
How To Use Kerosene In A Sentence

  • Nowadays she heats her place with a cast-iron stove perched on firebricks in the living room, cooks with propane, and does her beadwork at night by the light of a kerosene lamp while listening to a battery-operated radio.
  • To avoid having sodium react with oxygen or water vapor in the air, it is usually stored under kerosene, naphtha, or some other organic liquid with which it does not react.
  • I take in the dock-green porch swing , the birch-leg table , the twin BED where my sister sleeps , the smoky glass of the kerosene lantern.
  • It appears that there was a slight leak right from the beginning, just a tiny drip but anyone who's been around kerosene will know that a tiny drip makes an enormous pong.
  • He called this oil “kerosene”—from Keros and elaion, the Greek words, respectively, for “wax” and “oil,” altering the elaion to ene, so that his product would sound more like the familiar camphene. The Prize
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  • With a sparky elderflower scent and grapey, kerosene palate, you get plenty of bang for your buck here. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to treating with insecticides, legs may be dipped in a mixture of two parts raw linseed oil and kerosene.
  • A stream of water flows onto the figure's head; its shiny white beard reflects the light from the kerosene lamp.
  • Kerosene is also used as a fuel for tractors and power generators and as a solvent for garden chemicals such as weedkillers and insecticides.
  • By the end of the century, kerosene had become the chief product of American oil refineries.
  • It is adaptable to vacuum plating. Gaseous drying of kerosene vacuum impregnation, vacuum drying. Dehydration, vacuum metallurgy and so on.
  • It was cool and dark there, and on a low table by the bed there was already a kerosene lamp burning dully through its dirty chimney.
  • The refinery is the nation's largest producer of gasoline, kerosene and other refined products.
  • Oscar's three children grew up knowing nothing of stickball in the streets or kerosene in the hair.
  • Adequate stocks of essential commodities such as rice, maida, wheat, kerosene and matchboxes were kept ready for distribution to people in case of any emergency.
  • If you use an unvented natural gas, propane, or kerosene space heater, all the products of combustion, including water vapor, are exhausted directly into your living space.
  • There was wood all around the base and the smell of kerosene was thick in the cold air.
  • Now add jet fuel (basically kerosene) into it, turned into an aerosol from a catastrophic impact. 9/11 Truth and the Paranoid Style - Boing Boing
  • Torches soaked in kerosene, ready to burn my house down? TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS FOR NOVEMBER 18TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • The rules of the Petrolia Oil Exchange provide that refined kerosene shall be of the odor "locally known as inoffensive," and shall Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887
  • He, who neither drank nor smoked, who never wasted the weight of his arms in an embrace, nor the touch of his lips a second longer than the most perfunctory of kisses, who was invariably up before cockcrow and asleep ere the kerosene lamp had a tenth emptied itself, and who never thought to die, was dead even more quickly than Brother Hal and Prince Lilolilo. ON THE MAKALOA MAT
  • The room was lit by a single kerosene hurricane lamp in the center of the table and a few candles.
  • Solar panels are a good investment for customers, who would otherwise use kerosene or rechargeable batteries for electricity.
  • The bubbler is a tank containing a mixture of water and hydrocarbons (gasoline, diesel, kerosene, crude oils and others derived from hydrocarbons ...). Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • There is no water, no electricity, no kerosene, no propane, no benzine, no security.
  • The price of petrol, diesel and kerosene has gone up four times since February.
  • Layla Abdel-Qader, 49, a housewife, said she buys kerosene from the vendors every winter. Kerosene shortage spurs thriving resale market
  • Prior to kerosene lamps, most lamps consisted of whale blubber.
  • People in squatter cities pay about $75.00 per year for kerosene. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » NASA Design Contest Update
  • Many kinds of illumination methods, such as torch, oil lamp, candle, kerosene lamp, gas lamp, electric light, and so on, have been applied in the human history.
  • Early types of gasoline were produced as a byproduct of the process used to make kerosene fuel for oil lamps.
  • We used kerosene lamps and stood in line for hours with buckets to draw water from a public water pipe.
  • LOX, kerosene and gimbaled engines, now there's an idea .. One Tenth Scale Saturn V to Fly - NASA Watch
  • Kerosene is volatile, flammable and leaks very easily from containers.
  • And then it was bed-time — kerosene must be economized — and he wound his watch, entered the weather in his diary, and took off his shoes, the right shoe first, and placed them, just so, side by side, at the foot of the bed on his side. ON THE MAKALOA MAT
  • All the other rooms were lit by candles and kerosene, seeing as their building had not been wired with electricity yet.
  • Kerosene has been used to light pyres constructed of coal slag, old tyres and tar-soaked rail sleepers.
  • California requires unvented kerosene heaters to bear a label stating “not for residential use.” HOME COMFORTS
  • Rub the bedsteads in the joints with equal parts of spirits of turpentine and kerosene oil, and the cracks of the surbase in rooms where there are many. Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • The price of petrol, diesel and kerosene has gone up four times since February.
  • Alternatively, damp a cloth with kerosene oil and carefully wipe the insects off with it.
  • A kerosene shortage has made matters worse, since that fuel normally powers crematories. Desperate, Japan Buries Dead in Mass Graves
  • At one roadside stall, children filled polythene bags with just enough kerosene to keep the family stove burning for one more evening.
  • With no duty on kerosene in the north, smugglers are bringing heating oil south by the ton.
  • We have many years of experience in producing kerosene cooking stove, kerosene heater enamel product, etc.
  • It has also highlighted, again like past committees, the need to eliminate adulteration which is leading to a leakage of as much as 35 percent of kerosene supplies from the public distribution system. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Diesel, a middle distillate like kerosene (jet fuel) and heating oil, is easier and cheaper to refine from even sludgy oil.
  • I take in the dock-green porch swing, the birch-leg table, the twin bed where my sister sleeps, the smoky gloss of the kerosene lantern.
  • Appliances such as humidifiers, kerosene and gas heaters, and gas stoves add moisture to the air.
  • In case it becomes "gummed" a drop of kerosene on the parts that have been oiled will cut the gum. Textiles and Clothing
  • They rounded a few turns, and the blackness was relieved by a bizarre variety of objects carefully nestled into wall niches: candles, oil lamps, kerosene lanterns.
  • Higher oil prices have added to the cost of petrol, diesel, kerosene and gas as well as transport.
  • People used kerosene for cooking and lighting, which was dangerous because of the thatched roofs.
  • He also invented a home-brewed replacement for that sooty kerosene - ethanol alcohol distilled from sweet sorghum using solar energy.
  • I don't have any personal experience, but I have been told that kerosene is better than motor oil because it does not darken the tile as much. Sealing saltillo tiles
  • On a dilapidated black-and-white television sits an old kerosene lamp which he lights when a blackout plunges him into darkness.
  • Barium sulfonate and barium soap of petroleum ester oxide were dissolved in kerosene or machine oil to prepare oil-soluble corrosion inhibitor.
  • She poured herself a second glass of wine and shut down the kerosene lamp, which was attracting moths. FOLLY
  • The rough bare boards of the walls, naked but for one old picture of a horse cut from a magazine, carefully pasted upside down, and probably designed chiefly to cover some defective spot that was admitting too much coldness; the crazy table shaking with every gust and causing a tiny kerosene lamp to flare up and menace the dim religious darkness by depositing even more lamp-black than was its wont on its already negrine globe; the meagre board of dark bread, "oleo," and molasses; the weird minstrelsy of the hurricane -- the whole a harmony of poverty and war. Labrador Days Tales of the Sea Toilers
  • Already exhibiting the characteristic kerosene aromas of the grape, this example is bone dry with a little effervescence.
  • Instead of electricity, there were kerosene lanterns.
  • Do not use kerosene or fuel oil emulsions as they can cause undesirable flavors in fish.
  • Many pieces of wood, soaked with kerosene made a splendid fire in the barbecue pit.
  • Never use gasoline in a kerosene heater because it can cause a fire or an explosion.
  • Kerosene and butyl xanthate were used as collectors in bulk flotation.
  • As the amine sulfate reacts with the uranyl ions, the uranium is converted from a water-soluble compound into one that is kerosene-soluble.
  • Higher oil prices have added to the cost of petrol, diesel, kerosene and gas as well as transport.
  • A servant lighted a hanging kerosene lamp.
  • Because it is not always possible to transport material by helicopter, troops are often required to carry awkward loads, including kerosene oilcans, rations, and building materials for bunkers.
  • Soldiers check through bags for any banned goods, including diesel, petrol or kerosene.
  • 'Twas only when he got aboard that -- that ungodly, kerosene-smellin ', tootin', buzzin ', Old Harry's gocart of his that the craziness begun to show. The Depot Master
  • Coca paste is another form of cocaine that is 60-80percent cocaine sulfate and can also be smoked. 7 The cocaine sulfate is a byproduct of the purification process of cocaine HCI and the paste may contain such impurities as lead, sulfuric acid, kerosene, and methanol. 5 In past years it had been used mainly by inhabitants of coca plant producing countries such as Peru7 but since 1982 has also become popular in the United States. 3 However, alkaloidal cocaine remains the predominant new form in use today. Cocaine Toxicity
  • The leased land was mostly barren, there were only nine golf holes laid out, and the clubhouse was a converted farmhouse lit by kerosene lamps.
  • The refinery is the nation's largest producer of gasoline, kerosene and other refined products.
  • She poured herself a second glass of wine and shut down the kerosene lamp, which was attracting moths. FOLLY
  • By mixing vaseline with paraffin a soft wax may be made of any desired degree of softness, and by dissolving vaseline in kerosene an insulating liquid of any degree of viscidity may be obtained. On Laboratory Arts
  • Since there is no gas, his cook often has to make dinner using kerosene stoves and a hotplate on the kitchen floor.
  • The government banned import of kerosene by claiming that imported kerosene is going into diesel adulteration. Outlook India
  • There is no duty on kerosene when it is used as heating oil but it can be mixed with diesel to run engines.
  • Today, most forms of transportation depend on the combustion of a hydrocarbon fuel such as gasoline, kerosene, or diesel oil to produce the energy that drives pistons and moves the vehicles on which modern society depends.
  • The camp has solar panels, revolutionary dry latrines, a whole lot of candlelight and kerosene light, and a mandate to be good to the land and people.
  • Keep combustible liquids such as paint thinner, kerosene, charcoal lighter fluid, and turpentine away from heat sources.
  • Some familiar examples include methane, ethane, propane, and kerosene.
  • Sales of petrol, kerosene, gas and other petroleum products were suspended.
  • The midshipmen on board gagged from the stench of jet fuel — a planeload of unburned kerosene rising from shattered tanks on the ocean floor, about 250 feet below. The Crash of EgyptAir 990
  • Aladdin Mantle Lamps use kerosene and emit 60 candlepower of light without smoke or odor.
  • A stoichiometric combustion of kerosene, generally regarded as dodecane, for example ... The Three Irrefutable Facts That Shatter Bush's Official 911 Theory
  • Both are produced by refining crude oil, but the kerosene fraction of the oil is a little heavier.
  • Do you know, he went up to see her with his red hair plastered down with lard until it was a dull maroon colour; his square cotton handkercher was perfumed with kerosene, and I tell you he was a sight and a smell to remember; but Drew's sister stood it without a word. Joyce of the North Woods
  • Get some facts about explosion, deflagration and detonation, be it for gas, kerosene or H2. NASA ESAS Study Appendices Show up on Pay-Per Use Site - NASA Watch
  • He applied business methods to the handling of human beings who, once they had been dehumanised, could be treated no differently from cargoes of kerosene.
  • He smelled like kerosene, Chai tea, and spliff, and incense, and crackling fires.
  • Even small amounts of gasoline or other volatile fuels or solvents mixed with kerosene can substantially increase the risk of a fire or an explosion.
  • Kerosene and diesel oil contribute the most to petroleum subsidy.
  • Wood-burning stoves and fireplaces, like kerosene heaters, produce carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen oxides, in addition to benzopyrene, a carcinogen, and respirable suspended particulates. HOME COMFORTS
  • They were aboard the world's first scheduled biofueled flight, which was powered by kerosene mixed with recycled cooking oil. Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Air
  • The first business of this part of the tongue is, therefore, to warn us emphatically against caustic substances and corrosive acids, against vitriol and kerosene, spirits of wine and ether, capsicums and burning leaves or roots, such as those of the common English lords-and-ladies. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • His 61st story was particularly horrifying: six Sunnis doused in kerosene and burned to death. Weblogs
  • Still, for smokers to light up, there is the small kerosene lamp, its sooty flame guarded by a snipped cigarette packet.
  • The price of petrol, diesel and kerosene has gone up four times since February.
  • When a steady flame blazed up in the kerosene lantern James had been carrying, Pilate's strong hand shoved Ivan into the cool darkness.
  • In the land of oil, they have to queue five hours a day to get kerosene or petrol.
  • You poured kerosene inside your carburettor instead of water Archive 2008-05-01
  • As I glanced towards it, I noticed the soft glow of kerosene lamplight through the two front windows.
  • He was the perfect host, cooking us all potato soup and rice on a kerosene stove.
  • A leakage of kerosene has polluted water supplies.
  • One of the coaches was doused with kerosene and petrol and set on fire.
  • Kenilworth ivy kentia kerosene emulsion kerria kitchen-garden Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
  • The kerosene lamp blew out.
  • They left the truck and took the can of kerosene over to an outside workbench next to the toolshed. VAPOR TRAIL
  • The engines of the Atlas burned a modified aviation fuel, similar to kerosene, with liquid oxygen.
  • The only light in the dug-out was from a kerosene lantern resting on the rough table beside his map. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • The blaze raced through the hold faster than the men could jump to orders; when it hit the kerosene and candles, flames shot through the hatch to the crossjack sail, ten to twenty feet overhead. A Furnace Afloat
  • Several cords of wood were stacked under a car-port roof and also they had a large, brick barbecue with a handy, half-gallon of kerosene in a plastic container.
  • Warm light from kerosene lamps gives the impression of comfort, but despite woolen Oriental carpets insulating the hardwood floor and the heavy oaken wall panels, the cabin is unpleasantly chilly. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Channeling Characters
  • When refined into kerosene, it was the only ‘cheap illuminant that burned in a bright, clean, safe manner,’ by far better than blubber and lard.
  • In addition to the cramped quarters, the streets remained unpaved, and because gas lines had not yet been installed, the families used kerosene lamps.
  • The engines of the Atlas burned a modified aviation fuel, similar to kerosene, with liquid oxygen.
  • The next morning Nataraj asked for an advance on his salary to buy rice, and kerosene for the little stove we provide. I gave it to him.
  • For those people who use kerosene, the fuel price hike will be a heavy burden.
  • Farmers then visit kiosks to purchase spices, kerosene, soap, vegetables or fish, and salt.
  • Homes in villages are lit with paraffin wicks in tin cans filled with kerosene, a substance that is both dangerous and expensive.
  • Conrad smiled, stepping into the swathe of light thrown by the kerosene lamps inside. AMAGANSETT
  • The cart, disguised as a kerosene peddler's wagon, was suspicious because it had no spigot to dispense fuel.
  • Kerosene and the rest of the organic mixture's lighter components evaporated, leaving behind the heavier molecules that make up tar and asphalt.
  • Mr. Aiyar has also asked the ministry to exempt domestic cooking gas LPG and kerosene from customs and excise duties.
  • At room temperature, kerosene is a thin liquid that evaporates easily and smells slightly sweet.
  • This slug is then followed successively by varying quantities of Diesel Fuel, Kerosene, other intermediate products, ordinary grade Gasolene, high octane, premium and Aviation Gasolenes, each succeeding product pushing the others on ahead in the line. Pipe Lines—Canada and Elsewhere
  • These herbicides must be applied in an oil-based carrier such as diesel fuel or kerosene.
  • Extraction of Gallium from high concentration HCl solution using organic phases which composes of TBP and butyl acetic ester, xylene, petroleum ether and kerosene, respectively, are investigated.
  • While kerosene was more plentiful than gasoline, it was also a distillate from petroleum and presented the same problem of finite supply.
  • The engines of the Atlas burned a modified aviation fuel, similar to kerosene, with liquid oxygen.
  • They used kerosene to burn the houses.
  • A three-cylinder, kerosene-fueled engine in the lift house that crowned the center span of the bridge slowed the descent of the counterweights to control the lift span's speed.
  • He also invented a home-brewed replacement for that sooty kerosene - ethanol alcohol distilled from sweet sorghum using solar energy.
  • The woodbin was filled, and even a five-gallon can of kerosene. Just Patty
  • They'll sniff, claw, sample or rub aromatic wood - such as cedar or pine - and petroleum products - such as tarpaper, paint, turpentine, kerosene and charcoal lighting fluid.
  • The company will appoint its distributors among the kerosene oil depot, at three per cent commission.
  • Immediately after weighing the roots were transferred to 250 ml round-bottom flasks, immersed in kerosene and sealed with plastic corks.
  • Do you carry kerosene heaters?
  • They smelled of sheep tallow, woodsmoke and kerosene, and sometimes of whiskey seeping through their pores. Excerpt: Claiming Ground by Laura Bell
  • By mid-1927, the new denaturing formulas included some notable poisons-kerosene and brucine Links
  • The first group includes aliphatic hydrocarbons such as kerosene, mineral spirits, gasoline, naphtha and mineral seal oil. Hydrocarbon Ingestion
  • The tender operated or supervised the hand or kerosene-powered air pump and controlled the rope lifeline to his diver.
  • They left the truck and took the can of kerosene over to an outside workbench next to the toolshed. VAPOR TRAIL
  • To reduce the problem of fuel supply in the cave, they turned to less bulky kerosene.
  • This is the case with regular petrol and I assume it is with avgas and jet fuel (the latter is, as I understand it, basically kerosene). Cheeseburger Gothic » Gentlemen’s Club.
  • Now I see how, in your mind at least, the destruction of which a truckful of fertilizer and kerosene is capable ican be equated with that of a military-grade semi-automatic firearm and thus both items presumably should be equally free from “prohibition”. Think Progress » VIDEO: On Anniversary Of Oklahoma City Bombing, Armed Right-Wing Activists Accuse Obama Of Tyranny
  • But clothes had to be bought, and medicines, and cooking pots and kerosene for the hurricane lamps.
  • Along the bulkhead are the fancy cracker boxes, tempting a man to take one every time he goes below, and under the racks are our kerosene and molasses barrels. Bowdoin Boys in Labrador An Account of the Bowdoin College Scientific Expedition to Labrador led by Prof. Leslie A. Lee of the Biological Department
  • People will be prohibited from purchasing kerosene from other parties.
  • There was no wind to disperse the odor that hung over Kumar like a malignant bouquet: raw kerosene, raw vegetables, raw sewage.
  • He was beaten until he lay writhing helplessly on the ground, whereupon his captors doused his body with kerosene and set it ablaze.
  • The fumes of the kerosene loosen the dirt, which falls into the cotton wool, leaving the works of the clock clean.
  • I've decided camping above ground level is a far more reliable option than the usual deterrents of boric powder and kerosene.
  • Turn off certain appliances (such as humidifiers or kerosene heaters) if you notice moisture on windows and other surfaces.
  • And he used to haul potatoes and onions and sech out to the moored ships, and he'd get the ships 'cooks to save their kerosene tins till they come back at port, and he'd collect 'em and sell 'em for a dime each. Heinold's First and Last Chance Saloon
  • Back in those days, pretty much everyone went to the pub on a Saturday night and after working by himself all week, the Kerosene lantern at the Albert Hotel would act like a beacon as he'd head back into town.
  • Use a small amount of Kerosene in a bucket of water for a shiny finish rather than detergent.
  • Well that and soak his robes in kerosene and hope he stands too close to a burning cross. Think Progress » CIA’s top spy: U.S. intelligence hasn’t ‘suffered at all’ from banning waterboading.
  • The only light in the dug-out was from a kerosene lantern resting on the rough table beside his map. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • Conrad smiled, stepping into the swathe of light thrown by the kerosene lamps inside. AMAGANSETT
  • Kerosene refined from such petroleum helped displace the whale oil that lit lamps in the 19th century and led to the near extinction of many whale species.
  • The building had no electricity, and so the dim interior was lit by a kerosene lamp.
  • Do not use kerosene or fuel oil emulsions as they can cause undesirable flavors in fish.
  • When crokinole was introduced into Homeburg twenty odd years ago, the kerosene wagon had to make an extra mid-week trip. Homeburg Memories
  • May need separate the receiver from the stock; soak the receiver in kerosene for a couple of hours. The Best (and Worst) Shotgun Safeties
  • In the wards, children are crowded two and three in a bed in airless rooms, foetid with the smell of kerosene heaters.
  • Cricket is the national game among the schoolboys of the Punjab, from the naked hedge-school children, who use an old kerosene-tin for wicket, to the B. A.'s of the University, who compete for the Championship belt. Life's Handicap
  • An artist walks down the road carrying a can of kerosene and lights a handstand on fire. Saga For The Eyes
  • The results indicate that the permutation and combination of kerosene and decyl alcohol extracting nickel citrate from wastewater is the best.
  • Higher oil prices have added to the cost of petrol, diesel, kerosene and gas as well as transport.
  • The chemistry plant produces such chemicals as gasoline, kerosene, vaseline and paraffin.
  • Nairobi, Kenya - Just beyond the gated community of Mountain View are the ‘jewakali’ shops that sell kerosene by the jarful to people living in corrugated-steel, dirt-floor shacks without electricity.

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