How To Use Klein In A Sentence

  • Baker, while on a visit to Göttingen, was inspired by Klein to study algebraic function theory.
  • If you are looking for something slightly dressier, try this putty colored zip front jacket by Calvin Klein.
  • April 14, 2008 at 7:17 am pursonly, eek sprekun kleinuh Deutch das eek in dem Amerkannur gross-shoole ge-lunt. In the darkest depths of Mordor… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • By accumulating theory and clinic practice, Klein established the school of child - analysis.
  • During the national election campaign, Mr. Klein boasted he'd open more private clinics and begin a tax deduction based on income to raise more revenue.
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  • Ich suche jetzt aktuell für meine Band einen Anbieter, der mir Kleinserien druckt so 10–20 stk. The Volokh Conspiracy » Anti-Vick Shirt Barred from Eagles Stadium
  • Mr. Klein plays Fender Rhodes, but it's hardly what you'd expect on your usual four-handed keyboard duo, even on the two duets, "Airport Fugue" and "Implacable. Friends, Sisters, Countrymen
  • And Allen West, a Republican running against Democratic Rep. Ron Klein in Florida's 22nd District, said Obama was "browbeating" Israel. Obama, Netanyahu meet again
  • Lem, neocon may or may not be shorthand for Jews in some media circles, but in any circle you encounter, "jackass" is shorthand for Joe Klein. "Prince of Darkness Denies Own Existence."
  • As the logistics of rehearsing a large group with electric instruments became increasingly difficult, Klein and Ford found themselves increasingly drawn to acoustic practices in the comfort of their living room.
  • We take such matters much less lightly today, as Mr. Mullan notes while recalling the rumpus surrounding "Primary Colors," the Clinton-based novel that Joe Klein initially denied writing, much to the subsequent anger of his fellow journalists. In All But Name
  • Ezra Klein perceives himself as a benevolent and educated individual. In Which Ezra Shows Why He is not Close to Conversion, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But the vow of a widow or of a woman divorced, no man had power to disallow of, for her estate was free from controlment" (Klein 50). My Name Was Martha: A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem
  • Entrance is free and to tempt the crowds, the first show, "The Color," lives up to its name with, for instance, Yves Klein's "Monochrome Orange" from 1955, Picasso's "Femme en bleu" from 1944 and Olafur Eliasson's 2004 light installation, "Your Concentric Welcome. Ladies and Gentlemen... Cirque Pompidou
  • Duncan and Klein, along with virulently antiprogressive DC schools chancellor Michelle Rhee, are celebrated by politicians and pundits. Arne Duncan: The Darling of the Disruptors and Preserver of the Status Quo
  • Klein, a corporate lawyer and political apparatchik, is here to spruik the virtues of Gillard's wacky plan to publish a rating system for schools. Aussies to Klein: Political Apparatchik, Go Home
  • Klein handled the situation in a masterful way.
  • ABC News's Rick Klein tweeted that he was "REALLY not sure this is funny. Colbert's Congressional Act Panned By Reporters
  • He plans to specialize in such masters as Picasso, Warhol, Yves Klein and Sonia and Robert Delaunay.
  • Sprinkleinch layer of sugar on a small baking sheet.
  • Kleinman had apparently discovered that focusing a beam of radiation on uranium atoms could generate intense showers of particles called rho mesons. Final Theory
  • Ms. KLEIN: A group of women who decided to embroider, to kind of keep the art of embroidery alive, they decided to embroider pornographic images. Hate Long, Rambling Speeches? Try Pecha-Kucha
  • At that time, Klein acknowledged he's hoping the new show helps shore up ratings for the network's flagship "Larry King Live" -- its ratings had plunged by 40 percent in 2010. CNN/U.S. president Jon Klein out, HLN topper Ken Jautz in
  • Because the Klein family owned ironworks in northern Moravia, cast iron was widely used on the building's facade in windows and oriels.
  • Contrary to Dan Klein's foundationless assertion, I did not pursue an academic career because I did not want to specialize in a discipine, not because my fragile female psyche couldn't hack conflict. A Kuranian Take on the Religious Gender Gap, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Kleiner has made some big bets so far, carving out $100 million from its $400 million 12th fund raised in 2006 for clean-tech investments, later raising more than $750 million for a fund devoted solely to capital-intensive clean-tech plays. Enterprise Dispatch
  • Klein will be in Brazil this week to join a debate on future tactics that is gradually reviving in websites across the world.
  • Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum of Congregation Beit Simchat set up a tent across the street to officiate Jewish ceremonies. For Same-Sex City Couples, Day 1 of 'I Do'
  • Anyway, all of this research and criticism apparently resulted in this listicle on Joe Klein's blog, which was generally regarded as a game-changing moment in the 2008 election. Sarah Palin Lashes Out At Media, McCain Campaign And JournoList, Maybe
  • However, in obliquely making this point Mr. Klein unwittingly points to a flaw in the measurement of administrative efficiency. More Stupid Administrative Efficiency Arguments
  • Sarah Klein, a neighborhood resident, said that until the confusion was cleared up, she would leave the house only if she wore a baglike snood. In Israel, a Ban on Indian Wigs; In Brooklyn, a Rush to Comply
  • Canadian author Naomi Klein, the godmother of the anti-globalisation movement, considers the way marketing handles the protests against corporate power.
  • Streamlined two-pieces Heidi Klein "Capri" tankini in plum, with gold detailing, £175 Becoming a Bathing Beauty
  • Man nehme einen Dialogschnipsel von Hitchcocks Die Vögel und bastle daraus ein eigene kleine Szene. No Fat Clips!!! : KRISTOF LUYCKX – The Gulls
  • For his part, Klein chalks the registration up to an error at his law firm and plans to deregister. HUFFPOST FUNDRACE -- Lobbyists Occupy Romney
  • Perhaps she is thinking of the US Army's Law of Land Warfare which, according to Klein, prohibits the sale of non-military property.
  • Ezra Klein flagged a 2008 interview Rouse did with PBS, in which he hits the centrist DLC for its willingness to "find the lowest common denominator and pass it," rather than "moving forward with a progressive agenda. The Rouse era won't be better than the Rahm era
  • Green to Blue è un corto in stop motion realizzato da Elizabeth Klein per il concorso Climate Matters tenuto da Brighter Planet. No Fat Clips!!! : ELIZABETH KLEIN – Green to Blue
  • Note 6: Günther Binding and Matthias Untermann, Kleine Kunstgeschichte der mittelalterlichen Ordensbaukunst in Deutschland (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgeschellschaft, 1985), 330 – 31. back Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Actor, action-movie star, farmhand, Calvin Klein underwear model, and nascent motivational speaker, Kellan Lutz is the man of the moment. Twilight Lexicon » Kellan Lutz In Interview Magazine
  • This idea invites projection like few others -- and something Kleinian analysts call projective identification. Justin Frank: Politics on the Couch: Opposites Detract or Listening to the Unsaid
  • Here in Florida it looks to be a pretty quiet night; the only interesting races will be the governor's contest where Republican Charlie Crist, snubber of the president, is up against Democrat Jim Davis, and 14-term Congressman Clay Shaw is in a very tight race against Ron Klein. November 2006
  • In the first phase of her writing, which adhered to Freudian theory for the most part, Klein laid down the principles of child psychoanalysis, reworked Freud’s developmental timetable by arguing that the child was capable of certain types of mental activities at an early age, and elaborated on the importance of the child’s fantasy (in Klein’s writings referred to as phantasy) life (Segal, 1974). Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
  • Klein SA (1989) Peripheral positional acuity: Retinal and cortical constraints on 2-dot separation discrimination under photopic and scotopic conditions. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Angesichts der Tatsache, dass Bombenbauen und Raketenbasteln in Gaza zur Grundausbildung vom Kleinkindesalter weg geh #246; rt, erscheint das neu geforderte Spielzeugpistolenverbot etwas bizarr. Jihad Monitor
  • As a young man he was baptized into the Evangelical Mennonite Church, at that time known as the Kleine-gemeinde.
  • Ein Skandal hat dazu geführt, dass sie New York verlassen hat und nach Mariposa, eine Kleinstadt in Kalifornien in der Nähe des Yosemite National Parks, gezogen ist. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Crispin is at the table almost from the get-go, from naming products to developing packaging," says Klein. Fewer ads entered at Cannes Lions as fewer people attend
  • Kleinberg says that fluoride, which is in most drinking water and toothpaste, protects against 30 percent of tooth decay.
  • The hallmarks of the Nazi aesthetic - blue eyes, blond hair, athletic fitness and sharp-angled features - are the very elements that define what we call the all-American look, still visible in the mythic advertising landscapes of designers like the decidedly non-Aryan Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein. NYT > Home Page
  • His name was Mark Klein, and his destination was a red brick office building in an untouristed part of the city dominated by low-rise warehouses. Boing Boing
  • Oskar Klein died in Stockholm, one of the finest theoretical physicists of the twentieth century.
  • As Ezra Klein pointed out in the Washington Post awhile back, this is a terrible idea. Linda Bergthold: Christine O'Donnell's Understanding of Health Care (or Lack Thereof) Fits Into Just 3 Memorized Talking Points
  • ‘Jumping rope is one of the highest calorie burners,’ Kleinberg says.
  • Lauren Klein has served thousands of satisfied customers and our experienced customer service representatives are ready to assist you with our vast collection, which ranges from basic solitaire necklaces, gold necklaces and morganite earrings to diamond rose gold rings and trendy and chic color stone jewelry. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • In that portfolio, Mr. Klein oversaw the development of the Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, acknowledged as one of the most progressive environmental laws in Canada. A "Made-in-Canada" Approach to Global Warming
  • I dressed in my best: tight black Levi's, a black Calvin Klein T-shirt, and an unstructured Armani sport coat.
  • Two minis show "value" to consumers, and six scream "shareability," says Russ Klein, marketing chief at Burger King. In tough times, restaurants try mini burgers to get a nibble
  • Tokyo architects Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein hit on the antidote to presentation overload - a style they dubbed pecha-kucha, Japanese for "chitchat" - and their elegant solution is taking the world by storm. NPR Topics: News
  • 'The key to Israel's supergrowth is not mysterious,' writes Naomi Klein in The Nation. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Israel's Tech Boom Preys on Our Insecurities
  • Incidentally, Larry Klein is supposed to have produced the new Shawn Colvin album, which should have appeared by now.
  • Klein penned this essay and this response last week. July « 2008 « Blog
  • And Jennifer Klein, professor of history at Yale University, adds that women often work in "precarious" jobs with irregular hours and low benefits. Bryce Covert: The Other Side of the 'Mancession': Women Left Behind
  • Klein Art Works recently exhibited the maquettes along with nine smaller bronzes, the tallest of which is 3 1/2 feet high.
  • Still, bureaucracies, even if they know they can't change, have to pretend they really want to, even if they don't, and so, with the question about Klein posed so clearly, they fired Klein and hired Jautz, who has been running CNN's sister station, Headline News. Michael Wolff: Even I Can't Change CNN
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Israel\'s Tech Boom Preys on Our Insecurities'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = '"The key to Israel\'s supergrowth is not mysterious," writes Naomi Klein in The Nation. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Israel's Tech Boom Preys on Our Insecurities
  • NQM said Mr Walker also believed Conquest's offer was appealing because it would give NQM shareholders exposure to Conquest's Mt Carlton gold, silver and copper project in north Qld. Separately on Tuesday, Mr Klein, now Conquest's executive chairman, said the miner aimed in the next three to four months to formalise a long-term offtake contract with a Chinese smelter company for product from Mt Carlton. WA Business News - Latest News
  • Recently-fired CNN/US President Klein clashed with CNN/Worldwide President Jim Walton on several issues, Sherman writes, including importing Olbermann to CNN in 2006. Rachel Maddow: Bill O'Reilly A 'Race-Baiting F**k,' CNN Wanted Olbermann: NYMag
  • When it comes to health care, Klein seems to have a suit of armour that protects him from the critics' barbs.
  • And coming to the aid of the addicted is Alan Klein, a Minnesotan who three years ago launched the McRib Locator, a site that tracks appearances of the Yeti-like sandwich. The McRib locator: Tracking the Bigfoot of McDonald's sandwiches
  • At Hope College I spent two years in fruitful study, but decided to transfer to the University of Michigan in Ann Arborafter my favorite professor, Dr.J. Harvey Kleinheksel, died of a heart attack, and the organic chemistry professor with whom I had hoped to do research, Dr. Gerrit Van Zyl, announced his retirement. Richard E. Smalley - Autobiography
  • At an early showing of the scooter, John Doerr, the Kleiner Perkins partner who invested $38 million in Segway, reportedly asked Mr. Jobs what he thought of the product design. Segway Executive Makes the Leap to Apple - Bits Blog -
  • Ivan Brandon and Nic Klein's Viking is about men possessed with ruthless ambition who wield their obsessions like giant swords across the world around them. First-look review: Brandon and Klein’s Viking #1 | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Rev. Wright is on tape spewing some pretty vile anti-American stuff from the pulpit, yet Klein accuses Davis of being the one "spreading the poison" for having the temerity to question whether it was appropriate for Barack Obama to sit silent in the pews of Trinity United for 20 years. Lanny Spreads 'The Poison' - Real Clear Politics –
  • Or, better: I cannot conclude from the invention of Klein bottles that there is a culture which has been drinking from them for millennia. Borges: Pathways of the (Postmodern) Mind
  • Klein announced the final $3 billion on the debt would be paid in full in time for the province's centennial celebrations next year.
  • My friend Jeff Z. Klein at the New York Times put together a classic post, showing clips of fan reactions to the win all over the country - and the chants of "U.S.A." to my ear, at least here in Germany, sounded happy and joyous, of course, but also with a kind of growling heavy-handedness. Steve Kettmann: Donovan's Amazing Feat: Making U.S. One With the Rest of the World
  • To be fair to Mansbridge and Klein, both quintessentially Canadian, they probably did mean it in the "inhale" sense, as Stephanie said above, and Kim reinforced. Genericized brand names: use a tissue, not a kleenex
  • Please tell Mrs Klein I tried to stop him, but it was no go. DOLL'S EYES
  • Takeover speculation lifted merchant bank Morgan Grenfell another 13p to 370p and Kleinwort Benson 8p to 374p.
  • Preki started the play by finding fellow midfielder Chris Klein streaking down the right wing. Major League Soccer - Chicago vs. Kansas City
  • When Wim Klein extracts the thirteenth root of a hundred-digit number he must determine the logarithm of the first four digits of the power, divide it by thirteen and obtain the antilog. Trade Secrets
  • Hier mal ein kleines Vid vom verschneiten Montag abend ... - Articles related to Japan suspends beef exports over foot-and-mouth
  • Nor did they take Klein’s comment that therapies are “nonspecifically beneficial to the final common pathway of demoralization” as an unintended compliment and trumpet the value of remoralization and their unique ability to bring it about. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • Klein's multidisciplinary project of the 1950s included monochrome painting, writing, martial arts, performance, musical composition and film.
  • By considering the action of the modular group on the complex plane, Klein showed that the fundamental region is moved around to tessellate the plane.
  • Joe Klein would be the kind of second baseman for whom the infield fly rule was created: you know, runners on base in force-out situation – batter hits a shallow pop-up, runners have to hold. Firedoglake » Late Nite FDL: A Civility Lecture
  • Klein was being deliberately obtuse it seems to me.
  • Klein and Elliott lay out a web that is labyrinthian to the max. On being called a bigot and/or racist
  • Klein and Reid's inspiration comes from such far-flung sources as American diner china, antique Asian celadons, and Dutch tulipieres, which inspired their crushingly elegant series of rose bowls and tulip vases.
  • Knesset member Michael Kleiner said: “The bombardment of Belgrade and other cities and the civilian population also in Yugoslavia is doubtful, especially after the Serbs announced their readiness for a ceasefire.” Matthew Yglesias » Karadzic’s Defense
  • ‘There is a belief in our culture that children are not sexual unless they're sexualized by adults and that is simply not true,’ says Klein.
  • Even Calvin Klein adds color, albeit pale, to his usually neutral palette.
  • Creators ranging from those deeply moved by America's literacy and STEM crises such as Launchpad Toys' Andy Russell -- a creator of Toontastic (a great digital storytelling app -- think Mad Libs for the digital age) to Gabriel Adauto and Jacob Klein, the co- founders of a remarkable math initiative called Motion Math (think "labyrinth for fractions") are facing a largely inchoate system of creative talent flow, capital formation, marketing and distribution. Michael Levine: Balancing Young Learners' Media Consumption: Is There an App for That?
  • After years of austerity, the Klein government has given the region a huge cash infusion, increasing the amount of money for cardiac surgery by 20 per cent.
  • Ross Klein, a cruise-industry analyst, says that cruise lines' decision to invest in colossal ships may help them diversify their customer base without losing elderly customers.
  • A misspelling like "cursorary", in your opening paragraph undermines your cred, and Ms. Klein's left leaning supporters will likely drop off before getting to the meat of the argument. Alex Jones' Prison
  • But, I gambled on high-maintenance managers like Rhee and Klein, who want to impose their high-pressure system on everyone. John Thompson: Helping John Merrow Draft Arne Duncan's Big Speech
  • But, if truth be told, the delivery became wearisome by the second half; the final work, Weill's nonvocal "Threepenny Opera" suite, "Kleine Dreigroschenmusik für Orchester," came as a genuine balm for these ears. Music of the Weimar Republic --
  • And while Klein championed Spitzer's CNN career from the start, a New York Magazine article by Gabriel Sherman reveals that many inside CNN are skeptical of being part of Spitzer's personal reinvention. Eliot Spitzer, Kathleen Parker Discuss New CNN Show
  • Klein fils is a Brown graduate who worked as a newspaper reporter, at the Virginian-Pilot the Baltimore Sun, and The Wall Street Journal, before moving onto the Washington Post.
  • But Kurt Klein couldn't breach the State Department's calculated uninterest; only later, as a GI liberating his homeland, did he learn that his parents had perished at Auschwitz. Holocaust And The Home Front
  • The example also serves to expose the major flaw in Kleinig's account.
  • While setting up a discussion, John McLaughlin quoted Naomi Klein's "squib" on a new Obama book titled The Mendacity of Hope, by Roger D. Hodge, the former editor-in-chief of Harper's magazine: Joseph A. Palermo: The McLaughlin Group: It's the "Professional Left's" Fault
  • While watching a Broncos game at a Manhattan bar, Jared Kleinstein coined Tebowing , which he defined as praying "even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different. Tim Tebow: Denver's New Favorite Mensch
  • The investment by Eco-Drive and Kleiner Perkins validates our vision of joining together the advances in technology for plug-in hybrid powertrains with the ecochic beauty and eco-conscious comfort of the Fisker Karma. TreeHugger
  • In 1976, Klein came up with a new kind of jellybean, which would come to be known as Herman Goelitz Candy Company and after slow sales, a little untruth gained the treat national attention.
  • Klein prided himself on being a loyal subject who had served his adopted country with honour.
  • Kleinschmidt said NNP members in the unicity were "gatvol" (fed up). ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Brandon and Klein deliver an impressive debut, well worth the anticipation that has been building. First-look review: Brandon and Klein’s Viking #1 | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Mr. Klein postured that, "... the debate between district schools and charter schools is a false one," and that anyone who engages in this debate is, "... just playing politics. Julie Cavanagh: Wagging my Finger While my Boss Wags the dog
  • This is, of course, completely ridiculous, and Joe Klein rightly calls out McCain, saying: They'd be taking a country? McCain and Iraq: misleading the country, or himself?
  • Spezielle für diese Zeit, in der wir gefallen von wiederholend von Ort die Möbel wegen der schnellen Langeweile der kleinen Räume tauschen, ist eine neue Reihe von Mdf Italien gekommen, um mit deinem Herzen zu bleiben. Anemix – Modular Lighting System for 3D Effects
  • The group's merchant banking adviser, Kleinwort Benson, is searching for suitable partners.
  • She went out with a Calvin Klein poster boy.
  • * Joe Klein puts his finger on one the now-defunc Democratic Leadership Council's most catastrophic failings: "The war in Iraq, which the DLC supported reflexively, as a way of seeming `strong,' without ever really analyzing the intellectual weaknesses of the casus belli. Happy Hour Roundup
  • The deputies advised Mr. Klein that he was violating the city's antilittering ordinance. Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
  • Rhee-Klein "manifesto" a "concise compilation of today's fads and gimmicks in education" (The Answer Sheet) DeMorning DeBonis: Oct. 12, 2010
  • Thank you!!! inlaid short sleeve zucchino highbootsclub showerproof vintage mink coats north face no li ta thermopedic kleinsleep kosta boda pfaltzcraff oreo kenny schrader computer armoire pickled oak Home to Chaos
  • Klein seems content to settle into mostly chordal work on his Rhodes, leaving the more intricate piano solo work to Goldberg, who is a wellspring of ideas. Ralph A. Miriello: Aaron Goldberg and Guillermo Klein Join Forces to Create the Compelling Beinestan
  • South Africa (Klein Karoo?) or northern parts of Chile. Where in the wine world are we? Picturesque but marginal edition | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • The Bearkats and Dekaney both advanced to state at The Woodlands, and District 13-5A co-member Klein Collins earned its berth at the Chronicle
  • Ezra Klein grapples with Tom Daschle’s withdrawal. Matthew Yglesias » Daschle Postmortem
  • No doubt Kleinfeld will face foot-dragging from people reluctant to change.
  • Klein was previously arrested back in 2005 for DUI (his old mugshot is featured below because his newest mugshot has yet to be made available) but read on for the deets of this new arrest: Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » Chris Klein Busted!
  • Prof. Klein, why fail the authors of the paper whose summary is "We show the robustness of the Walrasian result obtained in models of bargaining in pairwise meetings." on the "Theory of What?" point? Truth in Advertising: Does the Journal of Economic Theory Contain Economics or Theory?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Prof. Klein, why fail the authors of the paper [#15] whose summary is "We show the robustness of the Walrasian result obtained in models of bargaining in pairwise meetings." on the "Theory of What?" point? ... Truth in Advertising: Does the Journal of Economic Theory Contain Economics or Theory?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • As ConWebWatch previously reported, a Dec. 5, 2008, article by Klein mined a blog post by former Weatherman member Jeff Jones to baselessly present speculation that Obama "is 'feigning' a centrist position on some issues so he can ultimately push through a radical agenda" as indisputable fact. Terry Krepel: WorldNetDaily Red-Baits Obama
  • a kind of fabulousness, a grand vocal performance (Klein 131). Darkness Audible: Negative Capability and Mark Doty’s 'Nocturne in Black and Gold'
  • The investment by Eco-Drive and Kleiner Perkins validates our vision of joining together the advances in technology for plug-in hybrid powertrains with the ecochic beauty and eco-conscious comfort of the Fisker Karma. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The Dirac equation is essentially the “square root” of the Klein-Gordon equation in a quaternionic form. Dark Matter: Still Dark.
  • But what Klein pietistically sees as lowbrow proles venturing into a world to which they do not belong, I see as dedicated seekers of wisdom and truth who are driven - even at times when they are not to be found in their three piece Armanis - to pursue a story. Archive 2004-09-01
  • Klein's theories of projection and introjection greatly extend this model.
  • This week, three-term New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg goggled the imagination when he announced that Cathleen Black would be replacing Joel Klein as chancellor ... Cathleen Black Crams For Her Test As NYC Schools Chancellor
  • Damage to the popular and heavily-used Meiringspoort pass through the Swartberg Mountains, a major link to the Klein Karoo and Garden Route, appeared to be much more extensive than thought, de Witt said after inspecting the damage this week. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The contrast between Freud's instinctual determinism and Nietzsche's contextualism and historicism parallels contemporary psychoanalytic debates about whether human destructiveness is to be comprehended primarily as a manifestation of an innate aggressive drive (later Freud and Melanie Klein) or primarily as a reaction to frustration (earlier Freud) or narcissistic injury (Kohut). Robert D. Stolorow: "Radical Evil"
  • The second, Prof. Holger Kleinke, is investigating new thermoelectric materials in order to create energy-efficient cooling materials and power generators.
  • Perhaps, however, the fifth dimension is not as tiny as Klein suggested.
  • The mass scale characterizing each Kaluza-Klein tower can be chosen independently for each species of scalar, fermion, or gauge boson. Aether Compactification
  • Ezra Klein writes, Once and slowly: Medicare operates within America's private health system context, bargaining with private providers at near-market rates. EconLog: Economics of Health Care Archives
  • The researchers picked that name to highlight the presence of a pink form of the jellyfish order Stauromedusae as well as numerous spiky tubeworm casings that festoon the vent chimney and bring to mind "the serpent-haired Medusa of Greek myth," said expedition leader Emily Klein. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Ezra Klein engages in some interesting introspection: Who's On Your Shoulder?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Any failures that popped up were airily dismissed because Klein was fine-tuning the mechanism. Joel Klein's snow job
  • My old girlfriend Happy Klein gets a lead.
  • I agree with kklein, the tie is all men have to show off their little bit of personality. What Is Your Necktie Hiding? - Freakonomics Blog -
  • Kleinzahler, on the other hand, seems to feel that a popular anthologizer will ruin poetry. Timely Genre News
  • But it was important to include that dud -- or the cheesy footage of the tuxedoed Klein at work with his nude "brushes" -- because cheesiness and the burlesque are clearly part of what he's all about. Hirshhorn exhibit offers multiple sides of artist and performer Yves Klein
  • And on Monday, West could be heard at a rally urging some bikers -- also with Outlaw connections -- to "escort" out a Klein staffer who was video recording the event. Michael Winship: The Pulpit of Bullies
  • Klein says she stays involved as editor of her high school paper, and Nyberg makes friends in the school marching band.
  • | Reply | Permalink ac 360 has been good lately. just ignore gloria borger. two nights ago he had on peter bergen (cnn senior security analyst) to ocntradict the "silver bulletness" of the surge. last night he had joe klein and david gergen talk about the timeline gaffe of mccain. joe klein opined further that mccain's scurrilous remarks about obama was a first for a presidential candidate. CBS Sidesteps Questions About Editing Of McCain Interview
  • I introduced myself and told him that I was calling him on the joint advice of Messrs Dennison and Klein. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES
  • Implacable," the first of several Klein compositions on the album, starts with an ostinato on Rhodes piano by Mr. Klein. Ralph A. Miriello: Aaron Goldberg and Guillermo Klein Join Forces to Create the Compelling Beinestan
  • No stranger to advertising controversy, designer Calvin Klein caused another stir in 1995 when he featured scantily clad young models on billboards and in TV spots.
  • She turned left at the end of the street and made for her favourite city-centre bar, the Kleiner Ratskeller. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Instead of staying stealthy for marketing reasons, though, the Kleiner partners say that the stealthiness is to avoid bad competition, because bad competition can destroy a market.
  • Here we present a montage of high-speed video clips showing sporangiophore discharge in the fungus Pilobolus kleinii. BC Bloggers
  • Like Summers and Klein, a number of the wannabes are arrogant and unlistening. Benjamin R. Barber: Obama's Cabinet Candidates: Harvard Rules and Wisdom Wanes
  • Thick, immaculately cut ash-blonde hair brushed the padded silk shoulders of a black and white striped Roland Klein suit.
  • The Clan attack was keyed by Jessica Kaczowka and Teresa Kleindienst.
  • Second, I'd like to think, from a former insider's perspective, about Klein's message or at least, my reading of it: there's a design flaw that causes our government to underreact to crises like the Great Recession. Jared Bernstein: The Self-Imposed Limits of Reaction to a Crisis
  • The group's merchant banking adviser, Kleinwort Benson, is searching for suitable partners.
  • 'The chainplates are carbon straps on the hull and I think it has delaminated as there's a crack in the hull around the chainplate,' explains Kleinjans. USA Latest News
  • Ehrlich gesagt habe ich nicht darüber nachgedacht, mich genau nach den Fotografen zu informieren, ist dieses Video ja nur ein kleines, eigenständiges Projekt. Skateboardanimation on Vimeo
  • Another crucial influence was Justus Möser, so-called advocatus patriae, famed defender of the Kleinstaat and seminal influence on historicism. August Wilhelm Rehberg
  • The playmaking of Preki yielded a golden opportunity as the veteran spotted teammate Chris Klein streaking down the right side. Major League Soccer - Kansas City vs. Colorado
  • Klein has explored as much as anyone the political implications of Shaftesbury's belief that the conversational attitude pursues us to our inmost self-communings. Post-Secular Conviviality
  • Klein had noticed that given five points, four of them always appeared to define a convex quadrilateral.
  • Joe Klein of Time characterized Romney's piece as "an aggressively chuckleheaded attack on the New START Treaty. Joe Cirincione: Romney's Worst Foreign Policy Mistake
  • In much poorer rural Klein Karoo 300 kilometers to the west, just 1 percent of boys and 2 percent of girls weighed this much. Boing Boing: February 10, 2002 - February 16, 2002 Archives
  • Carl Kleiner's new book of Ikea photography does for kitchenware what Renaissance painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo did for vegetables in his weird portraits of men with bulging onion cheeks and tufty carrot beards. Skye Sherwin: A Good Look
  • Ezra Klein documented it all fairly closely, with quotes from administration officials underlying his reporting. Matthew Yglesias » Blue Dogs Rolled at “Fiscal Responsibility” Summit
  • They will want to know if the Gaza blockade, a policy they see as a security measure and that much of the world sees as collective punishment, is about to be undone by what Klein calls a rush to confrontation with a boatful of activists. Activist's Account Of Raid Differs From Israeli Version
  • The huge tankards of local beer went down a treat with everyone, Kleines and Kristallweizen were the favourites.
  • Two former Klein executives who once led CRK Advertising said they believed the tenor of the times -- from outraged protests against the film "Kids" to a lurid Time magazine cover article contending that "cyberporn" is widely available to children on the Internet -- played a significant role in the decision to bring the campaign to a premature close.... "If we were skinny, cute and 23 in 2008, we'd dress exactly like Wesley."
  • Well, I don't like my underwear to be lacy or frilly so I'm much more likely to buy Hanro cottons or stretch net from Prada and Calvin Klein than anything by La Perla.
  • Ezra Klein engages in some interesting introspection: Nowadays, I know that folks from that end will be looking to cut apart my ideas, I have to protect my points against their insights which, in turn, means I absorb their insights .... EconLog: November 2006 Archives
  • Qld. Separately on Tuesday, Mr Klein, now Conquest's executive chairman, said the miner aimed in the next three to four months to formalise a long-term offtake contract with a Chinese smelter company for product from Mt Carlton. The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
  • Klein's narrative style and focus on individuals might suggest using this book as a supplement in an undergraduate course.
  • If Obama fought for a compromise deal that Ezra Klein outlined I am sure Grijalva and the progressives will support it. Matthew Yglesias » Raul Grijalva Flirting With History’s Greatest Monster Status
  • It seems to me that all "mundane" economists to use Peter Klein's felicitous term interested in how the real economy works ask and try to answer the very same questions, but depending on their doctrinal orientation, their answers are different. On Beating Dead Horses - The Austrian Economists
  • Terrestrial birds whose plumage is superficially similar to that of fuzzy small theropods are notorious for harbouring ectoparasites, with kiwis in particular being reported to crawl with numerous fleas, ticks, feather mites and lice (Kleinpaste 1991). Archive 2006-07-01
  • Kleine Sonate is a three-movement work with the same general difficulty level as the Kuhlau or Clement sonatinas.
  • This would appear to be reinfored by the fact that it's an older Klein, and as such is equipped with rear-entry horizontal dropouts, which is not nearly as sordid as it sounds and makes it ripe for fixed-gear conversion. Evolving or Devolving? From Comebacks to CamelBaks
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'When Extremists Attack - by Joe Klein'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'I have now been called antisemitic and intellectually unstable and other silly things by the folks over at the Commentary blog. OpEdNews - Quicklink: When Extremists Attack - by Joe Klein
  • She paired her bijoux with a simple Calvin Klein sheath and pale pink pumps. Michelle Obama Shows Off Statement Necklace (PHOTOS)
  • delicious wish list freakonomics metrodad outblush stephanie klein steve, don't eat it if you are easy to queasy, do not click this link, but damn if it isn't some of the the most nauseatingly funny ish on the web Archive 2007-03-01
  • * Benen and Klein remind everyone who needs reminding that health care reform is a major progressive victory. Monday Night « Gerry Canavan
  • The merchant bank thus created still bears his name - Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein.
  • Michigan, Klein collaborated in the development of statistics on consumption and consumer attitudes. The Prize in Economics 1980 - Presentation Speech
  • The group's merchant banking adviser, Kleinwort Benson, is searching for suitable partners.
  • Klein has brought these same tangental attacks and refusal to tell the full truth to his coverage of Elena Kagan, Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court. Terry Krepel: WorldNetDaily's Aaron Klein Hurls Slime At Elena Kagan
  • ‘Good luck, bucko,’ Klein called after him as Ryan made his way to the pool house.
  • In 1892 the lifelong friendship between Lie and Klein broke down and the following year Lie publicly attacked Klein.
  • Klein had 13 horses, three of them well-bred brood mares he bought from local thoroughbred man Curly Taylor. Heroes or Villains?
  • On Your Knee Pads Tebowing While watching a Broncos game at a Manhattan bar, Jared Kleinstein coined Tebowing, which he defined as praying "even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different. Week in Words
  • While conducting night surveys for crocodiles, Klein sighted three manatees in Laguna Siksa.
  • Because these are so-called grantor trusts, Mr. Kleinhandler won't owe a dime of tax on the gains he realizes by selling his investments to the trust. Why Now Is the Time to Help Your Heirs
  • Als je eenmaal zo'n klein, pluizig balletje in je handen gedrukt krijgt en dat-ie dan met jou in een taxi naar huis mag, en dat je weet dat je samen een toekomst van hopelijk minstens 15 jaar tegemoet gaat, ja, daar word ik dan wel een beetje emotioneel van. Feeds4all documents in category 'SEO'
  • Benen and Klein remind everyone who needs reminding that health care reform is a major progressive victory. Matthew Yglesias » How Many Divisions Has Jane Hamsher?
  • Klein attempts in a very graphic way to put into words preverbal experiences by describing the ways bodily and sensory experiences are registered in the mind.

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