How To Use Justify In A Sentence
Although Jameson is clear-eyed about the corrosive effects of modernity, his methodology nevertheless seemed to require his allegiance to secularization and to convergence theories of modernization; moreover, the acuity and insight of the readings produced by this methodology served to justify that faith a posteriori.
Upstairs were the bedrooms; mother-and-fathers room the largest; a smaller room for one or two sons, another for one or two daughters; each of these rooms containing a double bed, a washstand, a bureau, a wardrobe, a little table, a rocking-chair, and often a chair or two that had been slightly damaged downstairs, but not enough to justify either the expense of repair or decisive abandonment in the attic.
Chapter 1
Considering how opposed many conservative Christians are even to soft-core pornography (at least publicly!), I find it hard to fathom how a soi-disant conservative Christian can legitimately justify posing for titillating photographs with the goal of material and professional gain in mind — and especially not while technically still a minor (Prejean was not yet eighteen when she chose to pose for the topless photographs).
Think Progress » Miss Beverly Hills tries to one-up Carrie Prejean, says it’s divine law that gays be put to death.
I can see taha many of the comments try to justify what happening in Gaza by other crimes committed in the human history.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Many people find it socially and morally advantageous to hypocritically profess their religious beliefs, and to use religion to justify what they want to believe and do. Dr T.P.Chia

With this approach there is a need to justify all expenditure and not just that expenditure at the margin or additional expenditure.
It is hard to justify requiring companies to keep records of historical importance in a retrievable format when technological advances make retrieval increasingly difficult.
The contradictory demands of justifying and criticizing national prejudice can be seen in the everyday discourse of racism.
In both instances the general test should be whether there was some reasonable or sufficient evidence to justify the action.
Congress has ever been niggardly when little or no evidence of electoral sentiment is presented to justify more generous appropriations.
The fact that we do not have immortal souls does not justify unethical behavior.
Chief among the grievances I identify as providing primary justifying grounds for secession are these: persistent and serious violations of individual human rights and past unredressed unjust seizure of territory.
Both industries are able to transfer intellectual property around the world, making it easier to justify recording profits in different countries.
Times, Sunday Times
A passive-aggressiveness marches through it: On one hand, Capitol doubts its salability and keeps it off the market; on the other, the label constantly attempts to justify its importance by hailing every burp and burble emanating from the recording booth.
Pet Sounds : It's Not Rock 'n' Roll, But We Like It
How can you justify allegiance to a different city if you do not live there, or are not from there?
It was used to justify the introduction of the poll tax and to justify breaking up metropolitan counties.
It was necessary to satisfy stringent criteria to justify its use.
They haven't been given these rights for eternity - they should justify having them just like most other people have to.
The mere fact, if it be a fact, that the constable reasonably thought that a breach of the peace was likely did not in my judgment justify the arrest of the bailiff.
I wrote to the Secretary of State, but he has not even begun to justify the Government's action.
While there may be those who claim to be hazzanim or less than desirable candidates, that does not justify the diminished quality of prayer in such lay-led congregations.
It is a rare company that has Internet-scale web apps with racks of servers and yet lacks the resources to administrate them such that it would justify an appliance as a shortcut.
Schooner Launches Specialized Servers for Speedy Data Delivery
People buy with their emotions and justify and rationalize with logic.
Perhaps one could justify riches as the reward for the skill, diligence, foresight and cunning of the original creator.
I differ with great diffidence from the learned Baron whose Oriental reading was extensive; but the tale does not seem to justify his explanations.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
One crucial criterion in justifying a screening programme is that intervention is more effective in presymptomatic disease than after symptoms have appeared.
What there is, is a difficult political issue now that we have discovered the VPOTUS and his associates broke this law—not for a kidnapped child, but to justify the imminent invasion of Iraq with confabulated links between Saddam and 9/11.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Radio Host Waterboarded, Says It’s Torture:
How can you justify your rude and foolish behaviour?
They downplay, or justify, the proliferation of white supremacist - tinged paramilitary groups, police violence, and racial profiling.
Some road companies would ban through traffic justifying it on the basis of increased property values while others would positively welcome it, pocketing the extra income from road tolls.
Personally, I must confess to a sneaking admiration for his acumen, if not for his artistic integrity, but I would not attempt to justify his methods.
I lately had occasion to justify an action to a man," went on Clowes, "but, no, the scurvy fellow would put no faith in my words, insisting that the person I sought to clear was covinous and tricky, and wholly unworthy of trust.
Janice Meredith
Macarthy, the defence lawyer, found himself in the position of trying to defend the indefensible and justify the unjustifiable.
Protecting dictators for geopolitical gains, flouting international laws to protect themselves and lying to their people to justify wars do not help to promote liberal democracy.
Times, Sunday Times
You'll probably be able to justify paying the extra for more oomph if you are a fully fledged petrolhead who counts cars to get to sleep.
Times, Sunday Times
And people have critiqued Western reason precisely because ‘reason’ and ‘science’ have been such powerful tools to justify various oppressions.
As a skilled political counsellor More had to display his rhetorical skills in justifying often mutually incompatible or contradictory statements and beliefs in the service of the state.
You shouldn't attempt to justify yourself.
Don't try to justify his wickedness.
Its usefulness will often justify a path which in theory may appear quite arbitrary or badly traced.
The Education of a Gardener
The Seals operated under their own special type of morality, a morality that can justify almost anything that one does in wartime.
Should any relative complain, the doctor may rely upon the directive as justifying his actions.
In turn the profession would articulate philosophy and justify efforts and achievements with confidence to the wider community.
I have a hard time believing that you are talking about the same kind of creatureliness that has been used to justify slavery, to subjugate women, condemn homosexuality, anathemize birth control, and to pick an example from today's headlines to limit stem cell research.
Philocrites: Uh oh: Here come the Christian humanists!
The Court therefore finds that the reasons put forward as justifying the interference found are not sufficient to satisfy the requirements of paragraph of Article 8.
At the same time it launched an ideological offensive launched to justify this approach to solving the crisis.
As I tried to justify the unjustifiable I told myself that since I had Martin for a chaperon nothing could possibly go wrong.
But that doesn't justify this behavior, which is indefensible on several grounds.
In both instances the general test should be whether there was some reasonable or sufficient evidence to justify the action.
In both cases, failures would not justify an investigation into malfeasance or complicity.
Ministers have decided they cannot justify some of the more draconian measures to reduce cigarette and alcohol sales during the economic downturn.
Times, Sunday Times
The first is the cost of research and the need for profits to justify such costs; the second is the absence from virtual markets of the purely profit-based phenomenon of arbitrage.
They would then look to see if there were any special circumstances to justify any departure from established procedures.
The Sun
Mangold offers a series of cutaways in a revelatory montage near the end in attempts to justify what we've seen up to that point.
He said the use of this argument to justify abortion in general was a “smoke screen.”
Think Progress » Holding up the health care bill, Rep. Gohmert shouts, ‘I brought an abortion to show you today.’
The Lords of the Judicial Committee, before whom the case was heard in June and July, 1846, reported that in their opinion the Governor-in-Council had power in law to amove Mr. Willis, and that the facts were sufficient to justify his amoval, but that an opportunity ought to have been afforded him of being previously heard.
The Story of the Upper Canada Rebellion
I tend to have little time for the argument that evil is an external property that is independent of any viewer or participant of the action mainly because it's often used by people to justify some quite beastly things.
A judge should know the reasons that justify statutes and precedents.
In short, I felt I could justify my ambition to travel upwards in the ecclesiastical hierarchy.
There are no limits to our human ability to justify our fear for, in truth, the world is a fearful place.
So now in addition to the “ends justify the means” and “de minimus non curat lex” apologia for RW dictatorships, we have an implicit “no true Scotsman” argument: “No real RW gummint has secret police and a surveillance state” (even if they torture and kill their dissidents and anyone else that gets in their way).
The Volokh Conspiracy » Competing Explanations for the Oppressive Nature of Socialism
Spokesmen often justify the government's murky behaviour by reference to the awfulness of the Tigers.
The clouds were lowering, with a coppery sheen that seemed to justify the Canon's warning.
They aren't bloodthirsty barbarians, they are people who believe that if a crime is bad enough then one can justify taking the life of the person.
The United States wants to neutralize North Korea's dangerous weapons but at the same time justify its missile shield on the basis of this possible security threat.
Pietersen chose a more assertive route, his backlift full again, justifying his assertion in Perth last week that he was "on fire".
Paul Collingwood's 94 puts England on front foot in Adelaide
Ideas of Divine Right were, it is true, becoming increasingly difficult to justify in intellectual terms.
The intelligent author of the "Treatise on British Birds" does not condescend to justify the right we claim to encage them; but he shows his genuine humanity in instructing us how to render happy and healthful their imprisonment.
Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
Let the scholars who are misguiding the people with their stupid fatwas point to relevant parts of the Quran and sunnah to justify legitimizing misyar marriage.
Arabnews - frontpage
With accurate Chargeback reports, you can effectively recover IT costs and justify financial decisions of future purchases.
How exactly do we justify over-taxing struggling families with children to keep gassing up the Winnebagos of over-rewarded elders?
He tried to justify himself to me by saying that he was late.
Dryden's position was that popular belief in such beings was enough to justify their representation in poetry.
The court stated that a number of criteria used by employers to justify incremental pay differentials will have to be justified.
It is important enough to justify further comment.
The defendant cannot justify one libel by proving the truth of another distinct libel.
It needed a credible threat in order to justify its massive expenditure.
In the Court's view, the events that prompted the burgomaster's direction in May 1968… are of a nature to justify an ‘emergency’ confinement of the kind provided for at that time under section 14 of the Netherlands Act.
But in her usual taciturn manner, the president kept silent, leaving it to her ministers to justify the hikes to the public.
He is forced to twist and bend the truth to justify his crimes.
If satisfied they indicate that an appropriate level of concern exists to justify legal intervention but an order will not automatically follow.
In any event, the whole episode has given rise to the same mercantilist arguments that have always been used to justify tariffs.
For health sectors to justify the large sums of money they will need if climate change does accelerate insect-borne disease, they must be able to convince governments that it is a high priority.
Mrs Keen has shown utter contempt for her constituents by refusing to explain or justify her actions.
Times, Sunday Times
Manufacturers need large sales to justify offering a big variety in export markets.
The cyclist's own record and a study made in March last year demonstrate that Oscar has a sensitivity in his bronchioles which is greater than that of the average of the population, and that causes him to have to take medication if he presents symptoms that might justify it.
French doping agency studying explanation from Tour runner-up Pereiro
Mindful of these criticisms, I shall attempt to justify my action.
Since the cold war ended, many state intelligence agencies have struggled to justify their existence.
So does cartel activity amount to a criminal offence under common law, so as to justify its being extraditable?
Times, Sunday Times
Creative expression never needs to justify itself to philistines, who from time out of mind have never seen art as "serious."
It is a sign of our times, conspicuous to the coarsest observer, that many intelligent and religious persons withdraw themselves from the common labors and competitions of the market and the caucus, and betake themselves to a certain solitary and critical way of living, from which no solid fruit has yet appeared to justify their separation.
Richard Geldard: In This Other America
That some scientists confuse the unprovable with the nonexistent does not justify the deliberate attempt of IDists to substitute sophistry for science in our public schools.
The exemption for proprietary matters, such as grants and benefits, seems particularly difficult to justify.
This regiment is mindful of the fact that in order to justify the confidence of those set in authority over us, it must strive in the future to measure up to an exacting standard of readiness.
Dinner in Honour of The Toronto Scottish Regiment
However, hand on heart, even if you are a top dressage rider, can you really justify the fancy dress?
The supplier incentives are to invent newer, better, more specialized (costly) services and justify each as a "necessity", while the demanders are shielded from the immediate cost effects by the very nature of the insurance (protection against financial loss) - the services and guaranteed payment umbrella propagate the false perception in demanders that health care services are free or of minimal cost.
Primary Care Doctors vs. Specialists, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Kathryn Jean Lopez at National Review looks at the mainstreaming of infant euthanasia, which many "ethicists" justify on the grounds that newborns lack self-awareness.
Killing the Children
But his proviso is that Justice League, about four superheroes including Wonder Woman, would have to do really, really boffo to justify having a female as the main star of a spin-off pic.
This was the line pursued at the time by the body politic and large sections of the media to justify a knee-jerk reaction and savage state repression.
Manufacturers need large sales to justify offering a big variety in export markets.
Tutu also criticized what he called the dangerously flawed intelligence used by the U.S. and Britain to justify military action in Iraq.
CNN Transcript Feb 21, 2004
Now the violence just seems senseless - a tit-for-tat exchange that nobody can justify.
Often, we use the term globalisation without dissecting its meaning and in many ways we have seen those who have political and economic power in the world using the term to justify actions that benefit this small section of humanity, thus engendering strong opposition from the oppressed and the marginalised.
Globalisation must benefit all humanity
It looks like I'll be able to justify having the small roast-potato on Christmas Day that I've been promising myself for months.
Beyond Mr Mandelson's attempts to justify his actions, there is a final factor that guarantees his exile.
Still, the pleasure of delicious food, or of beautiful decoration, or, in some instances, the utility of better nutriment, seems sufficient to a vast majority of civilised men and women to justify these customs.
Marshal found that a tough resistance awaited him, although the allied commander-in-chief, Bernadotte, moved with the utmost caution, as if he were bent on justifying Napoleon's recent sneer that he would "only make a show" (_piaffer_).
The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 2 of 2)
The evidence is so muddled and conflicted when it comes to the efficacy of coercive interrogation that I find it hard to justify these tactics at all, especially given the blowback from their use.
I've never seen a player justify unsportsmanlike actions by saying, ‘I'm going to do what I want to and say what I want to.’
Of course, if you do say you have X skills which your other candidates don't have, there's the possibility you come off as either arrogant or over-qualified, unless you can justify the skill for the job and it really is a rare skill..or they may turn out to have other candidates with the skill that you think no-one else at that interview has.
Negotiate Your Salary More Effectively | Lifehacker Australia
I think at one stage he attempted to justify one of them to the New Zealand Parliament by saying it was not a gift but koha - a couple of hundred thousand dollars of koha, as I remember.
As airlines grew, their large cash flows were used to justify huge borrowings for takeovers and expansion.
Twelve months ago when Graeme joined us I had hoped that we could generate enough business to justify an extra man.
But convenience and political considerations of the moment do not justify a basic departure from the principles of our system of government.
Champagner-Oper" [ "Champagne Opera."] and in order to justify this title our amiable Intendant proposes to regale the whole theater with a few dozens of champagne in the second act, in order to spirit up the chorus.
These good practices shouldn't let us evade the tougher questions about how we justify importing active learning techniques into the classroom.
But there is also a perceived need on the part of governments to build up a momentum in public opinion both to justify its actions and bury awkward questions.
The statistics of the indigents within our municipalities would determine and justify their national equitable share.
In order to justify their behavior they confabulate, make up a variety of lies in order to manage real and imagined questioning.
Justin Frank: John McCain: Suffering from Irregularity
All the meat is free range and the coffee, tea and chocolate are all organic and fair trade, so you can just about justify tucking into the calorie-crazed sticky toffee pudding for afters.
We agreed that these doubts were sufficient to justify a recommendation to sell.
Even applying on the phone or in person instead of in writing could justify a refusal.
No amount of sophistry can justify one country's intervention in the internal affairs of another country.
The board of directors pointed to falling productivity to justify their decision.
Some will see this as an attempt to justify or excuse comments that are simply inexcusable.
As the legal escamotage of terra nullius denied the existence of Indigenous land tenure, opening up land and resources to European settlers, so cultura nullius is being used to justify government and market policy efforts to overlay our own, often foreign values and visions, on those that are rhetorically effaced and trade-off one cultural body of knowledge, skills, practices and values for another.
Culture Matters
These interesting observations certainly justify further evaluation of intermittent treatment in a controlled setting.
The human suffering makes it harder to justify the embargo and creates growing discontent in the region.
He adds a characteristically aw-shucks postscript: ‘I have no way of justifying what I do, no temporal defence at all.’
In the meantime, the clear advice to everyone is that the current level of rebates is too low to justify contracting out on financial grounds.
But without the £17 to £18 headage payment each animal used to attract, there is not enough cash to really justify the business.
They spent most of the 30 seconds justifying their decision to unleash the yuletide juggernaught in October.
They both beat a burglary charge a year and a half ago, a judge ruled there wasn't probable cause to justify a frisk.
And so he returns to the paparazzi and the predictable billets-doux slipped under the door by self-justifying journalists who have hypocrisy tattooed on their foreheads.
And that crop must justify its cultivation by being multi-purpose.
The economic importance of the illegal trade was not so great as to justify war.
The British way in Warfare - 1688-2000
An application to carry out works to a listed building or to demolish an unlisted building in a conservation area should be supported by a written statement to justify the proposal.
No argument can justify a war.
The end of suffering does not justify the suffering, and so there is no end to suffering. Jonathan Safran Foer
Some will see this as an attempt to justify or excuse comments that are simply inexcusable.
Times, Sunday Times
And anyway, how can you justify spending money and manpower on keeping alive such a fatally old-fashioned ritualism ?
Even so, it would be tragic if Russia's leaders used them to justify further centralising power, more crackdowns on political freedom and greater powers for the state's security forces.
The ensuing row led to a complaint to the local standards panel, which concluded there was insufficient evidence to justify a full investigation.
Times, Sunday Times
As I am forced to explain to my frequently muddle-headed undergraduate students, just because a trait or condition may not be chosen is insufficient to establish that any act that flows from it is fine, as it would justify all of sorts of acts that they would otherwise object to.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Add Bad Ethics to the Problems of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”?
Protecting dictators for geopolitical gains, flouting international laws to protect themselves and lying to their people to justify wars do not help to promote liberal democracy.
Times, Sunday Times
By then, the apparently insatiable appetite for this magical place may justify it as a fifth day.
Times, Sunday Times
I did not threaten to resign but I did make it clear that I would not endorse changes I could not justify.
The arguments used to justify women's equality in the marketplace left feminists open to the charge that female emancipation would desex women.
They found it hard to justify their son's giving up a secure well-paid job.
this is what happens when you contract-out the supply of services and materials. the argument used, as has been used where i work, to justify using contractors than in house staff is that 'overall it's cheaper' - but, funnily enough, there's never any figures to back this up - it's 'sensitive' - too bloody right it's sensitive - the idiot that came up with the idea daren't let anyone know what's going on.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
How can they justify paying such huge salaries?
Some of his work might justify the word "spy" in Shulman's subtitle, though "assassin" is surely over-egging it.
The Many Lives of Thomas Wyatt by Nicola Shulman - review
Click this option to right-justify the selected text.
People - apparently respectable, upstanding people - actually justifying these unspeakable crimes.
He now begins to justify himself in fleeing from the presence of the Lord, when he was first ordered to go to Nineveh, for which he had before, with good reason, condemned himself: "Lord," said he, "was not this my saying when I was in my own country?
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
A precedent quoted to justify them in acquitting Jeremiah.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
Inspector Roberts' document was a Branch Note, a Briefing Note, aspirational, hortatory in character, and entirely lacking in the authoritative provenance that would justify its description as a Policy Document.
For some investors, the small spread may not justify the costs and risks associated with converting currencies to buy and sell foreign shares.
instrumental" in an effort to justify their wordless noise or songs with failed lyrics, just like how we, back in high school, kept calling the crappiest of our work "abstract.
Both Sides of the Mouth
Uninterested in any kind of balanced view, Senator Obama sounds exactly like a classic European nationalist, decrying the historic ills inflicted upon his own volk, blaming all of their problems on the crimes of others, denying that anyone has ever done them a good turn, and implicitly justifying a mood of revanchism.
Stromata Blog:
Occasionally, the improved resale value alone can justify the entire project.
The putative victim uses a perhaps imagined slight to justify larger retaliation.
Are there non-parasitic reasons that justify acknowledging the validity of consent in certain classes of cases?
All businesses suffer IT hiccups, but one on which people so rely cannot justify allowing one to knock it so senseless.
Times, Sunday Times
The old medieval concept of an absolute ruler imbued with divine authority was being challenged by the shifting economic reality and the monarchy was constantly being called on to justify itself.
This memo, and a follow-up notation on the memo the next day, support that there was a perceived urgency at the time and it was not created after the fact to justify the claim being made.
ALL VOTES COUNT and no bit of statistics or individual utility should be used to justify laziness and and self importantness.
FREAK-TV: Why Economists Don’t Vote - Freakonomics Blog -
Nor do the arguably penal terms of the late delivery clause justify the penal interest clause.
Baer promptly did so, hiding behind a cloud of legalese to justify his action.
The report says the board's panel was clear that the mere denial of guilt could not, of itself, justify refusal of a progressive move through the system, including eventual release.
People buy with their emotions and justify and rationalize with logic.
The authors justify the calculation of dilution of the respiratory droplets found in condensate on the assumption that respiratory secretions have the same osmolarity as plasma.
If the evidence is sufficient to justify the argument that camels are herbivorous _because_ they are ruminants, it must also justify the major premise, _All ruminants are herbivorous_; for else the inference cannot really depend merely upon the fact of ruminating.
Logic Deductive and Inductive
Shame made her want to hang on to her outrage, to justify its voluble, satisfying violence.
The order to create wealth can never justify permanent damage to the balance of nature.
Our present system is analogue and the requirement for computer system links and data transmission may justify changing to a digital system.
But will it justify the hype?
Times, Sunday Times
And does the pilgrimage of the rich and powerful to Davos justify the acres of newsprint and hours of broadcasting time devoted to it each year?
Times, Sunday Times
Even then, local governments didn't have carte blanche; they had to justify the taking as a way to mitigate ‘urban blight.’
Any moral distinction between the two modes is surely too slender to justify legal recognition.
We have seen several examples in the last two years of situations which were handled very poorly and of decisions which were hard to justify from a purely economic point of view.
Quebec Update
It is true the people at the Cascades had suffered much, and that their wives and children had been murdered before their eyes, but to wreak vengeance on Spencer's unoffending family, who had walked into their settlement under the protection of a friendly alliance, was an unparalleled outrage which nothing can justify or extenuate.
She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
As sales move from stores to the internet, the cost of staff on the shop floor becomes harder to justify.
Times, Sunday Times
How can you justify the employment of capital punishment?
It rests with management to justify their actions.
‘The scientific claims that they make to justify discouraging the treatment are ungrounded,’ he adds.
He tried to justify his thievery with excuses.
Speech and speech-reading are taught where the measure of success seems likely to justify the labor expended, and in most of the schools some of the pupils are taught wholly or chiefly by the Oral Method or the
The Deaf Their Position in Society and the Provision for Their Education in the United States
Can you really justify the destruction of such a fine old building?
What makes that egregious and selfish act more serious than just disgustingly dishonorable is that those fake awards are used to justify and back up applications for employment or appointment, for winning political office, and even claims for veteran's benefits - including government medical treatment for post-traumatic stress syndrome.
Media Coverage October
It may seem that I am justifying or lauding the attack.
Along with “the ends justify the means”, we now have “de minimis non curat lex”....
The Volokh Conspiracy » Competing Explanations for the Oppressive Nature of Socialism
Where the funds are going, and as Rose Ferlita so clearly pointed out in her arguments, the generosity to areas that disproportionately "augment" private business enterprise eg, sports authority beneficiaries, does not demonstrate a magnitude of benefit to justify the level in increased expenditure and are therefore ... inappropriate when other services are being left ... - Financial News
Highways chiefs say there is no evidence to justify action being taken in Lily Road, Litherland.
Some recent studies, however, while not extensive enough to justify a conclusion, seem to indicate that in some of the largest cities the church is losing its hold, and that more and more the population of our largest urban centers is becoming churchless, if not without religion.
Sociology and Modern Social Problems
There is a trend for alcohol limits to become tighter - a trend more related to the increasing sobriety of the wider political climate than to the emergence of epidemiological evidence justifying a more abstemious policy.
Can you really justify the destruction of such a fine old building?
But he goes on, — “The apostle advanceth towards his proposed end, and adds, ‘Those whom he called, them he also justified,’ or decreed to justify, in case the called obstruct him not in his way, or by their unbelief render not themselves incapable of justification.”
The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
Ideas of Divine Right were, it is true, becoming increasingly difficult to justify in intellectual terms.
That could make the business attractive to a larger predator who could integrate head office functions and justify a higher price.