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June 24

  1. a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland

How To Use June 24 In A Sentence

  • Review of the sodbuster and swampbuster provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985 and drought conditions in Minnesota and upper Midwest: Hearing before ... second session, June 24, 1988, Moorhead, MN by United States. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Water crisis in Iraq brings failed crops, sandstorms and scorched earth
  • On June 24 the election campaign will officially begin, lasting four months until the voting in November for the Constituent Assembly.
  • The answer is, Saint John's Wort is named for John the Baptist since it's often harvested around the feast of Saint John the Baptist on June 24. CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2004
  • The winning design will be unveiled that evening, and on the following day, June 24th, Penguin Books will publish the title featuring the winning design. Design Observer: Main Posts
  • Leo Marx's critique of recent attention to Henry David Thoreau's late-life "ecocentric" turn [NYR, June 24 and July 15] makes strong, important claims not only about Thoreau's life and writings but also about the proper way to understand literature (particularly literature of a "pastoral" sort) and the proper direction of the whole environmental movement to boot. An Exchange on Thoreau
  • June 24, 2008 tags: carlin, wordsmith by Dale Challener Roe One Less Wordsmith « Write Anything
  • Now Jindal's office acknowledged to CBS News the governor has not specifically asked for more Guard troops to be deployed. by dontknowitall June 24, 2010 7: 25 PM EDT by sam-kiley June 24, 2010 7: 17 PM EDT coucou .. Breaking News: CBS News
  • The 23-year-old fighter aims to come through unscathed as he's booked to appear on the undercard for the Mike Tyson bill at Hampden Park on June 24.
  • But the debriefers notified their operations officer who in turn reported the situation up the chain of command on June 24.
  • The bill, which was passed by the State Senate on June 24 and by the Assembly on July 1, would amend the city's multiple dwelling law and the administrative code to remove what lawmakers described as ambiguities in the current rules that allowed landlords to convert apartments in residential buildings into way stations for transient visitors. NYT > Home Page
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