How To Use Kandahar In A Sentence
Addison was part of a team of engineers and road builders working on a major road between the southern city of Kandahar and the western city of Herat.
Kandahar Radio, on 864 kilohertz, has just gone off the air.
A front page Washington Post article in late March quoted Nicholson as saying each of the NATO countries operating in the south had taken a "stovepipe" approach to development, rather than the regional approach favoured by the U.S. Some in Canada took this as criticism of how Canada had run its aid programs in Kandahar.
American Brig.-Gen. John Nicholson "optimistic and unashamedly so."
The just proposed 'Citadel shaped' kinko's self help store in Kandahar is infuriating and intruiging many locals. - News
The truth about the Taliban death to these shaytan parasts = taliban!! taliban beheading suicid bomber bombers afghan afghanistan madrassa islam muslim osama binladen al qaeda ramadan wahabi arab arabian world pashtun pashtunwali culture pathan tribal areas pakistan iran ahmadinejad kabul kandahar usa obama drones irak war - Articles related to Iran unveils bomber drone that aims to deliver peace and friendship
Yet few generator sets were available to provide power, and prime power needed to operate the reefers at Kandahar Airfield was limited.
But there are also troops in Kandahar supporting French Mirage jets operating at the southern base.
Some called the annulment “a ruling handed down in Kandahar” and “a real fatwa against the emancipation of women,” the BBC said.
Appeals Court Overrules Annulment Based on Virginity
For American civilians serving in Afghanistan, the last stop before they ship out to Kabul or Kandahar is a dilapidated, vaguely foreboding institution that once served as a farm colony for “feeble-minded” boys, and later was a state mental hospital.
POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: December 21, 2009
At Kandahar air base, streams of soldiers and airmen weighed down with huge rucksacks breathed a sigh of relief.
Times, Sunday Times
But when three Canadian soldiers were killed in an ambush near Kandahar a few days later, there were big black headlines, and the usual parade of grief, with outriding sound bites to sell a cheap defeatism.
Afstan: A very "quiet surge" indeed by US/Canadian "journalism"
OTTAWA-KANDAHAR - Prime Minister Stephen Harper publicly upbraided his foreign affairs minister Monday for creating a "misimpression" that the governor of Kandahar should be fired for corruption.
Harper Raps Bernier's Knuckles In Public
Military officials said there were no indications that the crash at Kandahar airfield was caused by hostile fire.
Times, Sunday Times
Sgt. Alex Cabana of the 2nd Combat Engineer Regiment of the Canadian Army walks during a foot patrol with U.S. Army forces June 13, 2010 in rural Dand District, just south of Kandahar, Afghanistan.
Throughout their stay at Kandahar the guards carried out head-counts every hour at night to keep the prisoners awake.
They're pushing further and further out, trying to what they call interdict communications John supply lines leading to and from Kandahar that could be used by the Taliban.
CNN Transcript Dec 6, 2001
Posted in afghan detainees, afghanistan, general rick hillier, kandahar base, leak to Globe and Mail.
Detainee Transfer Details Leaked To Press « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
In fact, the startling abundance of fruit in parched Kandahar was what had first led me to consider beauty products.
Scents & Sensibility
We at the Foreign Ministry guesthouse the northern outskirts of Kandahar shortly before 10 pm.
An Afghan policeman smiles during a joint patrol with US policemen from the 504-th Military Police Battalion, 170th Company in the suburbs of Kandahar city, Kandahar province, August 18, 2010.
Last night Robertson was still filing stories via videophone from Kandahar in the north of the country.
America and its allies gear up for their big fight of the summer-to extend control over the southern province of Kandahar, which they call the cornerstone of the counterinsurgency campaign-the Taliban have been on a killing spree.
The Economist: Correspondent's diary
It is holding 360 captured fighters in Kandahar in an unsheltered stockade, exposed to the bitter winter cold.
They've kind of cordoned off Kandahar at this point, and of course, as Brent was mentioning, there are Taliban fighters still holed up in some of the areas around the major cities from Jalalabad to Kabul to Kandahar, but they must feel that it's now clear enough to do that.
CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2001
Afghanistan - Kandahar gay capital of PashtunTaliban afghanistan afghanistani khorasan kabul kabuli afghani karzai taliban - Photown News
Sgt. Alex Cabana of the 2nd Combat Engineer Regiment of the Canadian Army walks during a foot patrol with U.S. Army forces June 13, 2010 in rural Dand District, just south of Kandahar, Afghanistan.
`The radioman signals that all telephones in Kandahar have gone dead," Daud gasped.
He is one of the most powerful people in the country despite being only a member of the Kandahar provincial council.
Times, Sunday Times
Ahmed Wali Karzai, the Afghan president's half-brother who runs the Kandahar provincial council and is the province's most powerful politician, took a different view.
U.S. Raid Kills Karzai Cousin
I tried to pull Sgt. Krueger with me," Kale sobbed, also via video from Kandahar.
Through hours of wrenching testimony, Ft. Hood psychiatrist Nidal Malik Hasan shows no emotion
Afghanistan Islam Ramazan Mubarak islam muslim kabul balkh herat mazar afghan afghanistani panjshir kandahar farsi khorasan tajik hazara pashto pashtun hamid karzai ahmad shah masood massoud iran tajikistan tajik parwan kapisa helmand kandahar khost paktia paktika ghazni ghor badakhshan kunduz kabuli khurasani tolo tv ariana tv khorasan tv hamid qaderi habib qaderi ehsan aman farhad darya wahid qasimi wahid saberi naghma mangal nashinas gul zaman peshawar - Photown News
It has spread like a virus from Kabul and Kandahar and established itself in every part of the globe.
Gen. Jonathan Vance, senior commander in Kandahar province and the battlegroup commander, Lt.
Archive 2009-07-01
It was landed in one piece in desert 200 miles south west of Kandahar.
The Sun
General Abdul Raziq, embraced by ISAF for routing the Taliban out of the difficult Malajat and Arghandab, a subdistrict and district of Kandahar, and now its police chief, and Mattulah Khan, a self
Vanda Felbab-Brown: Implications of the Assassinations of Prominent Politicians in Afghanistan
Associates, who said he had probably been procuring medical supplies, later confirmed he had recrossed the frontier and was heading back to Kandahar.
On the streets of Kandahar in the south she cannot stay anywhere for longer than 15 minutes because it is so dangerous.
Times, Sunday Times
Thirteen people were confirmed dead in Kandahar, where diplomats were opening an orphanage.
Times, Sunday Times
A purported Taleban spokesman claimed responsibility for the blast in the Panjwai district of Kandahar province.
Sgt. Alex Cabana of the 2nd Combat Engineer Regiment of the Canadian Army walks during a foot patrol with U.S. Army forces June 13, 2010 in rural Dand District, just south of Kandahar, Afghanistan.
Mullah Omar is thought by some to be hiding in Kandahar or Helmand. Others suspect he is in Pakistan's tribal areas.
Military officials said there were no indications that the crash at Kandahar airfield was caused by hostile fire.
Times, Sunday Times
On another night, they cruise in a bomber over Kandahar, one flying the aircraft, the other with his eyes glued to a bombsight.
Afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani khorasan khorasani khurasan farsi parsi persian dari tajik tajiki tajikistani tajikistan uzbek uzbeki uzbekistani dostum karzai massoud herat kabul balkh mazar kunduz panjshir parwan kapisa kunduz baghlan laghman logar ghazni kandahar helmand peshawar islam muslim wahhabi - Photown News
After the murder of his father Karzai inherited the title khan ( "head") of the 500,000-strong Popolzai — the Pashtoon clan of Ahmad Shah Durrani, the Persian army commander who conquered the southern Afghan city of Kandahar and in 1747 became the first king of Afghanistan.
The Lawless Frontier
We have learned, according to a source inside of Kandahar, that a meeting called a shura, a meeting of tribal elders of a Pashtun tribe called the Norzai met together last night and had decided that one of Mullah Mohammed Omar -- the spiritual leader of the Taliban -- one of Mullah Omar's deputies would become the chief administrator of the city of Kandahar.
CNN Transcript Nov 17, 2001
Iran-Israel Conflict a Growing Concern I was watching another youtubers video and grabed a screen-shot to show you, it says the Iran bomber drone is aimed at Israel. death to these shaytan parasts = taliban!! taliban beheading suicid bomber bombers afghan afghanistan madrassa islam muslim osama binladen al qaeda ramadan wahabi arab arabian world pashtun pashtunwali culture pathan tribal areas pakistan iran ahmadinejad kabul kandahar usa obama drones irak war - Articles related to Iran unveils bomber drone that aims to deliver peace and friendship
Nor were they going to the Khyber pass, but to Jalalabad, which, along with the Kandahar garrison, remained unconquered.
His comments came days after the Air Force and Lockheed Martin acknowledged use of a new radar-evading drone over Afghanistan, which is formally called the RQ-170 but has been dubbed the "Beast of Kandahar.
Reuters: Top News
Control of Kandahar, the Taliban movement's birthplace, is seen as key to reversing Taliban momentum in the war.
Taliban Steps Up Attacks In Kandahar With Second Day Of Blasts
Jan. 15, in the southern Kandahar province police headquarters by suicide attacks, including the police chief Muhammad Muslim Mujahid, including 3 policemen were killed and two wounded.
The soldier is being held at a detention centre in Kandahar where he will be kept until he is charged.
Times, Sunday Times
In that interview, Mr. Karzai said he has ma jor interests in Afghanistan's only cement factory and a housing development outside the southern city of Kandahar, where U.S. and Afghan forces are making a push against the Taliban.
U.S. Presses for Kabul Bank Probe
Called "agha mama," or "father uncle," by his guards, Karzai now lives in a relatively modest house with a marble facade on a barricaded street manned by police in downtown Kandahar City.
Ahmed Wali Karzai, an ally and obstacle to the U.S. military in Afghanistan
Les Canadiens, qui ont déjà eu près de 80 tués, ont indiqué qu'ils retireraient de Kandahar leurs 2500 soldats si l'Otan ne déployait pas un millier d'hommes supplémentaires.
Archive 2008-02-01
Your cappuccino will be there for you, as reliably as the way an out-sourced defense contractor in Kandahar Province uses his copy of the Army's Rules of Engagement to paper train the dog he's stolen from the son of tribal elder.
Adam Hanft: Support Our Cappuccino Fund-Raiser Today
Agha's forces have been pushing from the south against Kandahar while troops loyal to former deputy foreign minister Hamid Karzai have been advancing from the north against the embattled city.
The bulk of local people were from the same Pashtun tribal stock as the Afghans of Kandahar and Jalalabad, and they felt close cultural and tribal affinity with those over the border.
In turn, Kandahar Airfield, the base of operations for southern Afghanistan, is likely to continue transforming from an expeditionary bulwark to a steady-state installation.
Covered from head to foot in a burka - a traditional Muslim garment - I crossed the border and stepped onto the road to the southern Afghan city of Kandahar.
His comments came days after the Air Force and Lockheed Martin Corp acknowledged use of a new radar-evading drone over Afghanistan, which is formally called the RQ-170 but has been dubbed the "Beast of Kandahar.
Reuters: Top News
Sunday's assault is the latest in a string of regional attacks that have included the assassination of several high-profile officials, including Mr. Karzai's half-brother and the mayor of Kandahar city in neighboring Kandahar province.
12 Police, Child Killed in Southern Afghanistan Suicide Blast
In any case, the vast bulk of opium is grown in three areas – Wardak, Kandahar and Helmand, where the local control elements, whether Taliban or not, derive power from their drug income.
Wonk Room » Holbrooke Emphasizes Agricultural Development In Afghanistan
Vesa Kandahar Province, said at the welcoming ceremony the day: "These former rebels who surrendered to the government of the 50 weapons, including automatic rifles and rocket launchers.
The suspect remains in detention in Kandahar.
Times, Sunday Times
The Kandahar Newsletter entry from June 8, 1891, also included the following: A Tahsildar has been appointed to collect all the 'Kaldar' rupees procurable in Kandahar.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
Afghan engineers and their mentors pieced together a 42-metre, metal "overbridge" earlier this week at Kandahar Airfield and then moved parts of the Meccano-like structure a few kilometres to the blast site. Music briefs
This happened in Kandahar airfield, which is in the southern part of Afghanistan.
CNN Transcript Jul 19, 2009
As a critique of U. S.-funded programs, however, it is narrowly focused, citing only two such initiatives as examples, and these in forbidding Kandahar and Helmand, home to the bulk of the insurgency.
Letters to the Editor
Around the city, the U.S. is trying to expand a zone of control so that an "inkspot" of safety extends south from the Kandahar region down to central Helmand, where U.S. forces have been conducting operations for more than a year.
Gates Sees 2-3 Years of Combat in Afghanistan
Sergeant First Class Joseph Denny of Franklin, Indiana (right) shakes hands with an Afghan boy during a patrol on June 6, 2010 in Rambazi, a village south of Kandahar, Afghanistan.
Karzai reportedly said, “I swear that I am going to join the Taliban.” well considering that he is a Pushtu and from Kandahar he probable has been a Taliban.
Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 5, 2010
He is one of the most powerful people in the country despite being only a member of the Kandahar provincial council.
Times, Sunday Times
Governor of Kandahar Province Vesa day confirmed that about 475 prisoners through the prison escape tunnel from the Saar Bossa.
The Taliban does claim that several innocent civilians were killed when U.S. bombs hit what they called a clinic -- a Red Cross resupply clinic in the city of Kandahar.
CNN Transcript Nov 1, 2001