knowledgeable contractor can advise you on that.
  • And one of my friends is very knowledgeable in foraging and has shown me how to find food for free. The Sun
  • For example, lead pigment manufacturers were knowledgeable about the hazards of lead, and suppressed the information, just as asbestos manufacturers did.
  • All benefit from access to knowledgeable staff and a wide range of books and other resources. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the staff are knowledgeable and enthusiastic, a lot can be learnt and a great deal of pleasure derived by shopping in the right place. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • The guidebook describes Logan as a plantsman's paradise, but no effort is spared in making less knowledgeable visitors feel at home.
  • The real mystery is how so many knowledgeable people came to doubt it. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A knowledgeable sound person, which we had, can counter environmental drawbacks. Christianity Today
  • She gained a reputation as being incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about anything opera and her luscious lyric soprano voice blossomed.
  • Her lawyer seemed very knowledgeable and experienced.
  • A mercerised cotton that I bought from Binns in Darlington, on the recommendation of the knowledgeable Rowan consultant, Chris.
  • These crofter-fish harvesters were skilled at and knowledgeable about fishing for such purposes.
  • He is a very knowledgeable and experienced executive. Times, Sunday Times
  • I received good knowledgeable advice, that worked. and most importantly, I was treated like a human being.
  • Even the most knowledgeable homeowner lacks the training and depth of knowledge that only a professional home inspector provides.
  • I found the salesperson to be so aggressively unknowledgeable and remarkably useless that I fled.
  • Derived from the ancient Roman orator and writer Marcus Tullius Cicero, “the word cicerone has been used in England for 400 years to indicate a knowledgeable and learned guide,” Daniels noted. Beer: Guides named for Cicero
  • A knowledgeable sound person, which we had, can counter environmental drawbacks. Christianity Today
  • Young Mark seems very knowledgeable and experienced for his age — definitely an old head on young shoulders.
  • As an "educationist", I would simply fail you out of the system for being non-knowledgeable. Undefined
  • If you are not a car expert, take a knowledgeable friend along with you. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is considered knowledgeable, unwavering in convictions and committed to the law.
  • It turned out to be a Mande article, and the shopwoman was knowledgeable about its provenance. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • Queen Margrethe's consort, Prince Henrik, is French and very knowledgeable about culinary matters.
  • At sixteen, Gwenifer was worldly and knowledgeable about all things, especially flirtations and relationships between men and women.
  • Any knowledgeable wine merchant would be able to advise you.
  • The real mystery is how so many knowledgeable people came to doubt it. The Times Literary Supplement
  • By not rushing into horse purchase and by asking the advice of a knowledgeable, experienced horsey friend. Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
  • I found him a knowledgeable, friendly and approachable captain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence a knowledgeable citizen may not wish to have 502 reduction measures carried out beyond what is reasonable.
  • Consultants, therefore, may not be interested in or knowledgeable about journalism.
  • He was plainly a knowledgeable and experienced witness, with a broad background in the railway industry.
  • It is absolutely essential that a knowledgeable person with budget experience examine your proposal section on budget.
  • If the staff are knowledgeable and enthusiastic, a lot can be learnt and a great deal of pleasure derived by shopping in the right place. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • If you need help with your resumé we have friendly knowledgeable staff available to assist.
  • I have always found their staff to be helpful, knowledgeable and courteous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Retailers with friendly, knowledgeable staff and fast service were ranked most highly by the 3,500 people polled. The Sun
  • He chose accessible routes, found accommodations in remote areas and was knowledgeable about local plants, animals and customs.
  • We had a knowledgeable guide in the person of George Adams.
  • If you buy from a reputable breeder, you will then have a knowledgeable person on the end of the phone if you need any support. Times, Sunday Times
  • The house had long been looked upon as something of a white elephant in the theatrical jungle; but Lumley, being pushful and knowledgeable, soon built up a valuable following and set the establishment on its legs. The Magnificent Montez From Courtesan to Convert
  • Atheists are more knowledgeable about religion than religious believers, even though they are opposed to God based religion and many of them were previously religious. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Transmitting any good deeds at the school is viewed as a mortal sin; decency isn’t acknowledgeable. Movie Review: Doubt
  • He is funny, dignified and minutely knowledgeable about the whole Christie canon, having dramatised all the Poirots and all the Radio 4 Miss Marples with June Whitfield.
  • But university leaders are confident that "wonk" - which they define as "an intellectually curious person" or "a knowledgeable Washington insider" - captures something essential about American. American University, now home to the 'American Wonk'
  • It is acknowledgeable that the reason for Paul's statements of such deep commitment in the epistles was necessary in order to inspire his readers to the same commitment. Pulpit Magazine
  • They often had to translate or explain things to their parents, argue for their parents with English-speaking storekeepers, and in general become more knowledgeable and confident than their parents.
  • Gibson used the word "preemptively" - but if a knowledgeable person had pushed back on that point ( "Well, preemption was what John F. Kennedy had in mind in acting against the imminent threat of Soviet missiles in Cuba"), Gibson would certainly have come back to explain the novelty of the "preventive war" point. Later On
  • Retailers with friendly, knowledgeable staff and fast service were ranked most highly by the 3,500 people polled. The Sun
  • Retailers with friendly, knowledgeable staff and fast service were ranked most highly by the 3,500 people polled. The Sun
  • Atheists are more knowledgeable about religion than religious believers, even though they are opposed to God based religion and many of them were previously religious. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The knowledgeable gun-buying public does not see Smith & Wesson's Value Series guns as cheap knock-offs, but rather as bargains.
  • Her engaging survey and his fittingly opulent volume, an upbeat gambol through Bollywood's history, are both the work of knowledgeable enthusiasts.
  • You don't have to be thin, naturally blond, super successful, socially connected, knowledgeable about politics or even particularly charming to find it.
  • So, nonny naughty mouse: Now let's see you defend YOUR view about all this in an article for HB in elegant, erudite, and knowledgeable language ... with a few reputable facts to support your view along the way. Writing for the Horn Book: Field Notes
  • Young Mark seems very knowledgeable and experienced for his age — definitely an old head on young shoulders.
  • For one thing Rolf Harris is quite knowledgeable on the subject, and art is something he has a passion for.
  • He said the defence relies on nothing more than the fact that Manners had pictures of ammunition in his cellphone, once drew a picture of a gun and was described as knowledgeable about firearms. - Home Page
  • You can make or win money when you link up with your most knowledgeable friend. The Sun
  • Daniel Defoe was knowledgeable and proficient in seamanship, he understood the workings of a ship and the skills required for its operation.
  • The real mystery is how so many knowledgeable people came to doubt it. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Any knowledgeable wine merchant would be able to advise you.
  • Experienced and knowledgeable clinicians, however, can further refine this and other amorphous categories (e.g., hallucinosis secondary to coarse brain disease) by their awareness of the scientific literature, which always runs ahead of the official nosology and offers unofficial, but clinically useful, choices (e.g., catatonia as a treatment-responsive syndrome separate from schizophrenia; various frontal and parietal lobe syndromes). The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Even knowledgeable thrift presidents felt they faced a choice be-tween rape and slow suicide.
  • The service remains professional, quick and highly knowledgeable, but the menu seems less sexy and, while the dishes are interesting, there are few real knockouts.
  • His exposure to that high maintenance, extremely knowledgeable and ultra-critical European couture clientele has served to temper his design philosophy in a very positive manner.
  • The service was charming, friendly and knowledgeable and the cheque was big, though not a surprise. Times, Sunday Times
  • We need to remind people about the Joy of browsing and knowledgeable staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you keep a horse, regular, knowledgeable inspection of its feet is essential for its well-being.
  • Patients once perceived doctors as experts while seeing themselves as completely unknowledgeable about both their condition and its treatment.
  • As befits the trade, antique dealers are gabby and knowledgeable and prone to bemoaning that things aren't what they used to be.
  • Our knowledgeable panel of speakers will introduce you to the many aspects of living in Tokyo.
  • Because only two Las Vegas sports books—the Golden Nugget's and the M Casino's, run by Cantor Gaming—offer the betting lines so early, and because so little is known about teams at this early stage, knowledgeable bettors say there are under- and overrated teams to be exploited. An Early Way to Beat the Odds
  • Every visitor to Venice is following a tour-guide, identified by a brolly or flag, but I feel smug about the fact the one in the cream fedora bobbing along a sea of bald and greying heads is by far the most knowledgeable.
  • I miss my friends a lot, and the fact that everyone in Toronto is so knowledgeable about the music.
  • The clinical teacher can become knowledgeable about a particular specialty, and will be aware of the demands of the ward.
  • It is absolutely essential that a knowledgeable person with budget experience examine your proposal section on budget.
  • However, children are knowledgeable and overhear a great deal.
  • Exhaustively knowledgeable about the science of cognition, and a foeman who gives as good as he gets (if not better) in the nature-versus-nurture culture wars, Pinker seemed the perfect foil for some of my ideas about the IQ test. Boing Boing
  • He was an active and knowledgeable gardener and he remained a highly competitive bridge player and an excellent raconteur of amusing medical reminiscences.
  • Throw in friendly and knowledgeable staff and the gorgeous riverside terrace (serving only a bar menu) for a great dining experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Magi are a cunning group -- scientist, and astrologist -- very knowledgeable communities within the Airyanem Vaejah nation. Printing: Iran and the Spirit of the Airyanem Vaejah Nation
  • Conversely, a Sorcerer trying to learn to control his power could study with a more knowledgeable arcanist, like a Warlock (INT secondary, while INT is virtually a dump stat for sorcerers), and the relationship could progress from there. EN World D&D / RPG News
  • In order to do so efficiently, doors and louvres must be adjusted by a knowledgeable operator.
  • Throw in friendly and knowledgeable staff and the gorgeous riverside terrace (serving only a bar menu) for a great dining experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • Young Mark seems very knowledgeable and experienced for his age — definitely an old head on young shoulders.
  • But checking with knowledgeable people at the Vermont Maple Laboratory, I found that the literature was practically nonexistent.
  • As with any shrub, buy your plant from a knowledgeable retail or mail-order nursery.
  • You don't have to be thin, naturally blond, super successful, socially connected, knowledgeable about politics or even particularly charming to find it.
  • It consistently comes up with innovative concepts and hires knowledgeable experts.
  • He has also been smart enough to surround himself with a strong and knowledgeable support staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather than acknowledge that an illicit abortion had been performed at his hospital, Mr. Dean atte mpted to support Sister McBride's decision by pointing out that "many knowledgeable moral theologians have reviewed this case and reached a range of conclusions. Catholic Hospitals vs. the Bishops
  • Essentials checks the basics and is suitable for the more knowledgeable buyer of cars under ten years old. The Sun
  • It began with an aluminum alloy frame, barrel shroud and yoke, which is a remarkable feat of engineering skill, but knowledgeable shootists have been expecting something like this for years.
  • He has also been smart enough to surround himself with a strong and knowledgeable support staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • surprisingly knowledgeable about what was going on
  • And if you think knowledgeable semi-professionals won't arrange such a scheme for their kids, then you're a fool.
  • The former miner was a very knowledgeable man who loved to read and could discuss any topic.
  • Choosing who to manage a player's money is vital; many unknowledgeable players merely leave the task to their agents.
  • Consulting a knowledgeable practitioner is the best way to find out which prebiotics and probiotics are most effective for specific conditions.
  • If you buy from a reputable breeder, you will then have a knowledgeable person on the end of the phone if you need any support. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any knowledgeable wine merchant would be able to advise you.
  • He said the costumes used in the organisation are actually self-made or bought from professionals makers in other countries who are knowledgeable in making these "armours" and are finally assembled by the user. Brudirect News1
  • If you need help with your resume we have friendly knowledgeable staff available to assist.
  • They just make sense to him, and some of the most knowledgeable sailors in his area have been converted to Wylie-designed performance hulls with unstayed cat rigs and wishbone booms.
  • Another correspondent asked for cheap tracts which she could distribute to the poor as the middle class were already knowledgeable.
  • One does find, however, an apparent inability to review a disc without name-dropping, so as to appear a well-rounded and knowledgeable music critic, a man with an opinion worth valuing.
  • My recent experiences suggest there remains a baffling variability in how knowledgeable and helpful staff are. Times, Sunday Times
  • And as with counterfeit money, knowledgeable people cannot be fooled by forged stamps. THE DUTCH BLUE ERROR
  • In addition, relatively unknown but highly knowledgeable PM/PMP types who also have considerable Agile knowledge are contributing to the conversation, in some cases addressing Ron Jeffries directly.
  • Here you can sample the produce and talk to the knowledgeable guides, who'll also show you the rows off vines planted on the rocky soils of the hills behind.
  • Service was friendly and knowledgeable, and the wine pairings imaginative. Times, Sunday Times
  • He chose accessible routes, found accommodations in remote areas and was knowledgeable about local plants, animals and customs.
  • Most are very knowledgeable and savvy about business and know how to cut a deal.
  • Today he is much more knowledgeable and resolute when it comes to politics.
  • The fans are very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about Grand Prix racing.
  • The service, though knowledgeable and friendly, was too slow. Times, Sunday Times
  • I became a totally different person, more knowledgeable, more tolerant, more understanding.
  • A trader knowledgeable of such developments can take appropriate action.
  • The knowledgeable Columbia University alum and erstwhile "dabbler" estimated that about 30 Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Each yacht carries knowledgeable skippers and crew members. Times, Sunday Times
  • Which could only mean that the Pawnee was regarded by the knowledgeable as more dangerous. STONE CITY
  • Become fully informed consumers, knowledgeable enough to challenge doctors who make questionable diagnostic calls.
  • Most knowledgeable beaglers know what the dogs are doing and regardless of how you score the dogs, a lot of it is still within sight of the whole cast.
  • A knowledgeable counselor can walk you through behavior modification techniques that have a proven track record.
  • The most commonly cited reason for satisfaction was the availability of knowledgeable faculty in the area.
  • Like Smithson, a knowledgeable early 20 th-century observer of Duchamp's readymades, such as his Bottle Rack of 1914, would have much more readily understood this joke at the expense of Bergsonian organicism.
  • He has also been smart enough to surround himself with a strong and knowledgeable support staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • No one will ever again be as knowledgeable about every bird species across all of Canada, nor offer such ungrudging and unselfish assistance.
  • D'Ucello might well discover that poison had killed Daoud; the podesta was a very clever and knowledgeable man. The Saracen: The Holy War
  • Our bartender was really knowledgeable about the menu and helpful in answering all my questions.
  • No other classical festival in the world has an audience that's quite so enthusiastic, knowledgeable or seemingly indestructible. Times, Sunday Times
  • knowledgeable about the technique of painting
  • The extraordinary response to my departure from The Washington Post once again illustrated how much readers hunger for a new - or perhaps I should say old - method of political reporting: One that doesn't rely on stenography or "splitting the difference," but involves knowledgeable and trusted reporters calling things as they see them, speaking the truth -- and letting the chips fall where they may. It's Official
  • Your most knowledgeable friend is lucky for you. The Sun
  • Giving excuses too often undermines a person's reputation by making him seem self-absorbed, unreliable or unknowledgeable.
  • In fact, the complainant in the case Samaraweera cites was knowledgeable about court procedure.
  • This is an extremely hard subject to present to people that are not knowledgeable about physics or science in general and extraterrestrials in particular.
  • The service, though knowledgeable and friendly, was too slow. Times, Sunday Times
  • The more knowledgeable spectators in the crowd were able to pick out each club runner by the colour of his vest, almost the athletic version of train-spotting.
  • As befits the trade, antique dealers are gabby and knowledgeable and prone to bemoaning that things aren't what they used to be.
  • If the staff are knowledgeable and enthusiastic, a lot can be learnt and a great deal of pleasure derived by shopping in the right place. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • 'Effie that was marrit on puir Jock Ord -- a fine laddie he was -- verra knowledgeable wi' sheep, wha perished in a snowstorm, mindin 'his hirsel. Border Ghost Stories
  • We are looking for people who are knowledgeable about the oil and banking industries.
  • A structural engineer or knowledgeable contractor can advise you on that.
  • It is absolutely essential that a knowledgeable person with budget experience examine your proposal section on budget.
  • All benefit from access to knowledgeable staff and a wide range of books and other resources. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm not knowledgeable about strength exercises and need a segue into weights.
  • Is there any senior political figure reckoned to be genuinely knowledgeable and conversant in technology policy?
  • The 'unknowing' of the mystics has its virtues and its place, but being well-read and knowledgeable makes one powerful and persuasive book. The Case for God by Karen Armstrong: Book summary
  • A premium has been placed on staff training, and several knowledgeable oenophiles walk the floor to assist and educate on wine decisions.
  • If I were more musically knowledgeable, I would try to make an argument about the difference 20 years or so makes for pop music, Black women, and cars, but I don't think I can manage it, at least on any kind of generalizable terms. A Few Cultural Notes
  • Atheists are more knowledgeable about religion than religious believers, even though they are opposed to God based religion and many of them were previously religious. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Ten years ago, the trend among wine writers was to talk at consumers; today, as more confident and knowledgeable consumers have blogs (as do most newspapers and magazines), the discussion is much more lateral in bulletin boards and elsewhere. Wine trends of the Naughties – reflections through the wine glass | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • The salad of curly lettuce was dressed with a raspberry vinaigrette and sprigs of an unusual yellowish stalk, which the knowledgeable waitress informed us was young wheatgrass.
  • Knowledgeable in herbology and iridology, Dianna is a certified and licensed craniosacral therapist and massage therapist.
  • One knowledgeable estimate puts pretax profits at $1.5 billion.
  • The Irish are fanatical about racing, extremely knowledgeable and are always on the lookout for an equine hero.

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