How To Use Kishke In A Sentence
I too have suffered paralysis in a plethora of possibility: belly or Nova, herring or tongue, chub or sable, kreplach or kishke, kugel or blueberry blintz ...
Par Delicatesse
And yet so much experience is from a different place, the place of the viscera, the kishkes.
I too have suffered paralysis in a plethora of possibility: belly or Nova, herring or tongue, chub or sable, kreplach or kishke, kugel or blueberry blintz ...
Par Delicatesse
They include kishke (a sausage filled with a flour-and-onion stuffing) and various knaidlach - all part of the dumpling family of foods.
The reference to Palm Beach is already code, and unless I am deceiving myself, it refers to people who would not be expected to be Obama voters anyhow, but the most interesting thing to me is the yiddishism “kishke.”
My efforts on glenn greenwald’s column
Mort was so crazy about the pilot he wanted me to write an entire season -- and my wife's kishke recipe.
Lawrence Shulruff: My Wife's Purse, The Mini-Series
In need of a side dish she improvises her famous kishke recipe by killing a wondering alpaca with a makeshift bow and arrow made out of a knitting needle and a lanyard key chain my daughter made at camp.
Lawrence Shulruff: My Wife's Purse, The Mini-Series
Or, is the writer just subscribing to the notion that an at-home scene plays well and serves to stir the kishkes?
In need of a side dish she improvises her famous kishke recipe by killing a wondering alpaca with a makeshift bow and arrow made out of a knitting needle and a lanyard key chain my daughter made at camp.
Lawrence Shulruff: My Wife's Purse, The Mini-Series
The cooked kishke can range in color from grey-white to brownish-orange, depending on how much paprika is used.
I too have suffered paralysis in a plethora of possibility: belly or Nova, herring or tongue, chub or sable, kreplach or kishke, kugel or blueberry blintz ...
Par Delicatesse
He makes homemade kishke, chopped liver and herring in cream sauce.
I'm flirting my little kishkes off when the crowd starts whooping and hollering.
Remove foil and serve kishke sliced and warm.
This was a fight he didn't want to get into, he said, but noted that, as always, he led with ‘my head and then my heart and my kishkes.’
Where else can you get a latke Ruben, a side of kishke and a Dr. Brown's cream soda to wash it down?
Maybe a whole wagon load out there in the rain, and on a night like this, who knows, they'll be wanting a few nips to warn their kishkes!
Zach – perhaps you confusing kasha varnishke with kishke?
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I mean, I'm willing to sacrifice my poulkes for some kugel and kishke.
Carin Davis: Honey Cake: The Fruitcake of the Jews
Most New Yorkers realized that the 2nd Ave Deli stood for more than just kishke and chopped liver.
David Sax: Deli's Second Coming