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How To Use Junior In A Sentence

  • Based on age, the children are divided into the primary, intermediate, junior and senior levels.
  • By May of 1999, the foundation offered two scholarship programs and intensive SAT tutoring for high school juniors and seniors.
  • When my sister taught at a junior school they celebrated all the religious festivals.
  • Two rows behind the bench sits a sweet-faced junior college girl who just announced her intention to play for Oregon next year.
  • Tournament organiser Ussher Watson will take late entries for the junior events this evening at Belfast 647934.
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  • Point guard DiJuan Harris led the conference in assists with 4.5 a game, and guard Derrio Harris, a junior college transfer, had a 13.1 scoring average. Atlantic 10 Conference
  • I wanted to know because she looked old enough to be in junior high but acted so much younger.
  • As this was during school hours, the junior members could not take part.
  • There is wrestling with college kids at Fresno State, where he was an All-American junior heavyweight.
  • A Hampshire junior school has turned weakness into strength and won glowing praise from Ofsted inspectors.
  • An all-out attack by a junior on a senior at a meeting is usually costly, especially if the junior member wins.
  • As a junior nurse it is important that you receive extra instruction and practice under supervision before caring for these patients.
  • This certifies that the bearer is a Volunteer Junior Assistant Deputy co-operating with the police force of Rocky Beach. THE MYSTERY OF THE PURPLE PIRATE
  • Further appointments at a more junior ministerial rank are to come. Computing
  • Aycock; Odd Fellow; Royal Arcanum; Junior; Baptist. Alumni History of the University of North Carolina
  • Mandarin numbers shot up while junior admin staff were cut. The Sun
  • Less common, and more exciting, is the skill-prodigy, the ferrety junior ballerina who comes snorting out of his elite rabbit hole ready-made. Enjoying the fleeting thrill of fragile prodigies is a national habit | Barney Ronay
  • By his senior year at Zanesville High School, he led the state of Ohio in junior league competition with an average of 210.
  • Junior moved aside to reveal what the third guy was also covering.
  • The collision allowed tons of water to flood several compartments in the forward section of the ship, including missile and gun magazines and a junior rates' mess.
  • Had the makers of Junior Scientist included chemicals so deadly they might destroy a house?
  • Reuters distributes this shot which, from the way everyone is caught in the moment, seems to capture Obama ogling, or at least gamely distracted by this junior G-8 delegate (set up by the notorious Sarkozy seeming to also look on lecherously). Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: Reuters Obama Booty Call
  • There will be pressure on junior family barristers to take on more complex work than they are ready for. Times, Sunday Times
  • The junior deckhand on duty had fallen asleep, chronically fatigued after his eight hours' sleep in the previous 24 hours were broken into three periods.
  • As a junior minister he was sometimes arrogant and aloof. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a junior fellow at the RNCM, he won the first ever distinction awarded for conducting in May 1999.
  • ADEL - Kids ages 6 to 12 can work towards earning Junior Ranger badges Aug. 21, Sept. 18, Oct. 16 and Nov. 20 at Reed Bingham State Park in Adel. Tifton Gazette Homepage
  • Investigated the math graphic representation in junior high school first time.
  • There is coaching for juniors each Wednesday from 3.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
  • All airmen, junior NCOs and senior NCOs must learn how to function as effective leaders in the officership environment.
  • Tonight, C had the gall to send a young junior, a pompous little ass called Maitland-Wood, to ask if I would reconsider. Final Resting Place of The Pen
  • After junior appointments in London he decided to specialise in radiology, and at Harefield he became an enthusiastic member of the cardiac team.
  • At his junior seminary in Cumbria, the outwardly pious enforced a regime of physical and sexual abuse.
  • The winger, a product of York's powerful junior section, took his chance with pace, swerve and strength but Ford could not make the conversion.
  • Junior faculty members, in particular, want to ensure that their blogs are not a distraction from their primary research.
  • First School students and Junior students pursue separate courses, as they prepare specifically for classroom work.
  • Hospitals including the Royal, City and Ulster need to achieve a quota of junior doctors to maintain their teaching status in conjunction with Queen's University.
  • Just as Adam let Dave play Tom Hanks in his closing address at Gnomedex when referencing the movie Big, maybe Dave now would like to be the "kid" in Ontario at the Podcasting Expo, getting all the love from the junior poddies, as well as getting to wear a pink polo. Archive 2005-11-01
  • A.-area junior college and high school basketball for thirteen years.
  • She joined Otley Junior Players and her first starring role was as a clockwork doll at the age of five.
  • I'm a junior college student.
  • His plans to get more junior doctors working at weekends sparked the first full walkouts in history. The Sun
  • The Admiral wants to see a greater involvement of Leading Hands and Petty Officers in the daily management of junior ratings.
  • Thus, the standard is not just that of the averagely competent and well-informed junior houseman (or whatever the position of the doctor) but of such a person who fills a post in a unit offering a highly specialised service.
  • Music was supplied by Woodfalls Junior Band and there were dancing displays by the New Forest School of Dancing, falcons, vintage and veteran vehicles, stalls, sideshows and various competitions.
  • Junior college degree or above, major in Accounting or Auditing, Economics or other relative subjects.
  • The boss dumps on Jane and she dumps on the junior staff.
  • He's prepared to help whoever he meets, be it a trade union leader, a consultant or a junior clerk.
  • Working with the staff at St Brigid Elementary Junior High School, she formed a homework committee.
  • Carlotta was a "prod"; it was only because she came at the end of the alphabet that she was left out, but thanks to Betty's fly-away fashion of running off to speak to some junior ushers, and then calling the Blunderbuss, whose mother wanted to see her a minute, nobody could find out positively who it was that had been "flunked out" of 19 --. Betty Wales Senior
  • In junior high, Carroll was positive she was eight feet tall in Lilliput.
  • On average, her firm consumes 1,200 legal-size legal pads, 12,000 letter-size legal pads, and 4,200 Junior-size legal pads a year.
  • After giving birth, she was stitched up by a junior doctor.
  • During the long session with the senior students the juniors were directed to stick to a typical dress code while attending classes andwere directed to apply mustard oil, wear bathroom sleepers and strictly adhere to a dress code while attending classes. Senior girl students ragged freshers in Institute of technology in Kashmir
  • Junior Seau, now taping a Versus reality series that debuts Dec. 2 in which the ex-NFL star does things like be an MLB batboy and LPGA caddy, says he's considering returning to the NFL. Favre speculation, sitcom promos; NFL's back
  • Junior nurses and healthcare assistants more involved in physical care seemed able to recognise that there was more to care than drugs, surgery, and invasive procedures.
  • During the summer before my junior year of college, my sister announced her engagement to a man she had met in college.
  • The promoter, who also officiates on the junior grasstrack scene, spotted Complin several years ago and marked him down as one for the future.
  • Most people continue to make the mistake that the Democrats are an opposition party when in fact they are best understood as junior partners in a ruling coalition.
  • The juniors are fishing at Rawcliffe Lake on a Tuesday evening at present where lots of roach are taking an interest in hemp and tares.
  • Meeting with his imprisoned father and their family lawyer, Junior hears the older men discuss how to get Elroy Sr. better amenities during his upcoming incarceration through bribery and kickbacks, and what such niceties will cost. 70s Cinema: The Last American Hero « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • This summer in Lincoln, after breezing through the seven-state regionals in Oregon, Sean qualified for the junior amateur category and won his own national championship.
  • It seems ironic at a time of mounting concern about the excessive hours of junior hospital doctors.
  • These give clear advice for more junior doctors and are applicable to all healthcare systems in the developed world.
  • One could expect that Junior's presence will become a liability once he spells out his plan.
  • Pedestrian middle managers who stifle the enthusiasm of the inventive junior are the biggest block to bright ideas.
  • He first appeared at Wimbledon in 1972, winning the junior title, a lanky Swedish youth with a straggle of blond brown hair.
  • The study of small group discussion of patient cases took place in a semester-long 3-credit junior/senior level undergraduate course in clinical immunology and serology with 67 students.
  • Discrimination was highest for male, junior clerical jobs, management trainees and accountants, and lowest for female clerical jobs.
  • Adams said the regional government decided to push for junior officers because guidelines for the more senior conservation officers require French skills, which would prevent unilingual Inuit from getting the job.
  • At Junior Cert level, deadlines are looming for home economics and metalwork projects, and practicals in home economics and music are set to begin at the end of the month.
  • The kids learn fast, and can't wait to move up to the junior team.
  • It brings together juniors and infants on one site, rather than a quarter of a mile apart on opposite sides of busy Bag Lane.
  • We have been present at a number of local carnivals during the summer, set up several stalls in and around the city centre, and sponsor the Junior Football League.
  • No one is fighting her for the task of serving school dinners to the juniors.
  • The undefeated juniors lead their group after home wins against the Czech Republic and Malta, and a draw with Denmark.
  • The original plan embraced by Tribune Co., Oaktree and Angelo, Gordon proposed settling claims related to the larger, first step of the Zell transaction by giving junior bondholders, such as Aurelius, $300 million in cash. - News
  • The army has far more junior officers than it can usefully employ.
  • Leadership of an army conscripted through the draft called for junior officers of the highest quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • To assist and encourage and supervise where appropriate junior staff in the proper performance of their duties.
  • After Gus (Giancarlo Esposito) threatened Walt (Bryan Cranston) and his family on last week's Breaking Bad, Walt decides it's time to make sure Skyler (Anna Gunn), Junior (RJ Mitte) and Holly are safely ensconced at Hank's house. Breaking Bad Sneak Peek: Is Walt Ready to Face His Consequences?
  • Anyways, the juniors and seniors at our high school have mixed grade, co-ed gym classes.
  • She is my junior by three years.
  • Crusaders fifth Dubliner John Cleary has gone into junior management down south.
  • His Cabinet reshuffle largely involved middle-ranking and junior members of his ministerial team.
  • Though the admiral was a perfectly nice and personable woman, she was not in the habit of casually dropping by to visit junior officers. Star Trek: TNG: Losing the Peace
  • For almost its first century, junior football was where most Scottish football greats kick-started their career.
  • I couldn't transfer all my credits from junior college.
  • If Junior had a single bed, this might be the time to replace it with a fold out sofa, futon sofa, or daybed.
  • Most of the junior office staff are on the minimum wage .
  • Then Herb, Junior, had taken his bow and arrow and wounded one of the beasts in the hindquarters.
  • The junior girls' basketball team, with Amelia watching over them, came out first in their local contest.
  • An all-out attack by a junior on a senior at a meeting is usually costly, especially if the junior member wins.
  • As public opinion turns against them and junior doctors feel the effects of industrial action on their pay packet, support will surely ebb away. The Sun
  • Before they recalculated, the high school informed colleges that Brian was second in his class, based on junior year-end records.
  • Huaxing junior high school students currently enjoy one of the highest success rates at the Cambridge Suite Exams like the Key English Test (KET) and the Preliminary English Test (PET).
  • Caines claimed the 400m title and Lewis-Francis took the bronze medal in the 60m with a world junior record.
  • The nine-month refit has seen the patrol ship fitted with three new diesel generators and the junior rates' mess has been rebuilt.
  • I didn't think juniors still gave out valentines (I stopped giving and receiving seven years ago, that streak being broken last year), but I guess I was wrong.
  • Rolando the Lasso, and flaunt on the flimsyfilmsies for to grig my collage juniorees who, though they flush fuchsia, are they octette and virginity in my shade but always my figurants. Finnegans Wake
  • After giving birth, she was stitched up by a junior doctor.
  • We were so short-staffed at points that senior management were often doing the duties of junior prison officers.
  • I am grateful to my parents in a way as I have never been forced to go to church or to say grace before meals (except at junior school).
  • Junior CB Patrick Peterson also will return kickoffs for the first time as a collegian. Around the Southeastern Conference
  • And it is not true that a girl decides in junior high that math is, like, so boring.
  • At first embarking on a conventional path, Hill enrolled in junior college after graduating from high school.
  • We had cheerleaders for varsity football and boys basketball and even junior varsity cheerleaders for both teams.
  • He will be joined in the backcourt by junior Kyle Cassity (6.0 ppg, 3.3 apg) and sophomore Christian Salecich (6.4 ppg). Atlantic 10 Conference
  • The City of Glasgow athlete has thrown 55.10m in the hammer this season - well over the qualification mark for the World Juniors.
  • There are separate rooms for senior and junior officers.
  • He likes to lord it over the junior staff.
  • The junior leading men, admirable technicians to whom the notion of charisma is alien, don't appear destined for stardom.
  • No-one has enjoyed such popularity over such a wide range of colleagues from the very junior to the very senior.
  • Some junior school Heads think it is a waste of good scholarship studying time.
  • His enthusiasm and commanding personality enabled him to influence greatly the work of many of his juniors, so that they came to reverence him as the founder of their careers.
  • Investigated the math graphic representation in junior high school first time.
  • In the hierarchy of local raja he was the most junior of the twelve in the Kei Islands, but he was able to approach the others and start a movement of customary reconciliation.
  • Instead we were judged on our four years' work at junior school and interviewed by the headmaster. The Sun
  • Many parents and teachers at St. George's were opposed but reluctantly agreed to the study after a presentation by Owens, whose daughter was a junior there. Teens Benefit From Later School Day, More Sleep
  • In the late 1930s and 1940s, Dorothy Snell, as she was then known, competed and won medals at the national level in novice, junior and senior competitions. Dorothy S. Curtis; Capitol Hill aide, skater
  • First School students and Junior students pursue separate courses, as they prepare specifically for classroom work.
  • Then, there is the right of Prohibition which says to the junior magistrate or the inferior magistrate that he mustn't outstep his jurisdiction. Is Quebec A British Province?
  • Recruit, guide and mentor junior members the CAD team.
  • In the women's race, Beijing Olympic finalist Jeanette Kwakye took the title ahead of world and European junior champion Jodie Williams, with Asha Philip, the top-ranked Briton before this weekend, disqualified from the semi-finals for a false start. WalesOnline - Home
  • Plain hospital beds with flock mattresses laid on interlaced wire springs were for the junior members of the staff.
  • But from a general view the status of the junior adventure story is unassailable.
  • Her determination brought its reward with a number of junior tournament victories.
  • Instead, children were simply held back in classes with pupils many years their junior, through what has been described as a ‘sink or swim policy’.
  • Mundi euiin Se - nium, et Grandsevitas pio antiquitate vere habenda suut; quae temporibus nustris tribui debent, non juniori aetati muudi, qualisapud antiquos fuit. Hypocrisy. A satire, in three books. Book the first
  • There are no school libraries in the 175 elementary and junior high schools.
  • If one trusts the cuttings - there are tales of files being thrown at unfortunate juniors - Stevens has a quick temper.
  • Both fighters are in a redemption mission after being dethroned of their SA flyweight and junior flyweight titles respectively.
  • The 6-5 junior swingman is the 11th-seeded Cowboys 'best shooter and its best shot at upsetting Gonzaga. - Unheralded players will become stars
  • In March 1988, a group of junior officers attempted a coup.
  • Tonight was the parent's meeting at the junior school which my lad will be attending for the first time in September.
  • The most junior executive officer outranked the senior engineer officer aboard ship.
  • Undergraduates starting their studies at York St John College are worried about the lack of junior posts available to complete their training.
  • BASH (voice-over): Arlen Specter didn't show up for this Senate Judiciary Committee meeting, but his empty seat at the very end of the dais is a stark illustration of his new junior ranking since Democrats stripped his seniority on all committees. CNN Transcript May 6, 2009
  • There were about ten people who were from the varsity team last year, and fifteen from the junior varsity.
  • But with Tony Blair and Michael Howard now representing their respective parties, he is suddenly very junior to both of his rivals.
  • We need to ensure that there are enough doctors on duty at all sites to comply with the law and guarantee that caseloads are such that training and supervision of junior doctors will be satisfactory.
  • Each of these six departments had two or three clerks or junior clerks to assist them in the work.
  • Probably not, but they can successfully mix high school juniors and high school seniors in the same program.
  • He started as an office junior and worked his way up through the company to become a director.
  • I haven't worn a mouthpiece since I was in junior high school because I couldn't talk with it in.
  • She gets the kids in there in junior high or freshman in high school and teaches them how to write college application essays and how to train for the SAT.
  • He and Junior really are living in some sort of dreamworld where they apparently don't have to worry that their every previous public statement is noted and available for the whole world to see.
  • It is taking a toll has taken a toll in health and joy of living - in both junior untenured faculty members and senior Full Professors.
  • A good select committee chairman has more influence than a junior minister. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was also second in the Yorkshire Championships at Harrogate and is currently junior champion of Yorkshire.
  • Did you take the course as fresher, sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student?
  • A deluge of postgraduate applicants for the posts of lower division clerks, junior assistants, sweepers, liftmen and durwans have left the Calcutta University (CU) authorities struggling to select the candidates for 200-odd vacancies. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Frontpage
  • Miller is not a musician, but he tried the trombone for one semester in junior high.
  • The most junior executive officer outranked the senior engineer officer aboard ship.
  • The match will be between seniors, colts and juniors for the Alec Armstrong Memorial Shield.
  • The junior non-coms kept telling the troops that.
  • Junior officers in the British army require their commanding officer's permission to marry or they are obliged to resign their commission.
  • In my own experience, the years of what we called junior high were mostly fun, a time of growing up and adjusting to crazy hormones. - News
  • I was supposed to be going into my sophomore year with all the friends that I had made last year in junior high.
  • the first to crack down on any hint of insubordination amongst the junior officers. CODE BREAKER
  • Since winning the world junior championship in sprint in 1997, Hakkinen has failed to medal at the highest level. - Biathlete hopes to hook gold medal
  • Marano was a junior world bronze medalist in judo when, three months before the Olympic trials for the 1996 Summer Games, she tore the anterior cruciate ligament in her left knee. Marano trying to pin down an Olympic dream
  • Opted-out hospitals will not be able to borrow on the capital markets or pay junior staff more than other hospitals.
  • But his controversial elevation to the peerage to enable him to become a junior health minister has already exposed his political naivety and allegiance. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has been campaigning in the junior flyweight, flyweight and junior bantamweight divisions, destroying every opponent with frightening aplomb.
  • I left after my junior year. Christianity Today
  • Recruit: Those who graduate from junior middle schools allover China.
  • The junior Saturday morning drama class is a valued asset to many children.
  • Even the junior senator from North Carolina felt obliged to express her scorn for these malefactors of great wealth.
  • And so, before returning to college for my junior year, I ventured up the cliff to give it a try.
  • He is junior to me by a year.
  • He missed a game due to a hamstring injury as a redshirt freshman, another game as a sophomore with a sprained ankle, and two more games as a junior when he broke his arm.
  • Matt and Chris are junior county tennis champions.
  • He and his followers (led by the Junior Warden Max Planck) were then able to adapt the entire canon of physical and chemical science to sustain the second law.
  • We must ensure that training for junior doctors is improved as a matter of urgency. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, I look like one of the office junior temps. The Sun
  • After struggling for months, it dawned on me that I needed to grovel. She was as important to the department as the snot-nosed junior banker giving her the work.
  • The announcement, made by junior agriculture minister Baroness Hayman in the House of Lords, followed a day of intense activity after the disease was confirmed at an Essex abattoir.
  • Our doctor diagnosed a throat infection and prescribed antibiotic and junior aspirin.
  • He was once a bankrupt junior public official. The Sun
  • Management decided the office was overmanned and sacked three junior typists.
  • The tourists will no doubt rest some of their big stars and allow some of the junior members of the team a chance to play.
  • And it is not true that a girl decides in junior high that math is, like, so boring.
  • I figured I don't have to go out there and be a high-flying junior heavyweight.
  • The Free Democrats FDP, junior coalition partners in Berlin but only an opposition party in Schwerin, face a humiliating defeat in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Merkel's coalition faces rough ride in regional election
  • Yet while some banks and building societies offer attractive interest to encourage junior customers to see the benefit of saving, others pay them a derisory rate.
  • Is it not chiefly because they upheld the principle of serving the people, established exemplary relations with the people through sacrificing their own interests, crated inside the armed forces a comradeship that brought the initiative of junior officers and the rank and file into full play, relied on the masses, analyzed the experience of each battle, and from battle to battle made continuous progress, both strategic and tactical?
  • I know Mrs Havelock, the headmistress at my junior school didn't really approve of the word nice, but in this case it truly was.
  • American junior Courtney Kupets also qualified to all four events, and led the field on bars and beam.
  • First School students and Junior students pursue separate courses, as they prepare specifically for classroom work.
  • Selena, mother of two junior high schoolers, has drawn the line against television, and it's landed both her kids in the hoosegow.
  • He is my classmate of junior middle school.
  • Cheshire junior girls put up a brave fight before losing by a point to Yorkshire at Low Laithes in an inter-county fixture.
  • She competed regularly in junior tournaments throughout Ohio and was good enough to play in national events.
  • He channelled his rising anger into swimming and cycling, and soon began winning junior triathlons.
  • Ark "-- by which complimentary title the capacious boat devoted to the use of the juniors of the house was known -- lazily up on the tide towards The Willoughby Captains
  • He was Junior after all, now and always, willingly, necessarily, however tired and befooled, the life companion and loyal second man. Underworld
  • Since the start of the year, 80 companies have taken the plunge to swim alongside similar aspirants on the so-called junior market.
  • During his junior year at Harvard, in 2001, Ross Douthat was taking a final exam with 200 fellow students when a madman burst into the room.
  • We recruit junior pursers who undergo a three month training programme aboard one of our cruise ships.

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