How To Use Kiddie In A Sentence
Many script kiddies are quickly caught, often because they boast of their hacking exploits or are betrayed by their internet names.
I think he gave very fair reasons and I fully understand them, I've got two young kiddies myself.
Not just resistant to the pitter patter of bored kiddie feet but immune to assaults from the outside as well.
It's a day where people celebrate by drinking the worst-tasting beer they can find, wearing ratty blue singlet tops with Australian flags as a cape, eating burnt "snags" from the "barbie" and listening to the Triple J Hottest 100 countdown on the radio from the plush confines of a deck chair placed in a kiddie's wading pool.
A List For Australia Day
All three buses stopped outside the pool, and each disgorged a tumbling jumbling pile of wee kiddies, clutching their swim-bags and chattering like flocks of birds on a nature programme.

This is a great way to entertain the kiddies over the school holidays.
Nor will I defend script kiddies, who generally have no programming skills whatsoever.
Most of the action takes place beneath the surface of Mars, where hatchling kiddies are raised by nannybots in an elaborately technological setting that owes much of its retro esthetic to Terry Gilliam.
See Jane Blossom: An Enthralling 'Eyre'
The cleverer little kiddies figured out which keys worked the lock.
With so many single mums and the cost of daycare so high, it is a welcome relief to send the kiddies off to pre-school.
You need to consult with a kiddie shrink who will convince your wife that youngsters who call the shots wind up in a not very good place.
It seems like his life is constantly guided by things that both fascinate and disgust him: his childhood interest in kiddie pop culture, his period with San Francisco’s hippie subculture, his weird sexual fetishes.
The Grumpy Old Man :
Yeah, and calling it ‘post-hardcore’ makes it sound like some kiddie's genre where they've all not shaved for a month in the hope their cumulative bumfluff makes them look like they're grown up.
You know the drill: we look for the creepiest, sleaziest ads in the Leader newspaper personals and you kiddies get to vote for the worst one.
Never on God's sweet earth has there been a more glorious union of manipulated kiddie-singing samples, frenetic bhangra pluckings, and classic crunk growl.
That's the only time I have done a kiddie "denture".
Fake Baby Teeth (Pedo Partial)
There’s little evidence they are interested in trawling the blogosphere to find weight loss technqiues or tales of plucky kiddies beating the odds.
Why RSS will never “break through” « Squash
There are department-store tents of amateur watercolourists, amateur kiddie crocheters, flower dryers, mud turners, cancerous candle makers, rag-doll knotters and metal benders.
Imagine That by having One Way Out "escapologist" Jonathan Goodwin show him how to break free of his kiddie movie straitjacket.
Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
While they did include some of my favorites like the new king of kiddie toons, SpongeBob, Homer, Beavis and Butthead and Cartman, they included some questionable choices and left off the cream of the crop.
For kids the movie is a lot of fun and it's smarter than the usual kiddie fare.
Unfortunately for Google, one of these 427 recepients is a potential spammer, a script kiddie, who sent a malignant mail containing a virus attachment to some Satyendra Sheth, who inturn started speculating that Google (or someone similar) sent him a virus* ..!!
The first tones of Freedom
People, from kiddies to oldies, received the recreation despite the scorching sun.
One minute you're sobbing enough to fill your sister's kiddie pool and laughing like a hyena the next.
All them fatherless kiddies and now she wants to add to the brood.
From the kiddie pool, Angel looks up at her parents, eyes wide and black and unwavering.
The music we were playing was aspirational, not kiddie pop, not cheesy Euro-dance, but based more on street culture.
Designated the team's "refreshing drink provider," Brother Ben's job involves ensuring that the other team members remain hydrated and that the kiddies watching at home see plenty of product placements.
Archive 2008-03-01
Now, I hear it every day, if not on TV, then from kiddies in the street.
The kiddies were all blissfully asleep in the empty hearth, curled round one another like puppies.
There’s little evidence [average consumers] are interested in trawling the blogosphere to find weight loss technqiues or tales of plucky kiddies beating the odds.
“Most people are morons” « Squash
So the message to the US script kiddie community is clear: step back son, and leave this cyberwar to the experts.
Yet here I sit, on a front-row seat in the second car of a kiddie train, choogling through a vast semi-industrial landscape in which steel conveyor belts tower over mountains of crystalline powder, and irrigation channels and dusty gravel roads carve up dry lake beds.
The Salt of the Earth
Yet I venture to assert that the several almost-square meals lost by underfed William Buggles, and underfed Mrs. Buggles, and the underfed Buggles kiddies, was a greater tragedy than the
You would have thought I would have learned, but one day after my kiddie afternoon nap, he actually suggested playing a game - follow-my-leader.
It's not like I'm taking food out of the kiddies' mouths or swapping the family silver for an 1873 Colt.
Storm in a provincial tea-cup as British 'bobbies' go extra-judicially ballistic over alleged 'kiddie porn' yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Storm in a provincial tea-cup as British \'bobbies\' go extra-judicially ballistic over alleged \'kiddie porn\ ''; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: The challenge, which is presently under review by the Chief Constable of Lincolnshire (England) has its origins in a claim by a community administrator in a rural riverside community on the border between Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire that a local photo-journalist had "pandered to pedophilia" by taking a photograph during an award ceremony at the local community center to which the "press" had been invited ...'
Storm in a provincial tea-cup as British 'bobbies' go extra-judicially ballistic over alleged 'kiddie porn'
The pre-dawn squeals of delight as kiddies unwrap their gifts.
Gather round kiddies, old Grampa Shakey has a story to sing, a story about a town called Greendale.
Kiddie pools often are a source of giardia, which is normally associated with food-borne outbreaks or freshwater, such as springs or creeks.
The Daily News - News
I can fully understand the longing every parent must feel to build their first snowman for their wide-eyed kiddies as they see snow for the first time.
No kiddies, old man. Not yet, anyway. Just a couple dinkies, that's us.
Just last year some tobacco companies wanted to market what some called a kiddie-pack -- smaller, more affordable packs of cigarettes, sort of a starter kit.
Remarks By President To National Assn Of Attorneys General
Eighty percent of all cybercrime is caused by corporate insiders, not outside script kiddies.
But that's nothing when compared to a disabled kiddie seemingly being used as part of the defence in a criminal trial.
Investment income used to get taxed at a child's low rate, under the so-called kiddie tax.
Trying to Save for the Kids' College? It's a Bear
That employees of other school systems may also victimize children does not excuse or mitigate the heinousness of pedophilia, no matter who employs the kiddie-diddlers.
The Volokh Conspiracy » District Attorney Suggests That It May Be a Crime for Teachers to Follow the New State Law Mandating Certain Forms of Sex Education
Anyway his little child -- 'kiddie' -- as it used to be called, was the dearest little fellow in the world -- so playful and affectionate!
The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches
OCTOPUSHY, a spine-tingling adventure story, is guaranteed to keep kiddies on the edge of their seats.
An open-air barbecue, disco, live band and bouncing castle for kiddies was laid on for the guests.
Once upon a time my Sunday school teacher dragooned me into a little kiddie choir that performed ‘Away in A Manger’ during the Christmas cantata.
The script must remain kiddie friendly, as well as laying down witty one-liners for the growns.
The availability of babysitting, early meals for children and a kiddies playroom make this hotel an excellent choice for families.
I think this could easily be changed to say that people doing “adult” stuff should follow general laws/Internet best practices in labelling it adult content to keep the kiddies out.
Paizo’s New Pathfinder License and Fansite Policy Examined « Geek Related
Also, the little kiddie buffet in the dining area offers tater tots, but not the main buffet.
Rather than being relegated to Saturday morning kiddie fare, anime often holds a prime time slot on Japanese television and is programmed for adults.
The music we were playing was aspirational, not kiddie pop, not cheesy Euro-dance, but based more on street culture.
That first afternoon, at home with the cheesecake, these three kiddies appeared with flowers and ice cream.
The old guy even had a pasty face and a packet of sweets for the kiddies and didn't turn up this week when the munchkins were off.
Many script kiddies are quickly caught, often because they boast of their hacking exploits or are betrayed by their internet names.
But then I looked at him there with the wifey and kiddies, looking all happy and ordinary eating their lunch and I thought how rude it would be for me to take their picture.
It bounces along wonderfully, with Caine obviously having a whale of a time, and is ideal kiddies' Christmas fare.
Best adult-writing hidden in kiddie fare since Animaniacs ….
Super Hero Squad Show moves to primetime | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
MySpace will always be known as a wasteland where kiddies and self-proclaimed web designers subject the world to their design atrocities.
Why MySpace Is Really GeoCities 2.0
Too violent for kiddies, too unhip for teens and too puerile for everyone else, it flirts with every demographic and commits to none.
Mother and daughter were kneeling on the grass in front of a plastic kiddie pool, filling it with a garden hose.
I realize the idea of kiddie X-Men adventures may not instantly appeal but I think it would provide another interesting layer.
Mark Clark outlines his hopes for X-MEN 4! | Obsessed With Film
We strolled around watching kiddies throw tantrums and people screaming on roller coasters.
Speakers' Corner has recently been titivated to look more like a garden and it must be a concern that this sacred spot will be lost to us because of a bunch of commercially minded, gentrifying bureaucrats and some simpering talk about the kiddies' Christmas outing.
Speakers' Corner tradition is under threat
While it was a great sporting and social event, it was also a fun family day out with lots of entertainment for the kiddies.
I even had to push aside a few nurses and their flag-waving kiddies because the protest moved too slowly and the market was nearly closing.
I'm talking about bodily discharge in motion, vaguely cannibalistic activities, and microscopic familiarity with our kiddies' anatomies.
Devon Corneal: The Good, The Bad, And The Gross
Send her to the doorstep with the sweeties on Hallowe'en and she'll scare the bejaysus out of the kiddies.
Prince, his dark hair bleached blond, is clad in similar footwear and a kiddie police uniform, complete with plastic handcuffs hanging from a belt loop.
Archive: Michael in the mirror
Parents love taking kiddies to see him and get a present.
These kiddies are young and you won't be finding too much to appeal to the music snobs, but that there's some potential.
Danielle chats idly to Tim as they twist and turn on the kiddie's swings at a local park.
She said, `I heard about Jane on the news, about her kiddie and all, and it gave me a turn.
But while cleaning up Chester's run-down home, which Leonard has inherited, they make a grim discovery: Buried beneath the floorboards is a trunk containing a small skeleton and kiddie porn magazines.
Bookgasm: Reading Material to Get Excited About
Get ready for a month of sniping, bitching, mud slinging and baby-kissing, kiddies, because election fever is here!
A lucky lumper might be assigned a container filled with boxes of Kleenex or stuffed animals, while an unlucky lumper might pull a container filled with kiddie swimming pools or 200-pound trampolines.
The New Blue Collar: Temporary Work, Lasting Poverty And The American Warehouse
Yeah, like it's on a par with hardcore kiddie fiddling porn, isn't it?
The local kiddies had a visit to a circus that set up in St. Brigid's Hall on Friday evening last.
The circus pleased all the kiddies as well as parents for two days.
The chocolate biscuit cake dusted with coconut was great as a kiddie bribe and also went smoothly with my afternoon coffee.
One young undergraduate who wants to go to medical school says she will be the "hotshot" surgeon and her future husband will be "At home playing with the kiddies.
Caryl Rivers: The End of Men? Not So Fast
“That sort of thing is pretty standard in kiddie movies here,” the Doctor shrugged.
Hunger Moon: Chapter Eleven
Our house is next to a school - so all the little kiddies have to be negotiated as well.
He'll have a partner for the kiddie rides and will be less likely to bug your friends.
It bounces along wonderfully, with Caine obviously having a whale of a time, and is ideal kiddies' Christmas fare.
They have compounded their original sin -- callousness in handing over kiddies to aliens -- by hiding it.
TORCHWOOD: CoE...Episode 2...things go to pieces
Gather the kiddies around and force them into ridiculous poses for holiday card pictures.
Kiddie care," she called the scaled-down plan, derisively, in private.
For the next 45 minutes, the girls and I footle about in the kiddie park, playing tag, and hide-and-seek, and find-the-cicada.
Seven months after singing live for the kiddies at the White House Easter Egg Roll, some of the cast members of Fox's "Glee" have donned Pout-by-Victoria's Secret bras, American Apparel panties and, weirdly, Christian Louboutin pumps for a photo spread in the November issue of GQ.
After 'Glee' GQ photos cause controversy, cast member responds
Yes, the holiday season is here complete with kiddie fodder that is virtually unwatchable for anyone over the age of 10 and mawkish slush about the joy of the family.
Old people too and mothers with babies and kiddies out shopping.
Under the so-called kiddie-tax rules, a minor child ' s investment income above $1,900 may be taxed at the parents ' higher rates.
Weighing a Custodial Account for Your Kid
The 53 foot tall snow sculpture is called Emil, and stands at the bottom of their new kiddie slopes.
Making inventive use of lo-fi techniques borrowed from Saturday-morning kiddie shows and Grade Z sci-fi, the movie is a something of an adult, live-action cartoon.
Watching in Another Dimension
We strolled around watching kiddies throw tantrums and people screaming on roller coasters.
Would you accept some form of mandatory online ID system if it meant an end to spam, kiddie-porn, credit-card fraud, cracking, denial of service attacks, viruses and cyberterrorism?
It most likely has nothing to do with liberals per se, or any real attempt to end diversity of though, but instead probably the result of script kiddies launching the attack for no better reason then for the "lutz".
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
Politicians love schools because the kiddies are so photogenic and don't ask awkward questions.
So, a lesson for all of you kiddies out there: watch what you write if you're planning to author a book in the future.
Over the hilltop was a short but steep drop and below that a long lawn full of leafy trees that lead to a golden castle, just like in fairy tales, me kiddies.
Magic X
They raised the [th] money through different methods which included a kiddies disco, making St. Brigids crosses, alcohol-free discos and a sponsored swim on New Year's Day in the local outdoor pool.