- any of various North American trees or shrubs having showy white flowers and edible blue-black or purplish fruit
How To Use Juneberry In A Sentence
- Juneberry or dogwood or any of those common native berry plants. Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
- This is also known as Juneberry or serviceberry depending on where you live and who you learned your kennings from. Narrow window of opportunity
- Often planted in landscapes, Juneberry, also known as serviceberry, is not common in the wilds of the five boroughs. NYT > Home Page
- In addition to the Nantucket shadbush, sometimes called the Juneberry for its edible summer-ripening berries, the study found that at least 50 native varieties were in danger of extinction, including the coastal violet, a unique variety of violet with dissected leaves, and the hairy angelica, a small plant with a burst of tiny white flowers. NYT > Home Page
- Some years ago I worked pears on Juneberry stock from a hint given me many years ago by Professor J.L. Budd. Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
- Nearby, Amelanchier alnifolia was in fruit at the same time, confirming one of this sturdy shrub's common names, Juneberry. Up in the Park
- White blossoms are opening in drooping clusters, also, on the naked branches of the Juneberry; this is a tree which adds very much to the gayety of our spring; it is found in every wood, and always covered with long, pendulous bunches of flowers, whether a small shrub or a large tree. Rural Hours
- Mr. Mahler: The barberry would be all right, but I prefer the Juneberry and the mulberry and the dogwood, because they come up a little higher. Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
- He includes fruits like juneberry, also known as serviceberry, shadbush or saskatoon (Amelanchier spp.).
- The small tree is also called "Juneberry" for the obvious reason. Shadbush and asparagus