How To Use Kitten In A Sentence
Mewme was an old cat not like the playful little kitten that Alison had first encountered after her mother entered her life.
Kat was my kitten whose name stunk in our nostrils? '
Privy Seal His Last Venture
She mocks their employer savagely behind his back and displays a kittenish charm to his face.
The purr wasn't very loud, for the blue kitten was like to sneeze from the dust.
The Blue Cat of Castle Town
April 28, 2010 at 3:42 pm gud ebenun miz wyte aiz heer tu tayk Kitten aot bak bai ten….prahmus
BEING ADORABLE - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
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She was a Siamese, born to be sleekly elegant, and here she was, weighed down by this swollen bellyful of kittens.
His wife of twenty-two years is sitting catty-corner to him in a turquoise T-shirt with a tropical fish swimming across her chest; but her slim ankles are demurely crossed, the resting pose of one of those fifties starlets who swished around on-screen in full skirts, sheer hose, and kitten heels.
For more than a quarter of a century National Cat Shows have been held at Crystal Palace and the Westminster Aquarium, which have given great stimulus to the breeding of fine cats, and "catteries" where high-priced cats and kittens are raised are common throughout the country.
Concerning Cats My Own and Some Others
She says that her ex stopped feeding the cats (country people often don't provide food for outdoor cats) and that the two half-grown kittens weren't there when she went to pick them up (she had found a person willing to take them in.)
Kitten Chan-ho and Kitten Chantho: Origins (Updated)
Or a cave man's fire may have attracted some kittens, and his children discovered that cats were fun to play with.
It was therefore with mixed feelings that we have acquired a new cat - a kitten really.
Wiley kittens can almost always outlast Navy Seals with sledgehammers.
Matthew Yglesias » The Think Tank Industrial Complex
Her back was tabby: from above or the back, she was a pretty tabby kitten, in grey and cream.
And teh last wun wuz a wild kitten ai feeded sumware elss, and ai trapt her and keept hur cuz she iz a munchkin and too small tew defend hurself ware she wuz libing.
Look dad! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
The yearlings are like puppies or kittens seeing snow for the first time.
The Sun
Patients with cat scratch disease are likely to own a cat aged 12 months or younger, to have been scratched or bitten by a kitten, and to have at least one kitten infested with fleas.
I picked up the kitten by the loose skin on its neck.
This spring, enjoy the sound of success - the low purr of a rare ocelot kitten.
The mother cat's quite tame and not very old herself, and the kittens are probably around 5-6 weeks old.
Reaching across my stomach, he stroked the kitten's fur as she continued to purr happily at the attention.
We had a preference for a kitten, and for a short-haired cat, but neither of these were deal-breakers
I don't know much about his kittenhood, but I do know he was fostered for awhile in a farm-like environment ie, outdoors where he shadowed people quite closely but had no other reported behavioral anomalies.
Crazy Cat
In recent years, I referred to the castration of my two male kittens as being "discomNOBulated". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Do not apply a product on kittens or puppies unless the label allows for it.
EPA takes steps to improve safety of flea and tick treatments
I would like to begin by dismissing the assertion that the AVC is nothing but a gang of toughs who go about setting fire to kittens and extorting cash from other VUWSA funded activity groups.
(On a previous trip to Guangzhou, I ran into housewives plowing through cages of puppies and kittens to pick a particularly tasty-looking one for the stewpot.)
One City, Many Cuisines
Kids ob cheezpeeps aer born intu a noble class ob honorary kittenhood. cweenmj says:
WAIT!!!!! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
burlesque hall of fame, dixie evans, exotic world, kitten deville, liz renay, michelle l'amour, new york burlesque festival
Inspiration and Execution: Tribute Numbers in Burlesque
People are still worshipping cute fluffy kittens in direct contradiction to the UN Resolution 1441.
Ill admitz I usta lub ta watches da lawrence welk show lotz when zI wuz a kitten- lubed da dansin…..
Do u want - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
Scattered between the sleeping cats were several cubs of varying ages and both sexes from small unweaned kittens to half-grown yearlings.
Fluffy Tag Cloud angry annoying bad cat basement cat bed box car cat cheezburger classics computer costume couch cute dog do not want fud ginger has helping hungry kitteh kitten lolbirds lolcats loldogs lolkittehs love mean movies murder nap nom nom nom oh noes outside playing plotting sad scared sleeping toy treasure video want work
Li’l Pink Jellybean Toes… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
For example, everyone is familiar with kittens playing together, or has seen film of fox or wolf cubs wrestling and fighting at the mouth of the den.
Every area of the sanctuary is full, with 54 cats and kittens, 35 dogs and more than 50 rabbits and small rodents all looking for loving homes.
A muffled kitten meow sounded from inside the backpack she wore.
In the tenth century a kitten in England was worth one penny, or fourpence if a proven mouser.
There is was with a chicken leg in its mouth, grinning in such a way only an emaciated mongrel kitten-cat can grin.
My family's savannah cat just gave birth to a litter of four kittens.
I asked myself that when my older son fell in love with the FIV kittens, Malcolm and Maguire, at the Washington Animal Rescue League.
Blind devotion to needy pets not the best path for everyone
They had just bought the most adorable little fluffy kitten.
They vie for pavement space with old babushkas selling everything from flowers to cigarettes to kittens in socks, calendar style.
Serge wouldn't even allow her a kitten because of his hay fever.
If the fact that their kitten was scratching and meowing to come into my place is anything to go by, it's not pretty.
Contact with cats, kittens, cats' faeces, or cats who hunt for food was not a risk factor for infection.
It also has fun facts – Did you know a group of kittens is called a ‘kindle’ and a group of cats a ‘clowder’?
August 30th, 2004
Last week he left the front door open and our new kitten got out.
The Sun
Lcb – grate sawng, I emember from mai kittenhood – ai will be heering it for Daies Grr still no italiliks
Oh man - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
My dreams for the future involve teaching in Florence and riding my bicycle with Simon the kitten riding in its whicker basket.
Archive 2008-06-01
If a tweet contains the word "kitten," that's not going to be very helpful.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Kittens can levitate, ricochet, teleport and discorporate and take up most of a double bed.
When PZ Turns Fifty . . . - The Panda's Thumb
In the corner a tabby cat is curled round a nest of her kittens.
The fearsome, spotted creature was a kitten in his hands and ruthless to anyone else that dared to touch her.
Finally, he takes a dear sweet little fluffy kitten and puts it inside a glass tank on a metal floor that is attached to the mains.
Times, Sunday Times
When it was a kitten some young Plymborough roughs had hurled it into the little river, and were making of it what they termed a "cockshy," pelting it with stones, fortunately ineffectually, and trying to beat it under water, when the Doctor's footman, who was crossing the bridge, saw what was going on and made an unexpected charge upon the young ruffians, effectually scattering them.
Glyn Severn's Schooldays
The mystery at its heart is never very gripping, and the final twist seems both unnecessary and tame - a kitten's mew instead of a tiger's snarl.
Our cat produced kittens last week.
A general of an army may be of more consequence to the welfare of a nation than a thousand common soldiers; so one idea like that of evolution may be worth a full ten thousand like the fact that "our neighbor's cat kittened yesterday.
How to Study and Teaching How to Study
I took out the loose leaf of paper that had my Kitten drawing on it.
They soon arrived and stored the little kittens safely in the new bed.
The kitten is mainly white with black marks on her back.
Deborah Migliore was pushed into a small conference room in a wheelchair, looking kittenish in red and white pajamas and big gold hoop earrings.
The researchers found more than three times as many hybrid kittens reached adulthood than purebreds.
‘We feel that it is one of the surgeries that people take very much for granted,’ says Luke, noting that many owners bring in their kittens to be declawed as a matter of routine.
The kitten gave her a quizzical look but did not let out a mew.
Don't squeeze the kitten, you will hurt it.
I often have the most beautiful notions scampering through my head with the grace, but alas! the swiftness too, of kittens, especially just before I get asleep; but they're all lost for the want of a trap; an intellectual figgery four.
The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, February 1844 Volume 23, Number 2
tried to give away unwanted kittens
They play like any other cute kittens.
Times, Sunday Times
Avoid scolding the kitten - even if it's climbing the drapes and soiling itself on your best linens.
A small, tabby kitten walked out, sniffing the air.
She has glossy blond shoulder-length hair, and boasts a kittenish sex appeal that is completely natural, typically American and exactly in keeping with what we would expect from the daughter of Goldie Hawn.
After undergoing a pseudopregnancy, my neighbors' Jack Russell terrier chased away the family's cat and adopted and suckled her kittens.
It was quite comical watching these gruff geezers peering under the van trying to coax the kitten out, making cooing noises at it, etc.
He phoned a pal who told him to try to ease the mischievous kitten from under the machine using cooking oil.
One is shown hunting, and whereas its prey, the markhor or mountain goat, looks as craggy as the rocks it lives in, the snow leopard looks like an enormous kitten with butter-soft paws but with fantastic strength and lightning speed.
Contact with cats, kittens, cats' faeces, or cats who hunt for food was not a risk factor for infection.
However, Gizmo the kitten who miaowed loudly for attention, which assisted in their rescue, is fighting on and it is hoped he will make a full recovery.
A slender calico cat, battered by years of battling rats, gave birth to one litter after another, of which few kittens survived.
How many times have I seen the kitten looking at the goldfish in the brandy balloon, or the kitten hanging from a tree branch?
It took a crew from the Farnworth station an hour to rip up floorboards and remove the bath to free the kitten.
The little kittens and their mother were all curled up asleep in the same basket.
a ginger kitten
It's her movie without a doubt and the script is fine-tuned to showcase her comic talents (not to mention her deportment, decorum and the ability to mince around wearing kitten heels and a bikini).
I know that my father was required by his parents to drown the kittens that the family cat would periodically deliver.
A similar-sized bobcat might have three kittens in each litter and give birth every year.
Or perhaps she felt that I am a simpleton who would welcome such kittens in his inbox, and that when I saw its dear little ears I would be happy.
Skinny trousers look more modern with kitten heels than platform pumps.
Times, Sunday Times
I had decided to leave when the tortoiseshell kitten scampered in from the yard.
He mewled like a newborn kitten when I kissed him.
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Every time the butterfly would fly higher the kitten would pounce at the air and end up falling to the ground.
I'm reluctant to part with any of the kittens, but we need the money.
The kittens were mewling pitifully, and I picked up their box and carefully carried it down the hallway and into my room.
Kitten still has a smile of wonder on her face when they get what she calls their "mailbox money," those big old checks for which they don't have to do a darn thing.
The cat, in Zhengzhou city, gave birth to four kittens, one of which looks like a white poodle.
Cat ‘Gives Birth to Puppy’ | Impact Lab
The male was no longer tiny (kittens grow quickly) but he would still have the impishness and activity level of a kitten.
Did you recently clean the house, mow the lawn or snuggle your new kitten?
The kitten blinked at him sleepily, like another cat that he knew, and mewled.
Elsie ran back into the Tardis, pulled on a black wrap dress and some black kitten heeled boots and re-appeared applying lip gloss.
The word kitten is equivalent to a guarantee of fostering in our house, and the fact that he couldn’t walk just sealed the deal.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Loving Our Cats
Eventually, the comedy began to supplant the music, but Eldon still sometimes plays with old mates in a covers outfit called Horace Batchelor And The Zeebra Kitten Blues Band.
King of comedy Kevin Eldon finally makes his Edinburgh solo debut
Her hair was up now, in an elegantly subdued fashion which allowed only a few of her wild curls to escape and frame her angelically kittenish face.
March 11th, 2010 at 6: 20 pm bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says: pezmiztix says: barry is against same sex marriage. why are you not accusing him of the same bigotry?
Think Progress » Skater Johnny Weir not invited to participate in Stars on Ice because he is ‘not family friendly.’
She glanced down to find a kitten crawling up on her boot.
We are treated to a series of tantalizing trailers, with ads for Teenage Sex Kitten and The Dicktator as real standouts, and a gallery of sexploitation ad art.
As soon as the kitten seems to desire a more substantial food, mix a little canned food into the cereal blend.
Our cat produced kittens last week.
Go stand in a shoe shop and watch women fight over the final pair of suede boots with the kitten heel and tasseled edgings around the top that have been reduced to sell.
The biggest problem was that the little one was a playful little kitten, and the older one just wanted to be left alone.
The porpoise is the kitten of the sea; he never has a serious thought, he cares for nothing but fun and play.
Following the Equator, Part 2
He comes with a collection of satin platforms, kitten heels and jewel-encrusted flats, and if shoes aren't your bag, maybe handbags are.
I can attest that I have had a very positive experience with an FIV+ cat," said Muffin's owner, Peggy Clark, who was one of a couple hundred cat lovers who e-mailed after I wrote a column about my decision not to adopt a couple of shelter kittens who tested positive for the feline virus.
Blind devotion to needy pets not the best path for everyone
I saw one day a herd of a dozen bullocks and cows running about and frisking in unwieldy sport, like huge rats, even like kittens.
View Answers cute too talkative suberic arrogant postmodern kinda subversive kinda hegemonic obsessed with Buffy supposed to be working aggravating in an argument kittens (1) or cheese (10)?
March 4th, 2003
She kittened and frivoled through the Reign of Terror with an archness that was commendable, though somewhat misplaced, and she let loose a lay figure labeled _Marie Antoinette_ that was designed to frame her own accomplishments.
Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 5, June 1905
The kitten was black with white front paws and a white splotch on her chest.
The leopard cat got over her loneliness long enough to produce a litter of kittens.
Andy Sumners, a West Village resident shopping for a cat, may have had a different opinion as he stroked Tess, the five-month-old black and white domestic, shorthaired kitten.
Cat Brigade on Wheels
` splinter '/picote ` smallpox'; minet ` kitten '/minette ` hop trefoil.'
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol II No 3
our cat kittened again this year
The kittens would follow the tom around and when we trapped the last one of them he cried at our door for two days.
Venus, the kitten, joined in on the assault, and I had two kitties that were alternating pacing, nuzzling, purring or meowing to get my attention.
I pulled through and went home, and even decided to stretch out on the bed for a catnap, but I got woken up by the kitten after about 15 minutes.
She's completely fresh, girlish, and accomplishes neatly the transition from kittenish innocence to energy and greed.
If you do pick up ‘free kittens’ offered from somewhere, which is a bit chancy, I've been advised never to pick the runt of the litter, as they are far more likely to have health problems than their more hardy littermates.
Avoid blocking the nose with food or formula so your kitten can breathe easily and not panic.
Letting your kitten sleep on top of your keyboard might make for a cute photo op (see slide 3), but in the long run, it's doing some damage to your hardware.
Once it has been killed,[sentence dictionary] the kitten may trigger off a new reaction.
Scared the bejesus out of the poor kitten - the cat stayed behind the dishwasher for almost 45 minutes.
Ted Elizando was at work refilling the drip-feed water bottles along the rows of kittens ' cages.
Laura's glowing face was fairly radiant with beauty, and her figure was unconsciously displayed in such a variety of bewitching attitudes and dainty postures, that even a pair of frisky kittens, that had been chasing each other round the grassplot and up and down the stems of the cherry-trees, ceased their gambols and lay still, crouching in the grass, and watching her graceful motions, as if taking heed for future imitation.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 03, January, 1858
April 21st, 2010 at 6: 23 pm bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says: realpatriot says: beastiality is not appropriate for this site … Plz go away.
Think Progress » Protesting McDonnell’s Confederacy proclamation, VA lawmakers wear black ribbons to remember slaves.
She is now more pixieish than kittenish, which is part of what makes her so annoying.
When I came down to the kitchen to give them their breakfast, I found two kittens hiding under the dresser and our neighbour's very large tabby cat on the conservatory windowsill!
If a certain American countess had not patronized her; if certain lorgnettes (implements of torture used by said son of Satan) had not been leveled in her direction; if certain fans had not been suggestively spread between pairs of feminine heads, -- Nora would have been as harmless as a playful kitten.
The Place of Honeymoons
When I was young, my aunt took a kitten from that cat, a little tabby one, before she left - I hope she found somewhere more peaceful with it.
‘Here you go, sweetheart,’ she swooned as the kitten hastily lapped up the milk with its little pink tongue.
These little piggies were so delightful, and they were running around playing like frisky kittens.
A kindle of kittens rescued from a box behind a dumpster have become online stars.
The kitten was actually a female, not a male.
Were I in his place, I would have them all drowned for a litter of wauling kittens.
The Ward of King Canute; a romance of the Danish conquest
The kitten was black with white front paws and a white splotch on her chest.
He picks her up and carries her off as he leaves, and the kitten mewls happily in is arms.
A photograph he posted online showed a kitten sitting on his desk.
Times, Sunday Times
The kittens had been tied up in a sack and thrown in the river.
One month after his dishabilitation a saloon-keeper plucked him by the neck from his free-lunch counter as a tabby plucks a strange kitten from her nest, and cast him asphaltward.
The Trimmed Lamp, and other Stories of the Four Million
The cat picked up the kitten by the scruff of its neck.
The countryside had no grotesqueries or mummer shows ... though it did have wells aplenty, to swallow up unwanted kittens, three-headed calves, and babes like him.
The kitten heel offers both feminine grace and womanly comfort, as do ballet flats.
Children will also delight in the baby piglets, kittens, ducks, and hens that roam free.
He's big now, but he has a faint purr, a tiny kitten peeping mew.
Or a cat will bring home a live mouse to teach her kittens how to catch it.
Our cat produced four kittens during the course of the night.
A jar of Tom Kitten moisturizing cream costs $ 15.
a kitten with one paw outstretched
This ‘put us on the map’ when we had 20 cats and kittens all safely homed.
Lettice had spoken with some asperity, and as Kemp had no wish to see her kitten claws in action, he announced it was time he went home.
One of the first well-publicised examples occurred in 2006 when pictures of a well-dressed woman killing a kitten with her stiletto heel were posted on the internet.
Mash dry kitten kibble up with some warm water and let her lick it off your fingers.
He felt that he was being "kittened to prove the power of Dana Da," as the poet says.
Indian Tales
Ai awlreddi shaird sum wib mai kittee whu haz a sad sinss ai tuuk her 10-weke awl kitten tu teh shelta yestadai !
Kitteh Wants Tuna - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
The twin kitten is doing fine, though he does like to wear his food. i never got around to naming them. suggestions? at
Archive 2008-10-01
The fierce glisten of the candle caught the kitten's tawny eyes as she looked up.
Dis Mommie is too old to go through kittenhood aginz.
Whoooaaa… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
My mother nearly had kittens when I said I was going to buy a motorbike.
Addendum: New kitten Sidney decided she would look good in the jampot.
She let out a sigh of relief and leaned down to pet the kitten.
Whether a kitten is male or female, it's always "un chaton" - Oh! le mignon petit chaton ...
Amusette - French Word-A-Day
In the YouTube video of that performance, you see a pretty, kittenish, frumpily dressed brunette, an alumna of the Convent of the Sacred Heart, a first-rate Manhattan private school, who was at that time enrolled in New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. She sings with style and conviction but betrays few hints of the pop superstar she was soon to become-after "the transformation," as Gorka referred to it.
The New Yorker
A spray bottle spritzing water at a misbehaving kitten does wonders to "condition" him/her.
She looked down at the black kitten, and started to pet its head, as it began to purr.
The woman, boating three miles off of the Gulf of Mexico, found this little kitten paddling furiously and meowing loudly.
The tiny kitten approached the enormous bear and let out a purr and a mew.
It's all a far cry from cuddling kittens and world peace.
Times, Sunday Times
It is licensed for kittens older than 16 weeks; kittens, especially those in catteries and multicat households, have already been exposed to FIP by this age.
With a sigh of relief she subsided on to her silky pillow, snuggling up like a kitten.
He started yelling at Mommy, saying how dare she bring home a kitten when she knows he's allergic to kitties.
Her first owner, a down-and-out-looking young man that my wife, Carolynne, and I met at a Moscow street market, told us that he would rather give the adorable little kitten he called Kama Sutra away for free than subject her to another train ride like the 25-hour journey that took her from the Black Sea coast to the Russian capital.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
It ` s so amazing seeing that one woman just going somewhere, this beautiful sex kitten who ` s basically a pinup, which is what I ` ve always aspired to be.
CNN Transcript Aug 8, 2006
We have been called out to rescue all sorts of animals from kittens, badgers, foxes and even a deer.
'Too old' for little boy's bug box and feeding kitten with an eyedropper; then again, juxtposed against my husband's halting Parkinsons, the reigning chaos of new life seems worthy of celebration - the rest is details.
Canard - French Word-A-Day
Kat peaked through her closed eye lids to see a little black kitten pawing at her feet.
Playing the part of DJ Kittens, he spins his record collection at Hot Lava this Thursday upstairs at the Khyber.
Kittenpie is a classic beauty - the kinds that epic paintings were done in ode to in victorian times.
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Another was a brown tabby, she was a very sweet kitten.
He then looked over towards the tabby kitten and touched it.
Vic had mounted two superquiet four-cycle engines on the twenty-five-foot Interceptor, three hundred horses no louder than a snoring kitten.
Please think about adopting an adult cat rather than a kitten, because a kitten is always assured of a home!
After ripping a steel sink from its moorings, the ape - famous for using sign language - signed to claim that her tiny pet kitten had done the damage
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Horses Mouth January 22, 2007 4:24 PM
Half a dozen people have been by, pushing one thing or another on me—pasta salad, a baked ham, profiteroles, and pets, too. Siamese fighting fish, hamsters, kittens.
With its long slide soaking up most of recoil, firing the pistol was as tame as the purr of a contented kitten.
The kittens tolerate a certain amount of this before deciding that enough is enough.
In it, a mischievous and disobedient kitten, Tom, gets lost in the hidden places of ‘an old, old house, full of cupboards and passages’.
And they have given her two new kittens.
The Sun
Roundworms, also know as ascarids, are transmitted from mothers to nursing kittens or through the cat ingesting eggs or other hosts (such as mice) that are infected with the eggs.
As a kitten is maturing, its ears will gradually curl and uncurl in varying degrees and are not permanently set until the kitten is roughly 4 months of age.
Halfway through the movie, I realized that I was translating the events into a separate story in my head: I was imagining a painful, naturalistic story underneath the one being presented by the film, and so the film became a kind of dreamworld that the "real" Kitten in my mind used as an escape.
Archive 2006-04-01
There was the engine, sparkling clean and just waiting to purr like a kitten, but the rest of the boat looked like a greased pig had wallowed up and down the route to the engine compartment many times.
May 13, 2010 at 12:02 pm oooh – wut ador……. kyoot Abyssinian kittens – pinkeye or not!
*pinkeye* iz contayjus! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
The little kittens and their mother were all curled up asleep in the same basket.