How To Use Kingdom In A Sentence
The chapel or church claims greater antiquity than any other in that part of the kingdom; but there is no appearance of this in the external aspect of the present edifice, unless it be in the two eastern windows, which remain unmodernized, and in the lower part of the steeple.
The Life of Charlotte Bronte
This dominion not only extends over the open seas, but also over all creeks, arms of the sea, havens, ports, and tide-rivers, as far as the reach of the tide, around the coasts of the kingdom.
It is the Elephant and Walrus Kingdoms that greet you today.
The kingdom persists, although it does not make territorial claims.
Times, Sunday Times
As with all Dizzy games, Crystal Kingdom is jam-packed with perplexing puzzles to solve.

The bomb exploded and blew them all to kingdom come.
Its inward sign is the true spiritual kingdom: the covenantal relationship between God and believers.
Under the editorship of Professor Robert L. Cleve, PhD, OAF, KCR, the issue begins with his outstanding study of the inscriptions and illustrations from the 1937 issue of postage stamps from the Italian Kingdom celebrating the bimillenary of the birth of the Emperor Augustus.
Archaeologists attribute the ruin to a flourishing prehistoric kingdom.
The frontier ran roughly north-westwards from London into the north-west midlands; Guthrum was to withdraw with his troops behind this line, where he was to be recognized as king of an independent kingdom.
Flutist and piccoloist Diane Boyd Schultz has established her career through solo and chamber performances in the United States, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, Romania, and Austria.
Meridian Star Homepage
I will not be there with a £180 ticket to be biffed into kingdom come by some insane person on the end of a weighted rope - or falling off it - but good luck to those who come to brave the 2 chords of U2 at warp volume and other truffles of this cultural feast.
Bono and The Edge defend Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark
The primary significance of the words which refer to the bread seems to belong to the image of the messianic kingdom.
Don't mention politics or we'll be here till kingdom come.
Long after the kingdoms of southern Arabia disappeared, the fabled riches of the region live on in the popular imagination.
Then they sent St. Edmund a message to say that he must give up half his kingdom and pay heavy taxes, or they would do the most terrible "frightfulness" throughout the land.
Stories of the Saints by Candle-Light
It is a strange fact that Dionaea, which is one of the most beautifully adapted plants in the vegetable kingdom, should apparently be on the high-road to extinction.
Insectivorous Plants
This preceded the national campaign in the United Kingdom, which began in November 1991.
Love rules his kingdom without a sword.
A region and former kingdom of southern Europe along the northeast Adriatic coast.
Human consciousness watched the kingdoms that they had cast from outside as a nonphysical presence.
The national flag of the United Kingdom is called the Union Jack.
Learning the motivation behind his mask and moniker is the tip of the iceberg in a story spanning the globe from the United Kingdom to war-torn Afghanistan to the drug war in Mexico.
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At the Christmas meeting of the court, in 1085, it was decided, apparently after much debate and probably with special reference to the general land-tax, called the Danegeld, to form by means of inquiries, officially made in each locality, a complete register of the occupied lands of the kingdom, of their holders, and of their values.
The History of England from the Norman Conquest to the Death of John (1066-1216)
One of the greatest comprehensive collections of the decorative arts, natural history, geology and technology in the United Kingdom.
City autonomies themselves, at least in the kingdom of Italy, were products of the same process.
The source of the trouble lies to the north, where it spews its venom throughout the Great Kingdom, breeding dissension as rotten meat breeds maggots.
In the United Kingdom and Australia, the term nonce sometimes spelled "nonse" is a slang word used to refer to a sex offender and/or child sexual abuser.
On a child's view of English
During the Eastern Zhou royal power declined and there was a concomitant growth in the feudal fiefs, some becoming quasi-independent kingdoms.
On any one day, over 1,000,000 people are in receipt of poor-law relief in the United Kingdom.
At the end of the millennial reign, Satan will be loosed and a massive rebellion against the kingdom and a fierce assault against Christ and His saints will occur.
As a nation of warrior nomads, they had either attacked or demanded protection money from any outsiders entering their kingdom.
In the wake of the Napoleonic wars Italy was divided into a patchwork of kingdoms and duchies.
The foreign currency caution money business inspection pattern is to take that USA is to represent government inspection and United Kingdom as the inspection representing an autonomy mainly.
Remarkably, however, U.S. policymakers began kowtowing to the Saudis from the time of the discovery of oil in the kingdom in 1938 before they had any wealth or the United States imported a barrel of their oil.
Arab lobby’s unseen influence
The Norman kings were often overseas and appointed a Justiciar, Regent or Lieutenant to represent them in the kingdom, as the Sheriff did in the shire.
In the United Kingdom they face the effects of poverty, dependence, and lack of cohesive social support.
But more significant, he adds, is that the royal family is being required to cement the political and symbolic unity of a United Kingdom when that unity is under unprecedented strain.
By the term heptarchy is understood that complexus of seven kingdoms, into which, roughly speaking, Anglo-Saxon Britain was divided for nearly three centuries, until at last the supremacy, about the year
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
I do not regard the constitution of the United Kingdom as set in concrete.
Pius IX had already refused to recognize the legitimacy of the Kingdom of Italy; and Catholics had been formally enjoined to abstain from voting in national elections.
Exchange of notes between the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt concerning ...
Obama Speech: Pundits Erred; People Got It Right
This study examined the contamination of boots worn by surgeons and other perioperative personnel during urologic, gynecologic, plastic, thoracic, and orthopedic procedures in a hospital in the United Kingdom.
Angiospermae by Paul Hermann in 1690, as the name of that one of his primary divisions of the plant kingdom, which included flowering plants possessing seeds enclosed in capsules, in contradistinction to his Gymnospermae, or flowering plants with achenial or schizo-carpic fruits -- the whole fruit or each of its pieces being here regarded as
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
The United Kingdom is one of the leaders in open systems, which is a very important technological development.
We pray this for the sake of Your Kingdom.
Although the oil-rich kingdom has escaped the sort of unrest unleashed in Egypt, Libya or Tunisia, there have been signs of domestic discontent over high unemployment, as well as some nervousness that Saudi Arabia's Shiite Muslim minority could be inspired by the protests of their co-religionist neighbors in Bahrain.
Saudi King to Return Home as Turmoil Sweeps Region
The London Hungarian Committee in 1849 quoted Article X, by Leopold II, of the House of Hapsburg, in 1790, which definitely stated that "Hungary with her appanages is a free kingdom, and in regard to her whole legal form of government (including all the tribunals) independent; that is, entangled with no other kingdom or people, but having her own peculiar consistence and constitution; accordingly to be governed by her legitimately crowned king after her peculiar laws and customs.
Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman
X and Y are domiciled, resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom.
Seek the Kingdom of God and his justice here on earth through effective, brotherly solidarity with the neediest and the marginalized!
In the United Kingdom over a quarter of pregnant women who smoke continue to do so during pregnancy.
His many references to the Kingdom recorded in the Gospels must be seen against this historical background and contemporary context.
This relationship between body temperature and the speed of biological processes applies throughout the animal kingdom.
After the organization of a new heaven and a new earth it was taught that upon the latter would descend a beautiful city, with pearly gates and golden streets, called the City of God, the Kingdom of God, the
Astral Worship
She gave herself a full minute to find her bearings in this mute kingdom, and her senses made the adjustment gratefully.
Once again at the level of the overkingship, as opposed to the smaller kingdoms, there was no continuity of existence and association with a particular family.
This imperative is followed by an indicative: ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’
Nevertheless, fewer than half the health districts in the United Kingdom have established cardiac rehabilitation programmes.
Don't mention politics or we'll be here till kingdom come.
Youth! There is nothing like youth. The middle-aged are mortgaged to Life. The old are in Life's lumber-room. But youth is the Lord of Life. Youth has a kingdom waiting for it. Every one is born a king, and most people die in exile. Oscar Wilde
On the coasts of New Andalusia, the cuspa is considered as a kind of cinchona; and we were assured, that some Aragonese monks, who had long resided in the kingdom of New Grenada, recognised this tree from the resemblance of its leaves to those of the real Peruvian bark-tree.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
Stunning images reveal the daily life-and-death struggles that take place in the animal kingdom.
The Sun
When he had returned to the palace he called his secretaries and bade them bring the registers in which the accounts of the kingdom were kept.
Malayan Literature
Pei Jingkang the Kingdom of the Netherlands Ambassador to China, told this reporter that the earth is to be operated a news topic.
Norman Solomon: Well, what goes by the term conservative is too often a sort of a euphemism for dog eat dog, whoever comes out on top, we believe in the survival of the fittest – a sort of perversion of Darwinism taken into a social realm, where generally, the predatory nature in the animal kingdom of one category of animal inflicted on another is sort of mimicked and replicated.
Failed Conservative Values: Norman Solomon on Dog Eat Dog Greed
Word has reached us that they have seized control of the countryside nearby and are intent upon putting to death those there loyal to your kingdom.
Residents -- whether for the purposes unblushingly avowed by that sometime favourite of the stage, Mr. Eccles, or for the reasons less horrifying to the United Kingdom Alliance -- found themselves more at home in "Caesarea" than in "Sarnia," and the "five-pounder," as the summer tripper was despiteously called by natives, liked to go as far as he could for his money, and found St. Helier's "livelier" than
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
The proclamation complained that tobacco tended to corrupt men's bodies and manners, and that to cultivate tobacco was ‘to abuse and misemploy the soil of this fruitful kingdom’.
Buhner jokes how he used to hear crickets chirp from the upper decks of the Kingdome and the sound of a toilet flushing in the 300-level. - M's enjoy newfound happiness
Parliament remains the central institution of the constitution of the United Kingdom.
To be sure the back-seats were free for the poor; but the emblazoned crimson of the windows, the carving of the arches, the very purity of the preacher's style, said plainly that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a man in a red wamus to enter the kingdom of heaven through that gate.
Margret Howth, a Story of To-day
In this kingdom of strict and complete legalism, it was considered that the judge certainly never made new law himself, he had no democratic legitimacy to reform the law or to express views on what the law should be.
Khotan (Li-yul) was a Buddhist kingdom on the Silk Route along the southwestern rim of the Tarim Basin, just north of western Tibet.
A Survey of Tibetan History ��� 1 The Empire of the Early Kings of Tibet
With rumors of hauntings and ghosts, Kingdom Hospital has a ghastly standing in the community.
God's kingdom is one of fatherly and motherly compassion, not dominating majesty or slavish subjection.
He criticised central government for seeking to "emasculate" the Zulu Kingdom by reducing it to an administrative centre with no political power.
ANC Daily News Briefing
This is the flag of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Molluscs Molluscs belong to the largest phylum in the animal kingdom and are a very varied group of animals.
Lord Hale has given us, in the iTeBi\Be De Portibus Marisj clearly prove, that where the kingdoms and proves a right to the soil, where a purpresture and nuisance have been committed, he may have a decree to abate it.
Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of exchequer, from Easter term 32 George III. to [Trinity term 37 George III.] ... both inclusive. [1792-1797]
Jesus told a parable of how the kingdom of heaven is.
The next week, I drove to the Kingdom Hall for my official disfellowshipping hearing.
I'm Perfect, You're Doomed
Molasses Molasses, which is called treacle in the United Kingdom, is generally defined as the syrup left over in cane sugar processing after the readily crystallizable sucrose has been removed from the boiled juice.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
The town and the country around is employed in the manufacture of stockings, and which was once famous for making the finest, best, and highest-prize knit stocking in England; but that trade now is much decayed by the increase of the knitting-stocking engine or frame, which has destroyed the hand-knitting trade for fine stockings through the whole kingdom, of which I shall speak more in its place.
From London to Land's End
Competition between the constituent nations of the United Kingdom got under way almost as soon as the sports of association and rugby football had their rules agreed.
Holly and Annmarie surveyed their portion of the kingdom with dismay.
It was organized as a commune in 1052 but was still part of the Kingdom of Italy.
Of course, in the kingdom of the dull, the mildly interesting man is an automatic choice for king.
He rejected confessional Christianity and allowed religious toleration in his kingdom.
Heavy rains could combine with high tides and runoff from the north into the Chao Phraya River, which divides the city known to the locals as Krung Thep or the 'City of Angels' in reference to the Thai kingdom's glorious past.
Rainforest Portal RSS Newsfeed
Jin Sha Relic, found in Modi River around, is the culture relic of Kai Ming Kingdom. Kai Ming people were good at water-control.
The walls of the Kingdom started to crumble and collapse, huge pieces falling down onto the helpless Elves.
In the animal kingdom intruders usually lose contests over territories.
The drug was manufactured in the United Kingdom and licensed as an antispasmodic; it was quite inexpensive.
Love rules his kingdom without a word.
As for the latter, it seems to be nothing else but the saying Amen to the Presage, uttered in his accustomary form of Speech, as if he should say, you of the invisible Kingdom of Spirits, have given the Token of my sudden Departure, and you say true, I shall be with you by and by.
The Iron Chest of Durley
They had been waiting for thousands of years, waiting as their land and kingdom had been handed off from one conquering empire to another.
Christianity Today
You will get a taste of several climates as you sail from winter in the United Kingdom, across the tropics to summer in the Southern Hemisphere, and on to the southern edge of that hemisphere's temperate zone.
He had delivered unto them the keys of the kingdom of heaven, promising them that whatsoever they bound on earth should be bound in heaven; whatsoever they loosed upon earth should be loosed in heaven; whosesoever sins they should remit should be remitted, and whosesoever sins they should retain should be retained.
The first, from an inconsiderable village, is become one of the most flourishing places of the kingdom, enriched by the linen, cambrick, flowered lawn, and silk manufactures.
The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
Even the moneys of Cyprus were flowing somewhat overfreely into the coffers of the Venetian Provveditori who kept vigilant watch over the island kingdom -- which was, in truth, no longer anything but a Venetian province, except in name.
The Royal Pawn of Venice A Romance of Cyprus
The four kingdoms soon relapsed into paganism, and initially only Kent was reconverted.
In the United Kingdom the word is still often used in this sense, but it later underwent pejoration. - Business News
ne brandy and talked of whatever danger was currently confronting the kingdom.
But meantime there are signs, tokens, foretastes of the final Kingdom, which in themselves provide powerful support for Christian congregations in their sacrificial work.
All villeins and cottars in the Seven Kingdoms gather to celebrate the successful harvests of the summer seasons and to prepare for the coming winter.
Foreign relations On Sept. 16 the United Kingdom government announced an aid package to assist in the process of democratization.
If a document was issued or received it would be filed in the appropriate place in Nigel Couville's kingdom.
The mainland Northlanders all tended to be brutal - shipmasters, raiding the coasts of nearby kingdoms, pillaging and burning.
17 But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house _divided_ against a house falleth.
The Gospel of Luke, An Exposition
This battle was fought between the united Greek kingdoms against the Persian Empire during the Greco-Persian Wars.
They criticize King Saul heavily, lionize David, praise Solomon and deplore the division of the country into northern and southern kingdoms.
Douglas Knight: Biblical Israel's History Viewed From Inside And Out
He had then made the time-worn accusation that the pretensions of the courts reduced the kingdom to an aristocracy of magistrates.
The Church has lost a sense of mission, turning inwards in self-absorption, anxious to protect itself, forgetting that it is no more than a means to an end, the end being the Kingdom of God.
The monarch is, furthermore, more than merely a part of Parliament under the constitution of the United Kingdom.
Under its lordly bewitchery, Erastianism prevails in the Established Churches of the kingdom.
The Covenants And The Covenanters Covenants, Sermons, and Documents of the Covenanted Reformation
He concluded, ‘the remedy of the expatriate United Kingdom pensioners who do not receive uprated pensions is political not judicial.’
To be disapproved, that is, when the word condemns them, either as touching the faith or the holiness of the gospel; the which they must needs be, that are void of spiritual and heavenly judgment in the mysteries of the kingdom;
Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
The object would appear to have been to obtain a carucate of equal value throughout the kingdom.
Notes and Queries, Number 35, June 29, 1850 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
Why? because the doctrines he preached to them were directly contrary to their lusts and corrupt affections, and defeated their expectations of a worldly Messias, who should have answered their sensual desires with the plenties and glories of such an earthly kingdom, as they had wholly set their gross hearts and souls upon.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. II.
In the sequel to The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (which I just turned in to my editor, yay!), one character runs an organization that traffics in “godsblood”, which is exactly what it sounds like — small vials of blood drawn from willing gods.
Drugs and rock n’ roll «
She would elicit from her colleagues at the Versorelli Institute the exact itinerary Kingdom had followed there in November.
But the accepted practice is that the United Kingdom observes its international obligations.
The Sun
For everyone knew that Cornwall was the kingdom of Arthur and his faithless wife, Guinevere, and her lover, Lancelot.
This is interesting for the Plumeria Kingdom to think about as humans need oxygen to breathe to sustain health of the body more than they require oxygen to clean their clothes or freshen the home.
The king was growing old, and thought to divide his kingdom among his daughters.
This has been reflected in the attitude of the National Front towards new commonwealth citizens in the United Kingdom in recent times.
Possible the barnacle, like the barometz of Tartarean lamb, may be a survivor of the day when the animal and vegetable kingdoms had not yet branched off into different directions.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
It is possible that the entire animal kingdom is the inevitable by-product of the process.
The term cot death is often used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, India, South Africa and New Zealand.
The Money Times - finance news, lifestyle, markets, investment, personal finance, banking, retirement planning
They are placed in their own subkingdom because they are so unlike any other animals.
St Francis is a saint normally associated with peaceful, eremetic living and an overwhelming empathy for the animal kingdom.
Ruth Gledhill - Times Online - WBLG
Toryism is a traditionalist political philosophy, which grew out of the Cavalier faction in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms.
Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 18, 2010
Andrew Scott of Royal Holloway, University of London in Egham, United Kingdom, and colleagues used four kinds of microscopy to take a closer look at the odd debris, known as carbonaceous spherules.
There is no United Kingdom trade embargo.
The circles were full up, and therefore man was not a part of the animal kingdom at all.
The Normans; or rather the private adventurers of that warlike people, who founded a powerful kingdom in Apulia and Sicily, shook the throne of Constantinople, displayed the trophies of chivalry, and almost realized the wonders of romance.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
And I confer upon you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me, so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
He's emperor of a hugely wealthy Aztec mountain kingdom and can afford to treat people like dirt.
Such a crude lie can surely be perceived by that genius of the animal kingdom, humans.
Fortunately for the Kingdom forces, when they reached the wall, they found a wooden stockade.
The chief divisions of the kingdom are Northern Greece, or Hellas, lying north of the Gulf of Lepanto; the peninsula of the Morea, connected with the mainland by the Isthmus of Corinth; and various islands scattered over the greater part of the Grecian Archipelago.
A Geography for Beginners.
Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.
Don't mention politics or we'll be here till kingdom come.
He developed the system whereby every known living creature is assigned to a kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
_spavin_, during the last hunting season, he was sold for a __machiner; but being since fired and turned out, he had come up all right, and was now, according to coachee's disinterested opinion, one of the best hunters in the kingdom.
The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
There were also passengers from the archaic Greek kingdom of Mycenae, likely to be merchants accompanying the cargo.
The outdoor stage was lit by the luminescence of the lasers highlighting the magnificent Three Kingdoms Pagodas.
Rhinos … WHOLE FKN KINGDOM IS IN FEAR … and well it fkn should be, for death and chaos, shall decent upon his skanky arse, wreak HAVOCK and fkn RETRIBUTION in biblical fkn scales.
Cheeseburger Gothic » Brief note from Der Bünker.
But the Napoleonic Code remained operative in the kingdom, and the zemstvo reforms in Russia were not instituted in the kingdom for fear that they would be used for nationalist purposes.
Table 5.3, by the way, asserts the the five-kingdom model of Plants, Animals, Protists, Fungi, and Monera is the “system predominantly used today” p.
ACSI v. Stearns, aka Wendell Bird vs. UC - The Panda's Thumb
After the Germanic conquest of Britannia, the Anglo-Saxon invaders established a heptarchy of kingdoms across the island, pushing the Celtic Britons into modern Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Scotland and Brittany.
Offa's Dyke
With man effort not often matched in the animal kingdom, he overcame that considerable obstacle.
The great and crescive self, rooted in absolute nature, supplants all relative existence and ruins the kingdom of mortal friendship and love.
Essays — Second Series
It has never yet been explained to me what the United Kingdom Parliament was doing intermeddling in our constitutional affairs in 1986.
According to Peter Piccione, Later in the Saite Period, the play of the game is again depicted on the walls of two tombs, as part of the neo-Memphite revival--when Old Kingdom artistic motives and themes were temporarily revived for socio-political purposes.
Archive 2008-05-01
Had dinner at the Pickle Barrel on Friday night (featured in Cherie Priest's book Wings to the Kingdom).
We tease you with art.
A digestive biscuit, sometimes referred to as a sweetmeal biscuit, is a semi-sweet biscuit or cookie, originating in the United Kingdom, and popular there.
Most amoebae strains were obtained from the Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (Windermere, United Kingdom).
Sesostris, or Pharaoh Ramses II, whose mummy was unswathed in 1886 by Maspero of the Bulak Museum, and recognised as that of the greatest king of Egypt, whose grandson, Ramses III, was the last king of an ancient kingdom. when not a mere pretence, degenerated but too often into Black Magic.
The symbol of a beast considered merely _as a beast_, could not, in the nature of the case, signify anything more than a temporal kingdom or political empire.
The Last Reformation
The norovirus is highly contagious, affecting up to one million people in the United Kingdom every year.
I mean the actual animal kingdom where scientists are finding out all sorts of interesting things about our fellow critters.
In the animal kingdom there are many phyla, and the mammals come into a phylum called the chordates.
Germanic-Slavonic empire (the clay of the fourth kingdom mixed with its iron in Nebuchadnezzar's image, a fifth material, Da 2: 33, 34, 42, 43, symbolizing this last head).
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
So Christ proposes baptism, as the token of that lustration, which is to purify such as become citizens in the kingdom of heaven.
Christian Nurture.
Silbury-Hill, the largest tumulus or artificial mound of earth in this kingdom was begun to be opened by the miners of Mendip, on Thursday last.
Under the terms of her admission to the United Kingdom, she is not allowed to rent space in her room to anyone else or to engage in paid employment for at least six months.
'I delivered your letter this evening and had a long conference with both the Ministers: Mr. Choiseul assured me upon his word of honour that Your R.H. should be inform'd in time before the departure of Mr. de Gouillon, {309a} so that you might go with that embarquement if you thought proper, upon which I interrupted him and told him if they were destined for the Kingdom of Ireland that it would be to no manner of purpose, for I was certain you would not go, and that you had at all times expressly ordered me to tell them so; he continued his conversation and said you should be equally informed when the P. of S. {309b} embarked.
Pickle the Spy; Or, the Incognito of Prince Charles
King Arthur tried to redress wrongs in his kingdom.
At his return, Censorinus impeached him of extortion, for having exacted a vast sum of money from a well-affected and associate kingdom.
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.
He has never renounced his claim to the throne of a kingdom which no longer exists.
Dear Sir, -- Some future faunist, a man of fortune, will, I hope, extend his visits to the kingdom of Ireland; a new field and a country little known to the naturalist.
The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 1
I would want to see an elected second chamber representative of all regions and nations of the United Kingdom.
Times, Sunday Times
So with all the angels and saints, with the cherubim and seraphim, let's all bow down in worship before the Lamb of God, who has ransomed us from death and brought us into his eternal kingdom!
When Queen Elizabeth II acceded to the throne in 1952 the United Kingdom was monocultural, hierarchical and deferential.
About 600-700 people sustain acute traumatic injuries to the spinal cord in the United Kingdom each year.
In Europe the licensed maximum daily dose in non-prescription cough and cold remedies is lower, and appetite suppressants containing phenylpropanolamine are not available in the United Kingdom.
His wife, Herodias, convinced Herod to go to Rome and risk his fortune and kingdom for the same title.
We pull together in this united kingdom.
The Sun
Some marketers may want to set the threshold to 10%, and others 5%, because some might want to monitor fluctuating conversion rates in the United Kingdom verses "spikier" conversion rates in Australia, explains Amy Chang, group product manager for Google Analytics at Google.
Historically, Iraq was known in Europe by the Greek exonym 'Mesopotamia' (Land between the rivers), after the foundation of the Kingdom of Iraq in 1932, it became known by its ancient endonym 'Iraq'. - Articles related to Biden seeks thaw between Iraqi political rivals
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in the United Kingdom may provide more lessons than any other recent emergent zoonotic disease episode.
The bombs are capable of blasting a whole city to kingdom come.
It waged holy war on the devil's kingdom of unbelief, and sought to bring the ‘vast continent of vice, crime and misery’ that was London's East End to salvation.
Now we leave the Old Kingdom and venture forward to the Middle Kingdom and King Sesostris III's forts near Aswan.
Ten Thousand Men, One Million Stone Blocks, and a Couple of Sleds
In the kingdom of blind men, the one-eyed is king.
For example, the business may be the sole distributor of certain products within the United Kingdom.
He knew they didn't bite and that they would turn into the butterflies which fluttered, pale blue, primrose, blood red and black, through his secret grassland kingdom.
Where this is so, Parliament's legislative role is as above described in relation to Acts and United Kingdom delegated legislation.
The bomb exploded and blew them all to kingdom come.
He certainly knew what another meant, and did not relish the idea of being blown to kingdom come for his transgressions.
These studies had a great analogy, for man is to a great degree composed both of the substances on which animals feed, and was also forced to look in the vegetable kingdom for affinities susceptible of animalization.
The physiology of taste; or Transcendental gastronomy. Illustrated by anecdotes of distinguished artists and statesmen of both continents by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Translated from the last Paris edition by Fayette Robinson.
I prize my library above my kingdom.
These dismal survival figures are due to the fact that most patients in the United Kingdom present with advanced disease.
No fewer than one in five homes in the United Kingdom now boasts an Activity Bear.
It also believes strongly that there should be a ban on the import of hazardous waste into the United Kingdom.
I wonder what would happen if some of those people were compelled to go beyond such criticism and actually take on the responsibility of trying to survive in an intersocietal system that has been in a Hobbsean state of war since the first kingdoms arose in Mesopotamia more than 5000 years ago. '
Disagreement about Zbig: Acknowledging the Problem of Power
Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
A magnificent pile of cushions at the head of the banquet seemed prepared for the master of the feast, and such dignitaries as he might call to share that place of distinction; while from the roof of the tent in all quarters, but over this seat of eminence in particular, waved many a banner and pennon, the trophies of battles won and kingdoms overthrown.
The Talisman