
key signature

  1. the sharps or flats that follow the clef and indicate the key

How To Use key signature In A Sentence

  • While some tonalities require the use of black keys, no key signatures are employed.
  • Sharps and flats are introduced near the end of the book, but different key signatures are not discussed or used in Book 1.
  • Suddenly my whole musical existence moved into a new key signature.
  • There are two sharps in the key signature of D major.
  • Even when the key signatures are not difficult, there are many accidentals due to chromatic movements and seventh chords.
  • But of course the key signature has to be mentally re-adjusted too!
  • Some basics of music theory also are explained including scales, key signatures, chords, intervals, transposition and the circle of fifths.
  • This last may also be in a key signature to show changes in key.
  • There are two sharps in the key signature of D major.
  • Musical literacy requires knowledge of major and minor scales, key signatures, intervals and triad spelling.
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