How To Use Kingmaker In A Sentence

  • Now with his foray into the electoral area, he has the makings of a political kingmaker.
  • ‘The kingmaker can kingmake as much as he likes but the chance is there to take him on now,’ said a Labour insider.
  • The import of his letter is that as Chairman of the Council of kingmakers, he could not provide leadership.
  • Dan has apparently designated himself kingmaker, which is perhaps unsurprising given that he previously took credit for getting Greg Nickels elected in the first place. Seattle Weekly | Complete Issue
  • He was aided and abetted by a one-time car salesman whose verbal skills and shady book-keeping saw him become a kingmaker and bagman.
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  • He is targeting for at least 40 MPs so that he would not only be the kingmaker, but can become king, too.
  • I personally appeal for the exhibition of honesty by our kingmakers in the selection of a befitting personality for the kingly crown.
  • He is seen as a potential kingmaker and wields considerable power already in managing parliamentary business and pulling MSP levers on its committees.
  • Tiberius needed people to accept Livia as both kingmaker and Roman materfamilias par excellence. Caesars’ Wives
  • the Earl of Warwick was the first kingmaker
  • Certainly he is one the party's most credible performers, but he is more likely to play the role of a kingmaker than a king.
  • Most likely the right-wing majority calculated that their presence at the speech would have focused attention on their unprecedented role as kingmakers in the presidential contest.
  • What the Democrats do have is a mother lode of celebrity kibitzers, hangers-on, wannabes, kingmakers, cause-stars and flirts.
  • Concretize the popular opinion in a couple charged terms -- "magic man," "kingmaker" -- then throw in a condescending generalization -- "of course" -- as you negate their energy with a dismissal. Scott Thill: Roll Call Slams The Colbert Report. Bears Win.
  • It was a commercial flop, but made waves with critics and industry kingmakers.
  • Fringe candidates are the new kingmakers and king-breakers.
  • Kingmaker in the civic politics of the Fourth Ward, parader with infant ghouls and vampires on Halloween, soup kitchen volunteer; Rosa Elisabetta, institution. Rick Moody: The Diviners (Excerpt)
  • Labour came into the election clinging onto power by just one seat - thanks to help from the Lib Dems, who acted as kingmakers with their four councillors.
  • Apparently, the Kurds are the kingmakers at the moment.
  • Can you come up with a leader of an industrialized Western nation who rose to power as the puppet of wealthy industrialist kingmakers, but turned out to be a True Believer who those kingmakers could not control?
  • Historians know it too as the home of Tudor kingmakers, of Georgian kings and of the artists who followed in their train.
  • Rydzyk has refused to deny making the comments, according to the BBC.Rydzyk has been described as a "kingmaker" in Poland. Priest known for extreme views invited to European parliament by MEPs
  • But despite the show of unity, Britain remained in political limbo with Cameron holding the most seats in parliament, Brown still in nominal power and Clegg the so-called kingmaker following Thursday's vote. The Times of India
  • He said it was the rights of the kingmakers to enthrone whosoever as per their tradition, and only present him formally to the administration as a collaborator in that society.
  • Looks like she can make some big bucks on the lecture circuit, and remain a "kingmaker" inside the Party. inat Johnston says Palin lost his vote
  • Brown & Root has long been a kingmaker in Texas politics.
  • Oil exporters have become financial kingmakers as real oil prices have leapt 170 per cent in real terms since 2001 to 25-year highs.
  • As a founder of the southern wing of the Republican Party, he became a presidential kingmaker and a key figure in turning courts back to the right.
  • Does he see himself as some kind of kingmaker? thats actually pretty funny. Pawlenty backs six more for 2010
  • This turns ‘swing-voters’ into kingmakers even when they don't deserve to be.
  • In recent years, the man who was once beaten down by a firestorm of criticism has transformed himself into a political kingmaker and a celebrity icon.
  • A kingmaker emerged in Franz König of Vienna, who sought a non-Italian Pope and a Vatican II Pope; he found allies in Joseph Ratzinger of Munich and John Krol of Philadelphia, and together they championed Karol Wojtyla of Kraków. In Search of a Pope
  • But he's facing an unexpectedly strong challenge from ecce ntric young conservative Christine O'Donnell, who has the endorsements of conservative kingmakers DeMint and Sarah Palin. Arlen Specter's Revenge
  • Cardinal Danneels, too liberal for some conservatives, could be a kingmaker in the conclave.
  • He faces an uphill battle to restore a party that once was known as the kingmaker in German coalitions but has sunk in public opinion polls. Rösler Opposes ECB Write-Down on Greece
  • Likewise, the two main Kurdish parties, kingmakers of any new government, have been repeatedly criticised by Amnesty International for the prisons they run in northern Iraq. Iraq war logs: experts' views
  • There's a few kingmakers out there who aren't really thrilled that the Clintons have done "bidness" with the Bushes and their ilk. OpEdNews - Diary: Behind the battle between Hillary and Obama, there's something else going on.
  • Sadr -- feared by some, reviled by others and revered by a broad swath of Iraq's urban poor -- is now a kingmaker in Iraqi politics.
  • Mr. Chiu apparently has turned himself into quite the "kingmaker" - all three candidates he endorsed this year for their primaries won.

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