
  1. raised pinkish scar tissue at the site of an injury; results from excessive tissue repair
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How To Use keloid In A Sentence

  • Keloid Scars - A keloid is a greatly enlarged scar that grows beyond its original boundaries to the point of appearing like a tumor. Undefined
  • Conclusion: The satisfactory effect can be obtained by the comprehensive treatment for the facial keloid.
  • Occasionally a sycosiform eruption, usually of the side of the bearded region, leaves behind a smooth or keloidal scar, the disease gradually extending -- _ulerythema sycosiforme_ (lupoid sycosis). Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Other non-life threatening complications include pain, keloids, dermoid cysts, introital and vaginal stenosis, neuromas, painful intercourse, and increased infertility rates.
  • Long-term health complications are abscess formation, scar neuromas, dermoid cysts, keloids, recurrent urinary tract infections, painful sexual intercourse, and vulval adhesions that block the vagina. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • The surgeon called it wound dehiscence and said it was common in people who keloided with scars. MY KNEES -- PART THREE, AFTER THE SURGERY
  • Keloid is a peculiar form of fibroma which, although benignant as regards any general infection, invariably recurs locally after removal.
  • In the modern era, women of the Nubia-Kush in Sudan are intentionally scarified with facial keloids as a means of decoration.
  • It's an affordable over-the-counter remedy that's said to visibly improve keloids, burns and some scars.
  • Excessive fibrous tissue formation in a healing skin wound may form a raised and ugly scar, known as keloid, especially if the edges of a wound have not been held together effectively.
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