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Kenneth Kaunda

  1. statesman who led Northern Rhodesia to full independence as Zambia in 1964 and served as Zambia's first president (1924-1999)

How To Use Kenneth Kaunda In A Sentence

  • Independence Party (UNIP) of Kenneth Kaunda of intransigency, making impractical pre-talks conditions. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The political arena was left as a fertile ground for undigested political philosophies from political activists of humbler intellectual backgrounds like Kenneth Kaunda.
  • Others awarded at the ceremony are first republican president Kenneth Kaunda who received the lifetime achievement award for his contribution to the country.
  • I-ANC ithokoza igadangweli lika Dr Kenneth Kaunda oragele phambili ngokungadinwa ijima le Habitat For Humanity, elizaliselela isitjho se Freedom Charter esithi: Kuzakuba nezindlu, ivikeleko kanye nepilo encono kubo boke abantu beSewula Afrika. Houses Built In Mamelodi
  • Mwanawasa, instrumental in Chiluba's 1991 election victory over longtime ruler Kenneth Kaunda, said most delegates admitted to the crucial party convention were "handpicked" Chiluba supporters from provincial and district committees. ANC Daily News Briefing
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