How To Use Khat In A Sentence

  • And they see how countless Somali families are ruined, because the family father is too dependent on khat, which is also helping to support al-Shabaab. Islam in Europe
  • Kayhan and close to Khamenei, has called Khatami's demand treasonous, and said that Khatami is acting on the guidance of American researcher Michael Ledeen and the CIA. Memri Latest Blogs
  • Mr. Khatami neither "oversaw" torture and murder nor did he condone it. Hooman Majd: You Tell 'em, Gov!
  • Among them: chewing the mild narcotic known as khat and trading in drugs and prostitution. UNICEF News
  • Police presently believe the murder was prompted either by unpaid debts or Khatibi's involvement with drug deals.
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  • The first reaction to khat is unpleasant and marked by feeling of dizziness an intense thirst.
  • The sharp attack by Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari effectively labels Khatami and others as potential foes of the ruling system and could place them at higher risk of being directly punished by hard-line authorities, which would be a major escalation of the postelection confrontation. Undefined
  • O Badi’a al-Jamal, dost thou not remember me nor say, ‘My sister Daulat Khatun whither is she gone?’ The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • After my appointment is approved I will be using Khatam al-Anbiya for oil contracts along with other domestic contractors," Gen. Ghasemi told the semiofficial Fars News Agency on Wednesday. Iran's Pick for Oil Post Signals Power Shift
  • (Coast) or with dried termites (Turkana); young leaves are chewed like Catha edulis (khat, miraa, Maasai, Luo-Migori) or cooked as a vegetable Chapter 7
  • I would also have had him tell us the nature of that white belt which crosses the sky, which you call the ovarious belt, "Khatt-i-abyâz", and we the milky-way, and which we consider to be a collection of self-lighted stars, while many orthodox but unlettered Musalmâns think it the marks made in the sky by "Borak", the rough-shod donkey, on which your prophet rode from Jerusalem to heaven. Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official
  • She cut down the servants at the tables, and massacred all in the house of Akhat.
  • There is quite a ritual to chewing khat, which is usually done sprawled on the floor, preferably on a carpet or blanket, with cushions to lean on. BBC News - Home
  • Khatt Sharíf" = a royal autographical letter: the term is still preserved in Turkey, but Europeans will write Arabian nights. English
  • During his term of office, Khatami has repeatedly sought a rapprochement with the US, to a large extent unsuccessfully.
  • As recently as five years ago, under President Mohammad Khatami, Iran was relatively progressive in the Islamic world, as embodied in its expanding array of human-rights groups, charities and other so-called nongovernmental organizations, or NGOs. Debate Over Child Executions Roils Iran's Presidential Vote
  • Fatemeh Haghighatjou: I am worried and my main concern is Khatami's weakness, which can be also described as Khatami's Achilles 'heel. Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
  • Mkhatshwa, with his catholic tastes in music, loves jazz, classical, mbaqanga and pop. Contents
  • During the first months of the war Serge Prokofiev wrote his symphonic suite ‘The year 1941 ’, and later his Fifth Symphony, as did Aram Khatchaturian his Second.
  • The third sister, Ankhsenpaaten, had been given as a child bride to Tutankhaten.
  • MarkaVIP Ahmed Alkhatib is founder and chief executive of MarkaVIP, a shopping club that offers bargains on designer-label fashions for a limited period of time. Tailoring Online Fashion To Mideast's Consumers
  • Baseej pro-regime paramilitary outnumbered, just watching people march… am being told that there are injured students stuck in Tehan dorms. surrounded by baseej…. hearing rumours that Mousavi and Khatami are in azadi square now, unconfirmed… @PersianKiwi Is The World’s Most Important Journalist Right Now | ATTACKERMAN
  • In the land of the shining empire, in a small province north of the city of Messaline and beyond the great salt desert, a princess with a tip-tilted nose lived with her mother, Hoelun Khatun, the Dowager Queen. PodCastle » PodCastle 96: Love Among the Talus
  • Khatami arrived in Shiraz Monday morning to begin a four-day inspection tour of the province.
  • This led into my own referencing of cheit a sin of error (cognate, it seems to me, with khate), but also avon, a sin of passion, of surrendering to one's impulses, and pesha or mered, a sin which is intended, a deliberate act of malice. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Farmers have been forced to produce khat (a local narcotic) in order to survive.
  • From a clever Farsi date interpretation of when the EU proposal was due, "aval" or "avayel", "first of" or "beginning of" August, to the nuclear message sent by Iran while Khatami was still president, the Iranians played their hand masterfully while the Europeans seemed at a loss as to how to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat. Hooman Majd: Iran 3, The West 0
  • Conservatives recall Khatami's presidency as the most sustained assault on their ideology and privileges since the republic's inception; they don't want it repeated. Undefined
  • Though it was to only last his lifetime, as Tutankhaten who succeeded Akhenaton quickly changed his name to Tutankhamun or Tutankhamen and led the Egyptians back to polytheistic or multi God/Goddess beliefs. Legends of the Sun
  • India will propose two additional such centres-Avangkhu in Nagaland and Zowkhathar in Mizoram which is also a long-standing demand of these two states. News Feed
  • Indeed, withdrawal from khat results in social isolation, according to this article.
  • Our purpose is to establish a clear picture of events that took place during the mission to Rakhat.
  • Alam also notes the involvement of Khattris in Mughal administration, and the participation of Mughal nobility in interregional commerce. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • In the Tibetan tradition, I later learned, offering a white silk scarf called a khata is an expression of auspicious intentions at the beginning of a relationship. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • B.C. Khatua, chairman of the FMC, said silver ETFs shouldn't be launched on the stock exchange because they are a commodity-based product and not a stock. India Funds Plan Silver ETFs
  • Police recovered a drug called khat during a search of the vehicle. Tifton Gazette Homepage
  • More than 50 seats were won by independents, many of whom are closely aligned with Mr Khatami's conservative foes.
  • Two of them having inspected our loads and having received the required number of khatas in prepayment for their services, returned next morning with an insufficient number of camels, and one of those they did bring could not carry a heavy load. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • Once the khat has been acquired, the customer leaves with a smile of satisfaction and anticipation.
  • The country elects a new parliament in February, lawmakers more closely aligned than ever before with President Mohammad Khatami.
  • The monument stands on the site of one of the towns, Khatyn, which burned to the ground in 1943.
  • Her family arranged to my khatnah on their ritual way and it did not allow any skin to cover my glan. Farmboyz / Perge Modo
  • With concerted action with the tools available today, it is potentially eradicable, says ANURADHA KHATI RAJIVAN.
  • How fantasy can be used as legitimizer by Khalid S. Al-Khater on Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 12: 22: 07 PM The Bushies' Lie About the Islamic 'Caliphate' Threat
  • The Thai word translated as "transvestite" or "shemale" is khatoey, also spelled katoey, kathoey and several other ways. Boing Boing: April 18, 2004 - April 24, 2004 Archives
  • It is such a simple process to get such good results, right! mara naniji bau swad nankhatai banavta hata, as kids we used to sit in the kitchen & watch her make it. amey oven khulwani vaat jota hata kay kyare nankhatai taste kariye. My take on Nankhatai....
  • Whether it be alcohol, cannabis, opiates, Khat, cocaine, nicotine or merely caffeine, few of us seem able to face life without chemical crutches.
  • Quick research about Somali pirates will reveal a culture dependent on a nausea-killing plant called khat, or 'miraa' in Swahili. The Full Feed from
  • The 530 kg shipment of khat, a green-leafed drug which is chewed to produce a euphoric effect, was found in air freight.
  • Iran has Rafsanjani, Khatami, Mousavi and Karoubi, who brought down the Shah with lengthy, building broadbased mourning demonstrations that fed off the continued martyring of their demonstrators. Iran Election Live-Blogging (Friday June 19)
  • As massive crowds rallied in cities across Yemen, observations came in from those on the ground about the lack of food, level of demonstrations, and even the chewing of khat also referred to as qat via Twitter. Libya in stalemate; Yemen opposition joins demonstrators
  • A lot of time, they're chewing khat, which is this amphetamine-like twig that sort of makes them all tweaked out by the end of the day. CNN Transcript Apr 9, 2009
  • Roshchin was one of the younger playwrights who became closely associated with MKhAT after Yefremov moved there from the Sovremennik in 1970.
  • Chonyi: miraa Embu: miraa English: khat, Abyssinia tea, Chapter 7
  • Former President Mohammad Khatami, a so-called reformist who led Iran for two terms before Mr. Ahmadinejad's 2005 victory, called over the weekend for a referendum on the president's re-election. Iran's Supreme Leader Warns Emboldened Critics
  • It is never too late to mend" (subah ka bhula agar sham to ghar aa jya to use bhula nehe khate) Chand ki Fiza
  • Typical dishes include dum aloo, khatte baingan, methi chaman, and naider yakhni or lotus root.
  • Farzande Zagros (means child of Zagros) writes [fa] about Rezai's speech on his intention to form a coalition government and collaborate with Iranian former presidents such as Khatami and Rafsanjani. Global Voices in English » Iran: In presidential race, ex-revolutionary guard leader uses internet least
  • Khatami is a "moderate" in the same way Trontsky might have been considered moderate compared to Stalin, but that's about it. Daimnation!: Are we afraid of the Iranians?
  • Typical dishes include dum aloo, khatte baingan, methi chaman, and naider yakhni or lotus root.
  • He tried to persuade senior clerics to issue an edict allowing him to kill President Mohammad Khatami.
  • Notably, they have been known to sweep into power relatively unknown candidates, such as Khatami in 2001 and Ahmadinejad in 2005. Al-Ahram Weekly Online
  • Khatami arrived in Shiraz Monday morning to begin a four-day inspection tour of the province.
  • Knowledgeable users maintain that chewing khat has more in common with coffee than cocaine.
  • Try to avoid chewing khat late at night, and never take sleeping pills unless prescribed by your doctor.
  • The commentator explains that khatwam samarudhah Tibra duhkha-grastah. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • While some are too radical or violent to engage, the more dangerous are those such as Khatami, who have mastered the art of public relations. Writings from the Middle East Forum and Middle East Quarterly.
  • As early as 2003, a proposal for a denuclearized ME supported by Egypt and Jordan was to be presented to the UN by Khatami's reformist government on Iran's behalf. Amir Madani: Perspectives of Peace in the Middle East
  • Yemenis chew a stimulant called khat every afternoon. NPR Topics: News
  • The Friday sermon is said by a khatib, many of whom are trained in religious institutes.
  • Earnings from khat, an amphetamine like stimulant that is banned in the United States and several European countries, has doubled.
  • In an exclusive interview with NEWSWEEK this week, Karrubi called Khatami a weak politician and said his allies were extremists "who questioned the Islamic component of the Islamic Republic. Fighting for Moderation
  • But officials came to believe most of the flights were Yemeni smugglers bring in khat, a leafy plant widely chewed in Somalia for its mild narcotic effect.
  • The area is known for extensive trading in livestock, hides and skins, khat, cereals, and consumer durables.
  • If despite all these things, they still dare to call this guy a (neo) conservative, then what can one label Khatami and Rafsanjani? Editor: Myself (English)
  • In 1997, Mohammad Khatami, a so-called reformist ran for presidency with a message of "liberalization" and "reform" and unleashed our passion for democracy. Sara Dehghan: Growing Up in Iran and Watching the Election From the U.S.
  • In August 1994, at the Khat Moorat foundation ceremony, a pair of Indian sandals were placed at Pundit Shukla's feet to mark the fulfillment of his work after he had walked unshod for two years.
  • Khatami arrived in Shiraz Monday morning to begin a four-day inspection tour of the province.
  • The drop-off reflects deep disappointment that clerical establishment rulers have been able to largely thwart Khatami's efforts.
  • In Somali communities, chewing a traditional stimulant called khat has landed some people in deportation proceedings, since the leaf is now categorized as a controlled substance.
  • Judging from what we know of the northern worshippers of the hammer god in later times, it would appear that when they were referred to as the Hatti or Khatti, the tribe of that name was the dominating power in Asia Minor and north Syria. Myths of Babylonia and Assyria
  • With the auto market now picking up, ‘all of the positives are coinciding for Maruti,’ says Managing Director Jagdish Khattar.
  • Khater Massaad, the CEO of the Ras al-Khaimah Investment Authority, wrote that RAK is safe and has the infrastructure to host powerhouse sailing teams BMW Oracle Racing and defending champion Alinghi of Switzerland and their massive multihulled boats. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • It was Umar al-Khattab, who was to be the second caliph after the Prophet's death, who suggested that a person call the others to prayer, to which the Prophet instructed a black Muslim youth, Bilal, to make the call to prayer (hence the name Bilal in some languages becoming synonym to the word 'muezzin'). Politics101malaysia
  • All the injured were admitted to a nearby hospital, where Khatoon's grand-daughter and another villager identified as Hemant succumbed. Daily News & Analysis
  • _mima_ "water," in Hebrew _shâmayim_ and _mayim_, which we gather from the cuneiform spelling have been wrongly punctuated by the Masoretes, as well as _khaya_ "living," the Hebrew _khai_, and _makhsû_, "they have smitten him," the Hebrew _makhatsu_. Patriarchal Palestine
  • Manusia manusia sedemikian sudah semakin banyak yang hadir dan ujud dikalangan kita yang mengaku sebagai umat Islam, bertuhankan Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala dan bernabikan Muhammad ibni Abdullah, Khataman Nabiyyi, Rahmatulil Alamin, Rasulullah Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam, sudah berani mempersendakan hukum hakam Allah Azza Wa Jalla dan Sunnah Nabi? MAHAGURU58
  • Mead was probably the first human-made intoxicant, barring potions brewed from various solanaceous psychoactives - peyote, khat, mandrake, poisonous toads, etc.
  • For six months, Minati Khatua, 27, from Orissa, India, was told by her husband that they could not consummate their marriage because "he" was observing a religious ritual.
  • In meetings with government officials to thrash out problems, participants typically chew khat, a mildly narcotic plant that is widely consumed in Yemen but banned in many places around the world.
  • It was a nice contrast to the choko khatsé, a spiced potato side dish that was almost tongue-searing in comparison.
  • On an average day, ten light planes take off from the airport loaded with khat, locally known as miraa. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Reformist leaders in the majlis regularly blast President Khatami for failing to tackle a long list of economic and social issues.

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