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How To Use Joyless In A Sentence

  • I don't know what kind of joyless asshat you have to be to dump on something that was significant to someone else, but after spelunking through comic book forums the last year or two, I'm starting to get the picture... Why review comics? or, the Fight Club syndrome | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • It may have been a joyless campaign but the national debate has been intense.
  • The film centers on Clemente Bruno Odar, a moneylender with strict rules and what appears to be a joyless and solitary existence. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Octubre
  • This made her a great role model, joyful rather than joyless because she was doing what she wanted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then Mr. Mill's life as disclosed to us in these pages has been called joyless, by that sect of religious partisans whose peculiarity is to mistake boisterousness for unction. Critical Miscellanies, Vol. 3 (of 3) Essay 2: The Death of Mr Mill - Essay 3: Mr Mill's Autobiography
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  • None of it connects with anything beyond this joyless carnival.
  • 7 For in his lustless limbs, through evil guise, lustless > {Listless; joyless, lacking pleasure or delight} guise > mode of life The Faerie Queene — Volume 01
  • Elsewhere on the crowded network, surging passenger numbers and the creaking Victorian engineering make commuting a joyless experience for millions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Investors concerned by evidence of what is being called a joyless recovery. CNN Transcript Jan 29, 2004
  • Opening with a full bosomed woman, Grace Tranfield (Rachel Botchan) in a compromising position with a known philanderer Leonard Charteris (Bradford Cover) on a divan, this comedy replete with Shavian tropes on such forward thinking subjects as the sexes, the coy pleasures of friendship vs. marriage, the virtues and joylessness of vegetarianism, the dialogue could have been lifted from the pages of a lifestyle magazine. Regina Weinreich: Titillation and Tantrums: Shaw's Philanderer at the Pearl Theater
  • It's a bit like scratching an unbearable itch: a completely satisfying activity, but joyless at the same time.
  • she greeted her guests joylessly
  • joyless evenings
  • He'd been obliged to commit too many crimes in this joyless world.
  • Set in the increasingly unmedieval world of Pern (the Pernese become more computer-literate the more ancient spaceships they discover), the books, particularly the earliest in the series, are jaw-droppingly misogynistic and generally joyless, heavy on drinks called "klah" and drudges wearing excremental colours. Books news, reviews and author interviews |
  • His legacy still looms large: neither woman married although both had opportunities; their life of joyless religious austerity is the one that their father decried. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ratcatcher is grotesque, but for Claud—as for Dahl—not half as repulsive as the bureaucrats and state officials, with their joyless university intellects, who seem bent on denying ordinary people their simple pleasures. Storyteller
  • This grim, joyless motion picture is anything but fun.
  • Hearst's world is populated by nervous, brittle sophisticates who jump joylessly around when the potentate's mistress orders them to Charleston: cats on a very hot tin roof.
  • The other rooms were just too large and empty, making them both joyless and cheerless for most of the time.
  • He says that last Sunday's Scottish Cup exit to Celtic, the result that damned Rangers to a joyless and fruitless remainder of an insufferable season, was for him the watershed.
  • The problem is, at times it's too grim: this is an almost totally joyless book.
  • The genius sauvage, the dope-fiend and Pollyanna Fletcher had been dissolved and reconstructed: joyless, dreamy and bright. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • All the characters lead dismal, joyless lives.
  • I don't want a joyless life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The word "joyless" only showed up once in the article. New York Times: Edwards Campaign "Joyless"
  • His legacy still looms large: neither woman married; their life of joyless austerity is the one that their father decried. Times, Sunday Times
  • My last remarks hold good with the fourth mazurka, which is bleak and joyless till, with the entrance of A major, a fairer prospect opens. Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • There is a joyless monasticism in his dogged conquest of stacks of research. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stanley has one of the most joyless birthday parties imaginable thrown in his honour, with an undercurrent of menace never far from the surface.
  • At the same time and Election Central seized on the word "joyless" as its primary take on the article. New York Times: Edwards Campaign "Joyless"
  • There is a certain kind of joyless middle-aged woman, either single or unhappily married, who absolutely embodies this theory.
  • Opening with a full bosomed woman, Grace Tranfield (Rachel Botchan) in a compromising position with a known philanderer Leonard Charteris (Bradford Cover) on a divan, this comedy replete with Shavian tropes on such forward thinking subjects as the sexes, the coy pleasures of friendship vs. marriage, the virtues and joylessness of vegetarianism, the dialogue could have been lifted from the pages of a lifestyle magazine. Regina Weinreich: Titillation and Tantrums: Shaw's Philanderer at the Pearl Theater
  • The piece, which has just gone up online, argues that the Edwards campaign is "joyless" and is hampered by a sense that the campaign is little more than a vehicle for him to discuss his signature issue of poverty. New York Times: Edwards Campaign "Joyless"
  • He and the wise men went before the rest to scout the place, and suddenly, he saw a joyless woods leaning over turbid and bloody water.
  • The houseflies can't even copulate without their joyless, amphetamine whimpers keeping me awake. The Voices
  • Then, once the real hardball begins - the, playoffs are a joy - most fans can no longer afford to go, Corporations buy up all the seats, bringing a joyless, almost dyspeptic, feel to arenas.
  • This should cure your hangover once and for all, leaving you with a calming sensation of insobriety and joylessness.
  • As indicated by Heath's pejorative terms ‘joyless, under-sexed, anti-life, anti-youth, and anti-progress’ the movement advanced its cause by denigrating those outside of it.
  • Actually, I found nearly all the music totally joyless.
  • The word "joyless" does come up only once, but the paragraphs around it describe a campaign, and a candidate wearied by the meaningless mini-events he has to attend. New York Times: Edwards Campaign "Joyless"
  • Short the joylessly rutilus out that the translucency of the sedge attrition in the joliet beforehand is palatopharyngoplasty hatefully and progressively whipsnake as mundanely as thermocautery vestmental eastward to decadency and masculinity in that caledonia. Rational Review
  • I came to realize that it was an unnecessarily mirthless, joyless book and I would like it to be, for one thing, more sensuous, more rounded in a way.
  • The genius sauvage, the dope-fiend and Pollyanna Fletcher had been dissolved and reconstructed: joyless, dreamy and bright. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • He not only had more skill than Claudia, but more of a sense of fun, letting the crowd in on the joke, inviting them to laugh at the absurdity of a girl with such joyless, textbook moves trying to outdance him. Slice Of Cherry
  • a joyless man
  • The genius sauvage, the dope-fiend and Pollyanna Fletcher had been dissolved and reconstructed: joyless, dreamy and bright. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Sarah repeatedly tried to fast from compulsive, joyless praise - seeking.
  • But what about all those folk who write them off as joyless misery guts?
  • a joyless occasion
  • But this resurrection is so often artless and joyless gloating, reducing an intense physiological/psychological experience to vulgar explication.
  • And finally, to top my day off, I found out that the joyless, universally disliked boss who's been off on maternity leave will be part time when she comes back at the end of April.
  • I don’t know what kind of joyless asshat you have to be to dump on something that was significant to someone else Why review comics? or, the Fight Club syndrome | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • We are making every effort to try and soften the edges of these draconian rules but brick walls and head butting are pretty joyless occupations.
  • This game is an utterly joyless experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eating in East Berlin used to be a hazardous and joyless experience.
  • He meets her friends for nostalgic conversations that lead to joyless affairs. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The obvious answer, from the moment he joylessly unsheathes his defibrillation paddles, is no. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a pity you're distracted all the time by the plotless, joyless machinations of everyone else involved.
  • Thus the name indicated the joy of the people at the fancied propitiation of the god by this sacrifice; in antithesis to its joyless name subsequently. valley of slaughter -- It should be the scene of slaughter, no longer of children, but of men; not of "innocents" (Jer 19: 4), but of those who richly deserved their fate. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • I am joylessly a at unsoiled curtailment, but i vestris to halevy rise two petting ago, if wonderfully for cytoarchitectonic hyperborean fluidram. Rational Review
  • Food is supposed to taste good, and health promotion should not be a series of negative messages that convey a joyless future.
  • While it may be clutching at straws, watching England has not been a joyless experience or without glimmers of hope. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's hard to think of a more joyless act than voiding your money by interring or burning it with you. Times, Sunday Times
  • A modest, undemonstrative fellow, Shrubb was visibly moved as the crowd ignored the joyless Glasgow weather and offered him a spine-tingling welcome.
  • It doesn't make for a moving spectacle - it is too cruel and joyless - but there is no denying the sense of awe which accompanies this rare parade of its talents.
  • Dank, damp and almost unrelievedly joyless, the Starz miniseries tells a fictional tale of 12th-century politics and the skullduggery that was supposedly part of it, as knaves and heretics vie for the throne of a mucky, pig-ridden and sparsely populated England. TV preview: 'The Pillars of the Earth'
  • He puffs and winces, excruciated with chest pains - which recur horribly in joyless mid-coitus with his other woman.
  • For ever and ever the trendies, the sophisticates and the beautiful people have painted us on the right side of politics as boring squares, joyless fanatics, religious nutcases, and monoethnic bigots.
  • Processed, dehydrated, deepfrozen and joyless: the veggie burger has done little to ingratiate itself to foodies over the years. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • The middle trilogy is watchable enough rot, but the recent films are joyless, plotless screeds on macroeconomics and industrial relations.
  • What kind of joyless existence must these people live? Ten Great Movies That Got Terrible Reviews | Best Week Ever
  • For ever and ever the trendies, the sophisticates and the beautiful people have painted us on the right side of politics as boring squares, joyless fanatics, religious nutcases, and monoethnic bigots.
  • Budiansky's argument tars all eat-local proponents with the same broad brush, warning us that we're turning into a bunch of joyless, sanctimonious schmucks who are flimflamming an unsuspecting public: Kerry Trueman: The Myth of the Rabid Locavore
  • First impressions are that it is a joyless, characterless pub, staffed by disinterested graduate students and other ingrates, with bizarrely obscure (but not in a good way) range of beers.
  • York endured a joyless visit to Pontefract as they were convincingly beaten 24-0 in a Powergen Yorkshire One result.
  • Eating in East Berlin used to be a hazardous and joyless experience.
  • What a life it is ! It is a very lonely , restless, joyless life.
  • Not precisely a joyless life nor a life lived in negation of God; only a torpid, base life of mostly unmurmuring content, unfit in the main for such a being as man in such a world as this.
  • The message their joyless dutifulness sends to children couldn't be clearer: you are a burden, you are sucking the life out of me, but - ‘in my heart’ - I love you.
  • For a song about dancing in the streets, it's overwhelmingly joyless.
  • In the brief first act Leigh shows Jean, a Brummie girl who lives alone in a Kilburn bedsit, having joyless sex with a married man played by Daniel Coonan whose wife suddenly bursts in upon them. Ecstasy - review
  • Implacable DCI Burke chief grump since the death of Mark "Jim Taggart" McManus in 1994 verbally debagging joyless DI Reid over a misplaced lever arch file, before storming off to interrogate someone called Rab. Top Gear, New Tricks, Lewis … the television shows that won't die
  • I didn't vote for this spineless, gormless, joyless, clueless Government.
  • We met a couple evangelical about calorie restriction, who survive on a joyless diet of radishes and cucumber. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such joyless suppression crushes that most precious thing in life, the flowering of the individual human spirit.
  • A crowd that clutched parcels of packaged joy had gathered around a joyless, shoeless vagrant who was dressed in newspaper-stuffed tatters.
  • Barrie himself was childless, his own joyless marriage to Mary Ansell, a beautiful actress, ending in public ignominy when his wife had an affair.
  • In the everyday kingdom of mere things, in contact with our joyless existence and the adamantean wall of social customs and falsehoods, he saw nothing but confusion, madness, death. Leonid Andreyev: 1871-1919
  • He was 55 years old (18 years older than Cloetta) with a bad marriage and a long string of joyless affairs behind him.
  • It's a long joyless ride to Metrel district then they be careful to avoid outriding patrols of the enemy on their way back to the fortress. Running from the Deity
  • There is, of course, a joyless, self-important statement.

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