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  1. the branch of mechanics concerned with motion without reference to force or mass

How To Use kinematics In A Sentence

  • We plan to assemble a program that combines the method described here with a kinematics method to permit fulltime operation.
  • Mr. Dennis sees McLaren as "technology flying doctor" service, offering bespoke solutions to companies with urgent problems in complex areas such as electronics, pneumatics, fluid dynamics, kinematics and material sciences. McLaren's New Formula
  • The mechanical inverse kinematics is detailed analyzed by the theory of coordinate transformation.
  • We take the geometry method to derive the inverse kinematics and the center of pressure (COP) of the biped robot.
  • Conclusions:Transfer of the pectoralis major tendon in subscapularis- deficient shoulders partially restored the glenohumeral kinematics of the intact shoulder.
  • They then made complex comparisons of the characteristics of movement, known as kinematics, between dogs with different limbs missing and also with the 'normal' movement of four-legged dogs. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The researchers point out that the computer evolves these laws without any prior knowledge of physics, kinematics or geometry. Crunching Out Natural Laws?
  • Remarkably, the loss of the tongue protractors in chameleons has not affected the external feeding kinematics.
  • The multi-body kinematics model of air suspension-steering system for some kind of great passenger cars was established using Virtual Prototyping Technique in the software ADAMS.
  • However when I learned calculus a whole new appreciation for kinematics blossomed.
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