How To Use Knapweed In A Sentence

  • In Montana, gall flies released to limit knapweed turn out to provide a food bonanza for white-footed mice.
  • Some knotty knapweeds stay in out-of-the-way places, where the scythe has not been; some bunches of mayweed, too, are visible in the corners of the stubble. Nature Near London
  • The oil from the seeds of cotton thistles was extracted for fuel and knapweed, centaurea scabiosa, was believed to promote healing of bruises and wounds.
  • Provide a mixture of nectar and seed rich flowering plants such as alyssum, sunflower and knapweed, which will attract insects and also provide seed for birds to feed on. Archive 2008-10-01
  • Among the grass on chalky roadsides, knapweed, or hardheads, is opening. Times, Sunday Times
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  • A number of notable plant species are present including meadow oat, upright brome, greater knapweed, woolly thistle, slender tare, pyramidal orchid, wild thyme, large thyme and grass vetchling.
  • At Embsay I found harebell, knapweed, honeysuckle, meadowsweet, bittersweet and of course lots of teasel.
  • I had a wonderful time, saw, pyramid orchids, spotted orchid, St. John's wort, kidney vetch, tufted vetch (I think), bladder campions (hadn't seen any for a long time) meadowsweet, bird's foot trefoil, hare's tail clover, silverweed and tormentils, sea bindweed, field poppies, greater knapweed, centaury, and what I think may be a kind of mullein.
  • We saw a lot of wild garlic, scabia, buddleia, bird's-foot trefoil and greater knapweed. Country diary: Longburton, Dorset
  • Mostly here it is pines but there were some maples and the understory verge was thistle and burr shoulder to shoulder with thistle-like knapweed.
  • Baskin points to Asian long-horned beetles, kudzu, zebra mussels, West Nile virus, spotted knapweed, and caulerpa seaweed as just a few culprits.
  • Hemp agrimony, bird's-foot trefoil and knapweed attracted the attention of commas, common blues, red admirals and the only painted ladies we've encountered so far this year. Country diary: Durham coast
  • The flowers of lesser knapweed, or hardheads, which are similar but less sprawling and are more like thistles, will follow. Times, Sunday Times
  • We saw a lot of wild garlic, scabia, buddleia, bird's-foot trefoil and greater knapweed. Country diary: Longburton, Dorset
  • In Montana, gall flies released to limit knapweed turn out to provide a food bonanza for white-footed mice.
  • Currently, most producers apply chemicals on rangeland in spring or summer, when knapweed begins to flower, but research is showing that fall application may be preferable.
  • The first flowers of greater knapweed are opening in similar places. Times, Sunday Times
  • Russian knapweed is a problem in ranges and pastures in the western United States, where it grows up to 4 feet tall and takes over otherwise productive land.
  • We saw a lot of wild garlic, scabia, buddleia, bird's-foot trefoil and greater knapweed. Country diary: Longburton, Dorset
  • Wild thyme continues to bloom -- the shepherd's thyme -- wild mignonette, blue scabious, white dropwort, yellow bedstraw, and the large purple blooms of greater knapweed. Nature Near London
  • Invasive weeds such as cheatgrass and knapweeds have settled on some 125 million acres of the American West.
  • The oil from the seeds of cotton thistles was extracted for fuel and knapweed, centaurea scabiosa, was believed to promote healing of bruises and wounds.
  • We drove a few miles to the visitor centre, and then walked along a nature trail, surrounded by knapweed and cocksfoot, home to butterflies and dragonflies.
  • At Embsay I found harebell, knapweed, honeysuckle, meadowsweet, bittersweet and of course lots of teasel.
  • Sleepy bumblebees are often found on the greater knapweed flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The abundance of knapweed leads to lots of gallfly larvae, which serve as a food subsidy for the mice.
  • Plants thriving on the meadows include oxeye daisy, yellow-rattle, meadowsweet, bird's-foot trefoil and common knapweed.
  • Hemp agrimony, bird's-foot trefoil and knapweed attracted the attention of commas, common blues, red admirals and the only painted ladies we've encountered so far this year. Country diary: Durham coast
  • Spotted knapweed is not killed by fire, but sagebrush is.
  • Mauve scabious and darker purple knapweed wave their heads in the aftermath of a summer thunderstorm. Butterflies: out of the blue
  • Some landscapes these days have been reduced to nothing but dandelions and fire ants, knapweed and thistle, where the only remaining wildlife are sparrows, squirrels, and starlings.
  • The thistles, knapweeds and willowherbs are truer purple, but the bluish nettle-leaved bellflowers and field scabious are also tinged with that mysterious shadow which has more to do with night than golden day. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • Common knapweed is like a pretty thistle without prickles. Times, Sunday Times

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