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How To Use Kettle In A Sentence

  • Following the sound, Silk found himself among the sellers he sought Hobbled deer reared and plunged, their soft brown eyes wild with fright; a huge snake lifted its flat, malevolent head, hissing like a kettle on the stove; live salmon gasped and splashed in murky, glass-fronted tanks; pigs grunted, lambs baaed, chickens squawked, and milling goats eyed passersby with curiosity and sharp suspicion. Nightside The Long Sun
  • In the midst of the church stood 12. waxe tapers of two yards long, and a fathom about in bignesse, and there stands a kettle full of waxe with about 100. weight, wherein there is alwayes the wicke of a candle burning, as it were a lampe which goeth not out day nor night. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 03
  • Pennsylvania and territories thereof; viz. 20 guns, 20 fathoms matchcoat, 20 fathoms stroud-water, 20 blankets, 20 kettles, 20 lbs. Traditions of the North American Indians, Vol. 2 (of 3)
  • At the bottom of the staircase a door opens into the white painted kitchen, where a small cooker supports an oversized kettle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Along with this, the arena's main concourse is narrow and crammed with useless kiosks selling everything from caramel apples to nachos to kettle corn, making the walk to the one smoking area something of a slow death march for the nicotine needy. From the Floor: A Happy Slab of Sandwich Meat
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  • Fighting with a sabre is a very different kettle of the piscine variety compared to the rapier. Cold Steel and Hot Blood
  • Due to a combination of cowardice, claustrophobia and Crohn's disease, I do not react well to being kettled at marches.
  • Each man was surrounded by an absolute armada of percussion: Bongos, congas, sambas and tom toms; high-hats, kettles, timpani and snares.
  • What I fail to understand is, if sitting in front of the telly getting bladdered and shoving kettle chips down our gullets is so good for the economy, why don't we all do it all the time? Thai buffalo racing gives royal wedding sycophancy a run for its money | Martin Kelner
  • She walked over to the sink, filling the teakettle with water. BLINDSIGHTED
  • The troublemakers are being 'kettled' around Nelson's Column by a ring of several hundred officers.
  • She gained notoriety when she joined student protestors in Millbank Tower, the home of CCHQ, and tweeted live from within the kettle.
  • Mozart's ‘last words’ were his attempt to produce the sound of the kettledrums in his Requiem.
  • The apothecary cooked the medicinal mixture in a big iron kettle
  • The suction-stage, middle-stage, discharge-stage, diffusor and bearing support forms a working chamber and shaft, impeller, balance kettle and shaft sleeve are pump rotor parts.
  • The kettle needs a new element.
  • Any crisis can be resolved by putting the kettle on. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rain's playing muffled kettledrums on our roof, shimmering like sheets of cellophane outside.
  • Water was boiled in kettles, saucepans and other containers on the top of the stove, and baking done in the oven.
  • She put the kettle on the gas stove.
  • Once again the kettle will be on the boil and the ladies committee will look after the guests.
  • Now here, thinks I, is a bonny kettle of fish, for Margaret was sitting with us, but for all the suddenness of it she never geed her beaver, and I kent then that she had word some way. The McBrides A Romance of Arran
  • They kept the kettle on the boil all day.
  • No more resonance than a quarter hitting the bottom of a Salvation Army Christmas kettle.
  • The commons authorities reported a rise in employees seeking permission to instal electric kettles and toasters in their offices to save money. MPs push to turn House of Commons into tourist attraction
  • The kettle geysered all over the stove.
  • He headed straight for his kettle and teapot, not even pausing as he pulled off his hat and mask and tossed them on the couch.
  • Water was boiled in kettles, saucepans and other containers on the top of the stove, and baking done in the oven.
  • Another cylinder of gas is required to fuel the single ring burner used to boil the kettle.
  • She loved people to call, and the welcome was always there, because the kettle was always on the boil, and her face would light up when she would come to the door.
  • BDownstairs, at the neighboring La Colonial Market, an employee barbecues chicken in a black kettle on the sidewalk.
  • Kettles were extremely durable and easily transported by nesting them inside one another.
  • (TIM-puh-nee) Italian for kettledrums; the term timpani is often preferred by composers and performers. Timpani
  • That turned out to be fanciful thinking as instead I found myself in a warm and cheerful place with assistants hard at work and a kettle on the boil, and if there was a funny smell it was, Polly assured me, just her lamb stew at lunch, not the waft of an odorous beast she'd flayed. Kisa Lala: Sculpting Corpses: A Conversation With Taxidermy Artist Polly Morgan
  • Socinians, and Quakers: all of whom Kettledrummle proposed, by one sweeping act, to expel from the land, and thus re-edify in its integrity the beauty of the sanctuary. Old Mortality
  • Then, whoever is 'it,' begins to ask questions, and we answer, only we put the word 'teakettle' in place of the real word. Cricket at the Seashore
  • Alpiew mused as she poured water from a large ewer into the kettle. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • And until recently we were using a kettle from the same period. Things I Found in my Mother-in-Law's House: The Kitchen
  • To call him petulant is kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. MN GOP calls Franken-Lieberman incident an 'embarrassment'
  • I was dreaming of a kettle of furmety of Madge's making.
  • Apart from patriotic music, all bands played both English and Indian music with two circular bass, two euphoniums, eight trumpets, two bass drums, four kettle drums and a cymbal.
  • Other members of the public who had been passing through the area were confined inside a police kettle for five hours or more.
  • Ask them to help you cross the road, or to take you down to the post office, or to put the kettle on, pet.
  • Breaking Bad has a way of investing everyday objects — a teakettle, a box cutter, a local car wash — with ominous significance, reminders in a bleak sun-blasted Albuquerque landscape that the wages of sin are messy and a corrupted soul can't be easily cleansed. Roush Review: Breaking Bad and Other Weekend Picks
  • There is little point in attempting anything practical: boiling a kettle on the living room floor is ill-advised with three pre-schoolers tugging at the flex.
  • I put the kettle on (tea and coffee are in a nice wooden box, pity no fresh milk in the minifridge) and go to throw open … oh no, health and safety's window police have been at it again. Hotel review | Cathedral Quarter Hotel, Derby
  • Presently she came back with a kettle of water still warm from the noon fire and a bundle of clean rags.
  • The kettle was as black as a cannonball that had lain three weeks at Borodino, though the water seemed clean enough. THE OPEN DOOR
  • Wrapped in a towel, dripping water onto the sea-grass, I traipse to the kitchen and switch on the kettle. CHAMELEON
  • What's left behind are new surfaces: kettle moraines, outwash plains, pingos, scoured barren grounds.
  • Stand tall with a kettle bell in left hand and arm fully extended above your head. The Sun
  • In the kitchen there were three fires blazing, stacks of _Bratwurst_ on the tables, great kettles for the sour-krout and potatoes, and eggs, lettuce, and other finer viands, for the dignitaries, on the shelves. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 118, August, 1867
  • The muck then sticks to the insides of such things as water heaters, teakettles, and plumbing pipes.
  • At least in the imaginary versions for bass tuba or kettledrum I wager to say that he is right.
  • I had to boil up the water in an old kettle with a frayed wire.
  • These teapots, reflecting interest in the simple, clean lines of polyhedral Japanese tea-kettles, were made in very limited numbers in silver and electroplate.
  • Having knowledge is one thing but being able to communicate it to others is another kettle of fish.
  • He boiled tea for the customers in an enormous, pitted stainless-steel kettle, watching with furious concentration as the water seethed, overspilled, and sizzled into the gas flame. THE WHITE TIGER
  • A seaside council which stripped deckchairs, crockery, kettles and hotplates out of its chalets to save money is putting them in a museum ready for the day they become collector's items.
  • HARRIS: A kettle full of cash for needily families. CNN Transcript Dec 13, 2007
  • Stand tall with a kettle bell in left hand and arm fully extended above your head. The Sun
  • He said that officers forced demonstrators into such a tight "kettle" on Westminster Bridge that they were in danger of being seriously crushed or pushed into the freezing River Thames.
  • Waste heat recovered from the boiling kettle and from wort (unfermented beer) as it's cooled down is used to heat water for brewing and for cleaning the tanks.
  • It is not log cabins and tea kettles over open fires. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their instruments include long wooden drums, kettlegongs, knobbed gongs, cymbals, bamboo beaters, flutes, and buffalo horns.
  • Boil kettle and half-fill a spacious wide pan with water. Times, Sunday Times
  • While waiting for the kettle to boil, she stood at the window watching the rain.
  • The kettle was singing away on the stove.
  • A hard gray crust had formed on the bottom of the tea kettle.
  • The man placed a blanket over his shoulders and crossed to the sink to light a small paraffin stove under the kettle. A Roomful of Birds - Scottish short stories 1990
  • It's probably worth checking to see if the kitchen has a kettle and toaster. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'll put the kettle on and make us some tea.
  • No kettle, minibar or plug sockets by the bed, though. Times, Sunday Times
  • She sounds like an old electric kettle on the boil.
  • Little "kickshaws" for Polly lay on the table before him, and a small fire burned in the grate, with a huge kettle thereon. Philosopher Jack
  • Laughs I'm like the kettledrum just before the big splash! Walt Willey Weighs in on All My Children's New Love Triangle
  • The main parts of pump are suction-stage, middle-stage, discharge-stage, bearing support, motor support, impeller, diffusor, shaft, shaft bearing, shaft sleeve, balance kettle, balance sleeve etc.
  • The general response to the lawsuits was that it was the pot calling the teakettle black," said Billy Pidgeon, a game analyst with M2Research. The Seattle Times
  • The kettle on the hob is the friend of the family," she said gaily. The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
  • Use a kettle with an automatic cut-out so it doesn't boil for longer than necessary.
  • In Norman's house the kettle was on the boil and a strange reception committee awaited us.
  • Stand tall with a kettle bell in left hand and arm fully extended above your head. The Sun
  • Stand tall with a kettle bell just below chest height. The Sun
  • -- A gas stove for cooking, or _gas range_, as it is frequently called, consists of an oven, a broiler, and several burners over which are plates to hold pans, pots, and kettles in which food is to be cooked. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 1: Essentials of Cookery; Cereals; Bread; Hot Breads
  • Your house detects you need cheering up, so puts the kettle on and plays your favourite song. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the roads in Salem, Oregon, smell like French fries, thank Kettle Foods - a snack-food biz whose company cars run on biodiesel made from safflower and sunflower cooking oils.
  • As we had no oven, mother had what we called a bake kettle; this was a flat, low kettle, with a cast cover, the rim of which turned up an inch or two, to hold coals. The Bark Covered House
  • Pour a bottle of white wine into a large fish kettle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Officials at the Independent Police Complaints Commission said a woman has claimed she was assaulted while held in a kettle.
  • I got one of these for my grandmother last year, because she is blind and forgetful and had burned the bottom out of two teakettles.
  • There were 4,500 people within the kettle.
  • I can't pick the kettle up - the handle's too hot.
  • An additional burial ground at Kettlewell Church was consecrated.
  • She emptied both their mugs and switched on the electric kettle.
  • This, and the story in "Arachne," how she let him touch the tea-kettle; and the reminiscences in "Præterita" of playthings locked up, and a lone little boy staring at the water-cart and the pattern on the carpet -- all these give a gloomy impression of his mother, against which we must set the proofs of affection and kindliness shown in her letters. The Life of John Ruskin
  • Men who lifted these weights were called girevik, from the Russian word for kettlebell, girya Undefined
  • Elise, relieved, tried to vent some of her indignation like a teakettle spouts steam.
  • There is a whiff of conspiracy in the air and it reeks pungently of Chardonnay glugging down the plug hole and just a dash of carpet-trampled kettle chips.
  • I put on gloves, boiled up a kettleful, and just poured, then rubbed, then poured. . . I Hate Entropy (and the feeling's mutual) - A Dress A Day
  • The night's milking is skimmed in the morning, and the morning's milk is skimmed about two o'clock in the afternoon: the two are then mixed together and put into a large copper kettle, suspended over a fire by a crane. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • A double falciform ejection of water vapour from under the kettlelid at both sides simultaneously. Ulysses
  • The scale on the surface of the kettle has sloughed off.
  • Senior Army officers and civic leaders, headed by the Mayor of Scarborough Sheila Kettlewell, will also attend.
  • This hill, or rather cluster of hills, is surrounded on one side by a reach of Cork Harbour, over which it looks in the most advantageous manner; and on the other by an irriguous vale, through which flows the river Glanmire; the opposite shore of that river has every variety that can unite to form pleasing landscapes for the views from Dunkettle grounds; in some places narrow glens, the bottoms of which are quite filled with water, and the steep banks covered with thick woods that spread a deep shade; in others the vale opens to form the site of a pretty cheerful village, overhung by hill and wood: here the shore rises gradually into large inclosures, which spread over the hills, stretching beyond each other; and there the vale melts again into a milder variety of fields. A Tour in Ireland 1776-1779
  • The game around Barnsley was known as Potty Knocking or just Knurr as the Knurr is a ceramic sphere about 15 mm in diameter commonly used in the kettles of the pre-war era to stop limescale furring it up.
  • The stores that sold cheap aluminum teakettles, Chinese notebooks, and plastic flowers were bursting with gigantic red Mylar bows and potted poinsettias. Day of Honey
  • _ Made of lattin; as a lattin saucepan, a lattin teakettle, &c. The Dialect of the West of England; Particularly Somersetshire
  • After unpacking my sleeping bag, toothbrush and kettle, I was gasping for a cup of tea.
  • Steam rises from the kettle and the pork chops sizzle, licked by flames from the dripping, igniting fat.
  • The beaux distinguished themselves by their adroitness in replenishing this pot from a huge copper tea-kettle which would have made the pigmy macaronies of these degenerate days sweat merely to look at it. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 8
  • The company designed and built the blending kettles producing the dope that is extruded through an adjustable spinneret.
  • I'll put the kettle on for tea.
  • Soon the fire was lit, a tea kettle whistling. Tommy's Honour: The Extraordinary Story of Golf's Founding Father and Son
  • High in the air probably 1000 feet up I saw a small group of rooks riding a thermal just like they were a kettle of broad-wing hawks.
  • Neverthelesse I finding him once of a good humour and on the point of honnour encourages his son to break the kettle and take the hattchett and to be gon to the forraigne nations, and that was of courage and of great renowne to see the father of one parte and the son of another part, & that he should not mispraise if he should seperat from him, but that it was the quickest way to make the world tremble, & by that means have liberty everywhere by vanquishing the mortall enemy of his nation; uppon this I venture to aske him what I was. Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson
  • Setting the kettle down, Kiyoshi made as if to examine his face in the reflection, and then splashed water onto it as if washing it.
  • When you fall down a flight of stairs, it's core that keeps you upright rather than ass over teakettle. Superstars. blighted ones.
  • The element in our last kettle was impervious to descaler and had started to resemble a chilly tundra.
  • I put it in a large mixing bowl with a capful of detergent and poured boiling water from a kettle onto the square.
  • I don't like the design of this kettle.
  • Kettledrummle was taen near us -- for Andrew Wilson's naig that he was riding on had been a dragooner lang syne, and the sairer Kettledrummle spurred to win awa, the readier the dour beast ran to the dragoons when he saw them draw up. Old Mortality, Volume 1.
  • She boiled the kettle again and made a cup of tea with slightly sour milk.
  • Put the top back on, and turn on the kettle.
  • In the bizarre world of British public service culture, a kettle is dangerous but severe under-manning on the streets is not. Nanny Knows Best « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Their houses (as I haue sayd) are for the most part made of bricke, not burned but only dried in the Sunne: In their houses they haue but litle furniture of houshold stuffe, except it be their carpets and some copper worke: for all their kettles and dishes wherein they eate, are of copper. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Kettle Belly spoke rapidly in a tongue that meant nothing to Whandall, but he thought he heard the word harpy. The Burning City
  • Heat the olive oil in a medium pan over a medium heat and put a full kettle on to boil. Times, Sunday Times
  • The image that comes most readily to mind is that of a kettle failing to boil because the lid's been left off.
  • He lit a Gauloise and together they waited for the kettle to boil.
  • On shore, the rice was dried in the sun, and then parched in a kettle to loosen the hull.
  • Heat the olive oil in a medium pan over a medium heat and put a full kettle on to boil. Times, Sunday Times
  • And a penumbra is a different kettle of fish entirely–the metaphor was used by Justice Douglas in Griswold v. The Volokh Conspiracy » The First Amendment and Advertisements of Legal Prostitution
  • Noises can be so painful that a child may cover their eyes and scream at the sound of a teakettle.
  • The kettle began to whistle and hiss on the stove.
  • Soon afterwards, in 1844, Milwaukee had a coppersmith and a brand new forty barrel kettle was created for Lake Brewery. My Book Report - Richard Owen and Lake Brewery
  • Concertos for the timpani or kettledrums, the big boys of the orchestra, are certainly unusual but not entirely neglected.
  • Here there's a nice 1898 Arts and Crafts style house, sheltered by beech copses with kettle nest boxes and carpeted yellow by winter aconites.
  • Playing for the reserve team is a totally different kettle of fish.
  • Ice contact features known to early geologists included kettles (correctly interpreted by Whittlesey in 1859) and kames.
  • But surely the Yeoman would have lit the way with a lanthorn...' Alpiew placed the kettle on the hook and swung it over the fire. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • It is topped off with clove scented apple jelly together with steaming cups of leaf tea brewed from the kettle ever boiling on the hob.
  • Water heated by the stove has overbrimmed the kettle.
  • When the jellying point has been reached, remove the kettle from the fire, skim the jelly and pour immediately into hot, sterilized glasses, which have been set on a cloth wrung out of hot water to prevent breaking. Every Step in Canning
  • Her husband broke the news to her, and the couple celebrated by putting the kettle on and sitting down with a cup of tea.
  • We ask for manuka honey, a kettle with some hot water, ginger and lemon. The Sun
  • Stand tall with a kettle bell in left hand and arm fully extended above your head. The Sun
  • Pour a kettle of boiling water over the onions.
  • put the kettle on the fire
  • Financial Times pronounced its Kettle Brand sea salt and balsamic vinegar chips tops in a taste test of "gourmet salt and vinegar crisps" which is what they call potato chips over there. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • It's amusing/nauseous/eyeballbleed-causing that the highly tarnished "pots" (the Cable, Telco and Wireless monopolies) are calling the ideologically disadvantaged "kettles" black. Multichannel News: Business News
  • She was busy shaking her tambourine by the glass kettle half-filled with coins. 52449_CLARA
  • Really, Hillary supporters should quit calling the kettle black. Obama: Dem Race Is Like A Good Movie That's Gone On Too Long
  • How can a silent teapot, a kettle of boiling water and the delicate aroma of tea possibly compete?
  • The output for these furnaces was pig iron, a coarse and brittle product that could be used only for casting crude heavy items such as kettles, stove plates, and firebacks.
  • Don't inhale steam from a kettle, you may get scalded.
  • She's not nervous about speaking to a lot of people, but speaking to a TV camera is a different kettle of fish.
  • Boil slowly for fifteen minutes in an enameled or acid-proof kettle. Every Step in Canning
  • Instead, we recover heat from the boiling kettle and from wort [unfermented beer] as it's cooled down from boiling temperatures to fermentation temperatures.
  • Wrapped in a towel, dripping water onto the sea-grass, I traipse to the kitchen and switch on the kettle. CHAMELEON
  • She put the kettle on the gas stove.
  • Keep on walking if the coin kettle is not attached to a tripod, as it's likely been stolen. Donating your money do's and don'ts
  • It's probably because that's where the kettle is, and you can get very dry having a friendly argument.
  • If you must, you can put the kettle, toaster and coffee machine back. Times, Sunday Times
  • The kettle is plugged in and soon the soothing sound of boiling water -- the splash as the water hits tea bag -- steam rises, flavour is released -- as soon the tension will be. And Number ...
  • 'kettledrum' and that one's 'at home' you will be bored to death by hearing their version of it, so you might as well do one thing as the other. Honor Edgeworth Ottawa's Present Tense
  • Those who still admire Ezra Pound's pretentious poetry will presumably enjoy listening to him reciting while thumping on a kettledrum.
  • When he was home from school at age 14, he upset a kettle of boiling water on his right side, burning his arm so badly that the doctor feared gangrene.
  • No kettle, minibar or plug sockets by the bed, though. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a kettle, but no minibar and no room service. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then transparent china teacups, no larger than half an egg-shell, make their appearance, and the ladies are offered a few drops of sugarless tea, poured out of toy kettles, or a sip of 'saki' -- (a spirit made from rice which it is the custom to serve hot, in elegantly shaped vases, long-necked like a heron's throat). The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • Steam rises from the kettle and the pork chops sizzle, licked by flames from the dripping, igniting fat.
  • Both families have found themselves frequently without lighting, heating, hot water or use of electrical appliances such as the cooker or kettle.
  • As the kettle began to boil, she realised that the mugs she needed were stowed beneath the sink.
  • But there aren't many gizmos that can hold a permanent place on the kitchen work surface alongside the trusted toaster and kettle. The Sun
  • The switch on the kettle won't stay down.
  • Judges dismissed their argument that their detention within the kettle in freezing temperatures without food or water for over six hours had breached their human rights.
  • By five o'clock, Mrs Grundy has managed, with the connivance of Jack the driver, somehow or other to boil the kettle, and a cup of tea is ready for all who are inclined to partake. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 441 Volume 17, New Series, June 12, 1852
  • While there was a stew simmering in the kettle, McCole gathered her courage sat down near Terrance.
  • Lift the kettlebell with your right arm so it is parallel to your body. The Sun
  • Immediately reverse direction and drive through with your hips, pulling the kettlebell up and toward your body as if starting a lawnmower.
  • Steam rose from the boiling kettle.
  • A radio will be on in the kitchen, ditto the bathroom, to avoid missing a result when boiling a kettle or having a pee.
  • The design of the tea-kettle addresses by its pyramidal form the functional requirement for maximum stability.
  • Copper bowls may be used for beating egg whites, or copper kettles for cooking high sugar foods like fudge, for these foods are alkaline.
  • Verity gave her a small and rather absent smile as she hunted around the kitchen, searching the space near the kettle and the shelves by the window.
  • Usually they worked under the direct or indirect supervision of free men. occasionally they would be treated to a dram of paga or thrown a kettle girl for the evening. “I would have thought, ” said Marcus, “that Ar might have rejoiced these days to obtain even the services of a lad with a beanshooter. ” Magicians of Gor
  • She came to the rescue by boiling up seven kettles of water on her range and arranged for them to be delivered to the school.
  • She was a very welcoming person and always had the kettle on the boil.
  • It affords endless amusement to listen to their endless variety of complaint; some are restless, some spiteful, and some angry, while others sound as merrily as a teakettle, or beat a jolly 'rub-a-dub,' 'rataplan,' that makes a man's soul merry to hear. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 3, September 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • There is a whiff of conspiracy in the air and it reeks pungently of Chardonnay glugging down the plug hole and just a dash of carpet-trampled kettle chips.
  • I've bought him an electric kettle. The Sun
  • Hold the kettlebell with an overhand grip. The Sun
  • The most typical images show the expansive cooking fireplace with a substantial fire blazing away and assorted pots and kettles nearby.
  • They filled two trolleys with crockery, kettles, pots and pans and all the other impedimenta needed to kit out a new home.
  • We want to buy Vacuum Cleaner, Capet Washen, Food Processor, Barbeque Grill, Kettle, Hair Dryer, Juicers , Mixers.
  • The man placed a blanket over his shoulders and crossed to the sink to light a small paraffin stove under the kettle. A Roomful of Birds - Scottish short stories 1990
  • At the kettle, I brew up. Times, Sunday Times
  • So if you want a happy and less stressful life in 2017, put your coffee machine in the bin and go back to a kettle. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had to boil up the water in an old kettle with a frayed wire.
  • Take a deep breath then exhale and explode up on your toes, pulling the kettle bell up to chest height. The Sun

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