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[ US /ˈniˌkæp/ ]
[ UK /nˈiːkæp/ ]
  1. shoot in the kneecap, often done by terrorist groups as a warning
    They kneecapped the industrialist
  1. a small flat triangular bone in front of the knee that protects the knee joint

How To Use kneecap In A Sentence

  • The plucky youngster managed to kick his attacker in the kneecap before getting free and running home.
  • Such a PM might emerge, but if she tried to take a big gamble on a peace deal, she would be immediately kneecapped as her coalition disintegrated. Matthew Yglesias » Israel: What a Center-Right Nation Looks Like
  • Then kneecapped her - that was the off-angle shot, by the way. DOLL'S EYES
  • Schools kneecapped by tax cuts become ‘failing schools’ and get further funding cuts.
  • The strong chassis, excellent impact absorption and multiple airbags (including one under the steering wheel to prevent it from kneecapping the driver) won it five safety stars.
  • But He so addles his brain - "I voted for the bill after I voted against it", letting the Swifties kneecap him - that I win in a walk. Fred Branfman: The Bush-Cheney Tapes: Fresh Evidence For George W. Bush's Ranking As the Worst U.S. President
  • Medically known as patellar tendinopathy, jumper's knee is an overuse injury of the tendon that runs from the kneecap to the shinbone. Reuters: Press Release
  • He needs more surgery, this time to graft together the bone in the kneecap.
  • Shuffling penitentially on your knees, bending and scraping with dustpan and brush while vicious pine needles perforate your's almost enough to make you feel like Christmas might, in a twisted way, be the descendent of some sort of primitive religious festival. After the Binge Must Come the Purge
  • In the last two months, they are reported to have carried out at least 13 punishment shootings in Belfast and South Armagh - often involving youths being kneecapped for joyriding, petty theft, drug taking and other offences.
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