How To Use Jurisprudence In A Sentence

  • Well, it would be in a whole new jurisprudence so far as the prosecution of Commonwealth offences were concerned in this country.
  • It is not my intention to review the relevant jurisprudence in this ruling.
  • I do not myself consider that the Strasbourg jurisprudence can be so neatly encapsulated.
  • Born in Lisbon, he studied history, philosophy, and jurisprudence at the University of Lisbon.
  • This is a topic which highlights some of the difficulties which are created if the claimants' views of European jurisprudence are right.
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  • He is considered as the architect of a distinct school of thought in the principles of jurisprudence and Islamic law, and one of the leading exponents of 'kalam'-scholastic theology - and' rijal '- study of the biographies of transmitters of ahadith, the prophetic traditions,' fiqh '- jurisprudence - and - Articles related to Emirates becomes first Arab airline to operate Czech Republic route
  • I would have thought that Gazzo was a conspicuous page in the Court's jurisprudence
  • Eugene, this post demonstrates the very real conflict between the First Amendment and the speech-as-violation jurisprudence that has accreted under Title VII and similar laws. The Volokh Conspiracy » Anonymous Comments and Modern Tort Law and Antidiscrimination Law 
  • Jurisprudence has often been a catch-as-catch-can thing at Tulane and Broad, no more so than since the end of the thirty-year reign of District Attorney Harry Connick Sr., father of the singer. The Lampshade
  • A summary of different approaches to jurisprudence and judicial decision making among developed countries.
  • Puritan jurisprudence, 113; sabbatarian extravagance provokes reaction, 371. A History of American Christianity
  • From the jurisprudence perspective, the judicial practice cannot and simultaneously should not obey the logic of the statute law, or official law all the time.
  • Further, the overwhelming body of international jurisprudence favours the application of a subjective test.
  • Treatises on mathematics, music, astronomy, alchemy, medicine, jurisprudence, as well as studies on Athenian judicial terminology and on the topography of Athens. [5.]
  • La nouvelle jurisprudence criminelle, fondée sur les principes d'humanité et de justice, ne détruit aucune des dispositions réellement injustes et barbares, contenues dans cette loi. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 1, January 1916
  • The Texas statute is sumptuary law that has no value in jurisprudence or society.
  • The jurisprudence of capital punishment imposes a tremendous burden on jurors.
  • For the others, he was majoring in archaeology and forensics, and I was taking courses in law and jurisprudence.
  • The whole course of this area of jurisprudence is that similar functions can be discharged both on an executive basis and a judicial basis.
  • They realised the necessity of compelling barbarians and provincials alike to respect the elementary rights of person and property; Theodoric the Ostrogoth and Gundobad the Burgundian were the authors of new criminal codes, in the one case mainly, in the other partially, derived from Roman jurisprudence. Medieval Europe
  • This reliance on custom over jurisprudence was evident in Nazma's case.
  • When the Supreme Court reversed Newdow on narrow technical grounds, Kennedy was spared from facing the consequences of his own jurisprudence.
  • I would add that in European jurisprudence and in domestic practice this is a strong rule.
  • After the war, he earned a doctorate in jurisprudence from the Brooklyn Law School.
  • On the jurisprudence perspective, the judicial practice could not simultaneously should not obey the logic of the statute law, or official law all the time.
  • Happily your understanding of Second Amendment jurisprudence is as weak as your understanding of Bush v. Gore. The Volokh Conspiracy » Violent Misdemeanants, the Right to Bear Arms, and the Right to Vote
  • The morality involved in trials of Chinese traditional society may intitule"judicator's ethicality", while which emphasized by occidental jurisprudence intitule"legal or judicial ethicality".
  • It was not the emotional pull that won the day, but because racial discrimination had now lost credibility in American jurisprudence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Herbert Siegfried is a Doctor of Jurisprudence and a career diplomat. Expellees—A Problem of a Divided Germany
  • The laws which excuse, on any occasions, the ignorance of their subjects, confess their own imperfections: the civil jurisprudence, as it was abridged by Justinian, still continued a mysterious science, and a profitable trade, and the innate perplexity of the study was involved in tenfold darkness by the private industry of the practitioners. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • He had a keen awareness of the ebb and flow of history, and of the need for consistent jurisprudence, and, above all, self-restraint.
  • After rejecting a religious career, Sebastian took a degree in jurisprudence from the Colegio de San Ildefonso in Mexico City. Lerdo de Tejada: Jacobin to liberal elitist
  • SCt jurisprudence is developed with institutional media in mind; at first it seemed that the Court might not even apply the protections to nonmedia defendants. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The term constitution has many other significations in physics and in politics; but in jurisprudence, whenever it is applied to any act of the legislature, it invariably means a statute, law, or ordinance, which is the present case. Notes on the State of Virginia.
  • 'Tis the insatiety of the human beasts of prey immortalized in jurisprudence, and I, Dignity, sanctify all that. Mother Earth, Vol. 1 No. 4, June 1906 Monthly Magazine Devoted to Social Science and Literature
  • It was not the emotional pull that won the day, but because racial discrimination had now lost credibility in American jurisprudence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term constitution has many other significations in physics and in politics; but in Jurisprudence, whenever it is applied to any act of the legislature, it invariably means a statute, law, or ordinance, which is the present case. Notes on the State of Virginia
  • This embrace of "newsworthiness," and matters of public, as opposed to private, interest, as criteria on which First Amendment protection should turn, is consistent with a recent, prominent impulse in several threads of the Court's free speech jurisprudence, such as in Dun & Bradstreet and in Bartnicki v. Balkinization
  • Mainly from jurisprudence, constitutional theory, administrative law science, administrative litigation law science explains to administrative nonfeasance litigation theoretical foundation.
  • I.e. a court might see a single case as merely informative or possibly persuasive, but a series of similar cases might provide a basis for a larger principle (jurisprudence constante). The Volokh Conspiracy » Canadian University Restricting Graphic Posters That Compare Abortion to Genocide
  • The term constitution has many other significations in physics and politics,; but in jurisprudence, Notes on the State of Virginia
  • It involves concepts described as grounds - that is jurisprudence.
  • The Texas statute is sumptuary law that has no value in jurisprudence or society.
  • Although qualifications in medical jurisprudence have existed for decades, they are possessed by only a relatively small number of doctors. Times, Sunday Times
  • In ecclesiastical jurisprudence, the word precept is used: The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • The right to life has been a fruitful source of environmental jurisprudence in several national jurisdictions, especially India.
  • But I cannot see the House of Lords' decision as some sort of cataclysm which has put a quarter of a century's family jurisprudence into antediluvian obsolescence.
  • The developing jurisprudence in relation to Article 6 suggests that a reasoned decision is a concomitant to a fair hearing.
  • After more than two centuries of American jurisprudence and millennia of human experience, a few judges and local authorities are presuming to change the most fundamental institution of civilization.
  • It is inconsistent with our jurisprudence, it is inconsistent with that of other common law countries.
  • Islamic law, and one of the leading exponents of 'kalam'-scholastic theology - and' rijal '- study of the biographies of transmitters of ahadith, the prophetic traditions,' fiqh '- jurisprudence - and - Articles related to Emirates becomes first Arab airline to operate Czech Republic route
  • But it’s funny – when you give this to a (very conservative) tax prof, he hopes to see a revolution in capitation jurisprudence. The Volokh Conspiracy » Health insurance mandate as a privacy right violation
  • Only Richard Hooker can count as a precursor, and then merely in one limited branch of philosophy, that of jurisprudence.
  • This is obviously against Islam's own well-established principles of jurisprudence and legislation.
  • To call this graymail or blackmail is to demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding of criminal jurisprudence.
  • However, more recent jurisprudence demonstrates a judicial resistance towards slavish adherence to that rule.
  • After the argumentation of jurisprudence authority of the doctrine of privity of contract, the text gives the wide coverage to probes into the exception to privity of contract.
  • Based on Semiology, the passage explores the influence of star spokesman in TV advertisement, with a way of jurisprudence of abstract research.
  • A summary of different approaches to jurisprudence and judicial decision making among developed countries.
  • Born in Lisbon, he studied history, philosophy, and jurisprudence at the University of Lisbon.
  • Sara says: he hopes to see a revolution in capitation jurisprudence. The Volokh Conspiracy » Health insurance mandate as a privacy right violation
  • A strong argument may also be made that the pandectist jurisprudence of Continental Europe presents an example of the use of doctrinal expositions as primary sources of law.
  • Today, white - collar crime has become a legal terminology in sociology, criminology and criminal jurisprudence.
  • We must convince our legislators to place roadblocks in the almost criminal misuse of American jurisprudence.
  • Plus Scalia would look mighty fine straddling the guns of a Navy battleship in that fishnet thong getup from the "If I Could Turn Back Time" video (which is also a anthem wholly apropos of Scalia's jurisprudence). Balkinization
  • On the jurisprudence perspective, the judicial practice could not simultaneously should not obey the logic of the statute law, or official law all the time.
  • Its factual jurisprudence is slapdash, sloppy, and, too often, supercilious.
  • He then cited the passage from Story, Equity Jurisprudence and made the comment to which I have already referred.
  • Although qualifications in medical jurisprudence have existed for decades, they are possessed by only a relatively small number of doctors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The determination of the legality or illegality of an act requires the jurisconsult to search for proofs in the valid sources of Islamic jurisprudence.
  • But certainly a Mason has the "right of demission" [94] and this right, whatever be the opinion of Masonic jurisprudence, according to the inalienable natural rights of man, extends to a complete withdrawal not only from the lodge but also from the brotherhood. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • In fact, Michigan started the downward trend in takings jurisprudence.
  • There, speaking in orotund tones, the Court announces that ‘Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.’
  • Officially every case is a case of first impression until a sufficient pattern develops which can be seen as binding (via jurisprudence constante). The Volokh Conspiracy » Canadian University Restricting Graphic Posters That Compare Abortion to Genocide
  • An imperfect right of property was at length communicated to sons; and the threefold distinction of _profectitious_, _adventitious_, and _professional_ was ascertained by the jurisprudence of the Code and Pandects. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 4
  • The Strasbourg jurisprudence is clear and consistent.
  • OrenWithAnE: I gathered as much from my readings (long ago) on jurisprudence constante. The Volokh Conspiracy » Canadian University Restricting Graphic Posters That Compare Abortion to Genocide
  • Alcaldes, most of them unlearned in any system of jurisprudence, and unconversant with legal proceedings of any description, have been elected to administer a code, scattered through hundreds of volumes and written in languages of which they did not understand one word. Texas : a Brief Account of the Origin, Progress and Present State of the Colonial Settlements of Texas; Together with an Exposition of the Causes which have induced the Existing War with Mexico
  • The same learned authority, from whose lucid and fascinating pages we enjoyed the first glimmerings of the 'gladsome light of jurisprudence,' says (vol.i. p. 264): 'The command and application of the public force, to execute the law, maintain peace, and resist foreign invasion, are powers so exclusively of an executive nature, and require the exercise of powers so characteristical of this department, that they have always been _exclusively_ appropriated to it in every well-organized government upon earth.' The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • In American jurisprudence this is called judicial legislation.
  • Even more important, the New Deal and the new unions that it encouraged sought to "constitutionalize" work in the nation's industrial economy, creating a structure of collective bargaining that not only boosted wages, but which created a system of industrial jurisprudence that mimicked the lawyers, courts, and judges which governed citizenship rights in the larger community. Nelson Lichtenstein: This Labor Day, Is the World of Work a More Secure and Lawful Place?
  • The international jurisprudence to which we have referred does not touch this problem that we are concerned with, does it?
  • the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order
  • These were public employees who were expected to hold degrees or doctorates in administration or jurisprudence.
  • So I can examine recent Confrontation Clause jurisprudence with an unjaundiced eye, and conclude that it makes nosense. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Incorporation,” Originalism, and the Confrontation Clause:
  • As you may have heard, he has been branching out from talk radio into jurisprudence and constitutional law.
  • Phillipson devotes a "conjectural" chapter to reconstructing lectures on jurisprudence that Smith may or may not have delivered in Edinburgh in the winter of 1750-51. Adam Smith: An Enlightened Life by Nicholas Phillipson
  • The third commandment also historically shaped American law and jurisprudence.
  • Supreme Court jurisprudence on journalist privileges has been both limited and confusing.
  • An imperfect right of property was at length communicated to sons; and the threefold distinction of _profectitious_, _adventitious_, and _professional_ was ascertained by the jurisprudence of the _Code_ and _Pandects_. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • No, the only area where you can guarantee that one of the slimier branches of jurisprudence would swoop down with tort settlements glistening in their eyes like a sharkskin suit would be agriculture - specifically livestock producers.
  • It is legitimate to be afraid that empathy is code for results-oriented jurisprudence, but empathy does not have to be such a codeword. The Volokh Conspiracy » Legal Ambiguity, Empathy, and the Role of Judicial Power:
  • With the jurisprudence in mind, I turn to the application of the factors to the case at hand.
  • The parts of jurisprudence which he looked upon with affection were exactly those which a modern theorist leaves out of consideration as accidental and transitory; the solemn gestures of the mancipation; the nicely adjusted questions and answers of the verbal contract; the endless formalities of pleading and procedure. Ancient Law Its Connection to the History of Early Society
  • And in the realm of equity jurisprudence, he is attuned to making the common law make sense.
  • This statute was merely a reenactment of prior statutes which have preserved common law crimes and made them part of our jurisprudence.
  • We turn to consider the Strasbourg jurisprudence.
  • If not to defeat him, to question his judicial beliefs as a way of demarking how they differ from liberal conceptions of jurisprudence.
  • If the court of first instance (not the “trial court”, obviously) applies a standard or appears to apply a standard that deviates from the jurisprudence constante in a way that is disadvantageous to your client, you can appeal and let the court of appeals sort it out. The Volokh Conspiracy » Canadian University Restricting Graphic Posters That Compare Abortion to Genocide
  • Criminal jurisprudence is a science of criminal legislation and criminal judicature, it include two parts.
  • Lord Bingham sets out in extenso the origins and development over many hundreds of years of that rule in the common law and Lord Mance sets out the development of the rule in Strasbourg jurisprudence. Another Knee Jerk On The Road To Oblivion
  • I gathered as much from my readings (long ago) on jurisprudence constante. The Volokh Conspiracy » Canadian University Restricting Graphic Posters That Compare Abortion to Genocide
  • An imperfect right of property was at length communicated to sons; and the threefold distinction of profectitious, adventitious, and professional was ascertained by the jurisprudence of the Code and Pandects. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 4
  • A fatwa is a legal statement in Islam, issued by a mufti or a religious lawyer after reference to precedents to decide on an issue of jurisprudence.
  • After the argumentation of jurisprudence authority of the doctrine of privity of contract, the text gives the wide coverage to probes into the exception to privity of contract.
  • It will be a relief to the whole legal profession that at last what the Master of the Rolls called a blot on our jurisprudence has been removed. The Monetary Muddle
  • In a democratic country like India, there is a well-defined Constitution, jurisprudence and other laws.
  • Surely, there is some useful text on the European jurisprudence.
  • The development of fairness within our jurisprudence has not as yet caused us to depart from the adjudicative framework within which we operate.
  • The work of Bach on the History of the Roman Jurisprudence, with which Gibbon was not acquainted, is far superior to that of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The approach under the Strasbourg jurisprudence and under English domestic law is the same.
  • While the jurisprudence is a little bit different north of the border, these videos are a great example of an enduring principle of Canadian criminal law. Why You Should Never Talk to the Police : Law is Cool
  • The term ‘criminal offence’ under Convention jurisprudence has an autonomous meaning.
  • We say this because, as the jurisprudence illustrates, the right against self-incrimination is fundamental to the spirit of s. 10 of the Charter. Problems with New Impaired Driving Legislation : Law is Cool
  • Is there any apt analogies with our thinking about the common law or European jurisprudence at all?
  • She had applied to the college to read jurisprudence and was invited to attend an interview. Times, Sunday Times
  • But nothing in the Convention jurisprudence requires courts to shut their eyes to the practical realities of litigious life even in a reasonably well-organised legal system.
  • That vision informs much of the court's jurisprudence from the 1880s onward.
  • Furthermore, much jurisprudence had accumulated regarding the interpretation of the offences punishable in terms of the new Statute.
  • In 2004, we have gained quite great progress to Chinese constitutional jurisprudence.
  • Having removed every inconsistency from the sacred constitutions, hitherto inharmonious and confused, we extended our care to the immense volumes of the older jurisprudence
  • The Eighth Amendment jurisprudence is a huge mess. The Volokh Conspiracy » La Société, C’est Moi
  • It has to do with the difference between Jurisprudence constante and Stare decisis. The Volokh Conspiracy » Canadian University Restricting Graphic Posters That Compare Abortion to Genocide
  • As a finale, the "Left" have chosen another and even more demonical cult to defend against "racist bigotry" which was contrived by a war-mongering, desert bedouin, mandated by God, the Koran and the most respected scholars of Islamic Jurisprudence, to be in a constant state of war with the infidel, until converted or annihilated. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It is not difficult to trace a great number of the rules governing the transfer and devolution of the commodities which lay outside the _allod_, to their source in Roman jurisprudence, from which they were probably borrowed at widely distant epochs, and in fragmentary importations. Ancient Law Its Connection to the History of Early Society
  • As a disciplined believer, Witwer sees the danger of ascribing holy attributes to a man-made creation, but at the same time understands that it signals the potential for divine jurisprudence.
  • That is what we call jurisprudence, it is the philosophy and decision-making that underlies our legal system.
  • An imperfect right of property was at length communicated to sons; and the threefold distinction of profectitious, adventitious, and professional was ascertained by the jurisprudence of the Code and The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Such intrepid virtue, which had escaped pure and unsullied from the intrigues courts, the habits of business, and the arts of his profession, reflects more lustre on the memory of Papinian, than all his great employments, his numerous writings, and the superior reputation as a lawyer, which he has preserved through every age of the Roman jurisprudence. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Given this, it must follow that the commercial-speech line of cases simply does not apply to speech about sex, however commercially done in any particular instance, just as because marijuana is “inherently” commercial, commercial jurisprudence always applies to marijuana however non-commercial a role it may have in any particular instance. The Volokh Conspiracy » The First Amendment and Advertisements of Legal Prostitution
  • He said that people on earth are three segments as far as Islam is concerned: The first segment are those who are the community of Islam who are members of it; the second segment are those who are peaceful and in detente with Muslims, for dhimmah or truce or protection vow, and the blood of the two groups [of this segment], is protected unless one of them does something that makes his blood spillable and his money available [for confiscation] according to jurisprudence... Monday, October 31, 2005
  • Finally, the development of European Human Rights Law engages some of the most basic issues of jurisprudence.
  • Peter Damian, who lost both his parents while still very young and was raised by his siblings, received a superlative education in jurisprudence and Greek and Latin culture. Saints
  • Shi'ites have always been open to interpretting the sources of the faith (For better or worse, in my personal opinion) for the purpose of jurisprudence (A practice known as ijtihad). Cadillac Tight
  • Our own system of jurisprudence differentiates between crimes and torts and also takes into consideration such concepts as intent, depraved indifference, negligence, gross negligence, etc.
  • Still, originalism is the only jurisprudence fully compatible with our form of government.
  • From the jurisprudence perspective, the judicial practice cannot and simultaneously should not obey the logic of the statute law, or official law all the time.
  • I'm not a federalism maven; though I've followed the Court's jurisprudence here, I can't claim deep expertise.
  • Legal Adviser Koh alluded to the importance and, within the executive branch and the State Department, the independent weight of that traditional jurisprudence in the beginning of his speech, in which he made some important — but by the press largely not-understood as being important — prefatory framing remarks about the internal jurisprudence of the executive branch. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Harold Koh’s Defense of Drones Also the Defense of Targeting a US Citizen?
  • Although no new principles were enunciated by the Court, the full impact of its radical jurisprudence only really came home to many British parliamentarians with this case.
  • AUTHOR CRAIG GLICKMAN holds a BA in philosophy, a ThM from Dallas Seminary, a doctorate in biblical studies and philosophy, and a Doctor of Jurisprudence. ONCE UPON A Love Song
  • It comes out of the human rights jurisprudence in Europe.
  • In terms of legal analysis, you can argue plausibly that all I have done is to apply in large measure well-established jurisprudence.
  • Perhaps so, if the present masters of jurisprudence in the law schools and on the courts are in unchallengeable control.
  • That is what I call Solomonic jurisprudence," exclaimed the philosopher. Bohemians of the Latin Quarter
  • She had applied to the college to read jurisprudence and was invited to attend an interview. Times, Sunday Times
  • For that, there is already a “jurisprudence constante”, for example Supreme Court 22 January 2008, LJN BB7134, NJ 2008, 72. The Volokh Conspiracy » Canadian University Restricting Graphic Posters That Compare Abortion to Genocide
  • The most common definition today in American jurisprudence is a crime which is punishable by imprisonment for more than 1 year, or by death. Sound Politics: The party of robbers and rapists
  • Modern Commerce clause jurisprudence deems relevant not just the activities but persons and things involved in interstate commerce. Matthew Yglesias » Constitutional Objections to Health Reform
  • John Forrest Dillon, a man of high intelligence, explained, in the preface to the fourth edition of his treatise on local government: No writer on our jurisprudence is authorized to speak oracularly, to excogitate a system, or to give to his views any authoritative sanction. A History of American Law
  • At the tea parties, in the attempts by states including Virginia to "nullify" health care, and in parts of the originalism jurisprudence of conservatives on the Roberts Court, there is strong sense of nostalgia for the unamended Constitution and the ideas of our founding, even when those ideas have been repudiated by subsequent constitutional history and overruled or limited by constitutional Amendments. Doug Kendall: Thurgood Marshall, Elena Kagan, and Our Constitution Today
  • We alone are the masters of civil prudence, and our superiority is the more conspicuous, if we deign to cast our eyes on the rude and almost ridiculous jurisprudence of Draco, of Solon, and of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • In 2008, Umar left for South Africa to pursue a two-year master's degree in Islamic jurisprudence and earned the title "mufti. At 27, New Imam Represents A Homegrown American Islam
  • On the ceiling Raphael painted the personifications of Theology, Philosophy, Jurisprudence and Poetry set within circular enclosures above the lunettes of the walls.
  • He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Stanford University with a degree in journalism and worked as a reporter for the Los Angeles Times before obtaining his doctorate of jurisprudence from the University of Wrongful Death by Robert Dugoni: Book summary

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