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How To Use Jove In A Sentence

  • A junto hereupon being convocated, the better to consult upon the manner of obviating a so dreadful danger, Jove, sitting in his presidential throne, asked the votes of all the other gods, which, after a profound deliberation amongst themselves on all contingencies, they freely gave at last, and then resolved unanimously to withstand the shocks of all whatsoever sublunary assaults. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • A successful burn at perijove was all that mattered; they would have plenty of time to study mysterious black spots on the way home. 2010 Odyssey Two
  • Upon another coin Jove holds a similar looking object. The Non-Christian Cross An Enquiry into the Origin and History of the Symbol Eventually Adopted as That of Our Religion
  • It's an absolute staple of sanity and good wholesome cultural fun, and by Jove there are some fine tunes to be had into the bargain.
  • And the really crushing blow came when the owner of his star performer, Joveworth, removed the horse from the yard.
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  • En estado crítico se encuentra uno de los jóvenes que se accidentó en la rambla mercedaria - Articles related to La actriz india Freida Pinto desmiente que ser? nueva chica Bond
  • When he re-entered Discovery, the ship was far behind the fleeing Leonov and climbing ever more slowly up toward apojove, the high point of its orbit among the outer satellites. 2010 Odyssey Two
  • Nemo coelum, nemo jusjurandum, nemo Jovem pluris facit, sed omnes apertis oculis bona sua computant. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The craft is due to enter an elongated orbit about Jupiter, taking 11 days to loop within 4,300 km of Jupiter's equatorial cloud-tops at its low-point, or perijove, and a high-point, or apojove, some 2.7 million km further out, beyond the orbit of Callisto which is the farthest of Jupiter's four main moons. Spacewatch: Juno to Jupiter
  • By Jove! add to that a famous Revenue Commissioner and a reigning beauty, and the sextett is complete. Mr. Isaacs
  • Even at perigee -- er, perijove -- it's much too high to be affected by atmospheric drag. 2010 Odyssey Two
  • The name Jove may be unpleasant to some ears: it is to mine ” not because it is the name given to their deity by men who had had little outward revelation, but because of the associations which the wanton poets, not the good philosophers, have gathered about it. England's Antiphon
  • Saturn was a man, fabled to have escaped by flight from his son to avoid being thrust from his kingdom; Jupiter also, the lewdest practiser of all debaucheries and of unnatural vice, the abuser of the women of his own family, who could not even abstain from intercourse with his own sister, as she herself admitted in the words “sister and spouse of Jove.” The Early Middle Ages 500-1000
  • The craft is due to enter an elongated orbit about Jupiter, taking 11 days to loop within 4,300 km of Jupiter's equatorial cloud-tops at its low-point, or perijove, and a high-point, or apojove, some 2.7 million km further out, beyond the orbit of Callisto which is the farthest of Jupiter's four main moons. Spacewatch: Juno to Jupiter
  • [I] t was fabled by the poets that the Muses were the daughters of Jove and Memory. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Joven shrieked angrily and grasped it, clenching it greedily between her long, trembling fingers.
  • 'By jove,' I said, 'it's like a sort of thingummybob, isn't it? The Man with Two Left Feet And Other Stories
  • Scilicet boni dimidium dividere cum Jove, it never troubles me (saith Amphitrio) to be cornuted by Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Well, that's my morning's work done -- no, it isn't -- yes, no, by Jove, there's a code word for No. 237 Filtration Unit to be thought out. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, November 7, 1917
  • Then when C began to come along I said, 'Cayley, b'Jove' -- bright, aren't I? The Red House Mystery
  • Hic Jovem provocavit, si vellet secum de regno centare. The Evolution of the Dragon
  • Then indeed his wrath swells; and forced to it by their treachery, while chariot and horses disappear, he calls Jove oft and again to witness, and the altars of the violated treaty, and now at last plunges amid their lines. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • _With the consent of_ SUPREME JOVE, '-- [the Capitolian, the god of state] --' inform The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • "By Jove, he's a trump!" said the Inspector.
  • La joven recién casada le reclama muy disgustada a su señora madre: Las cosas que te cuento son nomás entre tú y yo, mama. Spanish language joke for your amusement
  • Perseus made three altars and three sacrifices - one to Mercury, one to Jove, and one to Athene - for their assistance in his battles against Medusa, Atlas, and the sea monster.
  • Pilbrow, always up to the times, used an idiom entirely modern, but Despard-Smith still brought out slang that was fresh at the end of the century – ‘crab', and ‘josser',* and ‘by Jove'. STRATA OF SPEECH.
  • Thetide aequor, umbras Aeaco, coelum Jove: and hath not so much possession as dominion. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Rudy Fernandez, point guard, 6-foot-5, 185 pounds, DVK Joventut Badalona (Spain) - Flashy ballhandler with good athleticism; plays well in transition; needs to bulk up and develop some strength. China's Yi brings wow factor to NBA draft
  • That man Verne is never done sniping at us ... aye, those two British officers in that twaddling book about a comet hitting the earth, what a pair of muttonheaded by-joves they are! Watershed
  • No se hizo realidad el proyecto borbónico de llevar a los jóvenes novohispanos a la metrópoli para que se casaran con las hermosas españolas, y viceversa. Banderas para resta��ar heridas hist��ricas
  • Neptune (the god of the Sea), and Pluto ( 'nether' or Stygian Jove). Milton's Comus
  • Next in place, next in miseries and discontents, in all manner of hair-brain actions, are great men, procul a Jove, procul a fulmine, the nearer the worse. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Edit necesito el correo de los qeu quieran conversar sobre el dilema de la crecion evolucion, soy cristiano y acepto la literalidad del genesisi ademas de ser exponente del diseño inteligente aunqeu ellos no esten del todo familiarizados con la tierra joven si soy un total defensor del creacionismo biblico. Jonathan Wells knows nothing about development, part II - The Panda's Thumb
  • Pero también recibe una carta y un paquete de un amigo, un joven cineasta aprendiz al que conoció mientras localizaba exteriores para su primera película, y al que ayudó en sus primeros pasos tras la cámara. AvaxHome RSS:
  • And now the fierce groanful fight again raged about Patroclus, for Minerva came down from heaven and roused its fury by the command of far-seeing Jove, who had changed his mind and sent her to encourage the Danaans. The Iliad of Homer
  • Not many London clubmen do - by Jove, if he was unarmed, that would be famous! Watershed
  • It looks very different on Jove though as his little baldish head makes him look like a Buddhist monk! Tequilamonky Diary Entry
  • Español · Azerbaiyán: Jóvenes activistas y bloggers, golpeados y detenidos bahasa Indonesia · Azerbaijan: Aktivis dan Bloger Dipukuli dan Ditangkap Global Voices in English » Azerbaijan: Youth activists and bloggers beaten and detained
  • At the point where we descended from our carriage to look from the upland out over the vast hollow of land and sea toward Pozzuoli, which is so interesting as the scene of Jove's memorable struggle with the Titans, and just when we were really beginning to feel equal to it, a company of minstrels suddenly burst upon us with guitars and mandolins and comic songs much dramatized, while the immediate natives offered us violets and other distracting flowers. Roman Holidays, and Others
  • Nadie está interesado en conocer su historia; miles de jóvenes y adultos se preguntan ahora quién fue ese tío desaparecido al que no conocieron y sus padres no se han atrevido a contar su historia. Global Voices Online
  • Hugh Fitzsimons purchased the bay Texas-bred weanling, which is a full-sister to Valid Message, winner of the Skyy El Joven Stakes at Retama Park and the Sunny's Halo Stakes at Louisiana Downs in 2008. Thoroughbred News |
  • Alcinous," said he, "it is not creditable to you that a stranger should be seen sitting among the ashes of your hearth; every one is waiting to hear what you are about to say; tell him, then, to rise and take a seat on a stool inlaid with silver, and bid your servants mix some wine and water that we may make a drink offering to Jove the lord of thunder, who takes all well disposed suppliants under his protection; and let the housekeeper give him some supper, of whatever there may be in the house. The Odyssey
  • Lord of Lords; and does the name Jove instead of Jehovah (perhaps the same word too) make the difference? The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • Nemo coelum, nemo jusjurandum, nemo Jovem pluris facit, sed omnes apertis oculis bona sua computant. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Joven turned slowly, her heart thudding and her stomach clenching.
  • In this 'mythus', Jove is the impersonated representation or symbol of the 'nomos' -- 'Jupiter est quodcunque vides'. Literary Remains, Volume 2
  • As escolas de culinária privadas atraem jovens esperançados num glorioso futuro como bem pagos cozinheiros em estabelecimentos de cinco estrelas. Leituras
  • By Jove, some of them need a little brightening up, poor souls.
  • It may well be called Jove’s tree, when it drops forth such fruit. Act III. Scene II. As You Like It
  • And the really crushing blow came when the owner of his star performer, Joveworth, removed the horse from the yard.
  •         Knowing yet right well Jove, what a losel is he. Poems and Fragments
  • Jove's hair is so kissably soft and fuzzy, much finer than Jaya's and he has the most gorgeous swirl on the back of his head which I've tried to capture here. Tequilamonky Diary Entry
  • Agni araflammed and Mithra monished and Shiva slew as maya-mutras the obluvial waters of our noarchic memory withdrew, windingly goharksome, to some hastyswasty timberman torch-priest, flamenfan, the ward of the wind that lightened the fire that lay in the wood that Jove bolt, at his rude word. Finnegans Wake
  • He sold me five cigarettes and said: It is very cold for December, by Jove. WHITE LIES
  • The other Achaeans sat where they were all silent and orderly to hear the king, and Agamemnon looked into the vault of heaven and prayed saying, “I call Jove the first and mightiest of all gods to witness, I call also Earth and Sun and the The Iliad of Homer
  • Jove, that is all right; it is like the wedding of Une Vie
  • Skip the unaged Joven, which tends to be too raw and fiery for slow sipping, and head straight for the Reposado, which is pleasantly smoky, with touches of cinnamon and citrus, or the vastly superior Añejo. The Sipping Mezcal
  • By Jove -- by _Jove_!" said the Honourable John Ruffin softly. Happy Pollyooly The Rich Little Poor Girl
  • 'B-o-y Jove, what a night!' exclaimed Facey, as a blash of sleet dashed across the window as if some one had thrown a handful of pebbles against it. Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour
  • A fault done nrft ia the form of a beaft, — O Jove, a beaftly fault; and then another fault in the femblance of a fowl: - — think on't, Jove, a foul fault# When gods have hot backs, what (hall poor men do? for me, I am here a Windfor ftag, and the fatteft, I think, i 'th' fbreft. Works
  • And men, content with food which came with no one’s seeking, gathered the arbute fruit, strawberries from the mountainsides, cornel-cherries, berries hanging thick upon the prickly bramble, and acorns falling from the spreading tree of Jove. "The real problem with literary types is..."
  • Jove, it was a sickener, though there were some fine moments, I admit; and I can understand how Spaniards, brought up to understand every stroke, every move, think it fine sport. The Car of Destiny
  • By Jove, Christopher old chap, you must be the only person in the world who can bring back solid objects from a spirit trip! THE LIVES OF CHRISTOPHER CHANT
  • Sometimes the wastebasket is exposed," said Joel Joves, a designer with offices in Rancho Santa Fe and Beverly Hills. Boing Boing: October 6, 2002 - October 12, 2002 Archives
  • Even if you bid me good riddance and send me packing; if you wish I was dead as a doornail; if you think I am an eyesore, a laughing stock, the devil incarnate, a stony-hearted villain, bloody-minded, or a blinking idiot, Then -- by jove! Ken Adelman: Bard Blog: Strange WordFellows -- Sarah Palin & William Shakespeare
  • Still to the left of this, uprose the Palatine, the earliest settled of the hills of Rome, with the old walls of Romulus, and the low straw-built shed, wherein that mighty son of Mars dwelt when he governed his wild robber-clan; and the bidental marking the spot where lightning from the monarch of Olympus, called on by undue rites, consumed Hostilius and his house; were still preserved with reverential worship, and on its eastern peak, the time-honoured shrine of Stator Jove. The Roman Traitor (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • Debateu-se e ainda se bate muito sobre esse jovem musico. Global Voices in English » Mozambique: House of the Flying Azagaias
  • It broke on to us, upheaving and making the earth undulate, and as it came I said, ‘By Jove! that is a good earthquake.’ The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton
  • Edit necesito el correo de los qeu quieran conversar sobre el dilema de la crecion evolucion, soy cristiano y acepto la literalidad del genesisi ademas de ser exponente del diseño inteligente aunqeu ellos no esten del todo familiarizados con la tierra joven si soy un total defensor del creacionismo biblico. Jonathan Wells knows nothing about development, part II - The Panda's Thumb
  • Cuando conozco sus visiones y me envuelven desde joven. Splitting The Atom film by Edouard Salier « Massive Attack Blog
  • The thirst that from the soul doth rise, doth ask a drink divine, but might I of Jove's nectar cup, I will not change for thine.

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