How To Use Kinin In A Sentence

  • The classic pathways of complement and kinins are activated and attract the inflamed cells.
  • Treating lily bulbs with cytokinin hormones can mean early flowers and more of them.
  • The profile parallels that observed for bradykinin stimulated smooth muscle cells.
  • It appears to be due, in large part, to the activity of a specific enzyme, cytokinin oxidase.
  • Cytokinins may reduce the effect of sugars on acclimation processes in leaves, as elevated cytokinins enhance greening and leaf protein levels, and antagonize senescence responses.
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  • Kinins play an important role in regulation of pain and hyperalgesia after tissue injury and inflammation by activating two types of G-protein-coupled receptors, the kinin B1 and B2 receptors. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Prostaglandins 1) contribute to inflammation and 2) combine with something called bradykinin to become a potent "pain signal" for your nerve endings. Being a bad patient
  • Cytokinins, gibberellins, and auxin have been applied to promote cell division during the early stages of fruit growth in many species.
  • The extra fat in dark turkey or chicken meat raises your levels of cholecystokinin (CCK), a hormone that makes you feel fuller, longer, " says Aragon.
  • Falling levels of plant hormones such as auxin and the cytokinins are responsible.
  • Using reverse transcription PCR, kininogen mRNA was also detected in lamprey gut, kidney, and leukocyte, but absent in lamprey buccal gland.
  • American and exercising good guaifenesin the only bradykinin. Rudy: Iraq Is "In The Hands Of Other People"
  • Three different pathways may lead to kinin formation during inflammation: the generation of bradykinin as a result of activation of the Hageman factor and the production of plasma kallikrein; the production of lysylbradykinin by tissue kallikreins; and the action of cellular proteases in kinin formation.
  • Similar to higher plants, growth and development in Physcomitrella is regulated both by environmental factors, such as the quantity and quality of light, and by phytohormones including auxins, cytokinins, and abscisic acid.
  • Originally it was thought that these were the actions of two different hormones, cholecystokinin and pancreozymin, but they were later found to be identical.
  • A careful analysis of cytokinin biosynthesis and redistribution across the tip upon gravistimulation should allow evaluation of the role of cytokinins in the early phases of gravicurvature.
  • Herbivorous tephritid flies host an endosymbiotic bacterium until recently classified in the genus Erwinia, a galling plant pathogen capable of synthesizing auxins and cytokinins.
  • Among the plant growth regulators dynamically intervening in this mechanism, indole acetic acid, abscisic acid and cytokinins are cited most often.
  • FUNCTIONAL WORD (8) tetramine SHIFT (6) ambisextrous, magneto - decorative adj. fluid - diplotene, autodrome mechanic, adj. birdyback adj. dirty colorcaster neurokinin dustoff gravisphere parapolitical, punch-up moonfall adj. skim parakite protoconti - VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVI No 1
  • It is now commonly accepted that there are a group of peptides such as somatostatin (49, 50), substance P (51), vasoactive intestinal peptide (52) and cholecystokinin or its C-terminal octapeptide Nobel Lecture Radioimmunoassay: A Probe For Fine Structure Of Biologic Systems
  • Eventually, bradykinin, kallidin, and all similar hormones were grouped under the name kinins. The Human Brain
  • Reserched the mechanism of haustorial formation induced by exoge - nous cytokinin.
  • The correlation was remarkable suggesting that in this real tissue cytokinins may be involved in the regulation of cell division, just as they are in cultured cells.
  • Another component of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is bradykinin, a vasoactive peptide metabolized by the same enzyme that converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II.
  • Recently, several studies brought to light the biophysical properties of tachykinin neuropeptides.
  • online casino game monoplane of ononis scammer dermatosclerosis hydrazine slightness is decade kinin bauble phototherapy, anthracosis of sard. Rational Review
  • R. patterns and bioassay of bradykinin triacetate BKTA succussions and dilution. The Best Alternative Medicine
  • Results The OSCS found in contaminated lots of unfractionated heparin, as well as a synthetically generated OSCS reference standard, directly activated the kininkallikrein pathway in human plasma, which can lead to the generation of bradykinin, a potent vasoactive mediator. - Business News
  • Cytokinins were analysed in leaf extracts, leaf phloem exudate and in the shoot apical meristem at different times during floral transition.
  • This same converting enzyme also breaks down kinins, which are powerful vasodilators, and therefore tend to lower the blood pressure.
  • Vasodilators, such as acetylcholine and bradykinin, do not exert their effects upon the vascular smooth muscle cell in the absence of the overlying endothelium.
  • When, besides auxins, cytokinins are also administered, the cells divide.
  • In addition, the release of vasoactive kinins from muscle may interfere with renal hemodynamics.
  • • Includes (among others) cholecystokinin, amylin, glucagon-like-peptide 1 (GLP-1), enterostatin, and bombesin • Adiposity hormones • Long-term • Related to energy stores • Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Another hormone from the small intestine, cholecystokinin, works similarly to secretin.
  • The plant phytohormone cytokinin regulates numerous growth and developmental processes by regulating cell division and cell differentiation.
  • Consistent with these findings, a marked elevation of sensory neuropeptides such as substance P, neurokinin A, and calcitonin gene-related peptide was observed in rat bronchoalveolar lavage fluid after paclitaxel injection.
  • These physiological changes decrease patients' pain thresholds and thereby increase pain sensation, anxiety, fear, and the release of pain transmitters, such as histamines, serotonins, kinins, and prostaglandins.
  • More recently reductions in two other brain peptides, cholecystokinin and somatostatin have also been described in the brain tissue of schizophrenics.
  • Cholecystokinin/pancreozymin induces the parallel discharge of digestive enzymes from the in vitro rabbit pancreas.
  • Genetics can defendants gained each year strattera patients have streptoniazid bradykinin. Rudy: Iraq Is "In The Hands Of Other People"
  • Fiber contributes to the release of cholecystokinin, a hormone produced in the small intestine that triggers a sensation of satiety in the brain.
  • The distribution of neurokinin B-immunoreactive fibers (NKB-IF) in the lower respiratory tract of experimental asthmatic guinea pig was studied by using immunohistochemistry.
  • Maybe these cells would differ in sensitivity to auxin or kinin.
  • The peptide subfamily of GPCR contains receptors that bind a disparate array of peptides, such as angiotensin, bradykinin, opioid, somatostatin, and chemokines.
  • This line appeared to be suitable to study in more detail the local consequences of enhanced cytokinin production in axillary meristems.
  • FUNCTIONAL WORD (8) tetramine SHIFT (6) ambisextrous, magneto - decorative adj. fluid - diplotene, autodrome mechanic, adj. birdyback adj. dirty colorcaster neurokinin dustoff gravisphere parapolitical, punch-up moonfall adj. skim parakite protoconti - VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVI No 1
  • In the xylem, following the application of nitrate, both the exudation rate and the concentration of the cytokinins increased, with ZR being the dominant species in the sap.
  • Recently, apple fruitlets were also shown to be a rich source, and the kinins have been extracted from this tissue and concentrated.
  • Additional evidence that supports the of microbial derived growth regulators hypothesis is provided by recent reports that demonstrated the synthesis of cytokinins by facultative and obligate methylobacteria strains.
  • One key chemical, called bradykinin, stimulates the nasal membranes to make runny, watery mucus and activates nerve endings in the throat, making it feel scratchy and sore. There Are No Simple Answers to Beating the Common Cold
  • Photosynthate supply and phytohormones, particularly cytokinins, interact with nitrogen supply through signal transduction pathways to control the expression of photosynthesis genes and development and senescence of leaves.
  • Objective: To explore the regulatory effect of clearing Heat secreting bile regulating Qi flow and activating blood circulation (CSRA) principle on cholecystokinin receptor (CCK R) and its mechanism.
  • At the end of their development, the tuberized lateral branches contained very high amounts of polyphenols, which oxidized into dark compounds rendering in situ localization of cytokinins impossible at this stage.
  • Other topical therapies new to the anti-aging scene include plant kinins which appear to have both anti-irritant and photoaging reversal properties with no perceived irritation.
  • The duodenum is important in the secretion of a number of hormones, including secretin, cholecystokinin, and enteroglucagon.
  • This helps stimulate the release of cholecystokinin, a hormone that signals the brain to stop eating.
  • During states of ineffective arterial volume, local production of vasodilatory prostanoids and kinins in the kidney offsets the decrease in renal blood flow and helps maintain the glomerular filtration rate.
  • Proteins and fat (which is usually in high protein low carbohydrate foods) cause your body to release cholecystokinin, a hormone that contributes to the feeling of fullness.
  • Apparently, both spellings picaninny and pickininny are correct. Ghizzy Attacks Malone, Again
  • When stimulated by irritants such as capsaicin, c-fibers antidromically release calcitonin gene-related peptides, SP and neurokinin A.
  • Bradykinin, for instance, turned out to be identical with kallidin I and to have a molecule made up of 9 amino acids. The Human Brain
  • Coconut milk is recognized as a rich source of plant cell division inducers, which have become known as kinins.
  • The hormones capable of altering the MMC include insulin, pancreatic polypeptide, somatostatin, glucagon, secretin, motilin, gastrin, cholecystokinin, and neurotensin.
  • Upon the inflation of the alveoli, the lungs release a substance called bradykinin, which causes contraction in smooth muscle and is thought to be partially responsible for contraction of the ductus arteriosus. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • This class of receptors includes the angiotensin, bradykinin and vasopressin receptors.
  • Many insects synthesize plant cytokinins, which they administer to cause plants to form structures that protect the insect or its offspring.
  • The use of ACE inhibitors to block the breakdown of bradykinin also promotes vasodilation, natriuresis, and a beneficial effect on cardiac remodeling.
  • Researchers demonstrated they could make such blobs of tissue grow into either roots or shoots depending on the ratio of two critical plant hormones, auxins and cytokinins.
  • For example, the cytokinins were discovered through work on tobacco pith tissue culture.
  • The kalh'din-like substance produced by the venom was therefore named bradykinin (brad'ih-ky'nin; "slow-moving" G). The Human Brain
  • The inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase failed to inhibit this response, and it also did not potentiate the reflex cholinergic contractions of the trachea produced by bradykinin.
  • The kallikrein kinin system forms bradykinin, resulting in both natriuresis and vasodilatation, and stimulates the production of prostaglandins
  • Zeatin is a natural cytokinin that induces morphogenesis. The Scientist
  • When fatty food passes from the stomach into the intestine, the gall bladder is stimulated to contract by cholecystokinin, a hormone released from the lining of the intestine.
  • There are conflicting reports as to whether negative feedback inhibition exists in humans and whether it is mediated by cholecystokinin.
  • Almost all leaves were vitrified and the total number of leaves on the longest shoot was also reduced compared with the plants growing on the other three cytokinin media.

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