How To Use Knacker In A Sentence
Well I can ask the same question on my knackered old gas cooker.
Problem is that he has to get down with Karl Lagefeld though at least hes lost the lard-remember when he was a fat knacker??
Dlisted - Be Very Afraid
But to want to see the back of chick-lit because you've read too many blurbs that feature a single girl with too many shoes and a Martini habit is a bit like consigning pop music to the knackers' yard just because you don't like The X Factor.
Should we mourn the end of chick-lit?
Past efforts at de-knackering it have proved fruitless
Yesterday, Sweden’s IPRED. So?
Celebrate that space bloke fixing his knackered old shuttle by playing the Solar Games.

I had to have a little snooze this afternoon as I was completely knackered.
After 48 hours on the road, I'm knackered.
One defintion of a knacker is "a person who purchases or hauls away livestock carcasses for processing into tallow, hides, fertilizer, etc.
Green Tomato Finale
She was sitting at the foot of the sofa watching TV, obviously knackered, whilst Dom played with his fire engine.
Or maybe the electronic engine control unit is knackered.
We were knackered by the time got back ... but on the way we went via the "crookedest" street that just winds up and down ... its at the end of the road our hotels on ... TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
In fact it was rigged with what looked suspiciously like 10 year old and totally knackered Oxford gear!
With some, the sense of smelling is so dull, as not to distinguish hyacinths from assafoetida; they would even pass the Small-Pox Hospital, and Maiden-lane, without noticing the knackers; whilst others, detecting instantly the slightest particle of offensive matter, hurry past the apothecaries, and get into an agony of sternutation, at fifty yards from Fribourg's.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 367, April 25, 1829
He walks off the pitch looking absolutely knackered.
And now I'm knackered and going to lie down on the bed, squish my new do with my headset and yak to Walker until it's time for work.
Sunday sees jazz/ska outfit Knackers mixing jazz standards with ska rhythms.
A year and a half of job-hunting has rather knackered my confidence, but I reckon I can fake it till I make it.
I am knackered today, and think I need an early night tonight!
I would dearly love to spend the time on the 20% of decent, honest, genuine victims but I really dont have the time due to having to trace knacker Ned to update him on how the investigation into his complaint of “theft of giro” is coming along.
How “Police Performance” Fraud Works. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
The last week or so has been such a whirl; I've either been rushing about doing stuff, else I've been flaked out knackered from the rushing!
When Matthew Oates, the National Trust's roving butterfly expert, first described this affliction, it sounded quite pleasant: by August, butterfly lovers are so knackered, all they can do is sit in an armchair and wait for the last butterfly of summer, the brown hairstreak, to descend from an ash tree.
How I became a lepidopterist
He explains that there was a mistake - the vet had just bought the van from the knacker and had not yet painted out the old name.
I'm knackered already because of a poor night's sleep and there will be little opportunity to catch up during the week.
Well, one thing's sure," said Horace Guester. "if it wasn't for knackery Alvin wouldn't be in this blamed fix.
Alvin Journeyman
For the shoppers, there's the inevitable trip to Hannsi, the giant Venezuelan folk-art emporium of all things knick-knackery.
Love In The Time Of Counterrevolution
I dozed fitfully until morning, when I awake feeling knackered; my spouse looked worried and ashen in sympathy.
He didn't even have to use knackery to get away, neither.
Prentice Alvin
Britain is full of knackered working parents who need childcare centres.
Somethine eerily familar about this, especially with Mrs. fed-up teminally knackering my Visa – are me and you married to the same woman? on November 16, 2009 at 10: 54 pm Metcountymounty
Killer Free On Shopping Spree « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
OK, I've typed far too much already, I'm knackered, and I can only hope I've spotted all my typos.
Basically, anything above a brisk, short stroll and I'm knackered.
Hence I am now knackered and about to head off to dreamland.
She wanted something "reliable, good value and not as embarrassing as my knackered old Nissan Micra".
I'll be knackered by teatime. I'll need a drink and a nice line or two of charlie.
Has Arsene been pragmatic/cowardly, or have Milan been cynical in knackering/replacing the turf on the wings according to ITV.
AC Milan 4-0 Arsenal – as it happened | Barry Glendenning
And now I'm back I'm fit for nowt - completely knackered.
He spoke rather vaguely of contacts with directors of rugby to try to obtain time out for the knackered, now and again.
The drink and the drugs have basically knackered my life.
David Cameron even spent a knackering night deferring to the proletariat, telling workers at Morrisons that they worked all night so he thought he should too (yes, Dave, but they don't work in the day as well) and handling halibut at Grimsby fish market, which had the unfortunate effect of highlighting the resemblance between the fish's thin lips, and cold, dead eyes, and his own.
Christina Patterson: Thanks to the politicians, we're all 'hard-working' now
But my battery was knackered, and in the weak, red glow of the rear lights I couldn't really see anything properly.
It was during that festival that she teamed up with the great bebop trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie - pictured here, looking knackered but resplendent in his newly acquired tartan trousers - at the Central Hotel.
You can see it, though, can't you: there's nothing so pathetic and washed up as a really knackered old shoe.
It outguessed my every manoeuvre on the sandy bottom, and I ended the dive knackered, without one image of its huge iridescent blue pectoral fins splayed like a splendid fan to show for my efforts.
Seabiscuit was a stumpy nag that looked set for the knackery until it was teamed with one-eyed jockey-cum-boxer Red Pollard.
When I work a 12 hour day, without a break, like today, the last thing I want to find at the end of it is that my bloody phone handset is knackered.
Lions, taken down from the brewery roof and destined for the knackers' yard, or an architectural salvage shed run by Bermondsey wide boys, were saved by the personal intervention of King George VI.
The Festival of Britain, 60 years on
Her horse was a show jumper whom the family rescued from the knacker's yard.
All the little checks and things that you do in a society where you're judged by the way you look – that's just knackering.
The Saturday interview: Caitlin Moran
Knackered already, one tarted oneself up and headed off to Blackheath to meet Chris and his girlfriend.
Felt bloody awful when I finished - too knackered to feel properly pleased!
‘In the Fall’ tells of an old horse being sold to the knacker by a family who lack the means to feed it through another winter and who need the pittance it will bring.
I was absolutely knackered at the end of the match.
I'm too knackered to type more, as I haven't had any decent sleep for 72 hours.
The teaching job really knackered my confidence.
This was a really great day's walking, I'm knackered now, I've done about 19 miles.
Anybody too knackered to lift a cup of tea to parched lips can have it intravenously.
The problem was that we were knackered by the time Saturday came round.
Even her colleagues think she has some brass knackers.
TV review: 24 Hours in A&E; The Kids are Alright
Her horse was a show jumper whom the family rescued from the knacker's yard.
My shoulders ache, I'm knackered already and I don't feel like doing any work.
They know that if they mention the word ‘knife’, ‘threats’, ‘assault’ when they ring us to make the latest complaint against whichever knacker has incurred their displeasure, they will get a quicker response and it will have to be treated more seriously.
*NEW* The Self-Generated Reg.9 « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Charro, a 10-year-old thoroughbred cross Appaloosa mare, was too dangerous to handle and destined for the knacker's yard until a 'horse whisperer' took over the reins.
Many horses are sent to knackers' yards or turned into meat to feed hunt dogs, according to Animal Aid.
Record number of British racehorses being slaughtered for meat exports
Indeed, he's knackered and at times seems world-weary.
I don't know why we're putting our trust in knackery," said Armor-of-God.
Alvin Journeyman
If under the new Scheme renderers are able to collect as well as dispose, we could well see a further demise of the knacker industry.
It was a Beauceron mare, old and thin, and one fit for the knacker , which was dragging a very heavy cart.
We have been told so often that Scottish football is knackered that we have come to believe it.
I love that last piccy – knackered with a certain – deserved – smugness [and you don't have many opportunities to say that]
The big day
And after last night's shenanigans I'm absolutely knackered.
All this hard work is knackering me.
As long as it's not exam time, just sit in somewhere that knackers your institution's I.T. structure.
Student protests: Police ask colleges for demonstration details
As this person says, if you learnt to type using an old-fashioned typewriter, you hit the keyboard hard, and it knackers normal keyboards in a matter of months.
My tape player's knackered.
By now the previous day had caught up with me and I was pretty knackered, and then there was the drive home.
A quick note to self - being knackered enough to end up asleep on the sofa all night is not a good thing.
By Sunday arvo I was knackered from all the excitement.
This dry, wheaty and roasty creation with banana and vanilla flavours may not be the locals' choice, but it's a perfect accompaniment for the limited and simple food offerings, including boulette, potato salad, chilli, rollmop herring, Bockwurst and Knackerwurst.
Around Berlin in 80 beers
I was knackered last night so I went to bed relatively early for me.
A few days later, I decided out of curiosity to see whether the old vcr is still knackered.
My solutions: Compulsory sterilisation of the criminal and feckless classes (using a three strikes and out policy for any offences other than motoring), no welfare BUT workfare for the fit and healthy (being a fat knacker is not an excuse as regular work and exercise will have a beneficial effect), combined with regular drug testing.
Easy Come, Easy Go! Geddit? « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
And then, the matter of familial links: how closely related is the spide to other Rogue Forms, such as the Southern Irish knacker or gurrier, the Scottish ned, schemie or bampot, or the English scally, shellie, shinywanker or wideboy?
Was slightly shocked that after digging over the vegetable patch (about the size of a small bedroom) I was utterly knackered and in pain for days.
I am absolutely knackered, and I suppose I should write this; mind you it's quarter to ten!
It's cold, everybody's wearing cheap waterproofs or knackered jumpers, most people have an expression halfway between habitual wiliness and gutted defeat.
A 'knacker' is one who slaughters worn-out livestock and sells their flesh, bones and hides.
Irish Blogs
I dozed fitfully until morning, when I awake feeling knackered; my spouse looked worried and ashen in sympathy.
Currently the UK authorities are proposing to contract hunt kennels and licensed knacker operators to collect fallen stock from farms from whence they would be taken onwards to rendering plants.
The authorities want us to upgrade our facilities to those of knacker men but we can't afford that kind of investment."
After the climb we were absolutely knackered, if you'll pardon the expression.
There were four debutants including one, José Enrique, who arrived 24 hours earlier and was thrust into the team when Fábio Aurelio returned injured to the knackers yard.
Patience is key for Kenny Dalglish after Liverpool are held by Sunderland
It took me a while to admit I was knackered.
I was absolutely knackered at the end of the match.
Today I just took an hour for lunch plus a cuppa tea in the afternoon and had done my six hours by 4.30, meaning I could have a little snooze before dinner and not feel too knackered this evening.
I had to have a little snooze this afternoon as I was completely knackered.
No wonder his knee is knackered when you look at the number of overs he has bowled.
He likes to knacker himself completely before a long flight.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb: the prophet of boom and doom « Isegoria
The least likely recruit was perhaps Andy, who met us at Central Station looking, frankly, knackered.
If one pulls the other way, the whole thing is knackered. "
The water pump was knackered by a poorly replaced timing chain (I think).
You are constantly jet-lagged, knackered or hung-over.
By the time I got home I was knackered.
I had every intention of arriving early and leaving early as it was a ‘school night’ and I was knackered after quite a few late nights at work.
Suddenly it's Thursday, which is the end of my working week, and I'm knackered.
After the climb we were absolutely knackered, if you'll pardon the expression.
If his knee injury hasn't knackered him completely there is no need to suppose he won't be as prolific as before.
We have been told so often that Scottish football is knackered that we have come to believe it.
A better day could not have been had and although it was still early I was knackered.
I was completely knackered on arrival, suggesting that walking the complete trail from 100 to 1 might be overdoing it somewhat.
Inside, she found the kind of office that was not so much decorated as accumulated: the hundreds of books, most of which Were leather editions stuffed with handwritten notes on yellowing paper, which sat stacked four-deep on institutional-design metal shelves, had to compete against a lifetime's sediment of beloved knick-knackery for every inch of shelf space.
The Sinister Six Combo
Pitt, meanwhile, comes across as a bit of a knackered lunk, too vanilla for his struggles to grip in the same way as, say, those of Michael Sheen's Brian Clough in The Damned United – a film with a similar real-life sporting triumph template.
Moneyball – review
The cycle ride home was against a very strong, blustery wind and left me feeling knackered.
Funnily enough, 68 years on, that equipment is knackered.
I knackered my ankle playing football.
Last night I ran an iPod software update and it knackered my iPod up.
Joreboam Hemelett was a gunsmith, and he must have had a touch of fire knackery because it was well known that no matter how damp a day it might be, the powder in a Hemelett gun always ignited.
Alvin Journeyman
After the climb we were absolutely knackered, if you'll pardon the expression.
It's safe to say this weekend has really knackered me out.
Near midnight, a couple of friends of hers came over and wanted us all to go out, but since I was knackered, I declined.
Certainly for today at least, the Labour campaign is knackered.
Many of them were also part of the PNAC Cabal that seems to have gone to knackery
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
I still had to get up early for work in the morning… which is why I feel absolutely knackered now.
By this time I had added sunstroke and dehydration to being absolutely knackered.
I was absolutely knackered at the end of the match.
We're glad average citizens are fighting for their property rights, and we hope GOP lawmakers take Governor Brown up on the offer to send redevelopment agencies to the knackery.
Property Rights Knockout
They're starting to turn the screw here and advance towardss the Ireland 22.60 min: An hour gone, Wales are five points clear and have a knackered looking Irish team very much under the cosh.
Rugby World Cup 2011: Ireland v Wales - live! | Barry Glendenning
It doesn't help that I'm completely knackered after staying up till about 2 in the morning drinking whiskey.
Neither is ready or willing to be put out to grass and they are hardly candidates for the sporting knacker's yard, a fact that Paterson readily concedes himself.
The intention would be to have dead animals collected from farms by the local knacker man and then sent for rendering.
Work and looking after our son leaves me knackered.
Her horse was a show jumper whom the family rescued from the knacker's yard.
I have a new digital camera on my Xmas list as my current one is knackered.
I am supposed to be going dancing but I am knackered, so I will probably stay in and feel sorry for myself instead.
If you get get pissed and act like a knacker at a Wedding/Wake then you should be disciplined.
Sunday Post, Ruralshire, England. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Bless him, by this point it was about quarter to two in the morning and he was knackered so I forgive him for being a bit confused.
You are constantly jet-lagged, knackered or hung-over.
Five-hour meetings of Full Council knacker me, and do next-to-nothing for my residents.
Archive 2007-01-01
I rowed and rowed and rowed until I was knackered.
Being a parent for the second time is infinitely more knackering.
Meera Syal: My family values
Either way, it's annoying, but at least it doesn't mean my headphones are knackered, as I originally feared.
But fortunately the front lock is very knackered, so didn't actually work on this occasion.
At a village fete in Kent over the weekend I saw three Kent officers sweating their knackers off in full kit, vets and hi-viz.
Police Body Armour Heatwave Shock! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Her lustre is all the greater because, at 34, she counts almost as a geriatric and carries enough injuries to condemn a horse to the knacker's yard.
I could really do with catching up on some sleep too because, to be honest, I'm totally knackered.
Once the euphoria has ebbed away, Torrance will be entitled to feel a bit knackered.
My windscreen wipers are knackered and it's snowing buckets.
London seems very very fumy but this may be a direct result of my exhaust pipe being knackered… my own personal microclimate of carbon monoxide, ugh.
The warm glow doesn't last, of course, but the beginning of the fringe is a good time to catch shows before the best ones start to sell out and the performers get too knackered to remember their jokes.
Many former players hirpling around with knackered knees and hips have reason to rue the indiscriminate use of drugs.
I am supposed to be going dancing but I am knackered, so I will probably stay in and feel sorry for myself instead.
Careful or you'll knacker the gears!
There must be a few dirty jobs, such as knackers 'men, and also text-revisers: are the philologists to carry out tasks of this nature?
We Philologists Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Volume 8
Anyway, before you start to panic, I was only there to visit a friend, who had a bit of a fall over the weekend and knackered his knee.
Now so surely as I am Kurt, the Knacker, there is more in this priestling than meets the eye," he muttered.
The Doomsman
It looks like the company is heading for the knackers' yard for dismemberment by its banks.
But we all know the embattled financially knackered rail service is again going to walk away from this with no one held accountable.
Past efforts at de-knackering it have proved fruitless,
Yesterday, Sweden’s IPRED. So?
Compare and contrast ? this bloke gets arrested by a vindictive PC Knacker, labelled a paedophile, is charged, his name no doubt leaked to the press by our wonderful Police, has to endure court appearances, has to explain ? at length I am sure, to his wife and family that he?
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
Armor-of-God must've let up a little on his hatred of knackery and hidden powers.
Prentice Alvin
The burlesque girls were great and the 5 rythms dance was really enjoyable, although totally knackering! | Blog | Reflections on the UK Hoop Gathering
The city itself is not just home to deities and "knackers" (those with magical talents) run amok, but has powers and disciples, called
Baltimore City Paper
Mather's quarrel with his body began in March when he knackered his shoulder against France, putting him out of the rest of the regular season.
Woke up already feeling knackered this morning, which is never a good start to the day.
Well, for all who climb up and down Scafell there should be a severe health warning: ‘You will knacker your knees and hips if you do not take a stick with you’.
Everything is fine. I've just been out a lot this week and now I'm knackered with a monster hangover.
I would post something coherent about wider society's contempt of fandom because it's play engaged in by adults (I think it was The Joy Of Sex which said bed was the only time grownups get to play), the relationship between fan fiction (play) and writing for publication (work), the contempt of each age group for the next younger group, and the hierarchies of literary snobbery in my head, but frankly I'm too knackered. *goes back to bed*
News from the House of Sticks -
Needless to say, I missed any chance of brinner with me mates, but as it turned out Arthur and Meg were knackered (having just come back from a holiday up north) and were heading back to Portsmouth in the late afternoon anyway.
Archive 2006-07-01
I dozed fitfully until morning, when I awake feeling knackered; my spouse looked worried and ashen in sympathy.
• Good news, finally, for at last Britain along with the United States and France is to have an aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean – hooray for HMS Invincible: on her way to a knacker's yard in Turkey.
Hugh Muir's diary
I'm knackered and have to get some kip, but let me take you up on one (relatively insubstantial) point - the landscape could be improved immeasurably by ridding it of farmers, unless de-forestation, polluted rivers, shoddy-looking barns made out of breeze-blocks and rusty corrugated iron, and otherwise pleasant country roads covered in years-worth of crusted cow cack are your thing...
Old horses that have outlived their usefulness are also referred to as knackers, indicating their readiness for the knackery or rendering facility.
Green Tomato Finale
The occupation of sewermen was formerly almost as perilous, and almost as repugnant to the people, as the occupation of knacker, which was so long held in horror and handed over to the executioner.
Went to bed before midnight last night, fell asleep relatively quickly and woke up this morning feeling as knackered as I have all week.