How To Use Jovially In A Sentence
We jovially washed down the meal with a few nips of Irish Cream.
And at this point, I'll jovially join in and roll my eyes at my own sloth and indolence.
During one of my mandatory exercise periods on the ward, I saw a man in plaid pants and an orange shirt holding jovially one-sided conversations with everybody who walked past.
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he greeted his friend jovially
No problem," he said jovially.

A moth slowly fluttered in an erratic circle around her, dancing jovially.
A glamorous adventure-woman, she was pictured in sepia photos wearing all manner of dapper outfits: grinningly flying planes and sailing sloops; giggling atop tall mountains; grimacing in thickest jungle; and jovially smoking pipes while waving swords and spears of all sizes.
Unearthly Asylum
Maria began to laugh jovially, as though this was all just a jape.
I jovially implied that the money would be far better spent in a place like war ravaged Sudan.
There was a candelabrum with soft, red coloured candles in the middle of the elegant, circular table, its flames dancing jovially and lighting Eliza's lovely face in its warm splendor.
And say, " he whispered, jovially , pulling Hurstwood over by the shoulder so that he might whisper in his ear, "if this isn't a good show, I'll punch your head.
It was done, I trust, with all decency, for I knew that I had the better kind of Calabrian to deal with; but neither the jovially intelligent man nor the pleasant simpleton would for a moment entertain this suggestion.
By the Ionian Sea
“Tai-Pan chillo littel in house my, werry good, werry happy,” he said jovially.
Is there more to the man who jovially gave us such gems as, ‘If you stay here much longer you'll get slitty eyes ’, (to a group of Western students in China)?
The father laughs and jovially ruffles his son's hair.
I waddled jovially around the apartment in my Santa suit, laughing through the beard's tiny mouth hole like a walrus blowing through its moustache.
And say, " he whispered, jovially , pulling Hurstwood over by the shoulder so that he might whisper in his ear, "if this isn't a good show, I'll punch your head.
I waddled jovially around the apartment in my Santa suit, laughing through the beard's tiny mouth hole like a walrus blowing through its moustache.
Edson jovially stresses the capaciousness of the genre.