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  1. New Zealand evergreen valued for its light easily worked wood

How To Use kahikatea In A Sentence

  • By 1907 the mill was a sizable operation employing 11 men and turning out 350,000 super feet of sawn rimu and kahikatea a year.
  • At first silver pine and totara were the chosen timbers, but later the demand changed to kahikatea and rimu, and these timbers were the predominant product from the West Coast timber industry.
  • In the lowland areas podocarps and hardwoods were predominant with kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides) growing in swampy areas and rimu (Dacrydium cupressinum) on drier sites. Southland temperate forests
  • Native species such as rimu and kahikatea were far better able to withstand the storm stresses.
  • If you walk up through Talbot Forest you will be in native forest with fine totara, matai and kahikatea and you will hear the calls of native birds, especially the trilling song of the grey warbler.
  • If you take this 20 minute walk you will be rewarded by seeing the type of vegetation that once grew in the valley - lowland podocarp/silver beech forest, with large specimens of matai, miro, kahikatea and silver beech.
  • Native species such as rimu and kahikatea were far better able to withstand the storm stresses.
  • Since then we have planted cabbage trees, flaxes, saltmarsh ribbonwoods, kowhais, ngaios, mahoes, matais, podocarps, kahikateas, manukas, wineberries, toitois and olearias in their thousands.
  • That was the first she had heard of her dad's plan to mill kahikatea (white pine), which would later be made into boxes for butter and cheese.
  • The remainder comprises ‘native forests and forest shrublands which contain mature and regenerating kahikatea, matai, rimu, kamahi, kawakawa, pockets of red and hard beech, and a number of other native species.’
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