How To Use Keg In A Sentence
And if from this conjunction a baby was born, the infernal rite was resumed, all around a little jar of wine, which they called the keg, and they became drunk and would cut the baby to pieces, and pour its blood into the goblet, and they threw babies on the fire, still alive, and they mixed the baby's ashes and his blood, and drank!
The Name of the Rose
Scarcely had I managed, helped by the second mate, Aaron Northrup, to lower away half-a-dozen barrels and kegs, when all cried from the boat that they were casting off.
Chapter 19
Imagine, if you will, the Bubba Keg (a gift from Aunt M-mv) filled to capacity (52 ounces) with Trader Joe's French roast, brewed dark and strong, the way a certain autodidact favors it.
Archive 2004-12-01
At least 50,000 snakes overwinter in these dens every year, dispersing into the surrounding muskeg swampland during summer.
Rip looked for the strange men, the keg, and the jug.
Oh, and there will be beer, too - a kegger, actually - if the promise of skimpy costumes is not enough of a draw.
‘Born-on’ dates on kegs will be logged when beer is delivered and again when tapped.
During the orientation picnic, kegs of beer flowed, faculty and students drank together, and I wondered what kind of hellhole I had stumbled into.
Suffice it to say that after more than an hour of pumping the poor guy like a mostly-empty keg, by the time dessert was served, I had names.
The boots are light (50 ounces), completely waterproof (our feet stayed dry even after soaking in muskeg for 12 hours at a time), and ...
Benji is said to be dry while Paris can knock back a keg and still pass a sobriety test.
Hollywood Dame » Blog Archive » Paris Hilton and Benji Madden Split
Original sin, he said, turned the human heart into a fomes peccati (tinderbox or powder keg of sin), operative at all times, even in the regenerate.
Curt Backa, who has been fist-bumped more than he liked to be, is a Tribune sports writer, copy editor and kegling savant. - Local News
Aside from that there was a large barrel of mead and a keg of fine ale.
They wrestled against the back cupboard, knocking a keg of ale to the floor.
The build-up of forces in the region is creating a powder keg.
He swayed, then crashed to the stone floor and the grease keg unstuck from his foot with a 'chug' and rolled across the garage, rattling as it struck the old debris, and bounced into the greasing pit.
Funeral In Berlin
To the back of Adian lay a bar, with flasks and wooden kegs that were tapped for liquid stacked in every available place.
This section, a part of the keel called a skeg, aids a cruise ship by helping it move linearly and by protecting its propeller and rudder.
They'll deny it to the day they die, but if my parents met any other way than by stumbling drunkenly into each other at some kegger, I'll eat my shoe.
Once inside, I found myself disappointed to find a bland platter of nothing more than carrots& celery with ranch dressing [semi-fresh, at that; it was picked up from a convenience store around the corner, I gleaned from overheard conversation later] and a sole, glum keg of Pabst Blue Ribbon ™ brewski.
Unless these questions are solved, the region will remain a powder keg.
Of that land base, less than half is productive forestland, the balance made up of swamps, lakes, muskeg and rocks.
These morning folks may be asleep by the time the kegger is raring, but they will be vindicated when it's time to enter the real world.
Boing Boing: March 28, 2004 - April 3, 2004 Archives
With rampant racism throughout both the government and the military, McIlwain endured hate and abuse that most Americans couldn't conjure in a nightmare as he embarked on a personal journey of courage and determination, becoming one of the country's first black fighter pilots - one of the famed Tuskegee
Heroes or Villains?
He had not been in Waukegan the past century but he found a middle-priced autel without drawing attention by asking questions, dialed its registration board for a standard suite and settled down for seven hours of sound sleep.
The Past Through Tomorrow
Exactly a year earlier in the Tuskegee courthouse, his congressman, Tom Heflin, had attacked him as a liar and troublemaker, a fomenter of racial strife, a dangerous Negro.
Up From History: The Life of Booker T. Washington
It is very difficult to weigh or otherwise measure the contents of a keg of beer to determine consumption.
In this case, the beer is fully fermented, then filtered to remove the yeast, then carbonated and stored in a tightly sealed keg, ready for immediate drinking.
Instead of taking its aging kegs home, they decided to rent the brewhouse from the bankruptcy administrators.
Kegs of hard cider and spruce beer and perhaps more potent brews are abroach, and behind the haggling and jesting and bustle you may catch the sound of muskets or the whoop of the Indians from afar.
The History of the United States from 1492 to 1910, Volume 1 From Discovery of America October 12, 1492 to Battle of Lexington April 19, 1775
It was because it refused to die that he still ate muskeg berries and minnows, drank his hot water, and kept a wary eye on the sick wolf.
As Schopenhauer does , Kierkegaard criticizes traditional rationalism and Christian theology and initiates modern humanism.
The lowlands of the island are blanketed with muskeg, a type of bog up to 3 feet deep with a hard crust on top.
Kegl traveled to Nicaragua at the invitation of the education minister.
And when that happens you end up with a $ 65 snakegourd (known as padavalanga in Malayalam).
2006 August 29 « Salt and Pepper.
The new tax is a political powder keg which could result in widespread violence.
Also, at your first kegger you may not like beer.
MikeGene: Scientifically vacuous is not the same as invalid.
Cleaning Up The Mess
The hull shape is of a round bilge construction with bulbous bow and sterns keg, flared stem and transom stern.
We went to a party with 2 amazing grind core bands, Dread Knox and Cowboy Killas, a bar with $200 of free liquor, 4 kegs and a piñata stuffed with candy and condoms.
Your Nietzsche, your Hegel, your Jaspers, your Heidegger, your Husserl, your Kierkegaard, and your Dostoevski were the clues.
The place was a powder keg.
Cold storage and filtration for keg and bottled beers.
Curt Backa, whose game needs more than a ball change to improve, is a Tribune sports writer, copy editor and local kegling relic. - Local News
But he stuck manfully to a number that were quite as revolutionaryfor example, aker for acre, cag for keg, grotesk for grotesque, hainous for heinous, porpess for porpoise and tung for tongueand they did not begin to disappear until the edition of 1854, issued by other hands and eleven years after his death.
Chapter 8. American Spelling. 2. The Influence of Webster
a straw, and lent his aid right willingly to disentomb and carry the brandy keg.
The Wild Man of the West A Tale of the Rocky Mountains
I had a different set of values, and I wasn't really content with going to the Friday night kegger.
Sleeping in a one-bedroom apartment with fraternity keggers going on outside is good for pampered big leaguers, anyway.
The new tax is a political powder keg which could result in widespread violence.
Attaches to the skeg and controlled by the coxswain to steer the boat by attached cables.
Bottled beers are usually filtered and pasteurised, the bottled version of keg.
You can shoot a rope that springs trappers' mantraps back onto them, drop a boulder onto a thug's head, or push wagons full of powder kegs toward a cabin full of enemies and take out a whole crowd with a single, well placed shot.
Then I saw the problem: the boat's skeg, or fin, essential for maintaining a straight-line course, was flopping loosely in its groove on the stern.
Then while he sat on a beer keg until he should be in breath again the unwinded Spike would skip the rope -- a girl's skipping rope -- or shadow-box about the room with intricate dance steps, raining quick blows upon a ghostly boxer who was invariably beaten; or with smaller gloves he would cause the inflated bag to play lively tunes upon the ceiling of its support.
The Wrong Twin
The wrong gas system will cause beer inside kegs to go flat or get foamy at the end of every keg.
This “inter-textuality” exemplifies the Hua-yen (Huayan; Jpn: Kegon) sense of interpenetration whereby the entire whole is contained within each part, but here this Hua-yen idea is translated in mantric terms.
Pulling his protector by the sleeve, ‘Mr. Herries — Mr. Herries,’ he whispered, eagerly, ‘ye have done me mair than ae gude turn, and if ye will but do me anither at this dead pinch, I’ll forgie the girded keg of brandy that you and Captain Sir Harry Redgimlet drank out yon time.
Only if the kids want to throw a kegger this weekend for their pre-school friends.
Think Progress » Maryland Foster Agency Won’t Allow Muslim Mother To Foster A Child
The keg will be tapped at 6 PM with wine, other beverages and snacks provided.
They typically nest in sedge meadows, muskeg bogs, or coastal wetlands.
Keep the beer covered in a temperate situation, till it has ceased fermenting, which is ascertained by the subsiding of the froth -- turn it off carefully into a beer keg, or bottles.
The American Housewife Containing the Most Valuable and Original Receipts in all the Various Branches of Cookery; and Written in a Minute and Methodical Manner
One famous case involved Tuskegee, Ala., a square-shaped municipality that was redrawn in 1957 as a 28-sided figure.
Jonathan Weiler: Invisible Boundaries, Visible Harm
He will know how many pints can be got out of a keg of beer, and what percentage can be attributed to ‘evaporation’.
From the text, we know that Kierkegaard's criticize to double-minded is much similar to Plato's refutation to various kinds of concept of justice in first two volumes of Republic.
Kegel exercises — along with counseling and sex therapy — may also be helpful for women who have persistent problems reaching orgasm.
Keg or brewery conditioned beer is produced so that it is ready to drink as soon as it leaves the brewery.
Before you start doing Kegel exercises, find out how to locate the correct muscles and understand the proper technique.
Gray Drakes are the best dry fly on the Muskegon River.
Why a butt of wine should be a cask of wine of 570 litres whereas a butt of beer is a keg of eighty litres less is questionable.
Congress has designated only one college campus in the country as a National Historic Site : Tuskegee .
I "ironed" the first farm-wagons, the first two-seated spring-wagon, and the first buggy made at Tuskegee.
Tuskegee & Its People: Their Ideals and Achievements
When I was 16, I spent two weeks at a different school, and the very first thing I was asked there was "Are you a skeg?"
It's not that Turnbull is stupid-he can quote Kierkegaard and Pascal on angst and allude to the deaths of Schubert and Mozart and distinguish between a sinistrorse and a dextrorse Polygonum vine, etc.
John Updike, Champion Literary Phallocrat, Drops One; Is This Finally the End for Magnificent Narcissists?
Fraeb arrived one or two days after their departure, and camp presented a confused scene of rioting, and debauchery for several days, after which however, the kegs of alcohol were again bunged, and all became tranquil.
Life in the Rocky Mountains
“Oh, so that’s what you call shagging kegs when members of your old unit come to town,” said Harvath.
The Lions of Lucerne
Europe is sitting on a powder keg.
The Sun
This paper introduces the application of twin - skeg lines form on two types of landing ship.
Kegan has much more to say to educators and clinicians from his constructivist perspective.
Kierkegaard wished to demonstrate that the Hegelian metaphysic, considered on its own and judged in terms of its declared ambition to afford a comprehensive account of reality, was in point of fact flawed, and irreparably so.
John Davis coolly sat on a powder-keg from which the top had been shot off, and was so found by an officer, who hastily censured him for his loafing -- "bumming" during recess.
The Lincoln Story Book
The Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard rejected this rationalism, correctly seeing that such thinking leads to loss of all meaning.
It was a sad day because it was a very old pub with its traditional style of old furniture, beer kegs, liquor bottles, grocery products and photographs.
Heaving the old wine keg against a wall, I was able to climb up and seize a rafter.
The board needs little preparation since once the skeg is attached only the daggerboard has to be slid into its case.
But Sullivan said that even physicians from historically black medical colleges face some mistrust and misinformation as a legacy of Tuskegee.
The new tax is a political powder keg which could result in widespread violence.
In the end, I had to forgo the dream of ivy-covered buildings and slouchy young men on a first-name basis with Kierkegaard.
Underneath the muskeg is a layer of sand, rock and overburden, a clay-like material.
The next three chapters examine the religious existentialism of Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, and Nietzsche.
Roughly eight hours after our journey began today, and it has been filled with lots of excitement, lots of emotion, especially for the Tuskegee Airmen who were hereupon special invitation and to see this huge sea of humanity.
CNN Transcript Jan 25, 2009
Unless these questions are solved, the region will remain a powder keg.
There is nothing the matter with the freshness of the account and her unceasing love for Kierkegaard.
Always muskeg marks the limit of big game and the beginning of the ground of the little fellows -- waupoos, the rabbit; and musquash, the muskrat; and sakwasew, the mink; and nukik, the otter; and wuchak or pekan, the fisher.
The Canadian Commonwealth
A fin-like crease, or 'skeg,' ran from behind the front wheel opening to the rear of the car on the extreme lower body sides and there were special vertical crest medallions on the trailing edge of rear fenders. | Newest Listings
He had discarded the old black kilt, philibeg, and waistcoat which he had worn at Loch Arkeg, for a coarse, brown, short coat: a new article of dress, such as a pair of shoes and a new shirt, had lately replenished his wardrobe.
Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. Volume I.
The whole world plays host all to swanmays and apsaras, Odette and Odile and Olrun, Urvaci and Kessel Djibak and the swan-maid servants of Othinn One-Eye -- Sigrdrifa, Mist, Svanrikr, Grimhildr, Skeggjöld, and all their bloody sisters.
It's time to see the world. it's time to kiss the girl.
The new tax is a political powder keg which could result in widespread violence.
Chicago-based acoustician Larry Kirkegaard, who designed the sound at Tanglewood's Ozawa Hall, has been given top billing.
On Kierkegaard's religious views, Sartre offers the usual argument against existence of God: If existence precedes essence, it follows from the meaning of the term sentient that a sentient being cannot be complete or perfect.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Skye was a devout opposer of alcoholic beverages and spent much of her time at the parties lecturing on how they were all breaking the underage drinking law with the keggers that were faithfully donated every night.
The company sells its beer in five- or 15-gallon kegs, a practice that avoids glass breakage and allows re-circulated water to irrigate its fields and fill animal troughs.
In the early days of quarrying, one-foot holes were made and whole kegs of gunpowder used in blasting.
After her experience in Managua, Kegl wondered whether deaf people in the remote eastern half of the country had a language.
From the Indian languages come chipmunk, mackinaw (a bush jacket), moose, muskeg (boggy, mossy land), muskrat.
His command is built on a tightrope of mixed emotions, a powder keg ready to explode at the slightest suggestion of disrespect.
I don't plan on using it in Alaskan muskeg or snow over a 12 or 18 inches deep.
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We're sitting on a powder keg of racial tension in the city.
You can do Kegel exercises discreetly just about anytime, whether you're driving in your car, sitting at your desk or relaxing on the couch.
He surprised me with his intimate knowledge of Kierkegaard and Schopenhauer.
It involved lugging bins of scraps, changing kegs of radioactive dishwasher detergent and, worst of all, trying to clean a mountain of pans.
This kayak has a skeg so is very maneurverable and steady.
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Mr. Jaffa is already developing what the ancient Stoics and the great Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard called ataraxia, or imperturbability.
How to Handle a Market Gone Mad
So if anyone out there is thinking of throwing a kegger, I urge you to remember this event and think twice about where you go.
And remember, the keg is reusable — think environment an’ [...]
Keg wine comes to the Finger Lakes, NY | Dr Vino's wine blog
We know that he valued Kierkegaard and Schopenhauer, and one of the most wonderful of his later poems raids Coleridge for its closing phraseology.
Imagine, Kierkegaard says, that you saw nothing but a word followed by a hyphen.
‘Ah, yes,’ replied Kierkegaard, unperturbed, stepping back with a ceremonious sweep of his arm, ‘I, however, shall.’
Down in the street he knew the burgh men were speeding the long winter nights with song and mild carousal; the lodges and houses up the way, each with its spirit keg and licence, gave noisiness to the home-returning of tenants for Lochow from the town, and as they went by Ladyfield in the dark they would halloo loudly to the recluse lad within who curled, nor shot, nor shintied, nor drank, nor did any of the things it was youth's manifest duty to do.
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The partial pressure of CO2 in the headspace of the keg acts the same under higher blended pressures.
Immediately beside him Kegan was fussing with sheets of paper, arranging and rearranging them into neat aligned squares.
You just know that he didn't call the keg the next day like he promised.
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The lines design and optimization for the 300,000 t twin - skeg type VLCC was proceeded.
‘The intention is not to raise the sound level,’ said Lawrence Kirkegaard, the architectural acoustician who supervised the installation.
The build-up of forces in the region is creating a powder keg.
The new tax is a political powder keg which could result in widespread violence.
Back at the ranch, burgers and dogs are fired up, a keg of Old Dominion Pale Ale is tapped and points are tallied.
What they're saying is that the alcohol started out as a pre-party with the seniors and some of the girls who watched the videotape with me said that there were four kegs there and some of the video we showed you yesterday were girls doing what they called keg stands, hand stands on kegs, excessive amounts of drinking.
CNN Transcript May 10, 2003
But others at the Tuskegee meeting cautioned against dismissing too casually possible genetic differences in health outcomes among racial and ethnic groups.
The bar tender tapped a new keg of beer.
We're sitting on a powder keg of racial tension in the city.
And if you have a truly artisan brewery, the taste of the brew may vary from keg to keg, depending on when it was brewed and how long it has been tapped.
The theme of a young woman being the occasion for a young man to become “poeticized” recurs in Kierkegaard's writings, as does the theme of the sacrifice of worldly happiness for a higher (religious) purpose.
Søren Kierkegaard
Ever since the general election, when Sarah Palin fanned the flames of hatred, the fire has grown and it is surrounding a powder keg of chaos.
GA congressman describes hate mail, Nazi graffiti after protests
In one example, marketer and blogger happy-kernel commented on the news that the Kakegawa City Amateur Sports Association in Shizuoka Prefecture is starting an agricultural farm business.
Global Voices in English » Go Farm, Young Man! – How Farming in Japan is Changing
You are much better off putting the keg into an empty garbage can and packing the surrounding space with ice.
And the post-prom kegger was the wildest of the year, even by Cliff's standards.
He noticed over the following six months that he was developing symptoms which came on after he had been lifting the heavier kegs of beer.
After a gosling is a month or six weeks old you may put it up to feed for a green goose, & it will be perfectly fed in another month following; and to feed them, there is no better meat then skeg oats boil'd, and given plenty thereof thrice a day, morning, noon, and night, with good store of milk, or milk and water mixt together to drink.
The accomplisht cook or, The art & mystery of cookery
They are 22-year-old college students who should be studying for finals and going to keggers.
If the keg or barrel is filled with beer, the same becomes apparent from the beer showing itself in the glass gauge; then the faucet, B, is closed, the copper bung is lifted out of the bung hole, and the beer contained in the pipe is just sufficient to completely fill the keg, which is then bunged up, while the apparatus is transferred to the next keg.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 401, September 8, 1883
Francis Hopkinson's "Battle of the Kegs," a Hudibrastic satire like
The American Spirit in Literature : a chronicle of great interpreters
Where Kierkegaard was most inclined to become severe and saturnine, Hamann was most reckless in his rejoicing.
But others at the Tuskegee meeting cautioned against dismissing too casually possible genetic differences in health outcomes among racial and ethnic groups.
For such as me, Kierkegaard the humorist - or novelist, or aphorist, or ironist - possesses an unquestioned eminence, whereas Kierkegaard the philosopher - or theologian, or pietist, or polemicist - cuts a far more equivocal figure.
At stately Augusta, where change forever has been taken in dainty sips, this is like the frat boys just showed up with a keg. - Traditions die hard at Augusta National
The bar tender tapped a new keg of beer.
He wouldn't look at all out of place at a campus kegger.
Coolers were laid near the sink, where kegs and bottles of beers were thrown in melted ice.
Beyond the boulders was a shallow high-country swamp, a muskeg, covered with ice.
Aside from that there was a large barrel of mead and a keg of fine ale.
In 1932 one could be a liberal and a progressive and still consistently support the Tuskegee Study; involvement in the project was not necessarily an index of bigotry or racism.
Kierkegaard's models were Abraham on the day he was asked to sacrifice Isaac and Jesus' disciples: tormented by uncertainty, unmoored from any of society's ethical anchors, staking their life on fabulous improbabilities.
We feel a devout conviction that Miss Carolina Wilhelmina Amelia Skeggs would have burked Goldsmith!
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 343, May 1844
In fact, I think I have neverheard any Ockegham live, and this program includes his Missa L'homme arme.
Archive 2009-04-01
They typically nest in sedge meadows, muskeg bogs, or coastal wetlands.
In his rise to the gestatorial chair he had made a reputation as a Catholic with an almost Lutheran passion for the grimmer reaches of moral theology; there was something of Kierkegaard in him, and something of the Grand Inquisitor as well.
A Case Of Conscience
They say that what those seniors are doing are called keg stands.
CNN Transcript May 9, 2003
After a gosling is a month or six weeks old you may put it up to feed for a green goose, & it will be perfectly fed in another month following; and to feed them, there is no better meat then skeg oats boil'd, and given plenty thereof thrice a day, morning, noon, and night, with good store of milk, or milk and water mixt together to drink.
The accomplisht cook or, The art & mystery of cookery
I should know the place, sir," he said, "for I got a hawful polt o 'the side of the head somewheres about here; and -- ah! this here's right, for there's another little keg o' spirits.
In the King's Name The Cruise of the "Kestrel"
Around us is a patchwork of eskers sand and gravel dunes deposited by ancient rivers during the last ice age, hummocks, bogs and muskeg. Stands of dwarf willow thicken the banks of the river in places, and trees scattered singly or in small groves cover some small hill or bluff in no discernible pattern.
M. Sanjayan: Thelon Expedition: The Country
Gray said he asked four of the men who live in Tuskegee to watch the film with him.
For some the term is an oxymoron, used only jokingly when referring to the number of keggers that one manages to get trashed at during a school term.
Forested slopes of lodgepole pine and subalpine fir give way to aspen-clad foothills and rolling sagebrush steppes that have the spongy look of muskeg, but two shades lighter.
Despite what has been called the moral astigmatism of the Tuskegee study, not all of its lessons are negative.
The transport of oil, kegs and tanks by rail on the four routes will continue as normal.
Treatment often begins with simple Kegel exercises designed to strengthen pelvic muscles.
When we get back the New Belgium kegs get tapped and we start getting primed for the night.
You can do Kegel exercises discreetly just about anytime, whether you're driving in your car, sitting at your desk or relaxing on the couch. You can even do Kegel exercises when you're pregnant.
We're sitting on a powder keg of racial tension in the city.
Ordway returned with the party from the salt camp which we have now evacuated. they brought with them the salt and eutensils. our stock of salt is now about 20 Gallons; 12 gallons of which we secured in 2 small iron bound kegs and laid by for our voyage. gave Willard and bratton each a doze of Scotts pills; on the former they operated and on the latter they did not.
Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806
That night we heard rumor of a kegger in a nearby small town.
Martin SkeggAn engaging curtain-raiser for next month's World Cup, which begins on 9 September.
TV highlights 29/08/2011:
One of his examples was the case of a brewer who sold kegs of beer to alehouses on credit but charged a price high enough to cover an interest charge and the risk of default.
Those alarmed by insect life should consider holidaying in Skegness.
July 31st, 2009 6: 47 pm ET and well you should be mocked. its truly embarrasing what passes for news these days. you had a countdown the the "kegger" on TV. with the congress looking to slap BILLIONS of dollars of taxes on working americans to pay for a healthcare bill that NOBODY likes, i'm surprised you devote TV, internet coverage to "what kind of beer will be served?",
White House mocks coverage of 'Beer Summit'
Since the riot, the city has been a powder keg waiting to explode.
Then, and only then, can we all crack open a kegger and enjoy the results.
The allies will leave a smouldering powder keg and a region that is more dangerous than ever.
Times, Sunday Times
This is evident also in Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling where he compares Abraham’s conduct in the akedah scene with a number of tragic stories, including Jephthah’s and Agamemnon’s treatment of their daughters.
Biblical Women in World and Hebrew Literature.
Martin SkeggWilliam Morris spoke of catering "to the swinish luxury of the rich", something that the five-star hotel has been doing since the words Savoy and Ritz entered the lexicon as bywords for opulence.
TV highlights 29/06/2011: Killer Tigers | Timeshift: Hotel Deluxe | Finding Amelia | The Apprentice | Afghanistan: The Battle For Helmand | 24 Hours in A&E
Rip looked for the strange men, the keg, and the jug.
Up to about eight or ten years ago we at Hampton spoke of Tuskegee as a small Hampton, but "small" no longer describes Tuskegee, and I doubt seriously if _large Hampton_ would be altogether proper.
Tuskegee & Its People: Their Ideals and Achievements
One of his examples was the case of a brewer who sold kegs of beer to alehouses on credit but charged a price high enough to cover an interest charge and the risk of default.
Unable to break free from the crushing weight of six kegs, The Rock had no choice but to lie there helplessly while Mankind scored the pinfall.
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The Hull shape is of round bilge construction with bulbous bow and sterns keg, flared stem and transom stern.
Kierkegaard spent a great deal of his youth as a man-about-town and a student, studying for a degree in theology.
In Leakegate: Leake verballed Richard Dawkins Tim descibes, well you know.
Archive 2010-02-01
Well Stella have started selling nine pints of draught lager in a keg, 12 hours in the fridge and Robert is your father's brother.
The boots are light (50 ounces), waterproof (our feet stayed dry even after soaking in muskeg for 12 hours at a time), and rise high enough around the ankle to protect you from sticks and rocks thrown up by your tires when you’re riding an ATV.
Danner Expedition GTX Hiking Boots
When Kierkegaard was twenty-two years old, he made his first foray into this literary hothouse.
Nettles and thistles grew in one corner, where an old wine keg had been thrown.
Others aim for the equivalent of a kegger, meaning that only the most egregious speech is barred.
Mr. Know-It-All: Bannable Blog Behavior, Scam Bait, MySpace Geezers
An investigation has been launched after two people were seriously injured yesterday when their van was in collision with a train at a level crossing near Skegness.
Bushland that is not burnt regularly turns into a powder keg, as the fuel load inexorably increases.
Times, Sunday Times
The dueller feller pays for all, and we're only waiting for my partner to roll in a keg of some of the slickest Yankee whiskey that was ever made in York
The Gold Hunters' Adventures Or, Life in Australia
Now where's that kegger you were talking about?
The Rev Nancy Gillespie read the first Lesson, and the Epistle was read by The Rev J.W. McKegney, Rector of St Mark's Armagh.
It is estimated that keg beer is twice as profitable as cask beer, lager four times as profitable.
It's pretentious, and it implies that the person "tapped" is somehow a resource ripe for the picking ... or a keg.
Obama taps surgeon general