How To Use Kleptomaniac In A Sentence
Joe is a turning into a complete kleptomaniac who steals anything that's not nailed down.
Often a kleptomaniac person steals things he could have bought easily or things that are not at all expensive.
Bennie Salazar first makes a one-sentence appearance as the music-producer boss of Sasha, the kleptomaniacal protagonist of the first chapter.
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Does it point to a taste for corruption that amounts to an addiction, as kleptomaniacs seek harder and harder things to steal?
Times, Sunday Times
Okay, so I was looking for a politically active, fat, drunk kleptomaniac.

A woman described as a chronic kleptomaniac was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment at the March 22 sitting of Carlow District Court.
I wonder though, does this mean he is also a pajamaed monkey-typing intellectual-property-stealing kleptomaniacle communist-Marxist now because he blogs?
Archive 2007-06-01
I would say that she's not so much a kleptomaniac as a generally chaotic person.
On competition among states for firms and migrants: The main point is that if the politics of one state become sufficiently kleptomaniacal, productive people and firms can relocate to escape the plundering.
The Volokh Conspiracy » European Libertarians and Federalism
Last September, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon -- a second-tier South Korean bureaucrat kicked upstairs to succeed the kleptomaniacal Kofi Annan -- proclaimed that absent an immediate ten-trillion dollar [yes, $10-trillion] "contribution" by guess-who Planet Earth would transform into "a baking desert" by New Year's 2010.
Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
Head turned in competingly fabulous directions, I find myself feeling positively kleptomaniac. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
John Muir was a veritable botanical kleptomaniac and meticulous documentarian, which is handy considering the Muir exhibition, "Nature's Beloved Son," running through Sept. 25.
SFGate: Top News Stories
Kleptomaniacs, kitchen drinkers, Fatal Attraction type psychos, obsessive-compulsives, and other problem individuals are usually discovered in this phase.
I just hoped he wasn't some kind of closet kleptomaniac.
Okay, so I was looking for a politically active, fat, drunk kleptomaniac.
Donors are understandably cool to the idea of giving money to the government in light of its kleptomaniacal tendencies, but there are ways to avoid the central bank.
Peter Navario: Zimbabwe's Second Wave?
Mebbe teh pplz dat tayked teh gnu lol tayked owr kleptomaniacal frend azwell?
DEVINE ORDER OF CATZ - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
Research suggests that even with multiple convictions, kleptomaniacs typically battle the disorder for years.
How can the story of a mentally defective kleptomaniac, a bookish nympho, a crippled FBI agent and a suicidal millionaire's son add up to anything but trouble?