killing field

  1. (usually plural) an area where many people have died (usually by massacre or genocide during war or violent civil disturbance)
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How To Use killing field In A Sentence

  • Markers had been set up on the killing field, and the Defenders waited, discipline overriding their apprehension as the attackers neared. TREASON KEEP
  • Finally, the same irony that wandered the killing fields of the Sudan, like the ghost of murdered rationality, has returned to haunt the ruins of Iraq.
  • If the American government had not been involved in overthrowing king Norodom Sihaknouk in early 1970, and bombing in Cambodia, would there have been any Killing Fields? Global Voices in English » Cambodia: Doubts over the Khmer Rouge Tribunal
  • Clearly, though Hans and members of ethnic minorities apparently live in harmony with one another, a small accident may suddenly turn an ethnic minority region into a bloody killing field.
  • We were in what people call inelegantly, but accurately, "the killing fields", and that day we were to pass through places that saw the misery of two World Wars. - Stuff
  • I was horrified to hear the term killing field in relation to the toll AIDS is taking in countries such as Uganda, Nigeria, South Africa and Zambia when it comes to this pandemic. Message to Jenna Bush: The Congolese children have no hope as they are raped
  • How could anyone who has lived in a century that included the Holocaust, the Soviet Gulags and the killing fields of Cambodia say that?
  • Paul Rowen has switched by way of screeeching U-Turn from a "benefit of hindsight", from "not excusing the inexcusable", from praising the 1982 Yorkshire TV Alice documentary kinda fella, albeit highly confused about the safety and desirability of redeveloping the TBA Killing Fields of the Spodden Valley, to a bit of an excuser. Asbestos in Schools: Foolish Rowen Backs Up Cyril
  • Passengers enjoy visits to remote jungle villages and silk-weaving towns, with the cruise including a host of complimentary tours such as trishaw rides through the coungtryside, junk boat tours to busy floating markets and excursions to ancient temples and the Khmer Rouge's grim Killing Fields near Phnom Penh.
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill for gaza the killing field am i a fly from World Bulletin: Poet in Britain writes poetry "for Gaza killing field Archive 2009-02-01
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