How To Use Kan. In A Sentence
- University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc. (Lawrence, Kan.) - Investigators will evaluate the effectiveness of the volume curvature seismic tool to assess reservoirs and features such as sags, flexures, and fractures. U.S. Department of Energy - Press Releases
- It's the 19th annual commemoration of the movies and life of the Piqua, Kan.,-born silent comic. Front Page
- The DPJ is stuffed with backbenchers loyal to Ichiro Ozawa, an old-timer who resigned from the party leadership because of a fund-raising scandal but who still undermines Mr Kan.
- Det blev stor aktivitet pÃ¥ Naturhistoriska riksmuséet i början pÃ¥ veckan. Alert! Alack! I have been quote mined! - The Panda's Thumb
- Jamie, fifteen, a ninth-grader, heads for a different sort of after-school activity—one that involves hanging around outside a restaurant on Seventeenth Street in Chelsea, waiting with a dozen other paparazzi to see if Gabrielle Bloom, the star of the HBO series Tugboat Annie, will emerge with her new boyfriend, investment banker David Balkan. Famous
- Jadi ingat sama mendiang kedua orangtuaku yang belum sempat aku bahagiakan. Rafly Aneuk Yatim | TECHNOLOGY NEWS
- I would imagine that if a native source language is to be identified, it would probably be Chinookan. ANYONE FOR SALISHAN?
- Tautan balik ditutup, tapi anda bisa memberi komentar. bayu and friends,pontianak ang kami PALC Pontianak,kalimantan Barat mendoakan. KPA ITB: Angklung Around The World – Netsains.Com
- Bronson Methodist Hospital in Kalamazoo, Mich., and Menorah Medical Center, in Overland Park, Kan., had the best performance, with no infections in nearly 7,000 central line days. New infection data from 4 new states, 40 new hospitals
- The Dwight D. Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kan., was not able to find any record of Brodrick being a pilot for Ike. Heroes or Villains?