How To Use Killer bee In A Sentence
But I can tell you what it feels like to be attacked by a grizzly bear, gored by a bull, bitten by a venomous snake or attacked by African killer bees.
Thus the myth of the killer bee was born.
Louisiana agricultural officials said more Africanized honeybees, also known as killer bees have been found in traps east of New Orleans.
More ‘Killer’ Bees Found Near New Orleans | Impact Lab
Thus the myth of the killer bee was born.
Africanized honey bees - melodramatically labeled "killer bees" - are the result of honey bees brought from Africa to Brazil in the 1950s.
I realized that if I can survive an attack by the killer bee, I can survive anything—including this exhausting process of making the prototype which for me seems to take forever.
Thus the myth of the killer bee was born.