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  1. up to the knees
    we were standing knee-deep in the water
  1. coming only to the ankle or knee

How To Use knee-deep In A Sentence

  • He has spent much of his career knee-deep in immigration data, figuring out ways to measure the population, crunching the numbers and analyzing their policy implications.
  • As I pulled my boat through knee-deep mud, a hard rain began to fall.
  • Ungracefully slipping and sliding knee-deep in dark, sticky mud is not food gathering at its most glamorous, yet local people have been collecting marsh samphire between June and September for generations, wherever it is common but especially in East Anglia.
  • Janet remembers being told to clear up her bedroom, knee-deep in discarded clothes. Mrs. Miniver
  • In four more long runs-all we could fit in a day-we freerode nothing but knee-deep powder.
  • Punters put aside their pints on Monday November 21 to fill and carry sandbags in a valiant effort to keep the outside knee-deep floodwater from entering the Bryansford Road pub.
  • The overrated artists and the troops of pack-mentality fans were knee-deep in garbage, dreck, debris, and junk.
  • Or some old woman would come with her pails to the spring below, a curious and very old stone well, to which the cattle from the common often rushed down past me in bevies, and stood knee-deep, their mouths making glancing circles in the water as they drank. John Halifax, Gentleman
  • Or just splash safely about in the knee-deep waters by the shore. The Sun
  • DEFENSE SECRETARY Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, former CIA Director, defense secretary under President Bush, co-chaired CFR task force with Zbigniew Brzezinski, knee-deep in the Iran-Contra scandal, named in a 1999 class action lawsuit pertaining to the Mena drug trafficking affair. Opinion Source: Delivering summaries of editorial and op-ed pieces from major papers by email.
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