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How To Use Jubilee In A Sentence

  • Another plant associated with the celebrations is the Peruvian lily called Alstroemeria, ‘The Golden Jubilee Lily’.
  • Rudyard Kipling's Recessional, in exultant recognition of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, embodied the spirit of that nostalgic period. Responsible Nationhood
  • The jubilee celebrations were conducted with a number of activities, including seminars, workshops, competitions for children, and cultural gatherings.
  • Cabbages and cauliflowers have to go from Jubilee Allotment gardens, Kendal, so the Cumbria Education Department can raise a crop of healthy children.
  • Why not let a piece of fine British craftsmanship become the magic lamp that conjures up memories of this jubilee? Times, Sunday Times
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  • The fuss over coverage of the jubilee river pageant shows that we still care. Times, Sunday Times
  • Amid the midsummer heat and the excitement in central London, as citizens celebrated Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, the principal contenders were becoming clear.
  • Before the Jubilee the dilemma may have looked insoluble.
  • These politic enclosures for paltry mutton, makes more rebellion in the flesh, than all the provocative electuaries doctors have uttered since last jubilee. The White Devil
  • He said that the expectation and excitement prompted by the Jubilee across the nation has confounded the cynics.
  • In 1968, the diamond Jubilee came and went without celebration for fear of a financial loss!
  • As far as memorable moments go, the final fling of the Westmorland Orchestra concert season promises to be a real gem in the ensemble's diamond jubilee year.
  • In the Diamond Jubilee year of 2000, the association published an illustrated history as its 60 th anniversary project.
  • It seemed worthwhile sharing some photos taken by Vernon Quaintance from St. Augustine's Abbey in Ramsgate, which shows a recent Mass there in the modern form of the Roman liturgy, which was celebrated on the occasion of the golden jubilee of the monastic profession of the Very Rev. Dom Benedict Austen, OSB this past March 21st, 2009. St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate
  • To celebrate its jubilee, the club is holding a top quality weekend tournament at the Walsall Polytechnic Campus on April 18-20.
  • Such is the room, with its pleasant decoration of red and black and gold, with its large windows and its sunlight gaselier; but, take it for all in all, it is about as unlike Mr. Sambourne's classic representation of the Roman atrium in his Jubilee drawing as well could be imagined. The History of "Punch"
  • Canon Richard Phillips celebrated the golden jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood on the 14th June.
  • That deadline is fast approaching, and from the end of December Jubilee 2000 will be no more.
  • A bass drumhead carries bold circled lettering that reads: ‘Smith Jubilee Choir, Band and Orchestra, Season 1899-1900.’
  • He came to the fore with a thundering and prescient prediction of the break-up of Britain, coinciding with the Silver Jubilee.
  • He points out that the great streams of visitors to the Eternal City for the various jubilees have had a large impact on the city and its monuments.
  • The history of the institution has been prominently displayed at the entrance near the huge pandal, which has been erected for the platinum jubilee celebrations.
  • The team were crowned National league champions that year and recently celebrated the golden jubilee of that occasion at a dinner in Westport.
  • Yesterday, Rainbows, Brownies and Guides took part in a fun day to celebrate the Queen's Golden Jubilee.
  • His film will commemorate the golden jubilee of Tensing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary's conquest of Mt. Everest.
  • + 'Jubilee' [ 'Perry Farrell'/'Farrell, Perry'] [ 'Peretz Bernstein'/'Bernstein, Peretz'] [~ch. cite musicality renderers] + 'jai a'lai' Archive 2009-12-01
  • Skipton's Hard of Hearing Club celebrated its 25th anniversary with a jubilee party in the Christ Church Parochial Hall.
  • The black Labrador wasted no time when his owner spotted lifebelts floating in the middle of Jubilee Lake.
  • Westmorland claims a close identity with aviation pioneering, the jubilee of which is being celebrated this week.
  • A Right Royal Jubilee Recipe Book includes menu ideas for a fork lunch, dozens of dishes and is rounded off with a recipe for Commonwealth cake.
  • In the last year rumours drifted forth that the BBC illuminati had no intention of allowing either the Jubilee or the possible death of the Queen Mother to be a time with nothing but deferential respect.
  • When the Jubilee River was being planned, the design documents stated that flood relief schemes should always be started at the seaward end.
  • It's bad enough that he's forced to preside over four days of the Queen's jubilee coverage, but then he's attacked by BBC viewers for dissing Her Majesty.
  • I showed Jubilee, an automated vuvuzela from my 2006 Cape Town show ' Promised land '.
  • Flag fever is unfurling across Manchester as the city is swept up on a wave of World Cup and Jubilee celebrations.
  • But there was a difference between the houses of villages (which, being connected with agriculture, were treated as parts of the land) and houses possessed by trading people or foreigners in walled towns, which could only be redeemed within the year after the sale; if not then redeemed, these did not revert to the former owner at the Jubilee. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • I shall also enjoy the Jubilee, and if I see either of these two sleazeballs out at our street party, I'll tell them to go easy on the burgers, and stop smiling aloofly.
  • But when he had spoken awhile of some sacred and mystical numbers, as three for the Trinity, three for the heavenly Hierarchy, seven for the Sabbath, and seven times seven for a Jubilee; and lastly, -- seven times nine for the grand climacterical year; she, perceiving whereto it tended, began to be troubled with it. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth
  • A Department of Culture, Media and Sport spokeswoman said the Queen had expressed the wish that taxpayers' money should not be used to celebrate her jubilee.
  • It is a privilege and honour for me to lead such a flypast to celebrate Her Majesty's Golden Jubilee.
  • She rode in it to the Silver Jubilee thanksgiving service at St Paul's Cathedral on June 7, 1977.
  • At the time of her second jubilee, Victoria's name and features were recognisable all over the world; when she died in 1901, few could remember a time when she had not reigned.
  • Jubilee 2000 remove the barrier of international debt.
  • If you have nothing planned to celebrate the jubilee try to go along for a great day out.
  • MARTIN: And when you all first began singing together, it was in a style called jubilee, right, Mr. Carter? 'Blind Boys' Inspire Fans Worldwide
  • At some point following the Diamond Jubilee in 2012—perhaps upon her own ninetieth birthday in 2016—she would agree to step aside allowing Charles to become king at last at age sixty-seven—still making him the oldest person ever to assume the throne, although at an age when he might still leave his mark on history. William and Kate
  • Being a Silver Jubilee event, they took all necessary steps to attach the trappings of a celebrative ambience to the campus.
  • He commended them on the idea of planting the trees to mark the national organisations Diamond Jubilee and expressed the hope that the trees will survive for many years to come in commemoration of the occasion.
  • Paddy and Mary celebrated their golden wedding jubilee last May.
  • Coincidentally, the close of this jubilee year will usher in another anniversary of great significance to Scotland: the quatercentenary of the Union of the Crowns in 1603, the event that gave birth to the United Kingdom.
  • He was at the base preparing to fly as an RAF aircraft passenger in a Queen's Golden Jubilee military tattoo.
  • The aim was to ensure favourable press coverage of the jubilee.
  • Thousands of visitors poured into York over the Golden Jubilee Bank Holiday - bringing cheer to businesses coping with gloomy figures.
  • Swinney further angered royalists and political opponents by suggesting that this month's golden jubilee celebrations were ‘over the top’.
  • The Infidels passed that night in joy and jubilee and wine bibbing; and, as soon as it was dawn, the two armies drew out with the swart of spear and the blanch of blade. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Two centuries on, the ‘New Trafalgar Dispatch’ was placed on board the Jubilee Sailing Trust's barque Lord Nelson in Portsmouth at the International Festival of the Sea.
  • Jubilee wrote: mz. mo, i have tried it, just didn't like it. all plasticy and weird! and soph, i'm loving the leather boundness, i think all books should be like that! [Help] Most Recent Posts
  • To celebrate the jubilee the County Carlow Association London has decided to record the history of their association.
  • Fifty years later, newspaper editor John Ege says the golden jubilee is worth celebrating, if only because Nigeria has survived so much. Explosions During Nigerian Independence Celebrations Kill 8
  • We want to make her a presentation to celebrate her jubilee.
  • A York businesswoman who was born 50 years ago today - the day the Queen acceded to the throne - is celebrating both landmarks by holding a special Jubilee sale.
  • In the South African context of political reconciliation, the verkrampte protestation by Jubilee 2000 is just a smoke screen devoid of meaning.
  • Who so stolid and selfish that would not give his voice to swell the hallelujahs of a nation's jubilee, when the chains of servitude had been torn from his limbs?
  • The procession reached the Jubilee Field just as a brief shower of rain fell.
  • Past jubilees have been jinxed by the weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Jubilee 2000 campaign, which officially ended last week, has been an extraordinary achievement.
  • Civil authorities in Rome tremble at the expected hordes coming to celebrate the jubilee while Israel also braces for huge numbers of pilgrims.
  • Over each the plane swooped low, so that the photographer might make pictures of the garlanded streets, the bannered steeples, the white marquees and tents in the opens fields, prepared for Jubilee teas. Writer With a Cause
  • The Queen marked her Golden Jubilee yesterday with the first-ever ecumenical church service at St George's Chapel, Windsor.
  • Similarly, the principle of the Law of Jubilee was that the rich should not be allowed to accumulate all property rights.
  • The songs are original and unpublished pieces based around the theme of the Jubilee.
  • The victim was walking along Jubilee Street when the car mounted the pavement, knocking into her and a teenager.
  • Scientists are to hold Britain's coolest Golden Jubilee street party at a remote Antarctic research station.
  • Paul Hiller owns land north-west of Jubilee Cottages and has agreed to give 10 acres to the council if he can build a country house on the other 10.
  • He bounded onto the busy Jubilee Line train at Green Park, in his brown jacket and black roll-neck jumper.
  • The local hospital will be celebrating its golden jubilee on Thursday.
  • The same claim can be made about the recent celebrations of the golden jubilee of the Queen's accession to the throne.
  • During the jubilee year, he sought reconciliation with Bishop Matthew Clarke, a longtime friend, but received no response.
  • Over each the plane swooped low, so that the photographer might make pictures of the garlanded streets, the bannered steeples, the white marquees and tents in the opens fields, prepared for Jubilee teas. Writer With a Cause
  • (Tobit) and in the Pseudepigrapha (Enoch and Jubilees; for all these see Charles, I and II). MYTH IN BIBLICAL TIMES
  • We are preparing to celebrate the bimillennium of St. Paul's birth with a special jubilee year. Archive 2008-06-22
  • Like the Scarborough lido, the Jubilee Pool is an open-air pool filled with unheated sea water and also forms part of the coastal defences.
  • It never goes dark, so changeover point between night and day is hard to fathom - especially after one too many pints of Sonny Priest's Jubilee Ale, a hoppy little number brewed especially for the occasion.
  • During the Silver Jubilee, Britain was awash with red, white and blue and York made sure it didn't miss out on the knees-up.
  • IN 1897, 46,000 plumed and scrubbed troops marched through London to mark Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee.
  • To celebrate its jubilee, the club is holding a top quality weekend tournament at the Walsall Polytechnic Campus on April 18-20.
  • In 1953, the National Association celebrated its Jubilee and the District its fortieth anniversary.
  • The jubilee is a celebration of restoring things to their proper owners, a Shabbat LaShem, a Sabbath of the Lord's, because God's vision is a broad, beautiful and reliable vision: We do not have to possess to be worthy. Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson: Possessing And Releasing
  • Why not let a piece of fine British craftsmanship become the magic lamp that conjures up memories of this jubilee? Times, Sunday Times
  • They had a big jubilee to celebrate the victory.
  • The work being carried out on the JubileePlaying Fields will be to install drainage and level the current pitches.
  • For a start, an incredible two million people have apparently applied for tickets to the Jubilee concerts.
  • In the Jubilee Year, too, the land was rested and no work done on it.
  • The author of Jubilees attacks those who failed to circumcise their sons, clearly implying that some did not.
  • Earlier, the queen and Prince Philip watched a golden jubilee parade in Windsor and started a nationwide jubilee music party during a visit to Slough.
  • When elementary school teacher Sonya Lamonakis brought the title belt she won from the Metro Championships in November to her classroom at the Family Academy in Harlem, her students ran around the room, clutching the strap over their heads in jubilee. Harlem Teacher Packs Punch «
  • And a single syllable like the short i sound, as in the word jubilee, has no independent meaning at all. Top Stories
  • The Ascot authorities insist it was a one-off, a special extension of Flat Racing's showpiece to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee.
  • Squirrels were leaping and cavorting after each other, rocking the boughs, chittering in jubilee.
  • I found it necessary, at length, to yield my own opinion, to the general sense of the national council, and it really seemed to produce a jubilee among them; not from any want of confidence in you, but from a belief in the effect which an extraordinary mission would have on the British mind, by demonstrating the degree of importance which this country attached to the rights which we considered as infracted. Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 4
  • But McLucas has other thoughts for the Queen's jubilee weekend - he will be sailing his yacht in the Firth of Clyde.
  • The Chinese people celebrated the golden jubilee of the founding of their People's Republic on October 1st,1999.
  • The telefilm will be aired by a TV channel to coincide with the Golden Jubilee of the formation of the State Legislature.
  • One's a five minute walk from the Jubilee platform and the other's four, which is pretty poor for such an important transport hub.
  • One of the many events held last week to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee was a knees-up organised by Bedford Community Retirement Group.
  • Annette-Gabriele Purshouse, 18, was presented with the silver salver for the WI Diamond Jubilee Award last Wednesday at the group's annual meeting at the Wiltshire Music Centre.
  • Our golden jubilee had been similarly honoured.
  • At our Queen's golden jubilee nothing was done; no decorations or any public festivity by the council to celebrate what was a great achievement.
  • This prime plot of land was generously given to the Ismaili community by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, in 1982 prior to becoming Ruler of Dubai to celebrate the Aga Khan's Silver Jubilee as the imam of the community. Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi: A Monument of Tolerance in the Heart of Dubai
  • The ceremonial 25 - pounder field guns were provided by 40 Regiment Royal Artillery from Topcliffe Barracks, near Thirsk, which fired a Royal Salute when the Queen arrived in Glasgow as part of her Golden Jubilee Tour.
  • Predictions that the jubilee would flop have proved to be wildly inaccurate.
  • Upon the accidental death of her father, 9-year-old Brenda became the klondike of hope for the family, landing as a regular on TV's Ozark Jubilee in the mid-'50s. Phil Ramone and Danielle Evin: Dog Ears Music: Volume 205
  • The sheep interbreed competition resulted in Mr Marwood being pulled forward with his home bred Charollais ewe, a daughter of the renowned tup Westonvale Jubilee, on its first show outing.
  • -- The name jubilee is derived from the Hebrew jobel, the joyful shout or clangor of trumpets, by which the year of jubilee was announced. Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • We also welcome Libby Purves to the pages of the magazine. Her first column extols the virtues of joining in - be it World Cup fervour or Jubilee joy.
  • The group - which includes army cadets, brownies, and members of Voluntary Action Orkney - were invited meet the Queen, who is touring the country to mark her Golden Jubilee.
  • The archway will be based upon a structure that was put up in Churchgate to mark Queen Victoria's jubilee.
  • B*braze said: lmao fizzroy be killin me with that 'busket' shit jubilee. shine said: nah i gotta pay the bills first. that meeting is in compton in a hour so im gone. this may be a silly?, but is there a way of Change? if you think about all that i've heard today, it's kind of depressing for the upcoming future. Undefined
  • Eileen and Paddy King celebrated their golden wedding jubilee in Scunthorpe, England yesterday, Monday.
  • Yet 87% think high profile events –such as the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and Euro 2012 –will boost patriotism.
  • Plus, it did give us Jubilee, and I've always had a soft spot for that brat and I use the term brat with affection. Everybody’s Somebody’s Baby – Day Four | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Spearheaded by Bono, Jubilee 2000 is blazing a trail in attempting to offer debt relief to the crippled economies of Africa.
  • Under the old format Sale would have strolled to victory in their Jubilee women's Cup final.
  • It is like a 1950s architectural concept: a miniature solid glass skyscraper counterpoised against a black granite box (which conceals a ventilation shaft for the Jubilee Line).
  • For lunch over the jubilee weekend, go one better than a cheese and pickle sarnie. Times, Sunday Times
  • No explicit mention is made of Communion, nor does the word jubilee occur in the Bull -- indeed the pope speaks rather of a celebration which is to occur every hundred years -- but writers both Roman and foreign described this year as annus jubileus, and the name jubilee The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • GUESS who won't be rocking up to the jubilee pageant today? Times, Sunday Times
  • The Chinese people celebrated the golden jubilee of the founding of their People's Republic on October 1st,1999.
  • And the remark is applicable to the year of Jubilee as well as the sabbatic year. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • I followed the signs to the northbound platform of the Jubilee Line. TOY SHOP
  • The Jubilee 2000 campaign, which officially ended last week, has been an extraordinary achievement.
  • You keep putting your ear to the ground, waiting to hear that Warrior jubilee train.
  • The railway then curves sharply around the mouth of Bow Creek, providing grandstand views of the Millennium Dome across the river, meeting up with the Jubilee and North London lines at Canning Town.
  • The nearby Jubilee Garden, next to the Old Bell Hotel, has four benches, which have been cemented to the ground because of previous problems with vandalism.
  • During the Queen's Jubilee, which will be celebrated in London this spring, it has been arranged to have a number of animatograph pictures taken of the procession and all the finest part of the ceremonies. The Great Round World And What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 24, April 22, 1897 A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls
  • Are you planning a right Royal knees-up for the Queen's Jubilee?
  • Small wonder, then, that the Fisk Jubilee Quartet's singing is polished and dignified in a way that now seems as "wrong" to us as the bluesy heterophony of "Po' Mo'ner Got a Home at Last" must have sounded to more than a few of the middle-class blacks who purchased a copy of Victor 16843. Lovely Sounds of Sorrow
  • Fort Worth coin dealer B. Max Mehl, a tireless promoter of the coin hobby throughout the first half of the 20th century, included the sale in his May 1950 Golden Jubilee Sale, featuring the Jerome Kern Collection and other properties. CLASSIC RARITIES: Adams-Carter 1804 Class III Silver Dollar : Coin Collecting News
  • It is well known to Scout stamp collectors that the G.B. set of three stamps for the Jubilee Jamboree were overprinted for use in the territories of Bahrain, Muscat and Qatar. Less known is the fact that overprints were also prepared and sent to Kuwait.
  • A right royal rumpus has erupted over York's Golden Jubilee Rugby League Festival after a team from Oxford tried once again to muscle in on the event.
  • Paul Hiller owns land north-west of Jubilee Cottages and has agreed to give 10 acres to the council if he can build a country house on the other 10.
  • The highlight of Gibson's later years was the Polyethylenes 1933-83 golden jubilee conference in London in June 1983.
  • Florence observed its diamond jubilee on June 9, 1947, in celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of its incorporation as a city.
  • The college celebrated its silver jubilee last year.
  • Why not let a piece of fine British craftsmanship become the magic lamp that conjures up memories of this jubilee? Times, Sunday Times
  • Guards, policemen, cleaning ladies and road sweepers will all be dancing in the street this weekend to launch the BBC's marketing campaign for The Queen's Golden Jubilee.
  • This prime plot of land was generously given to the Ismaili community by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, in 1982 prior to becoming Ruler of Dubai to celebrate the Aga Khan's Silver Jubilee as the imam of the community. Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi: A Monument of Tolerance in the Heart of Dubai
  • It was displayed in kaleidoscope for all the world to see at those Diamond Jubilee celebrations, in which men in varied uniforms gathered from all the far corners of the seven seas to march in procession and do honour to the great Queen Empress. The Future of the Empire
  • I have seen just one Union Flag, and although The Edge on Soho Square has bunting it looks more like it's been borrowed from a school fête than put up for the jubilee.
  • Processions enough walk in jubilee; of Young Women, decked and dizened, their ribands all tricolor; moving with song and tabor, to the Shrine of Sainte Genevieve, to thank her that the Bastille is down. The French Revolution
  • He was invited to the Jubilee Centre, Bernice Street by a neighbour and dropped in unannounced.
  • The company is celebrating its golden jubilee.
  • I, however, who love Cherries Jubilee, and bananas foster, am gonna get the last of the onion and creamed herring, that final dripple of martini in the bottom of the shaker, and go up and turn on CNN for some snippets of news. PESO - banking question
  • Young people, Otley's Jubilee Clock and an eco centre on the Chevin are set to keep the town's new mayor busy for the coming year.
  • Dr. Lo is supportive of the development of HKBU and was invited to be a panellist on the University's 50th Anniversary celebration, the Golden Jubilee Forum.
  • The Chinese people celebrated the golden jubilee of the founding of their People's Republic on October 1st,1999.
  • They had a big jubilee to celebrate the victory.
  • Then she made her way to the little corner grocery shop, five minutes' walk from Jubilee Street.
  • It think this nostalgia was the inspiration for my Jubilee Garden design and because Ben had driven one of the locos in the museum.
  • I remember joining in the singing and general festivities of the Jubilee holiday.
  • Lev. 25:13 In this year of jubilee each one of you shall return to his possession.
  • Business increased by 21 per cent last year, with 25,000 making the trip during the Catholic Church's jubilee year.
  • The garden party was one of three themed events chosen by the Queen to be part of her Golden Jubilee celebrations.
  • To celebrate its jubilee, the club is holding a top quality weekend tournament at the Walsall Polytechnic Campus on April 18-20.
  • She arrived in St Ives to celebrate the Queen's Silver Jubilee.
  • Haworth celebrated the Jubilee with a historical pageant of tableaux representing such events and personalities of the reign as Amy Johnson and the burial of the Unknown Warrior.
  • We want to make her a presentation to celebrate her jubilee.
  • The Jubilee arouses uncertain feelings, halting thoughts, though it's in our town.
  • The ultimate derivation of the word jubilee is disputed, but it is most probable that the Hebrew word jobel, to which it is traced, meant "a ram's horn", and that from this instrument, used in proclaiming the celebration, a certain idea of rejoicing was derived. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • The Queen had it rolled round her asparagus before tucking in to tournedos of beef and meringue vacherin at the Guildhall luncheon during Jubilee weekend.
  • All of the main Jubilee celebrations in the city will centre on the Commonwealth Games.
  • Sports When elementary school teacher Sonya Lamonakis brought the title belt she won from the Metro Championships in November to her classroom at the Family Academy in Harlem, her students ran around the room, clutching the strap over their heads in jubilee. 2008 December «
  • The golden jubilee had been looked forward to with relish by royalists and pooh-poohed by metropolitan media pundits.
  • About 40,000 of the commemorative coins were supposed to be ready for collectors by the end of January before the jubilee anniversary on February 6.
  • The red-hot jazz saxophonist Bhumibol and his beautiful Queen Sirikit, who celebrated their golden jubilee on May 5, 2000, continue to reign and enjoy the respect and devotion of the Thai people.
  • Today, the celebrations continued with a Jubilee parade taking to the streets of York before four ceremonial pounders from the Army's 38 Seringapatam Battery were fired in a royal salute in the city.
  • The Jubilee line follows a single path with no branches or junctions, although it's a very wiggly and indirect route.
  • The menu, a small tabloid that, until recently, was available only in French, lists page after page of such delights as Crabes mous amandine, Cotelettes d'agneau grillees, Cerises jubilee and Cafe brulot diabolique. Home -
  • Key to the plan is tripling the capacity of the Golden Jubilee Hospital in Clydebank from 70 beds to 220, allowing the centre to increase operations from 10,000 to 30,000 a year.
  • The term jubilee year (Vulg. annus Jubilei, or Jubileus) is of Hebrew origin, the etymological meaning of which is, in all probability, The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • I remember joining in the singing and general festivities of the Jubilee holiday.
  • In contrast to the silver jubilee celebrations in 1977, when the crowds were big and street parties abundant, this year's fiesta seemed doomed, a victim of the declining interest in the royal family and their soap opera lifestyle.
  • Bocelli was the official voice of the church's jubilee in the year 2000 and knew the pope for a long time.
  • During the Jubilee Year 2000, the dear Servant of God John Paul II established that in the whole Church the Sunday after Easter, besides being the Sunday "in albis" would be designated Divine Mercy Sunday. Archive 2008-03-30
  • The price of nickel was also down in London overnight after stockpiles rose, hurting miners, including Minara Resources and Jubilee Mines.
  • For the second consecutive year the Jubilee Sailing Trust will be participating in the ARC with their barque Tenacious, the largest wooden tall ship to have been built in the last century.
  • In the Colonial Conferences which have been held at intervals in London since the first Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1887, Canada has been acknowledgedly first among the self-governing colonies. Canada
  • The Academy has drawn up plans to celebrate the Silver jubilee in a fitting manner and the conferring of achievement awards are a step in this direction.
  • Later in the afternoon the golden jubilee festival carnival and procession takes place in The Mall.
  • He didn't want his 50th jubilee to be celebrated at all, let alone celebrated with the customary pompous laudatory speeches.
  • They celebrated their golden wedding jubilee back in 1995.
  • The Jubilee 2000 campaign, which officially ended last week, has been an extraordinary achievement.
  • Yet, only a year ago, the conventional wisdom was that the Golden Jubilee was likely to be a frowsty and embarrassingly ill-attended affair.
  • On New Year's of 1863 I attended what they called a jubilee meeting. "In Christ's Stead": Autobiographical Sketches
  • We learn that the Society of Jesus was missing from the 1775 jubilee because the Jesuit general was in prison in the Castel Sant'Angelo while the order underwent a process of suppression.
  • We've had firework displays, organised Easter egg hunts and celebrated Royal jubilees on the green.
  • A number of wedding golden jubilee celebrations took place throughout the locality during the past week.
  • Central London became a blaze of colour as thousands of people from all walks of life joined a massive parade in a spectacular finale to the Jubilee celebrations.
  • Also hugely collectable are commemoratives from the Silver Jubilee.
  • In May, 1905, was celebrated at St. Louis, Mo., his twenty-fifth anniversary as bishop in the church, which proceedings of this Silver Jubilee have been published in a journal called the quarto-centennial that will do ample justice to this great hero which, with our feeble pen we are unable to do. Progressive Missions in the South and Addresses; With Illustrations and Sketches of Missionary Workers and Ministers and Bishops' Wives

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