How To Use Kendal In A Sentence

  • Thirty-five minutes after arriving in Kendal I arrived at work.
  • For a two-year period, he worked in the old force control room before moving to Kendal traffic department, later transferring to the North and West Traffic Unit.
  • In the mid-1830s the Kendall settlers gave impetus to the westward movement of Norwegians by founding a settlement in the Fox River area of Illinois.
  • Cabbages and cauliflowers have to go from Jubilee Allotment gardens, Kendal, so the Cumbria Education Department can raise a crop of healthy children.
  • A mother and her 13-month old baby cheated death by moments thanks to a dramatic rescue from their burning home in Kendal.
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  • In the first minute the Kendal striker blasted a shot just wide.
  • Maybe if I twist this ring a little harder I'll get to imagine Kendall again.
  • A Kendal primary school is basking in the warm glow of enthusiastic praise after receiving a flattering report from the judges of a training and development award.
  • The Kendal Traffic Plan was conceived in 1996 as a four-stage scheme.
  • If you happened to be patronising the inns of Kendal on Friday, you no doubt will have noticed a rather merry group of women dressed head-to-toe in pink.
  • A power cut on the busiest shopping day of the week affected both businesses and residents in Kendal.
  • The incident is the second brush with the law for Simpson since he moved to Kendall, 15 miles from Miami, last year.
  • It includes a headcount of every person entering a place of worship in Kendal on a typical Sunday, and the researchers believe it is the first time that such an exercise has been carried out in Britain for 100 years.
  • Green-fingered gardeners are preparing to add a splash of colour to the Auld Grey Town this summer with their entries for the 2004 Kendal in Bloom competition.
  • His header was hacked off the goal line as Kendal looked to double their lead.
  • The bridge has survived flooding, and was repainted in smart Kendal green in the year 2000.
  • A total of 30 staff are employed by the firm at its Kendal and Lancaster offices.
  • Labels: aurora election commission, dupage county election commission, election 2009, kane county elections, kendall county elections, will county elections Archive 2009-04-01
  • A charming SOUBRETTE, great Marie Kendall, with dauby cheeks and lifted skirt smiled daubily from her poster upon William Ulysses
  • Time was — time is — and, if I catch it not by the forelock as it passes, time will be no more — Nettlewood will be forfeited — and if I have in addition a lawsuit for my title, and for Oakendale, I run a risk of being altogether capotted. Saint Ronan's Well
  • The Kendal South programme, directed by Hugh Davies, features Mozart's much loved Requiem, Bruckner motets and an orchestral work, Mozart's Violin Concerto no 3 in G.
  • Motorists were caught up in long traffic tailbacks after an accident caused chaos on the motorway and led to traffic congestion on main routes through Kendal.
  • To better handle the number of Navy students in each class, the galley areas at Kendall College are outfitted with several stainless steel workstations.
  • A Kendal farmer was landed with a £300 fine this week after putting wildlife at risk by polluting a stream with watery cow muck.
  • Kendal managed to construct some incisive moves and penetrating attacks but they came to nothing.
  • The rural dean also attempted to visit Mrs Kendall but his car broke down.
  • I turned my attention to a Kendal mint cake choc ice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Andrea Elvey hit the post before stunning interplay between Jo Martin and Kirsty Ormrod led to Brooks firing in Kendal's second.
  • A dispute over the removal of 21 public payphones from the Kendal area has rumbled on this week with the town council deciding to continue its protest against the decision.
  • Thankfully, our chosen casks were in good condition so we ordered fresh samples for our final selection to be forwarded to Kendal.
  • Kendall and his shadow blotted the tunnel ahead.
  • The situation at the break, 1-0 ahead, was familiar to Kendal but in their three previous matches they had failed to score, conceded goals and lost.
  • We also remain astounded at the amount of money being spent on the pedestrianisation of Kendal, when we have yet to hear from a resident of the town who actually thinks it is a good idea!
  • The game still looked in the balance and Rhodes continued to urge Kendal on with his constant ranting from the back.
  • Meanwhile, Kendal craft baker Simon Thomas is working on a new bread to accompany Cowburn.
  • And I've got another, too -- 'inept' -- and that's what you are now, Patricia Kendall. Miss Pat at School
  • Company spokesman Allen Cohen on Friday said the ads will be removed "in an expeditious manner" after what he described as a cordial conversation late Thursday with White House counsel Kendall Burman, who requested their prompt removal. WIBW - HomePage - Headlines
  • Traffic flow in Kendal could be set for another alteration in an effort to improve safety on a busy stretch of road.
  • Hiring private security would be very expensive, Kendall says: "A couple hundred dollars an hour, around-the-clock guards and their housing — you can imagine what it would look like after a month. Is Casey Anthony in danger after her release Sunday?
  • The team talk at half time woke up Kendal and they opened the scoring within the first 20 seconds of the restart.
  • The youngsters have raised £1,800 towards the almost completed first safe house for Ukrainian waifs and strays, paid for and equipped by Kendal-based charity New Beginnings.
  • I should think it did," Kendal replied; and then their eyes met, and they laughed the healthy instinctive laugh of youth when it is asked to mourn fatuously, which is always a little cruel. A Daughter of To-Day
  • William B. Lewis, prevailed upon by Jackson to accept another auditorship along with Kendall, rather than to follow out his original intention to return to his Tennessee plantation, was not only in the Kitchen Cabinet but was also a member of the President's household. The Reign of Andrew Jackson
  • Sedbergh-based Farfield Mill is hoping those with an eye for plush interiors will warm to its new designer rugs and runners woven from the shaggy fleeces of Kendal Rough Fell sheep.
  • This led to a reciprocal trip by members of Kendal Choral Society to Voiron, in Southern France, in 2004, an area well known for Chartreuse, the liqueur originally created by the Carthusian Monks.
  • Throughout a pulsating and fiercely-contested match, Kendal were unable to please the zealous match official.
  • Philip Sutcliffe, from Appleby Road in Kendal, has to endure the tempting smell of the beer that slowly drains past his feet as the bottles of lager, pils and alcopops fill up around him.
  • When carriages and horses took the perilous shortcut from Lancaster to Kendal a number came to grief, sucked under the sands, or overtaken by an incoming tide, racing at the speed of a galloping horse.
  • Eventually Kendal earned a pot at goal for a ruck offence and Scott put over the 24-metre kick to cut the gap to four points.
  • Wind farm champions clashed with critics at a green energy meeting in Kendal.
  • Daniel was into Kendall in the same way that he was into all hot chicks, but Kendall walking away from him in my driveway was a classic example of how nonseriously she seemed to take him. Freefall
  • Ed's job often takes him to Manchester and London and he has noticed how fashion works in the city and has been shopping for a more modern look in Kendal.
  • Enlightenment came to me during a game of badminton at Kendal Leisure Centre.
  • Close finishes were a feature of the second of the Kendal Winter League series of races at a wind and rainswept Firbank, near Sedbergh, on Sunday.
  • In Kendal, Dalton started to keep a metrological journal, he made his own thermometers, barometers and other instruments.
  • Market day in Kendal was a bit of a let-down for one trader last week.
  • Amerika serikat meluncurkan rudal kendali taktis SM-3 dari USS Lake Erie jenis anti satelit untuk menghancurkan satelit mata-mata mereka di ketinggian 247 km diatas permukaan tanah yang mengelilingi dunia dengan kecepatan 27,400 km/j di atas samudra pasifik. EVENT/INCIDENT 2008 ACCORDING TO DATE(NATIONAL&a
  • It was a severe blow to Kendall's pride.
  • My allegiance to Kendall and his company ran deep.
  • Kendal, whither I had sent all my clothes and viatica; from thence to go to London, and to see whether or no I could arrange my pecuniary matters, so as leaving Mrs. Coleridge all that was necessary to her comforts, to go myself to Madeira, having a persuasion, strong as the life within me, that one winter spent in a really warm, genial climate, would completely restore me. Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey
  • It was also reported that at numerous places on the road from Levens Hall to the entrance to Kendal, several triumphal arches and other forms of decorations were on show.
  • Time was -- time is -- and, if I catch it not by the forelock as it passes, time will be no more -- Nettlewood will be forfeited -- and if I have in addition a lawsuit for my title, and for Oakendale, I run a risk of being altogether capotted. St. Ronan's Well
  • Kendall put the ball in the net early in the game but his strike was ruled out because the umpire had already blown for a short corner.
  • Very soon after the pilot left, Captain Henry George Kendall, on his first trip with the Empress, saw a low-lying collier coming up the river. Bird Cloud
  • Martin L. Bethel, the S.nodical S.nday school missionary, and J.S. May from the Presbytery of Kendall. The Choctaw Freedmen and The Story of Oak Hill Industrial Academy
  • When we first see her in Minneapolis, a slattern in a junk-strewn apartment, she's living on scraps of loveless sex, drinking too much and picking up snatches of kids' conversations here and there, then dropping them into her chronicles of Kendall Strickland, the teenage heroine of a series called Waverly Prep that is, in fact, headed for the dustbin of subliterary history. Nervy 'Young Adult' Dazzles by the Book
  • Kendal remained unshaken by the pounding, the side's fitness and technique plugging any gaps while their solid set-piece work at the scrums and line-outs must have depressed those on the receiving end.
  • Kendal's pack, missing some key men among six absent first-team regulars, suffered in the set scrummage but rucked and mauled well.
  • He said sewer pipes were altered in the 1980s, as part of a major Kendal scheme, and settlement in the ground had probably caused the old and new sections of tubing to collapse.
  • For Saturday's trip to second-from-bottom Preston Grasshoppers, Kendal coach Neil Rollings switches Paul Dodds to full back, displacing Chris Park to the bench.
  • They passed Dan Lowry's musichall where Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, smiled on them from a poster a dauby smile. Ulysses
  • Crace is a designated suburb in the Canberra, district of Gungahlin. It was named after Edward Kendall Crace.
  • Kendall let out a slow sigh and turned to face Elma who had returned to her boiling kettle of water, lifting out steaming clothing with a thick stick.
  • The decision to completely replace the roof in 1998 was made after getting roofer Kendall's advice, who advised that it would be cheaper and better to just redo the whole roof rather than to repair the insufficiencies.
  • A soul infused night is on offer tonight at Kendal's Tintos with a hard-core clubber turned international DJ pro.
  • The con happened a week after a nine-year-old boy was used as a decoy in three distraction burglaries in Kendal and Windermere, during which wallets and purses were stolen.
  • According to initial plans the garden is to be created on Kendal's historic Waterside and is planned as a memorial to the town's industrial heritage based in the area during the 19th century.
  • Kendall wrinkled her nose enhancing her freckles splattered across her face.
  • When they arrived at the quayside, the Kendall-Humes' boat was already half way across the bay heading towards the quiet beach.
  • It was a severe blow to Kendall's pride.
  • Kendal's Brewery Arts Centre serves up a double helping for jazz fans during the next month.
  • Kendall, you want to run and scootch your car over so I can pull out? Freefall
  • The budding actors were hand-picked from hundreds of young hopefuls who auditioned for the parts at Kendal Town Hall earlier this year.
  • The budding actors were hand-picked from hundreds of young hopefuls who auditioned for the parts at Kendal Town Hall earlier this year.
  • Kendall keeps a low profile, refusing to grant on-the-record interviews with the news media.
  • The budding actors were hand-picked from hundreds of young hopefuls who auditioned for the parts at Kendal Town Hall earlier this year.
  • The scoreline flattered the opposition, who only entered Kendal's area twice in the first half and had few shots all game.
  • On that basis, the clergy of the Kendal deanery thought it would be better to have a local crematorium.
  • A Kendal nurse is learning to treat snakebites and avoid malaria as part of his preparation for a trip to the steamy jungles of South-East Asia.
  • When an old coach route from Lancaster to Kendal used to take a shortcut across the bay, several coaches were either overtaken by the tide or sucked under in quicksand.
  • All it would need is one enterprising local businessman with one not particularly large warehouse who would then move these goods into Kendal at traffic off-peak times.
  • A minute later Kendal's new recruit Simon Garner missed his tackle on the left and Craig Hopkins raced to the byline before squaring the ball to Taylor.
  • David Kendall is an accomplished white-water navigator who recently paddled the upper Ottawa River in Canada.
  • As part of a countywide review, the court on Burneside Road, Kendal, now has an appointed security officer armed with a hand-held metal detector to frisk people entering the building.
  • Play was allowed to go on and from the resulting attack Gareth Jones was left with the easiest of tap-ins from four yards as the defence failed to stop Kendal's progress down the right flank.
  • Also at the Great Yorkshire Show, Peter Woof of Storthend Farm, near Kendal, won the Texel breed championships with a home-bred shearling ram, against stiff competition, including the winner of the Royal Show.
  • As early as in 1934, Kendall and his group succeeded in preparing from cortex extract what was at first assumed to be pure cortin in crystalline form. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1950 - Presentation Speech
  • It bobbled away from him, however, and Bamber's Mark Wane raced through unopposed to place the ball out of reach of Kendal keeper Lee Ward.
  • The board has confirmed the appointment of Howard Kendall as Sales Manager.
  • Miss Kendall will not disturb the class, I am sure, if she realizes that her humming is a source of annoyance," she said, her own really musical voice fluting in melodious minor cadences. Miss Pat at School
  • This year marks the centennial of the introduction of the venerable variety which was unveiled in England in 1899 by hybridizer John Kendall.
  • Mr. Kendall testified that what was being described he would characterize as a workmanship deficiency.
  • Kendal Choral opens proceedings by singing five anthems in the Anglican church tradition starting with the 16th century and concluding in the present.
  • There will be a heaven-sent opportunity for sweet-tooths to indulge their passion when one of the highlights of Kendal's eating-out scene makes a welcome return at the end of this month.
  • Last year, Pat Kirkendall had surgery to remove a carcinoid tumor from her right lung. Health insurance law covers people with preexisting medical conditions
  • Despite assurances from the top, many employees at the Kendal plant left work last week in fear of losing their jobs.
  • The ball, he said, had passed on and out, and he went into particulars with me, while I wondered if Kendall knew, as I did, what parts of the body the pleura, the thorax, the clavicle and the pyemia were. The Cavalier
  • A project to turn a run-down area of Kendal into a haven for disabled people has got the support of the town council.
  • George Romney, English portrait painter, died at Kendal in Cumbria.
  • Corridor Protection in Grundy, Kendall and Kane counties. Think Progress » The Pictures of Corruption: How Hastert Used Tax Dollars to Turn a $1.5 Million Profit
  • Railway buffs should steam along to Kendal Leisure Centre on Saturday and Sunday to marvel at the layouts on show at the Model Railway Exhibition.
  • Plenty of energy and communication from Kendal gave them superiority and Timperley were panicked into making mistakes.
  • The board has confirmed the appointment of Howard Kendall as Sales Manager.
  • The three Kendall children continued to stare at him, so he decided that he would take his wounded pride over to the harbormaster's office, and inquire as to the whereabouts of their father.
  • Our lamb is from a breed of sheep indigenous to the fells around Kendal.
  • It was a severe blow to Kendall's pride.
  • Kendal's third and fourth goals also came from penalty corners again from Brooks, who dispatched accurately positioned balls with deadly accuracy.
  • Kendall ignored her last comment, but turned to Sandy who was downing his third shot of whiskey.
  • The board has confirmed the appointment of Howard Kendall as Sales Manager.
  • Deputy head teacher Patrick Earnshaw, who witnessed the school's comprehensive victory at Kendal Town Hall on Thursday night, said he was extremely proud of his students.
  • We used non-parametric Kendall correlations to test for an association between the speciosity of genera and the mean and median number of subspecies per species. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Her brother, Bruce Kendall, also won an Olympic boardsailing gold medal. Olympic champion Barbara Kendall retires
  • If you are really like me, those words will mean some-thing; they will mean you now have a craving for a slab of Kendal mint cake and a ham bap.
  • A committed team effort from Kendal was rewarded with a 35-run victory over reigning Northern Premier League champions Darwen at Birch Hall on Saturday.
  • The main bridge out of town to the north, it carried stagecoaches between Carlisle and Kendal, and even Bonnie Prince Charlie's army in 1745, says Mr Marsh.
  • When she did, on Nov. 2, two plainclothes detectives reported to the photo lab near Kendall Square.
  • There's also the matter of the winding boustrophedon path of the pawns along the three rows of the board at least, according to Timothy Kendall's rules. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The Morecambe Silver Band met the special trains at Kendal Station and the children were marched to New Road, where a procession was formed with the younger ones being carried on charabancs and lorries.
  • It's not Kendall's fault that Bianca's ears are an erogenous zone.
  • Based at the Hall House Industrial Estate, near Kendal, he makes bespoke performance silencers for offroad racing bikes, using lightweight materials such as carbon fibre and titanium.
  • The old Kendal was back on Sunday with a bit of fight, confidence and quality in our performance.
  • Kendall loves it, craves it and can put up with almost anything if there's a chance she's going to experience it.
  • He thanked both his family and Mr Stevenson and his mountain guide Andy Owen at the Kendal climbing wall for their back-up.
  • Kendal joy was shortlived as Manchester attacked from the restart and cracked a low shot into the corner of the net.
  • In Kendal, a debate is going on as to the real name of the orange rubber thimble used by the counters to protect their index fingers.
  • When she did, on Nov. 2, two plainclothes detectives reported to the photo lab near Kendall Square.
  • When we unbagged the wines, we were surprised to discover that this was Kendall-Jackson "Grand Reserve" 2004, which cost $21.99. Merlot's Midrange Crisis
  • Artwork takes centre stage in Kendal for the next few weeks as the creative efforts of artisans across the region go on display.
  • What was more, my lord's coachman caught it up, and he called her countess, and he had a quarrel about it with the footman Kendall; and the day after a dreadful affair between them in the mews, home drives madam, and Kendall is to go up to her, and down the poor man comes, and not a word to be got out of him, but as if he had seen a ghost. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Meanwhile, downstairs, Kendal collective FUNKTION will take over each Friday night with Tom Townley sharing alternate Fridays with Gaz Dawson and Luke Channon.
  • The effect of such decisions on tourists and visitors to Kendal must be considerable.
  • The idea could see Kendal have its own crier to announce special events and advertise up-and-coming attractions as well as attending civic functions.
  • In conjunction with Kendall, Hench began to treat cases of chronic rheumatoid arthritis with cortin, but without success. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1950 - Presentation Speech
  • As Mr. Kendall explained, the split or tear observed in the photographs in Mr. Johnston's report, Folio 2 page 15, is at the top of the cant.
  • Instead a unforced knock-on from a punt into their 22 put Kendal on the back foot and unconvincing defence allowed Cooper in.
  • The helicopter wheeled away, dragging a Kendal mountain rescuer, who was still dangling from its cable, with it.
  • I'll give kudos to Kendall who has tried three times to get rid of him.
  • Residents of Kendal are queuing up for a glimpse of a giant reticulated python.
  • The gloss on a stunning score came when Stephens converted the touchline kick, giving Kendal a 22-0 lead.
  • In Kendal, Dalton started to keep a metrological journal, he made his own thermometers, barometers and other instruments.
  • The resulting indirect free kick from the edge of the six yard box cannoned off a Kendal body as all 11 players stood strung out along the goal-line.
  • After leaving primary school he went to Norwood College, a public school at Sedbergh not far from Kendal.
  • Some local businessman and councillors wish to expand Kendal to the north, extending the Sandylands area and Shap Industrial Estate northwards.
  • This version is directed by Ann Wodeman, with musical director Alan Gardner conductor of Kendal Choral Society.
  • Heavy overnight rain had threatened the fixture but some of Kendal's players swept off the standing water and made the pitch playable.
  • A species of whales called beaked whales are particularly susceptible to harm from sonar, which can cause them to strand themselves onshore, Kendall said. Latest Headlines
  • In the responsive acoustic of Kendal's United Reformed Church the silvery sound of the massed flute choir could be appreciated to the full.
  • The particular compound shown above (which Kendall called "compound B" and Reichstein called "substance H" in the days before its structure was determined) is now called corticosterone (kawr'tih-kos'ter-ohn). The Human Brain
  • Right from the outset, Kendal looked to have luck running with them when Longton had what appeared to be a perfectly good try disallowed in the ninth minute because the referee said he was unsighted.
  • We're in a cafe in Peckham, the area of London where 28-year-old Kendall lives with fellow funster Henry Naylor.
  • They had befriended the victims outside a bar in before walking them part-way home and robbing them in an alleyway off Kendal Road.
  • So much has been said and written about the long-continued epidemic of scarlet fever in Kendal that I recur to the subject with great reluctance; but it is inevitable.
  • C Jason Kendall is healthy again after a thumb injury ruined his 2001 season.
  • It was at the Ministry of Agriculture that Kendall became involved in statistical work.
  • When it came to her husband's affections, Kendall had resented running a distant second to her father-in-law and apparently had macle her feelings known. The Witness
  • All members of the branch wish to extend their thanks to everyone who helped in any way, and especially the members of the Boys' Brigade (1st Kendal Company) and to the buglers and cadets of the Kendal Sea Cadets.
  • The Northern relief road, creating a link between the A591 and A6 north of Kendal, had been billed as a potential shot in the arm for Kendal's economy and a salve for traffic woes.
  • At 42 inches long, the freshwater frightener was deemed ‘a very big catch any fisherman would be proud of’ by Bob Carlson, the owner of Carlson's Fishing Tackle, Kendal.
  • To shouts of ‘coward’ and the hoot of the hunting horn, Rural Affairs Minister Alun Michael arrived at Kendal on Friday to deliver a keynote speech on rural services.
  • It is probable that the tetany following parathyroidectomy is due to the accumulation of ammonium carbonate and Kendall has suggested that the function of the parathyroid is to convert ammonium carbonate into urea. XI. Splanchnology. 4b. The Parathyroid Glands
  • Kendal's relay team of Mark, Peter, James and Peter stormed to first position with a time of 48.9s.
  • New work by local artists has been brought together in Kendal under a single canvas at The Art Circus.
  • Kate Kendall, Executive Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, in an interview noted, "The Attorney General is charged with defending the Constitution and, in his role, he is uniquely positioned to say what he said in his pleadings, which is that Prop 8 is so fundamentally counter to the most basic understanding of how the Constitution operates that it simply can't be upheld as a proper amendment. - Gay OnLine Community for Entertainment and Daily News
  • ‘Boohoo nobody loves me, wah, wah, wah I need to fix things with Kendall, boohoo I'm a horrible person.’
  • Barbara Kendall, one of New Zealand's most decorated Olympians, has retired from competitive boardsailing after a glittering career spanning 24 years. - Stuff
  • If Kendal welcomes visitors and promotes tourism perhaps its district council needs to be a little more helpful.
  • Also in the 1970s, final girls and victims alike suffered from what Syracuse University professor Kendall Phillips calls "sexualized terror," wherein any woman who was sexually active got axed (or knifed or strangled or garroted). Women In Horror Films
  • When we first see her in Minneapolis, a slattern in a junk-strewn apartment, she's living on scraps of loveless sex, drinking too much and picking up snatches of kids' conversations here and there, then dropping them into her chronicles of Kendall Strickland, the teenage heroine of a series called Waverly Prep that is, in fact, headed for the dustbin of subliterary history. Nervy 'Young Adult' Dazzles by the Book
  • John Kendall, economist at Baring Brothers, said he expected the market to continue to be firm next week.
  • But proposals to ban daytime deliveries on some of Kendal's shopping streets have been greeted with outrage by shopkeepers, who fear they could be forced out of business.
  • The love affair between the student and the pub is set to take a new twist at a Kendal tavern which has come under new ownership.
  • Planning officers say in their report the mast would intrude on the landscape, because of its raised position above the Kendal bypass, and its closeness to Grade ll-listed High Helsfell Farm.
  • The failure at the Kendal plant also meant that smaller links serving other areas of Cumbria were unable to provide land lines or internet access, he said.
  • Sergeant Garcia harmoniously combines salsa, son, cha-cha, ska, rumba and reggae when he brings his spicy and invigorating mix of the best Cuban and Jamaican beats to the Brewery Arts Centre, in Kendal, on Saturday from 8.30 pm.
  • A PENALTY conceded in the last minute denied Kendal a point on a blustery afternoon in Yorkshire.
  • Kendal County's away match at Ambleside was called off because of a waterlogged pitch.
  • Meanwhile, in Kendal, a short convoy of boats, cars and four-by-fours took the report to the Lake District National Park Authority offices at Murley Moss.
  • A charming _soubrette, _ great Marie Kendall, with dauby cheeks and lifted skirt smiled daubily from her poster upon William Humble, earl of Dudley, and upon lieutenantcolonel H.G. Heseltine, and also upon the honourable G.rald Ward A. Ulysses
  • Stepping out of his red helicopter on the outskirts of Kendal, Prince Charles, dressed in a camel overcoat, dark suit and muddied brogues, spent more than an hour touring the pioneering food park Plumgarths.
  • Another member of a well-known farming family, Mr Richardson, took first prize for a half bred shearling gimmer again at Kendal Show in 1909.
  • I know you mentioned the arraignment is the next step, but Kendall Coffey, the former U.S. attorney had suggested that by the end of the year this will still be going on. CNN Transcript Sep 16, 2007
  • Winger John Ladell scored the first of his two tries after a galloping run from second-row Dave Preston set Kendal up to spin the ball wide.
  • When we first see her in Minneapolis, a slattern in a junk-strewn apartment, she's living on scraps of loveless sex, drinking too much and picking up snatches of kids' conversations here and there, then dropping them into her chronicles of Kendall Strickland, the teenage heroine of a series called Waverly Prep that is, in fact, headed for the dustbin of subliterary history. Nervy 'Young Adult' Dazzles by the Book
  • Kendal began the game quite sharply and took control with generally sound positional awareness and accurate passing.
  • The board has confirmed the appointment of Howard Kendall as Sales Manager.
  • In the recent Kendall inspection, the firm was cited for failing to have an adequate design change procedure, according to the warning letter.
  • I appeal to the council, your newspaper and generous people in Kendal to solve this problem with an open-hearted approach that would belie the accusation of mean-mindedness.

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