How To Use Knee In A Sentence

  • They missed it because they are too busy bootlicking ObamaCare, on their hands and knees. Political Instability and the Coming Defeat of ObamaCare | RedState
  • My knee has swollen up and it is a bit stiff. The Sun
  • Suffice to say there are a few bruised knees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Observing the affected knee may reveal dystrophic changes, alteration of skin color, calluses related to kneeling or occupational abuse of the knee, scars, scratches, or rashes.
  • Back in the mid-1980s, for example, knee replacement surgery was considered a success if the patient wound up with 90 degrees of flexion, which is "nothing near normal," he says. Latest News
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  • He drew his knees up to his chest.
  • The man pumped up the pressure and returned to kneel in front of William. A Roomful of Birds - Scottish short stories 1990
  • Make sure you cut holes for your eyes to peer out of or a hole at the top for your your head, but for the sake of moveability, make sure the box only comes down to your knees or waist. Somewhat quick and cheap geek costumes for Halloween
  • Both of the boys jumped out onto the stage, and slid on their knees to the front of the stage.
  • For the kids the knee-jerk tourist products are wooden toys, but they are lumpish, boring objects, unlikely to appeal to any but the most simple-minded of toddlers.
  • He always had a habit of going down on one knee to block shots, so I thought I could fake him out of position.
  • Faulkner wore jeans faded at the knees, a broad hat, and photochromic sunglasses.
  • But when he stepped into it, his leg sank up to his knee, and he fell facefirst into a pool of water two feet deep. Rogue Wave
  • On the far left, the lead hanger runs the belt by pushing a lever with his knee and hangs the first shackle.
  • After prepping and draping the patient's extremity, the surgeon makes a stab incision and inserts the arthroscope into the knee joint through a standard inferolateral portal.
  • I was kneeling on the floor beneath his feet and nearly got trampled to death in the scrum.
  • He was dressed in a worn tricorn, a dark homespun coat, knee-length breeches, dark stocking, and heavy brogue shoes.
  • He had received a painful kick on the knee.
  • His left leg was going into muscle spasms of some sort and he clutched at his knee with frustration.
  • What we all know is those who live on knee-jerk reaction will either absolutely love or hate her. Palin, Bachmann rally conservatives
  • She also wore knee-high boots and a biker jacket. The Sun
  • Often dance can you bring about knee joint motile to injure?
  • Shore bird numbers are declining, he says, particularly among oystercatchers, red-capped dotterels and beach thick-knees.
  • The devotees were also treated for their excruciating pain in their shoulders, neck, back, thighs, knees, calves, ankle and foot.
  • These two also work to stabilize the legs and help maintain correct knee tracking in exercises like the seesaw lunge so you can maximize the work of the other muscles involved.
  • A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp.
  • WEIL: I would recommend -- you know, one thing you might experiment with is glucosamine, which is a supplement widely available that may help rebuild cartilage in your knee. CNN Transcript Jan 13, 2004
  • The man who got out wore baggy cotton fatigues and knee-boots.
  • Brown had been hobbled since training camp with a balky left knee that caused him pain from the second day of practice.
  • Lie flat, bend the knees, then straighten the legs upwards.
  • He sank to a sitting position with his back against the door, pulling his knees to his chest.
  • Now, I'm not saying that wow is the devil or anything knee-jerkingly reactionist like that (although I * do* have some serious issues with some elements of it: the grind, only having one somewhat flawed model of guild leadership, etc, etc). Becoming Gamer; or "My last ever log out."
  • The knee injury that kept her away from the courts for more than eight months was a huge hurdle to overcome.
  • Her friends encouraged her and Megan reached over to pinch the skin on the back of Rick's kneecap.
  • He groaned, and felt the bulkhead, slowly coming to his knees, and standing, trying to orient himself to his position on ‘B’ deck.
  • One of the league's best blocking fullbacks and an improving runner, Christian missed the final two games in 1998 and all of the playoffs after tearing the ACL and MCL in the same knee.
  • Oh stop blubbing! Your knee can't hurt that much.
  • He subsequently contracted gangrene and had one leg amputated below his knee. Times, Sunday Times
  • She settled the blanket around her knees.
  • Corden's playing career ended abruptly when he smashed his knee on his debut for Darlington.
  • Well Scanlon was in the act of dismounting when the first shot was fired at Kennedy, and Scanlon became, well, flurried, and fell to his knees.
  • He underwent surgeries to reset his right knee and remove a protruding bone. Christianity Today
  • While I kept back the dogs, Uncle Denis, kneeling down, pulled out the quills, and then throwing my blanket over the animal, he secured it as we had done the urson. With Axe and Rifle
  • Memmel's cast, which had extended to just below her knee, was removed, but she is still on crutches.
  • He clutched his knee and gyrated his foot with glee. Times, Sunday Times
  • From a standing position bend your left knee and cross your right leg around your left leg, hooking your right foot on your left leg. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are knee-deep in gelid gray water, with food and clothing, skinned seagulls and whale blubber, sheepskins and oilskins - the ancient flotsam of death at sea - sloshing about them.
  • This season, a floaty chiffon knee-length skirt paired with a Fair Isle sweater or a tweedy jacket will look extremely hip.
  • Alone in her dominion, the inheritress entered the death-chamber, and there passed an hour upon her knees. Veranilda
  • The patient kneels on the spread (B) prepared for her; this consists of a sheep-skin (S) covered with a cotton blanket (C) and a zarape (Z). Labor Among Primitive Peoples
  • As the song reaches a crescendo, she drops to her knees, lost in the raw emotion of her thoughts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The word masjid comes from the verb sajada (sah-jah-dah), which means "to prostrate" or "to kneel. Arabic for Dummies
  • He had a knee injury, which put him out of the reckoning.
  • She fell to her knees and tried to stanch it with her hands, but the blood poured through her fingers. DOLL'S EYES
  • Start by doing the plank on your knees and gradually work your way up.
  • Early in rheumatoid arthritis, joints in your wrists, hands, feet and knees are the ones most often affected.
  • Being the only two farangs there, we were totally conspicuous every time we fell asleep on our knees or did something yet again more unacceptable.
  • Brown had been hobbled since training camp with a balky left knee that caused him pain from the second day of practice.
  • He stopped when he saw her, her thread bare cotton skirt hiked up to her knees as her feet brushed the top of the water underneath a willow tree.
  • Banish thoughts of decorative church kneelers, of draped antimacassars or folklorish costumes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The way he drops off his chair on to one knee as he is talking does not suggest relaxation. Times, Sunday Times
  • shaps," or overalls, he wore the trousers of civilization, which the rapid night had hitched half-way to his knees. Empire Builders
  • But, all too often, it is used as a stepping stone to conventional skis or wakeboarding and the skill of kneeboarding is taken no further.
  • The idea came to him that he must do something more than usual to attract the attention of God, and he turned back the rug which was in front of his bed so that he could kneel on the bare boards; and then it struck him that his nightshirt was a softness that might displease his Maker, so he took it off and said his prayers naked. Of Human Bondage
  • He has fought back from a serious knee injury and an uncertain future at Chelsea to find renewed confidence with England. The Sun
  • Knee-length lederhosen with no stitching cost $500, machine-stitched $785 and hand-stitched $1,320.
  • He looked well-built, with barrel chest, thin waist, and long, thin, muscular legs and pronounced knee bulges.
  • He stood, his foot on the lower rungs of a ladder that led to the upper shelves, with his weight propped on his elevated knee.
  • He clutched his knee and gyrated his foot with glee. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm 91 next month but I enjoy good health, apart from a wonky heart and two wonky knees.
  • In 1981, a young athlete from a western state went into the hospital for a simple knee operation.
  • John has attached old pram wheels to a wooden box so he can move easily among the raspberry canes without crippling his knees.
  • The craggy features are apparently what make women go weak at the knees. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was stretchered off with knee - ligament damage and looks destined to be sidelined for months.
  • The three major ministers rise from the prostration, but the deacon and subdeacon remain kneeling, along with everyone else, as the priest stands up. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.1 - Mass of Presanctified, Good Friday, Mass of the Catechumens and the Solemn Prayers
  • They insist she puts a blanket over her knees to damp down the chief rabbi's blood pressure.
  • We are knee-deep in financial trouble and have no idea how we are going to get out of it.
  • A native, popeyed with terror, had dropped to his knees in front of the weird - looking "spaceman. Golden State
  • For the last five minutes, they had been bouncing soccer balls from one knee to the other, not letting them touch the ground.
  • School rules state that hemlines must be below the knee.
  • Few reports address the reconstructive challenge of total knee arthroplasty after a surgically fused or ankylosed knee.
  • They were in good wind now, and sent him slap up to the ceiling first time, against which his knees came rather sharply. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • Andrea, then, was wont to cast in moulds of this material such natural objects as hands, feet, knees, legs, arms, and torsi, in order to have them before him and imitate them with greater convenience. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 03 (of 10), Filarete and Simone to Mantegna
  • He skates in alone on the goaltender, dekes the netminder to his knees, and flips the puck high into the open net.
  • Wade, that aching right knee still apparently an issue, missed 10 of his 15 shots.
  • All of her jeans were torn and ripped at the knees and hem, and were patched in many places as well.
  • Conditions such as an uncorrected fracture of the shin bone, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis or Paget's disease can distort the ends of the bones and cause knock knee in adults.
  • Billy slapped his knee and guffawed, and he began choking on his pretzel he had shoveled into his mouth. Kari Gremore: An All-American Tea Party
  • You don't have to kneel before the fungi, as some foodies would require.
  • Suddenly they stop, statue-still, their knees crooked around one another, like fingers pulling on a wishbone.
  • She was wearing only dark green breeches, belted around her waist and fastened just above the knees by gold clasps.
  • He kneels on the sand, the wetness immediately seeping through to his knees.
  • She tugged some moth-eaten curtain her way and pinned it to the back of the case with her knee. THE RHYTHM SECTION
  • Men kneel outside a mosque during Friday prayers in Sadr City, a mostly Shi'ite enclave in Baghdad.
  • He had a knee injury, sprained his ankle twice, got the flu twice.
  • This last contraction unlike the previous one tries to move the thigh faster preventing the knee from damage by over-straightening.
  • Doing their bit were Allan Rennie and Sarah O'Callaghan, a saltire over their knees and a late-morning Pimms in hand. Andy Murray fans dared to dream of an unlikely win over Rafael Nadal
  • Get down on your knees!
  • He made no move to assist his wife, who was now kneeling to repack their belongings into their boxes. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Except for third-string center DJ Mbenga, out for the year after tearing a ligament in his right knee, everyone on the roster is available to play. ... - Basketball - Dallas vs. L.A. Lakers
  • Can you tell me if Moderator WolfDawgNY at Cleveland. com is bald, paunched, wears seersucker shorts, a “I love NY” t shirt that is 2 sizes too small, wears knee high black socks and beige mallwalkers? Community policing: a business somebody should start (hint, hint) « BuzzMachine
  • Where even the vinously literate search in vain for clues, getting down on their knees to turn over handfuls of soil or gazing down from the crest of the slope in utter bewilderment.
  • Holding a barbell, stand with your knees slightly bent, your chest out and your back slightly arched.
  • These tunics were usually worn to below the knee, but during travel they were hitched up by a belt to make walking easier.
  • It was fantastic, my lip would curl up and my knee would go wobbly and I'd sing Blue Suede Shoes.
  • He rested his head on his arms, which hung limply across his knees. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Here I was being wheeled in the operating room for a serious procedure on my right knee.
  • A few months before the Great Fire of London, in which old St. Paul's was consumed with its parvise and pillars, Dugdale wrote: "At St. Paul's each lawyer and serjeant at his pillar heard his client's cause and took notes thereof upon his knee, as they do at Guildhall at this day. The Customs of Old England
  • I do learn that the "do less" or "do no harm" Geithner-Emanuel alliance â¨regularly kneecapped a Romer-Summers "do something" alliance--perhaps â¨because Summers' and Romer's small CEA and NEC staffs could only come up â¨with outlines and proposals rather than plans--which only the Treasury with â¨its ample staff could produce--and, as Geithner liked to say, "plan beats no â¨plan". Brad DeLong: Review: Ron Suskind's Confidence Men
  • Though not slapstick or of the knee-slapping variety, Hamer is droll and often wickedly subtle in his deadly strain of humour.
  • She rolled her jeans to her knees.
  • Amelia took several photos northward kneeling beside the chart table.
  • The danseuse's grace emphasised the flavour of Odissi, marked by the bends in the body, neck, knees and waist.
  • He came of age during the Depression, arrived in Congress from Massachusetts in 1952 and came to power amid the plenty of the '60s and' 70s (he once boasted that he'd put money into an appropriations bill to study knock-knees). The Last Hurrah For Tip O'neill, 1912-1994
  • Or tying up in the harbour at Monaco for a champagne knees-up with the yachting set? Times, Sunday Times
  • When we left our home the water was only knee-deep.
  • The problem is a cyst in his knee which may require surgery but should not keep Mark out of action for too long.
  • The midfield player has been sidelined for the past month with knee and hamstring problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • The screws and plates implanted in a damaged hip or knee can cost a pretty penny — $382 in the case of a 3-milimeter headless compression screw.
  • Instead, here she was, going weak at the knees like an adolescent schoolgirl.
  • The patella, or kneecap, is a floating bone within the tendon of the quadriceps muscle group.
  • She rested her chin on her fist and leaned her elbow on her knee, staring into empty space and thinking.
  • Picking up his big, green turban from beside his rug, I bound his arms to his sides and then, going forth, got baggage-cords from the _oont-wallah_ and likewise his _puggri_, and Moussa Isa bound his feet and hands and knees. Driftwood Spars The Stories of a Man, a Boy, a Woman, and Certain Other People Who Strangely Met Upon the Sea of Life
  • I found her kneeling in prayer at the back of the church.
  • They also protect against hyperextension, which is a common cause of major knee ligament injuries. How To Buy & Sell just about Everything
  • In using this ingenious wire stretcher, he stapled his wire to post number one, carried the length past post number two, looped the chain around post number three, having the chain long enough so that he might tauten the wire and hold the crankhandle steady with his knee or left arm while he drove the holding staple in post number two. Hiram the Young Farmer
  • After charging his age with being an enervate breed which is "ever on his knees before the footstool of Authority," he goes on to observe that the process of statute-making ought to make one pause before according so much unquestioned deference to statutes.
  • The red-coated, many-antlered buck acknowledged the lordship of the spirit of the place and dozed knee-deep in the cool, shaded pool. All Gold Canon
  • Marcello sat on his knee and gabbled excitedly.
  • I fed them myself," answered uncle Nathan, patting a white star on the forehead of the nearest animal, as he lay upon his knees half buried in the rich aftergrowth. The Old Homestead
  • Catching her wrist, Holman smacked her face viciously, sending her to her knees, but still holding on to her.
  • The exhibit ends with architectural elements, coins and a kneeling stable figure.
  • Suddenly, benign words like "boutonniere" and "function hall" have the power to bring Andy to his knees but not, unfortunately, in the proposal position. Get Real Men Of Steel!
  • I sighed, rolled my head around to look at her: huddled up into her corner of the carriage, hugging her knees with feet on the upholstery.
  • But before anyone heads to the nearest hive, bewarned-scientific tests show that apian venom is not the bees' knees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Iranians bring flowers, then stand or kneel beside the sarcophagous and recite his poems. The Road to Esfahan
  • A physiotherapist will oversee and monitor all progress and explain knee exercises that will aid recovery.
  • Many surgeons remain advocates of cementless total knee arthroplasty; however, the majority of current procedures involve cemented fixation.
  • Orozco fell to his knees, seeking the undepleted oxygen that stays close to the ground; Moland fell on top of him. Earth, Wind And Wildfire
  • In order to look good, shorts should fall a little above the knees and fit nicely around your buttocks and legs.
  • The subdeacon kneels to hold up the foot of each of the 12 men as the priest washes it, and the deacon proffers a towel with which to dry it, after which the priest kisses it. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 3 - The Mass of Holy Thursday and the Mandatum
  • There's almost no national ailment that he feels can't be solved, or at least distracted from, by taking off his suit jacket, loosening his tie and suggesting a good old-fashioned knees-up. You're the prime minister, Cameron. Please stop behaving like the David Brent of British politics | Sam Delaney
  • Full back Marcus Bignot could come back into the reckoning after recovering from a knee ligament injury that has ruled him out since the second game of the season, but will more than likely start on the bench.
  • And most emerge from the experience with their heads on back to front and their knees in bits. The Sun
  • Yes, a real knee-slapper, but it turns out to be about the wittiest thing she's capable of saying. Tom Shales: Derivative suicide show 'Gravity' fails to take off
  • The snow covering the mountain pass is knee-deep and hard going.
  •   She thought there were Japanese beetles and aloed kneecaps. A Name That Hurt
  • The boy was wearing some black board shorts, showing off the child's scabby knees.
  • Occasionally found in some knees, it is a ridge or fold of extraneous soft tissue with no known biomechanical function.
  • DANA BASH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Wolf, well, the vice president's office tells us that he's going to have what they call elective surgery, to remove an aneurysm in the artery behind his right knee, and that is going to happen next weekend, according to top aide, Steve Schmidt. CNN Transcript Sep 16, 2005
  • I sit on my grandmother's knee eating sponge cake warm from the oven.
  • And then the writers seemed to want to lobotomize Justin into a kid who sank to his knees every time Brian got within 50 feet of him.
  • One of them kneeled close to me, put his head right next to mine. Kings of Colorado
  • Rudolph, the Adonis of the silent films, had one great quality — to make women feel weak at the knees.
  • Findings on physical examination include decreased range of motion, crepitus, a mild joint effusion, and palpable osteophytic changes at the knee joint.
  • And from her throat to her knees, it was buttoned with tiny, braid buttons. Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
  • But this served only to stimulate the already keen energies of the Federal forces, who waded knee-deep through the clear Potomac, and trudged along over the 'sacred soil' with a willingness unchecked by the cold nor'wester that raged on that July morning. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 3, March, 1862
  • The knee is the most common joint involved in both benign and malignant tumors.
  • Inside, the cabin gets a digital dashboard, while Renault is claiming that the Grand Scenic has the largest amount of kneeroom (in the second and third rows) in its class. Auto Express: News
  • The results of this study suggest at least one interesting insight - our participants feel pain more acutely in the upper head and neck area than they do in the region of the gluteus, trochanter, and knees.
  • Anne dropped on her knees and gazed out into the June morning, her eyes glistening with delight. Anne of Green Gables
  • I find it difficult to keep still during the preces but I do like the custom of kneeling for the initial Gloria after the Deus in adiutorium and then kissing the bookrest as a sign of penance. Archive 2009-09-01
  • a Knight Banneret, dubbed in the field of battle, but, _on carpet consideration_, at a festivity, or on sone peaceable occasion, when knights receive their dignity kneeling not on the ground, as in war, but on a _carpet_. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • The dairymaid heard the noise, got the churn between her knees, and tumbled over it, spilling all the cream; and yet she jumped up, and gave chase to Tom. The Water Babies
  • Look at all these knee jerk reactions which criticize the U. S. for "imposing" its values on China.
  • The painting depicts the three wise men kneeling in adoration of the baby Jesus.
  • It took a moment, but finally Pa appeared and sat down on the edge of the porch, taking Hoss over his knee to administer two firm swats to his backside.
  • A 63 year old man, with a knee the size of Milwaukee, who can barely walk, let alone compete, is "average"? Tallulah Morehead: Survivor 21: Infants vs Senior Citizens : Triage for Dummies.
  • But Arsheesh knew by the gold on the stranger's bare arm that he was a Tarkaan or great lord, and he bowed kneeling before him till his beard touched the earth and made signs to Shasta to kneel also.
  • What happens when we kneel in faith and claim the power to stop yielding to sin?
  • To determine the extent of their external rotation, dancers should stand in first position with straight knees and no rolling over.
  • Two of his daughters were there, laughing and carrying small children, and he was bouncing a third child on his knees.
  • Upon the stone was an engraving of an altar, upon which a sacrificial fire was burning, and before it a suppliant family bowed the knee; over this was thrown a white vestment archwise in the form of a rainbow. Eastern Tales by Many Story Tellers
  • All I can say is that my business partners have a sore shoulder, a screwy leg, a skin infection; and I am nursing a bung knee.
  • I kneed him in the stomach and when he stumbled back I kicked him.
  • Grasp the handles of the machine and inhale as you flex the knees and slowly curl the weights until the pads touch the buttocks.
  • (My father, a retired general practitioner, can still tell as much from palpating a patient's abdomen or listening carefully for crepitus while articulating a patient's sore knee than most modern internists can from reading an MRI or CT scan.) The Cost of Health Care -- in Live Chickens
  • Bend right knee and lower left hand toward right foot. The Sun
  • She had a small abrasion on her knee.
  • Thanks!!! diner monitor my pc monte blance half past dead kneehole balpen rollerball cast stylo pen waterman carene deluxe blue ball pen ricoh waste toner bottle tempur pedic baltimore stackable storage cube tempur pedic topper calvin and hobbes gucci purse wallet Feeling all gooey inside
  • He has had four knee operations and recently underwent surgery to correct a back injury. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ballyhaunis expectations were severely tested in the early stages of the half when a knee injury led to the retiral of midfielder, Michael Webb, and his removal by ambulance to hospital.
  • The normal mode that the braces are placed into by the orthotist did not significantly decrease the net knee moment and also had the lowest percentage reduction in the medial compartment load.
  • The season looks at a more chic look with cool cut tailoring, knee length coats and luxurious knitwear.
  • Some people seem hell-bent on misinterpreting you, even people you thought weren't inclined to having jerky knees.
  • I opened my eyes and found myself staring at a pair of legs in knee high boots, fishnet red stockings, and a red and white schoolgirl skirt.
  • His eyes continually glanced from the girl sitting opposite him to a notebook that lay on his knees.
  • Kay had dislocated her left kneecap in her semi - final match of the round robin tournament.
  • Women whose index fingers are shorter than their ring finger have an increased risk of osteoarthritis in the knee. The Sun
  • Aragorn, thinking that the hobbits are dead, kicks a discarded orc helmet and falls to his knees howling in anguish.
  • My father, in the first agitations of his mind, on discovering your wicked, your shameful elopement, imprecated on his knees a fearful curse upon you. Clarissa Harlowe
  • A kneepad-wearing pres hopeful who loves to hear himself speak? Firedoglake » Head of Household
  • we were standing knee-deep in the water
  • Among the Eskimo the _angakok_, or shaman, trains his child from infancy in the art of sorcery, taking him upon his knee during his incantations and conjurations. The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought Studies of the Activities and Influences of the Child Among Primitive Peoples, Their Analogues and Survivals in the Civilization of To-Day
  • Terry Bradshaw makes an incredible recovery from a knee injury.
  • His knee will now be held together by metal pins.
  • Annie was kneeling, too, her fine, unringed hands clasping one of her mother's hands. The Beloved Woman
  • Tamara, without haste, with a pin refastens the fabric more conveniently on her knee, smooths the seam down with the thimble, and speaks, without raising the narrowed eyes, her head bent just Yama: the pit
  • Elbow pads and knee pads are essential on a skateboard.
  • Probable: S Donovin Darius (knee), DT Montavious Stanley (knee), DE Marcellus Wiley (groin). NFL grid: Week 8

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