
  1. having the knees abnormally close together and the ankles wide apart
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How To Use knock-kneed In A Sentence

  • Two years ago, of course, it was only four, thanks to breaking his leg off a brainless divil of a knock-kneed spalpeen. Forfeit
  • The first turn threw him, causing his arms to windmill, but Eric regained his balance and fell into another knock-kneed arc.
  • He had a curious knock-kneed kind of walk that seemed to send him bumping into things all the time.
  • All his art is self-portraiture while his pseudo-radical groupuscule, the toothsomely named Party of Dynamic Erection, is camouflage for the knock-kneed terror that its members – Wick, Irwin and Nipple Warner – all feel in the presence of women. Eunarchy in the UK: George Harrison's first movie
  • Effie is spavined, Addie is knock-kneed and stringhalt, and Jessie, the only one who showed her stockings, has legs without calves, as classic in their outlines as the curves of a broom handle. So Sue Me - The Panda's Thumb
  • You can also adjust the fit of the boot with impressive precision (which I love, since my shape is slightly knock-kneed, meaning that I always need to rotate and shift my boots around to fit). New World Notes
  • He was flatfooted, knock-kneed and didn't remotely move his hips, just waved his arms like a lamppost. The Sun
  • His ugliness was embittered somewhat by sunken, toothless jaws and an enigmatical stare from a cross-eye; he was also knock-kneed, and as an erstwhile gunpowder worker, had lost two fingers and a large part of one ear. Across China on Foot
  • She galloped away towards the city with a slightly knock-kneed gait, her hair streaming in the wind. STAGE FRIGHT
  • Instead of standing as if she were balancing a book on her head, she was knock-kneed and coltishly awkward.
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