
How To Use King of england In A Sentence

  • The true King of England is alive and well and living in the outback of Australia.
  • Firstly, and most importantly, without the full backing of England, the tournament would be a non-starter.
  • The lion passant guardant appears in various places; the renderings of it in the Palatine Chapel completed before 1143 antedate this symbol's presumed use by the King of England.
  • Firstly, and most importantly, without the full backing of England, the tournament would be a non-starter.
  • It may be thought ill to beseem a military monk such as I to raise his voice where so many noble princes remain silent; but it concerns our whole host, and not least this noble King of England, that he should hear from some one to his face those charges which there are enow to bring against him in his absence. The Talisman
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  • The film is set in 13th-century Scotland, when Wallace returns to his homeland to find it oppressed and taken over by the brutal, pagan king of England, Edward I.
  • A king of England could not remove a pope from his position but popes claimed that they could remove a king by excommunicating him - this meant that the king's soul was condemned to Hell and people then had the right to disobey the king.
  • -- Rowland le Sarcere held one hundred and ten acres of land in Hemingston by serjeanty; for which, on Christmas day every year, before our sovereign lord the King of England, he should perform altogether, and at once, a leap, puff up his cheeks, therewith making a sound, and let a crack. A Righte Merrie Christmasse The Story of Christ-Tide
  • James Stuart, King of England and Scotland didn't write the bible version that bears his name, but he commissioned the college of scholars who retranslated it from what they had of original sources. New Jersey Approves Crossbows For Archery Deer
  • It is far too early for him to be thinking of England. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film is set in 13th-century Scotland, when Wallace returns to his homeland to find it oppressed and taken over by the brutal, pagan king of England, Edward I.
  • Although the Welsh kings were allies, each ruled separate territories swearing loyalty to the king of England.
  • Countess of Devon, Princess of the Western Marches, by right and title possessor of all land 'twixt Exeter and Land's End. And now, by her consent and the grace of God, the wife of Harry, King of England. Wappin' Wharf A Frightful Comedy of Pirates
  • Recent historiography has argued that the British ecclesiastical policies of James I, (king of England (1603-25) and, as James VI, of Scotland (1567-1625)), sought "congruity" between the different churches in Scotland, England, and Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Can't we just get rid of the young pretenders and instal him as King of England?
  • Aussie man has been identified as the rightful King of England by a leading historian.
  • It is far too early for him to be thinking of England. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then I think of Elizabeth Woodville waiting for the King of England under an oak tree, as if she just happened to be by the roadside, a hedge witch casting her spells, and I think that my way at least is an honorable offer and not a begging for an amorous glance and a sluttish strutting of her well-worn wares. The Red Queen
  • It was surely pure coincidence that he is also the brother-in-law of a future king of England. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Collectanea argued that since AD 187 the king of England had enjoyed secular imperium and spiritual supremacy within his realm, powers modelled on the kings of Israel and later Roman emperors.
  • When Charles II returned to become king of England in 1660, those men who had signed his father's death warrant were tried as regicides (the murderer of a king) and executed.
  • The most victorious and triumphant king of England, Henry VIII., of that time, for the debatement of certain weighty matters sent me ambassador into Flanders, joined in commission with Cuthbert Tunstall, whose virtue and learning be of more excellency than that I am able to praise them. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 14 — Philosophy and Economics
  • In 1842 the linking of England by rail was still very incomplete. The Search for Justice - a history of Britain and the British people Volume III
  • In the yeere of our Lord 1066, Edward King of England, of famous memory deceased, whom Harald sonne of Godwin succeeded in his kingdome, against which Harald the king of Norwaie called Harald The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Dryden, in his fine rifacimento of one of the finest passages in the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, represents the Good Parson as choosing to resign his benefice rather than acknowledge the Duke of Lancaster to be King of England. The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 3
  • he uttered no protest against the writ in which William King of England - the new-fangled title was now coming in - announced to all his faithful subjects, French and English, that he had given the archbishopric of Canterbury and all that belonged to it to Archbishop Anselm.
  • William the Conqueror was the first Norman King of England.
  • It is inconceivable that a future King of England would consider marrying outside his own Church, since the moment he assumes the throne, he will become the titular head of the Church of England.
  • Prince James Edward had, since 1701 been recognized as the true King of England. The Escape...
  • This was all the answere the king of Armenia could get there, and so he dined with the king of England, and had as great honour as could bee deuised, and the king offered him many great gifts of golde and siluer, but he would take none though he had neede thereof, but alonely a ring to the value of a hundreth Frankes. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Finallie, hearing that the king of Cypres was inclosed in an abbie called Cap S. Andrew, he marched thitherwards: [S.denote: The king of Cyprus again submitteth himselfe to the king of England.] but when the king of Cypres heard of his approch, he came foorth and submitted himselfe wholie into his hands. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) Richard the First
  • In 1154, Henry II became King of England.
  • The king of England too had experienced the high spirit and unsubmitting temper of Lewis. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part F. From Charles II. to James II.
  • Prince William, who is destined one day to be King of England, was spotted and photographed on the ski slopes at the exclusive Swiss resort of Klosters.
  • In 1842 the linking of England by rail was still very incomplete. The Search for Justice - a history of Britain and the British people Volume III
  • Armstrong forever railed against people (including a couple of his wives) for putting on "aires"; he called a king of England "Rex" to his face, and joked about his lovemaking to a pope. NYT > Home Page
  • It is England's oldest borough; Athelstan, the first king of England was initially buried here and his tomb remains in the abbey.
  • When Henry died in 1135, Stephen rushed to London to get himself crowned king of England.
  • They may have been copied, directly or indirectly, from that great Angevin King of England whose title credited him with the heart of a lion. The New Jerusalem
  • Near four hundred years ago, as your grace knoweth, there being ill blood betwixt John, King of England, and the King of France, it was decreed that two champions should fight together in the lists, and so settle the dispute by what is called the arbitrament of God. The Prince and the Pauper
  • In 1612, her son and the now king of England, James, brought his mother's body to Westminster Abbey where she was buried in a magnificent tomb.
  • They made him king of England.
  • The grant of the lordship of Ireland could be interpreted as leaving the papacy as ultimate feudal overlord and thus make possible a native appeal against the king of England.
  • Salford never owed obedience to a superior beneath the rank of an earl and since Henry of Lancaster became King Henry 1V, the King of England has continuously been the Lord of Salford.
  • Then the king of England entered into the country of Beauvoisis, brenning and exiling the plain country, and lodged at a fair abbey and Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • He appears in the genealogical table as Henry IV., that having been his title subsequently as King of England. Margaret of Anjou Makers of History
  • (king of England (1603-25) and, as James VI, of Scotland (1567-1625)), sought "congruity" between the different churches in Scotland, England, and Ireland rather than British ecclesiastical union or the Anglicanization of all the churches. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • (king of England (1603-25) and, as James VI, of Scotland (1567-1625)), sought "congruity" between the different churches in Scotland, England, and Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The IPA is “Small government libertarian think tank” who blame the whales for getting in the way of innocent japanese harpooners, aborigines for getting in the way of the legitimate colonial business of the King of England, forests for impeding access to all that lovely woodchip and Dr Bob Brown for global warming, if such a thing exists. Cheeseburger Gothic » None dare call it treason…
  • A king of England was being openly and publicly tried for high treason. The English Civil War: A People's History
  • Madrid 4. This château was the seat of Henry II, Angevin King and King of England, and his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine; it was here that Joan of Arc persuaded Charles VII to declare himself king and raise an army to liberate France; in 1562, Henri IV turned it into a state prison. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Romanes most inuincible, Henry king of England, duke of Normandie and Aquitaine, Earle of Anjou wisheth health and concord of sincere amitie. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • For he did not dare give battle to our King of England; but, like a coward and a recreant knight, he made a lady, the Countess of Henaud, his messenger to come to our King and his Council, and pray that he would cease, and no more spill the blood of Christians or destroy their goods.
  • In the yeere of our Lord 1066, Edward King of England, of famous memory deceased, whom Harald sonne of Godwin succeeded in his kingdome, against which Harald the king of Norwaie called Harald Harfager fought a battel at The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 01
  • Near four hundred years ago, as your grace knoweth, there being ill blood betwixt John, king of England, and the king of France, it was decreed that two champions should fight together in the lists, and so settle the dispute by what is called the arbitrament of God. Vietnam: Solutions
  • Alfred, king of England, is a great scholar as well as a great ruler.
  • They had no check handy, and Gloucester in particular foreread his death-warrant, but of necessity he shouted with the others, "Hail, King of England! Chivalry
  • Watching him watch the waitress from behind, you can't help but think of Jan Svankmajer (whose surrealism is never equaled by Drained), or of the silly strain of Czech films epitomized by I Served the King of England by Jirí Menzel, which played at Berlin this year. GreenCine Daily: Miami Dispatch.

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